File not found exception using Yodlee API on android - yodlee

I am trying yodlee api on android but getting file not found exception when I called HTTP GET request on : Request URL=
When I used java sample api as standalone java application it's work fine but in android it is giving exception. cobrand as well member login works fine on android.

You should first check the code, as this is not something which Yodlee API returns. Seems to be an issue with your android code. Do you mind updating the question with your code and actual exception you are getting?


How to fix runtime service that taking too long to appear the link for testing in postman

when i try to add new file in WSO2 to make new api and im done making the flow and try to run it.this the image that runtime not showing the url i can run it but the link for testing the api in the postman not appear, somehow that made it too hard for me to get the link
i try to find it in google but none in their can solve my problem, i think if the runtime service run normally, that can make us more easier to get the link for testing in postman

How to Use Both Google Drive Android API and REST API

This is a similar issue as this, but I have confirmed a slightly different phenomenon from that.
There are two types of APIs to access GoogleDrive, the Android API, and the Google Drive REST API, but ApiException 17 occurs only when using the Android API.
I tried creating a new Google Account and running it, it worked fine and I was able to create a holder on GoogleDrive.
But curiously, after that, if you use Method using Google Drive REST API with the same account, This Exception 17 occurred again in the method using the Android API, and it became impossible to solve anything afterward.
Further. Trying to access the holder created with the Android API with the REST API will cause a UserRecoverableAuthIOException to be recovered from here.
The problem is that there is no way to recover Exception 17 that occurs when accessing with Android API after accessing with REST API. (It may be because I have not found it.)
Anyone, who knows how to recover in this case?

Quickblox sdk - Authentication token is required error (xamarin.forms)

I am trying to run quickblox sample chat application which I got from following link
Issue here is, when I run the app, it fails to load base session and gives error such as "{"errors":["Token is required"]}". I tried to debug it but could not find the root cause of it.
(Example code is using Quickblox sdk 1.2.2, which I tried to upgrade to 1.2.7 as well but in that case also still that issue remains)
The method inside sdk uses service call to api ( for getting session, which I tried to call by using Postman (google chrome extension), in which case I was able to get the session in response. Strange it is.
Does anybody know what is wrong with the example?
Update: I tried to manually write http call for getting session. Now in this case, I am no more able to access dialogs and other api calls are also failing(getting forbidden error in almost all sdk api calls after authenticating).
Could anybody tell me what is going wrong here?
After spending complete day found the fix. It was really small issue. Currently sample in github is using http://api.quickblox.comas a api end point, change it to https://api.quickblox.comand it will start working. Note the 's' in url.
The best way to do this is by using the account settings API.

Jawbone EndPoints API returning 141 intermittently

We have integrated our application with the Jawbone API to get user steps. We are able to complete the OAuth2 connection process successfully but we are facing issues while getting the user steps.
We are using the following Moves Endpoint
The issue is it works intermittently for some of our users and sometimes it returns with
Code 141 Function Not Found Error.
Could you please help me find out why that error might be coming. As in what situation is that error code returned by your API.
Not a issue. There was a bug on our server which has been fixed now. Sorry for reporting it.

'Cannot call API on behalf of this user' on FB API call

I am having trouble with facebook API call. I am using Koala for server side api call but recently came into issue making api call. So I tried to bypass koala call and did raw api http call using call but to no avail.
When I do curl from development machine it works fine.
curl "
It returns profile details, but the same thing done from production machine, it's throwing the exception
{"error":{"message":"Cannot call API on behalf of this user","type":"OAuthException","code":200}}
Does anyone had the same issue? Like to hear from you guys.
I found the source of the problem (on our site, at least). In Facebook's developer console (, our app was showing an invalid privacy policy. Due to this, Facebook had automatically placed our app into Sandbox Mode.
Updating our privacy policy and (more notably) removing our app from Sandbox Mode caused this error to cease.
Other users seem to have had some success with removing regional (country-specific) restrictions on who can and cannot log in to their app (!topic/django-social-auth/XaE5dFXEqhA)
Best of luck! :)
I had the App in dev mode. All I did was remove the subscription & resubscribe my webhook server and this worked for me.