Could not load file or assembly 'sapnco_utils.DLL' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found -

Someone knows how to fix this. I did all of these things
I cleaned up Temporal files. Win + R
I cleaned up Temporal file from C:\Windows...\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\
I removed the dll and added again
I changed the app pool option: Enable 32 bits is true.
I changed the option: Load User Profile is now true.

Please check this link
Only you need to install
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Pack (x86) (mscvp100.dll)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Pack (x64) (mscvp100.dll)


Unable to use Microsoft SQL Server [duplicate]

I'm trying to get data from an Excel file on a button click event. My connection string is:
string connString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\\source\\SiteCore65\\Individual-Data.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";
When I click on the button, I got the following error:
The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.
I have no clue how to fix this. My operating system is Windows 7.
Well, you need to install it. You're looking for:
The 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components.
A 64-bit version of the 'Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable' that will allow you to use the 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is available here:
If you use the download from the accepted answer, you will need to build for x86, as pointed out by
depending on the app(32/64bit) using the connection you could just install
Access 2007 engines (only 32bit)
Access 2010 (32&64bit)
Access 2013 full runtime (32&64bit ! >200mb)
Access 2016 runtime
Access 2019 runtime
all offices from 2007-2016 contain the provider "Microsoft.ACE.Oledb.12.0"
depending on your application architecture choose the appropriate runtime engine (32/64)6
check your providers with the powershell-command from both 32 and 64bit shell:
and you will see which provider your system can use
the long story:
the strings can be found with
eg. on a 64bit System with 32bit drivers installed
strings.exe -u -n 10 "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE12\MSO.DLL" | findstr "ACE.O"
strings.exe -u -n 10 "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14\MSO.DLL" | findstr "ACE.O"
strings.exe -u -n 10 "c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE15\MSO.DLL" | findstr "ACE.O"
even in the upcoming office 2016
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesCommonX64\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE16\MSO.DLL
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesCommonX86\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE16\MSO.DLL
you will find the strings
the Office 2013 comes also with csi.dll
c:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE15\Csi.dll
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE15\Csi.dll
which contains the "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.15.0"
and Office 2016
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesCommonX64\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE16\Csi.dll
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesCommonX86\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE16\Csi.dll
which has the "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0" version
The first thing you need to check is your build configuration of your application.
If you have built your project under x86 platform, then in order to
resolve you issue you should install the following packages on your
In order to use the 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider you must
install the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable
first, this installation is available at: .
After the installation has complete, try running you application, if this
solves the issue great, if not, continue to step 2.
This next step is an unexplained workaround, which works for Office
2010, even though it is the Data Connectivity Components of Office 2007. I am not quite sure why this works, but it does and this has been proven to work in almost all cases. You need to install the 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components, this installation is available at: .
After this installation is complete, try running your application, this should resolve the issue.
If you are trying to run an application built under x64 or AnyCPU
platform, I would recommend first validating that it runs as expected
under the x86 platform. In the event that it does not run under that
x86 platform, perform the steps in the first part and validate that
it runs as expected.
I did read that the MS Access drivers including the OLEDB Database
driver works only under the x86 platform and is incompatible under
the x64 or AnyCPU platform. But this appears to be untrue. I
validated my application was running when building x86, then I
installed the Access Database Engine using the passive flag.
First download the file locally You can download the installation
Installing using the command prompt with the '/passive' flag. In
the command prompt run the following command:
'AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe /passive'
After these 2 steps I managed to run my application after building in
x64 or AnyCPU build configuration. This appeared to solve my issue.
Note: The order of the steps seems to make a difference, so please follow accordingly.
I got this error/exception in Visual Studio 2010 when I changed my build in the Configuration Manager dialog box from "x86" to "Any CPU". This OLEDB database driver I understand only works in x86 and is not 64bit compatible. Changing the build configuration back to x86 solved the problem for me.
I installed the MS drivers and it still didn't work for me. Then I found this blog post that solved the issue. Read it there, else use these two images (linked from that post) as the TLDR sumamary:
Although many answers have been given, the problem I encountered was not yet mentioned.
My Scenario: 64-Bit Application, Win10-64, Office 2007 32-Bit installed.
Installation of the 32-Bit Installer AccessDatabaseEngine.exe as downloaded from MS
reports success, but is NOT installed, as verified with the Powershell
Script of one of the postings above here.
Installation of the 64-Bit installer AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe reported a shocking error message:
The very simple solution has been found here on an Autodesk site.
Just add the parameter /passive to the commandline string, like this:
AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe /passive
Installation successful, the OleDb driver worked.
The Excel files I am processing with OleDb are of xlsx type, produced with EPPlus 4.5 and modified with Excel 2007.
For all those still affected by this.
I've been getting the error...
OLEDB error "The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine." described by the OP, Shailesh Sahu.
I have 64bit Windows 7.
My problem is within PowerShell scripts, but is using a connection string, similar to the OP's post, so hopefully my findings can be applied to C#, PowerShell and any other language relying on the "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB" driver.
I followed instructions on this MS forum thread:
I first tried installing the 64bit version, then installing the 32bit version of the AccessDatabaseEngine.exe from this page
But still no joy.
I then ran the code below in PowerShell (from SQL Panda's site
...which gave me this result (I've removed other data sources for brevity)...
------------ -------------------
Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.15.0 Microsoft Office 15.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider
As you can see, I have Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.15.0 (fifteen) not Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 (twelve)
So, I amended my connection string to 15 and it worked.
So, a quick PowerShell snippet to demonstrate how to soft-code the version...
$AceVersion = ((New-Object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbEnumerator).GetElements() | Where-Object { $_.SOURCES_NAME -like "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB*" } | Sort-Object SOURCES_NAME -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 SOURCES_NAME).SOURCES_NAME
$connString = "Provider=$AceVersion;Data Source=`"$filepath`";Extended Properties=`"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=NO`";"
amended to pick the latest ACE version, if more than one
Hopefully, anyone finding this can now check to see what OLEDB version is installed and use the appropriate version number.
If you're using 64-bit but still having problem even after installing AccessDatabaseEngine, see this post, it solved the problem for me.
i.e. You need to install this AccessDatabaseEngine
You need to change the Solution Platform from "Any CPU" to "x86" or "x64" based on the bitness of office installation.
The steps are given below:
Right click on the Solution File in Solution Explorer:
Click on the Configuration Manager.
Click on the Active Platform Drop down, if x86 is already there then select that, else click on New.
Select x86 or x64 from the new platform dropdown:
Compile and run your application.
do this 2 steps:
in this menu: project -> yourproject properties... -> Build : uncheck "prefer 32-Bit"
in connectionString : write cuotes before and after Extended properties, like this: Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES'
var fileName = string.Format("{0}", openFileDialog1.FileName);
var connectionString = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0}; Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES'", fileName);
var adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", connectionString);
var ds = new DataSet();
adapter.Fill(ds, TableNmae);
DataTable data = ds.Tables[TableNmae];
dg1.DataSource = data;
I was able to fix this by following the steps in this article:
The key point for me was this:
When debugging with IIS,
by default, Visual Studio uses the 32-bit version. You can change this
from within Visual Studio by going to Tools » Options » Projects And
Solutions » Web Projects » General, and choosing
"Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for websites and projects"
After checking that option, then setting the platform target of my project back to "Any CPU" (i had set it to x86 somewhere in the troubleshooting process), i was able to overcome the error.
If you are debugging a web project, just make sure IIS Express is running either in 32 or 64 bits depending on your project settings.
Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Web Projects
and from there check (or uncheck) the 'Use 64 bit version of IIS Express...'
If the installed "AccessDatabaseEngine" still does not help, below is solution:
You need to change the Active Solution Platform from "Any CPU" to "x86".
OLEDB Provider is Not Registered on the Local Machine
First verify which version of microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0 is installed in your system.
Check in below path C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\ACEOLEDB.DLL --64 bit is installed
Check in below path C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\ACEOLEDB.DLL --x86 bit is installed
If (x86) is installed then using configuration manager change solution platform to x86, for x64 change to x64.
If not available then install using below link
A 64-bit version of the 'Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable' that will allow you to use the 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is available here:
If using VS 2012 or later, make sure that "Prefer 32-bit" checkbox is unchecked in the project's Properties => Build => General configuration
The solution for me as you suggested for the "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine" error is to change the Active Solution Platform from "Any CPU" to "x86".
When I performed those steps, rebuilt the solution, grabbed the EXE and placed in on the network, everything worked smoothly on the Windows 7 64 bit machine.
I faced this same problem. Go to the Solution Properties and change Any CPU to x86, I think it will do the job.
These configurations worked in January of 2020 on my new machine build:
(1 - x64 only) Windows 10 x64, Office 365 x64, AccessDatabaseEngine_x64 2016 installed with /passive argument, VStudio build settings set to x64 explicitly, with the following connection string: Provider= Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0; Data Source=D:...\MyDatabase.accdb
(2 - x64 or x32) Windows 10 x64, Office 365 x64, AccessDatabaseEngine_x64 2016 installed with /passive argument, PLUS AccessDatabaseEngine 2010 (32bit) installed with /passive argument, VStudio build settings set to AnyCPU, with the following connection string: Provider= Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0; Data Source=D:...\MyDatabase.accdb
(3 - x32 only) Windows 10 x64, Office 365 x32, AccessDatabaseEngine 2010 (32bit) installed with /passive argument, VStudio build settings set to x86, with the following connection string: Provider= Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=D:...\MyDatabase.accdb
Using the ACE.OLEDB.12.0 x64 provider in the connection string failed with only the AccessDatabaseEngine_x64 2016 installed as above in (1).
Using AnyCPU in the visual studio build settings failed in (1). Setting x64 is required. Maybe this is because AnyCPU means that Vstudio must see an x32 ACE.OLEDB.nn.0 provider at compile time.
The ACE.OLEDB.12.0 2016 x32 /passive engine would NOT install when it saw x64 applications around. (The ACE.OLEDB.12.0 2010 x32 /passive installer worked.)
To use x64 build settings, you need to have the 2016 x64 database engine AND the ACE.OLEDB.16.0 connection-string provider AND explicit x64 build settings to work with Office 365 in January of 2020. Using the /passive option makes installations easy. Credit to whoever posted that tip!
To use AnyCPU, I needed to have both the ACE.OLEDB.12.0 2010 x32 engine and the ACE.OLEDB.16.0 x64 engines installed. That way Vstudio could see both x32 and x64 engines at "AnyCPU" compile time. I could change the provider connection string to ACE.OLEDB.12.0 for x32 operation or to ACE.OLEDB.16.0 for x64 operation. Both worked fine.
To use x86 build settings, you need to have the 2010 x32 database engine AND the ACE.OLEDB.12.0 connection-string provider AND explicit x86 build settings to work with Office 365 x32 in January of 2020.
I have similar issue when we are reading Excel file.
History of the problem:
We recently migrated our application from 32-bit to 64-bit because of the memory requirement. For that we migrated our windows 7 from 32-bit to 64-bit. But still we installed 32-bit office on our machines.
because, of this we had this issue while importing Excel data into application.
I downloaded 64-bit version of the and installed with argument as,
AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe /passive
Without any code change my issue get resolved.
On 64-bit OS and 64-bit office, my functionality was working fine without this fix. This fix is only required while our application is 64-bit running on 64-bit OS which is having 32-bit office installed on it.
I had this issue when attempting to import data from an excel file (xlsx) into a SQL Server DB using SSMS 2014.
The 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components install did the trick for me.
I received this error when importing data from an Excel file into MS-SQL.
The provider was already installed (64-bit) and this surprised me why it didn't work.
So all I did was locate the Import/Export application used here i.e. the .EXE.
And I found it at
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\DTS\Binn\DTSWizard.exe
I then ran the .exe directly to perform the data import. And it worked!
I followed the instructions set out by others; installing this patch, installing that patch as well as the Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010.
My issue was that I'm using the same library (linq2sql) in 2 sites on my machine; 1 works and 1 doesn't.
Eventually I found that I had to "enable 32 bit applications" in the advanced settings of the apppool for my non-working site.
Everything works fine now.
Just download & install the following Access DB engine (X86 or X64: as per your machine configuration) and see the magic :)
If you get this error when trying to use ACE from an ASP.NET application, the most likely cause is that you have installed either one of the 32-bit versions. By default, IIS on a 64-bit operating system will run applications in a 64-bit worker process. 64-bit processes cannot load 32-bit DLLs. When a call is made to the ACE provider, the 64 bit process will attempt to locate a 64-bit DLL. If it doesn't exist, you get the error message that brought you here.
In this case you have two options. First, you can install the 2010 64-bit version. If you have the 2007 32-bit version installed, you can simply install the 2010 64-bit version alongside it. If you have the 32-bit version of 2010 installed, you need to uninstall it and download and install the 64-bit 2010 version instead. You cannot have both the 32- and 64-bit versions of the 2010 provider installed at the same time. If you are performing the installation on your development machine, you may also be constrained by the bit-ness of any existing Office installations.
The second option is to change the application pool in IIS to enable 32-bit applications. If you are using the full version of IIS, you can use the management tool to do this (Control Panel » Administrative Tools » Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager).
For more understanding please refer below link
for Visual Studio 2022 (and newer)
I had this error every time and it didn't help anything. VS2019 was the solution.
If you're using Visual Studio 2022 to connect to databases, you will
need to be aware that Visual Studio 2022 is a 64-bit process. This
means some of the data tools in Visual Studio will not be able to
connect to OLEDB or ODBC databases using 32-bit data providers.
If you need to maintain 32-bit applications that connect to OLEDB or
ODBC databases, you will still be able to build and run the
application with Visual Studio 2022. However, if you need to use any
of the Visual Studio Data Tools such as Server Explorer, Data Source
Wizard, or the DataSet Designer, you will need to use an earlier
version of Visual Studio that is still a 32-bit process. The last
version of Visual Studio that was a 32-bit process was Visual Studio
also can try these steps
In the SQL Server,
1.Open one data base
2.Clic in the option 'Server Obtect'
3.Clic in 'Linked Servers'
4.Clic in 'Providers'
5.Clic Rigth in 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0'
6.Uncheck all the options and close
I had the same issue but in this case microsoft-ace-oledb-12-0-provider was already installed on my machine and working fine for other application developed.
The difference between those application and the one with I had the problem was the Old Applications were running on "Local IIS" whereas the one with error was on "IIS Express(running from Visual Studio").
So what I did was-
Right Click on Project Name.
Go to Properties
Go to Web Tab on the right.
Under Servers select Local IIS and click on Create Virtual Directory button.
Run the application again and it worked.
I had Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable already installed on my machine but was still receiving the Microsoft ACE OLEDB Provider error.
Then I recalled that I had upgraded to Office 2016 recently, so, may be I should try reinstalling Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable. And that fixed the problem on my machine.
So, if you have upgraded to different version of MS Office or even repaired/reinstalled your MS Office then try reinstalling Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable before wasting time with finding other fixes. Good luck!
1.) Verify your connection string with
2.) Make sure you have the correct database engine installed. These were the two database engines that helped me.
Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable
2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components
3.) There could be an issue with your build target platform being "Any CPU", it may need to be "X86" (Properties, Build, Platform Target).

DIRCA_CHECKFX Return Value 3 - VS 2013 Deployment Project

I have the dreaded issue from my attempted installation of an MSI:
MSI (c) (98:B0) [18:01:22:818]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\DOCUME~1\sspencer\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\MSI19.tmp, Entrypoint: CheckFX
MSI (c) (98:FC) [18:01:22:833]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (98:FC) [18:01:22:833]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (98:FC) [18:01:22:833]: Connected to service for CA interface.
Action ended 18:01:22: DIRCA_CheckFX. Return value 3.
After quite a bit of digging, this is actually indicating that the DLL failed to load outright, the CA server was unable to connect and start hitting the DLL entry points.
I used orca and 7zip to extract the custom action for the DIRCA_CheckFX which is inserted by Visual studio when the deployment project builds. I grabbed the DLL and then executed Dependency Walker in the host system (Server 2003 R2) which gave the error:
Error: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in an implicitly dependent module.
I recompiled the system using the VS 2010 compiler, extracted the DLL and ran dependency walker on it, which did not create the same error. I.e VS 2010 compilation works, VS 2013 compilation fails as the included DLL won't load in the target environment.
My question is how do I troubleshoot which DLL(s) are missing in order to troubleshoot that error reported by Dependency Walker.
Must be installed VS 2010 from which you can get the valid file "dpca.dll".
Close Visual Studio 2013
Copy file with replace dpca.dll from
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools\Deployment to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\VSI\bin.
Open Project
The preview of the .vdproj resurrection uses DLLs that don't support Windows XP or Server 2003. Microsoft posted an update that might have fixed that bug.
Here's what I did to workaround this issue for a 32-bit deployment project.
Build the setup project in VS2010 once. This package is not dogged by the issue but I didn't want to have to keep building in a different VS version.
Open the resulting msi with Orca, select the Binary table and export the content of MSVBDPCADLL to a file.
Now after you build it in VS2013 use Orca to import the exported data into Binary\MSVBDPCADLL to fix the package.
I have to do a similar thing with the 64-bit project but in this case it's to import the correct InstallUtil binary (being C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\InstallUtilLib.dll).
Visual Studio deployment projects were so horrible that Microsoft removed them from Visual Studio 2012. Developers were so ignorant as to why they were horrible that they begged and begged for them to come back. The smart guys at Microsoft who understand MSI left the building and the people remaining caved to the developers asking for it to come back.
One of those really smart guys summed it up perfectly in a tweet:
The return of vdproj: Headshots, people, or they come back as walkers.
I wrote an article on my feelings: Visual Studio Installer Resurrection
So let's talk about the way the tool is failing you this time. Take a moment to read this article written by one of the other really smart ones to leave MSFT:
Zataoca: Custom actions are (generally) an admission of failure.
VDRPOJ created a custom action to do something MSI could have done natively and now it's failing. So let's say you find the DLL and fix it to work on your machine. What happens when you ship your MSI to 1,000,000 machines? How many machines will it fail out there? How many support calls will you get? How many tweets will you get that your product sucks?
Simply put, I'd redo your installer using a better tool such as Windows Installer XML and Industrial Strength Windows Installer XML. If you have the money to spend InstallShield Professional is a good choice also.

Adding ColinsALMCorner.CustomBuildTasks.dll to Toolbox causes 'could not load file or assembly' error

I am adding this custom build task to my TFS 2010 build workflow, however when attempting to add it (ColinsALMCorner.CustomBuildTasks.dll) to the toolbox, I get error:
'Could not load file or assembly file 'ColinsALMCorner.CustomBuildTasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. Operation is not supported'.
I have added all of its dependencies to (I admit, this is probably redundant):
1) the same location where the ColinsALMCorner.CustomBuildTasks.dll resides, which is ..\BuildProcessTemplates\CustomActivities
2) in the Public Assemblies folder: Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies
And I have the build definition xaml file correctly importing the ColinsALMCorner.CustomBuildTasks namespace
Although the activity is set to target .Net 4.5, the documentation says that TFS 2010 / .Net 4.0 is supported, so I assume this should all be possible.
My Questions:
Is this possible with TFS 2010 / .Net 4.0 development environment? My concern is that the error message isn't telling the real story, for example maybe it is able to find it, however just not the right version of the assembly.
Is it likely that since the DLL targets .Net 4.5 I need to have all of its referenced dll's also be the 4.5 version? For example, it references Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client however I only have the version (which I assume the .Net 4.5 version of this might be
Here was the solution, in short story format: I installed Visual Studio 2012. Result: I was able to add ColinsALMCorner.CustomBuildTasks to my workflow in Visual Studio 2010 without error. I assume this means there was a 2012 (v11.0.0.0) DLL or two required to use the activity in 2010, despite the fact that the requirements state:
Team Foundation Build 2010, 2012 or 2013

Detect VC++ Redistributable ATL SP1 (Before Setup begins)

My project depends upon "Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package ATL Security Update", I want to put a check at the beginning of the setup to display a condition error if the package is not installed..
I checked this question: How to detect VC++ 2008 redistributable?? I cannot find the registry entry provided for visual C++ 2005 SP1 ATL Security Update runtime files (After installing the redistributable manually)..
What am I doing wrong here? And is there a better to detect the redistributable package?
For anyone else looking for the same answer:
Installed OR (HASVCPP200564)
There are different registry guids for 32/64 bit, the above is 64 bit.

WIX And NAnt : Unable to build WIX source code

I am trying my hands on source code of WIX 3.6 to debug something as well as learn something.
On executing make.bat (present in root folder of WIX source) file, first i got NAnt not found. So I downloaded NAnt and updated make.bat file. On executing the file again I am getting this error
NAnt 0.91 (Build 0.91.3881.0; alpha2; 8/17/2010)
Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Gerry Shaw
Buildfile: file:///D:/wix36-sources/
Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Target(s) specified: inc
[readregistry] Registry Path Not Found! - key='Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\VSIP\10.0\';hive='Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive[]';
[readregistry] Registry Path Not Found! - key='Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\VSIP\10.0\';hive='Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive[]';
[property] Target framework changed to "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0".
[property] Read-only property "dir.hhw" cannot be overwritten.
[property] Read-only property "hhw-found" cannot be overwritten.
BUILD FAILED - 2 non-fatal error(s), 2 warning(s)
Build file 'D:\wix36-sources\test\' does not exist.
I have .Net framework 4.0 installed on my local. Also I searched through registry for the registry key mentioned in the error and didn't found. Am I using right version of NAnt?
Do you have all of the prerequisites as described in the documentation?
In order to fully build WiX, you must have the following Frameworks and SDKs installed:
NAnt (0.90 or later)
The following components from the Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5, Visual Studio 2008, Microsoft Windows 7 SDK, and/or Visual Studio 2010:
x86 and x64 compilers, headers and libraries
IA64 headers and libraries are optional, but they are necessary for IA64 custom action support
If you want to be able to build optimized IA64 binaries, you'll need both the Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 SDK AND Visual Studio 2008 installed; or the Microsoft Windows 7 SDK AND Visual Studio 2010.
HTML Help SDK 1.4 or higher [installed to Program Files or Program Files (x86)]
The missing registry key seems to be related to the VisualStudio SDK - you don't need this for basic WiX.
If you have all of the prerequisites, try passing the -debug switch to Nant for more detailed debugging output.
To solve this problem:
[readregistry] Registry Path Not Found! - key='Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\VSIP\10.0\';hive='Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive[]';
[readregistry] Registry Path Not Found! - key='Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\VSIP\10.0\';hive='Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive[]';
If you used Visual Studio 2010 SP1 you need Visual Studio 2010 SP1 SDK