Uploading a file to One drive using VB.net using OneDrive API - vb.net

I am trying to upload a file generated by the process into OneDrive. I haven't started the code to share with you guys. I looked into google but couldn't find anything. I have to authenticate the user and the upload the file to a particular folder . I even tried to use
But I couldn't move any where can anyone please help me out . Pleas note that the upload accounts may change on based on the document produced .
Thanks in advance.


direct google drive api download link with original file name

Good day
My problem i added the google drive api to get for files larger than 100mb no virus warning message from google drive
without google api its like this warning after clicking the link
i want the download without that warning message i mean a direct download
so i created an api and created an direct download link over this site
what i get is this
it works correctly the warning message is bypassed but the name of the file is also changed to the file id this would look for customers of my cloud really scary like a virus and not like a apk file or something
so what i want is that the file name will be displayed by downloading and not something crazy like 037eugd98zr9u2dßih9ud237
without api the warning apears but the download file has the file name and not the ß30ru329fie2hfe crazy name :D
can someone help me?

UWP OneDrive FilePicker synchronization issue

I have a problem with the native FilePicker in UWP.
I wish to download a file from OneDrive which contains data. After I´ve modified the data on my phone I wish to sync the extern file on OneDrive.
The concept is very easy. I have a SQLite database as local data storage. When I export data, the database will be serialized into a XML file which I want to store somewhere else.
The idea was to sync the file with OneDrive. I saw this concept in many Apps before.
So I´ve tried to download the file with the native FilePicker. I can get all data, no problem. But if I would modify data, the changes would not apply to OneDrive...
Some references:
C# UWP LiveSKD and OneDrive access using FileOpenPicker
Add OneDrive to your app in minutes with a few lines of code. File picker SDKs allow you to quickly download or link to files already in OneDrive, or save files into OneDrive without writing much code. Quickly integrate your app with OneDrive today!
How can I solve this problem ?

event new file created in dropbox api

I am writting a program that uses DROPBOX API in java downloaded from its page: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/core
In my program, I want to be notified when a new file is created in a folder. I found a clue from this link Dropbox Application; Is it possible to check when a folder or a file is created or modified?. However, the solution is not clear. Can anyone help me out with this problem.
The answer in that other thread is correct. You want to call delta. Here's the Java-specific documentation for it: http://dropbox.github.io/dropbox-sdk-java/api-docs/v1.7.x/com/dropbox/core/DbxClient.html#getDelta(java.lang.String).

Syncing skydrive files

I am writing an ios application which needs to sync the user's skydrive files and folders. I can not find any REST API to get the changes of user's files and folders. Without this how can I do this sync? If I got user's drive snapshot at t1, then at another time t2, I want to know which files are added/modified/deleted. I am unable to find out how to do this. Please help.
Hopefully, this topic can help you. You can sync files by uploading files with the LiveUploadOverWriteOption as LiveUploadOverwrite. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn659728.aspx#update_files

File upload with user access for Joomla 1.5

We want to make it possible for clients to download and upload files from our website. They must be able to see only the file they uploaded. We would also like to have files for download but select the users allowed to download them. So each client has their own front end where they see what they can download or they can upload their own Files.
My question is:
Is there a component for Joomla 1.5 available?
Our website runs on Joomla! 1.5.
Any help would be appreciated
You can use this componet for the file downloads and uploads via the frontend of the site
You will then need a file tree that shows the files within that folder, however I'm not quite sure users can only see the file they have uploaded themselves.