Unable to open file from winscp (ec2) which was mounted to AWS S3 - amazon-s3

I have mounted s3 bucket on my EC2 instance using the details mentioned here at https://winscp.net/eng/docs/guide_amazon_s3_sftp. Also, I updated the bucket policy.
From winscp, I can see the list of files, add new files, delete files uploaded via s3 web portal, and open files uploaded by me via winscp.
However, I cannot open the file from winscp which I uploaded from s3 web portal. I get the following error.
Permission denied to read s3 object


How to setup S3 with Pocketbase

I am new to Pocketbase. I found that Pocketbase offers an S3 file system config but I dont know how to set it up completely. Currently, I am uploading my images to S3 separately then save the link to the DB.
I am setting my bucket publicly accessible, if possible, do you know if I can set my bucket only accessible to pocketbase?

upload files from sharepoint online to aws s3 bucket

When any file or folder created in a document library in Sharepoint online, then need to upload that file or folder to AWS S3 bucket with the help of Power Automate.
Also, if any attachment upload in the Sharepoint online list, then also that attachment will upload on AWS S3 bucket.
I have created below when the file created or modified in the sharepoint with power automate/MS Flow

How to Mount S3 Bucket on EC2 Ubuntu Server and Store Web Applications Uploads Directly in that bucket and retrive When User access that Files

I Have Amazon EC2 Instance With Ubuntu 16.04 x64 and Hosted a Web Application on it.
Need to Mount S3 Bucket as one of the Folder and Need to Save User Uploaded Files Directly To S3 Bucket and Retrive When User Access That Files.
I Mounted S3 and Tried Uploading Files, But Files are not Uploading
This might be what you're looking for: https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse
BTW network based file systems can be slow for servers, do look into it for any performance issues!

GoReplay - Upload to S3 does not work

I am trying to capture all incoming traffic on a specific port using GoReplay and to upload it directly to S3 servers.
I am running a simple file server on port 8000 and a gor instance using the (simple) command
gor --input-raw :8000 --output-file s3://<MyBucket>/%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S.log
I does create a temporal file at /tmp/ but other than that, id does not upload any thing to S3.
Additional information :
The OS is Ubuntu 14.04
AWS cli is installed.
The AWS credentials are deffined within the environent
It seems the information you are providing or scenario you explained is not complete however to upload a file from your EC2 machine to S3 is simple as written command below.
aws s3 cp yourSourceFile s3://your bucket
To see your file you can see your file by using below command
aws s3 ls s3://your bucket
However, s3 is object storage and you can't use it to upload those files which are continually editing or adding or updating.

bulk upload video files from URL to Amazon S3

After some googling it appears there is no API or tool to upload files from a URL directly to S3 without downloading them first?
I could probably download the files locally first and then upload them to S3. Is thee a good tool (Mac) that lets me batch upload all files in a given directory?
Or are there any PHP scripts I could install on a shared hosting account to download a file at a time and then upload to S3?
The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) can upload files to Amazon S3, eg:
aws s3 cp file s3://my-bucket/file
aws s3 cp . s3://my-bucket/path --recursive
aws s3 sync . s3://my-bucket/path
The sync command is probably best for your use-case. It can synchronize local files with remote files (only copy new/changed files), or use cp to copy specific files.