GL-Category Sequence in adempiere - sequence

I want to make a GL-Category Sequence like document sequence for every cash journal.
I added a field in cash journal window called journal number.
I want to generate a number for every cash journal and increment it by 1?

The document sequence is managed by the class in ADempiere. To use it, you need to add a column with the column name "DocumentNo" to your table. You will need to add the entry in the Sequence table to keep track of the numbers.
Here is the code from which is run when the record is first saved.
// Set new DocumentNo
String columnName = "DocumentNo";
int index = p_info.getColumnIndex(columnName);
if (index != -1 && p_info.getColumn(index).ColumnSQL == null)
String value = (String)get_Value(index);
if (value != null && value.startsWith("<") && value.endsWith(">"))
value = null;
if (value == null || value.length() == 0)
int dt = p_info.getColumnIndex("C_DocTypeTarget_ID");
if (dt == -1)
dt = p_info.getColumnIndex("C_DocType_ID");
if (dt != -1) // get based on Doc Type (might return null)
value = DB.getDocumentNo(get_ValueAsInt(dt), m_trxName, false, this);
if (value == null) // not overwritten by DocType and not manually entered
value = DB.getDocumentNo(getAD_Client_ID(), p_info.getTableName(), m_trxName, this);
set_ValueNoCheck(columnName, value);


updating a value in security rules, is causing a failed update when there is checking against the resource document on one of the instances

I have the following function that works fine until I try to update the gender or age fields
since there is a check against the src doc that is causing the failure how to go about it in a way that will allow updates to other fileds ?, without erroring out when there is no (count) in the incoming update ?
batch.update(doc(db, 'docPath', { gender: selected.gender });
function dataCheckUpdate(requestData, resourceData) {
return (
// gender
requestData.gender is string &&
// age
requestData.age is number &&
// count
requestData.count is number &&
requestData.count == resourceData.count + 1 &&
// (!('count' in requestData.keys()) || (requestData.count == resourceData.count + 1)) &&
requestData.count <= 2 &&
// call

Unable to set date values in SAP B1 matrix combobox

I am trying to set values in a matrix combobox but I cannot be able to set the first value of date to that combobox. It shows blank and when I select a date, it does not fill the field anyway.
The values I get from the DB are as follows:
Here is my code below including binding the combobox field to a userdatasource:
_expDate = _form.DataSources.UserDataSources.Add("iV_15", SAPbouiCOM.BoDataType.dt_DATE, 100);
oIColumns = oIMatrix.Columns;
_colExpDate = oIColumns.Item("iV_15");
_colExpDate.DataBind.SetBound(true, "", "iV_15");
The below code runs when there is a lost focus change event to the item selection field:
#region Item Change Event Expiry dates
_cmbExpDate = (SAPbouiCOM.ComboBox)oIMatrix.Columns.Item("iV_15").Cells.Item(pVal.Row).Specific;
int count = _cmbExpDate.ValidValues.Count;
if (count > 0)
_expDate.ValueEx = "";
for (int j = 0; j <= count - 1; j++)
_cmbExpDate.ValidValues.Remove(0, SAPbouiCOM.BoSearchKey.psk_Index);
var expDates = (from oi in _db.OITMs
join ob in _db.OBTNs
on oi.ItemCode equals ob.ItemCode
where ob.ItemCode == _itemNo.ValueEx && oi.OnHand > 0
orderby ob.ExpDate
select new
ExpDate = ob.ExpDate
if (expDates.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in expDates)
_cmbExpDate.ValidValues.Add(item.ExpDate?.ToString(), item.ExpDate?.ToString());
_cmbExpDate.Select(0, SAPbouiCOM.BoSearchKey.psk_Index);
_expDate.ValueEx = _cmbExpDate.Value;
What could be wrong. Is there a better way to achieve what I need in SAP B1?
as a test try a different data type for your:
_expDate = _form.DataSources.UserDataSources.Add("iV_15", SAPbouiCOM.BoDataType.dt_DATE, 100);
test it with: SAPbouiCOM.BoDataType.dt_LONG_TEXT
you can also try just selecting the value on the combo, instead of setting uds as well.

Convert Salesforce IDs from 15 digit to 18 digit using sql code/function

We are currently pulling in data from SalesForce to SQL Database tables. There are 2 custom fields on different objects that were created for the Lead ID and a look up for which event/task is linked (this can be an account id, contact id, or lead id). Both of these are pulling over the 15 digit ID.
I am trying to find out if there is any SQL code or a SQL function that will allow me to convert that 15 digit to an 18 digit ID.
I need to have that 18 digit ID to join back to the other objects.
We have already tried using the CASESAFEID(Id) function in SalesForce, but with the API that was already set up and the visibility levels our particular ETL is not showing that field. Also, we would need to get a consultant to mess with the look up column.
I would like to take the 15 digit ID and convert it to the 18 digit code. If the SalesforceID is 0035000002tAzbu, how do I get the converted 18 digit value to be 0035000002tAzbuACC. I need to get that last 3 digits using SQL query or SQL function.
you could write a custom function in your sql database.
e.g. in snowflake, you can make a function like this
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dw.my_schema.f_sfdc_ch15_to_ch18("txt" string)
RETURNS string
AS '
if ( txt == undefined || txt == "" || typeof txt == "undefined" || txt == null) {
return ;
} else {
var id15, id18;
if (txt.length == 18) {
return txt;
} else if (txt.length == 15) {
id15 = [txt.trim()];
} else {
return "";
for ( var x=0; x < id15.length; x++ ) {
var s = "";
for ( var i=0; i<3; i++) {
var f = 0;
for (var j=0; j<5; j++) {
var c = id15[x].charAt(i*5+j);
if (c>="A" && c<="Z") {
id18 = id15[x]+s;
return id18.toString();
and use it like this
select dw.my_schema.f_sfdc_ch15_to_ch18(id15) from mytable;
This value can be computed. Check out this flowchart.

Return values of #All of functions in podio calculation fields

I have 5 contacts connected to a company, and i am trying to sort out the ones that does not have an email with the code below.
var mailArray = #All of Email with nulls
var temp = new Array()
for (var i = 0; i < mailArray.length; i++) {
if (mailArray[i].value == null) {
else {
temp.join(" ")
Right now i am just pushing the strings to make sure that the flow is correct, it however returns
null null null null null
when it should return
null correct correct null null
since the second and third contact has emails. Can anyone help me or give me a hint, as how to use the return value of the #All of function.
I just want to make sure what you are referring to on the emails. Is it an email field in the contacts app, or is it a text field that is called 'email'? If you are using an email field, then the value at your [i] index is actually another object and not just a string yet. Although it doesn't matter if you are just checking for something existing, but personally I'd like to know which contacts do have emails in the output.
If it is just a text field, then you have a problem with the conditional statement. It should be === instead of ==, but I would personally just rewrite it as !mailArray[i].
I'd recommend changing your output to be a markdown table for legability. Here's the code I ended up with:
var mailArray = #All of Email text with nulls
var nameArray = #All of Name with nulls
var temp = new Array()
var table = "Email | Contact \n --- | --- "
for (var i = 0; i < mailArray.length; i++) {
if (!mailArray[i].value){// !== null) {
table +="\n"+ mailArray[i] + " | " + nameArray[i]
else {
table +="\n"+ mailArray[i] + " | " + nameArray[i] + "\n"
temp.join(" ")
write = table
And this outputs the following table (made 3 contacts, 2 with emails and one without):

SQL Server Stored Procedure Multiple Condtions

I have this LINQ in C#, which I have to convert to a SQL query. And I am not sure how to do multiple filtering based on conditions:
var geofenceReport = companyContext.GeofenceSimpleReports.Where(x => x.EnterTime != null && x.ExitTime != null && x.MinutesInGeofence != null).AsQueryable();
if (model.GeofenceId != -1)
geofenceReport = geofenceReport.Where(x => x.iGeofenceId == model.GeofenceId).AsQueryable();
if (model.AssetId != -1)
geofenceReport = geofenceReport.Where(x => x.iAssetId == model.AssetId).AsQueryable();
if (model.CategoryId != -1)
geofenceReport = geofenceReport.Where(x => x.iCategoryId == model.CategoryId).AsQueryable();
if (model.SiteId != -1)
geofenceReport = geofenceReport.Where(x => x.iSiteId == model.SiteId).AsQueryable();
geofenceReport = geofenceReport
.Where(x => x.EnterTime >= model.StartDateTime &&
x.EnterTime <= model.EndDateTime)
So this is what I came up with in SQL:
I created a new type for AssetId:
USE myDatabase
And then in SQL:
USE myDatabase
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[xPT_GetGeofenceSummaryReport]
#iAssetIds idTable,
#iGeofenceId INT,
#iCategoryId INT,
#iSiteId INT,
#iAssetId INT
IF #iAssetId != -1
SELECT * FROM GeofenceSimpleReport WHERE iAssetId in (#iAssetIds)
IF #iGeofenceId != -1
SELECT * FROM GeofenceSimpleReport where iGeofenceId = #iGeofenceId
IF #iCategoryId != -1
SELECT * FROM GeofenceSimpleReport where iCategoryId = #iCategoryId
IF #iSiteId != -1
SELECT * FROM GeofenceSimpleReport where iSiteId = #iSiteId
and this GeofenceSimpleReport is a database view.
But this will not work as it is logically wrong. This will 4 separate selects from the GeofenceSimpleReport.
I need to have one read from GeofenceSimpleReport with all filters applied.
And I don't want to read this data temporarily into a TABLE/LIST in memory as there is a lot of data.
Is there a way to write this query dynamically like I am doing in LINQ?
You're thinking about this procedurally, and going through a series of if-statements, rather than approaching your view as a set of data that you can filter all at once.
You can filter on the original criteria related to EntryTime, ExitTime, etc., and then for each parameter for which you provide a filterable value (not -1) then make sure the Id matches that record in the table. Anything where you gave a -1 for the value will automatically make that AND statement true.
I do this sort of thing all the time by passing in nullable parameters - if they're non-NULL then I filter on them - otherwise they just evaluate to true and pass through.
USE myDatabase
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[xPT_GetGeofenceSummaryReport]
#iAssetIds idTable,
#iGeofenceId INT,
#iCategoryId INT,
#iSiteId INT,
#iAssetId INT
FROM GeofenceSimpleReport
AND MinutesInGeofence IS NOT NULL
AND (#iAssetId = -1 OR iAssetId IN (#iAssetIds))
AND (#iGeofenceId = -1 OR iGeofenceId = #iGeofenceId)
AND (#iCategoryId = -1 OR iCategoryId = #ICategoryId)
AND (#iSiteId = -1 OR iSiteId = #iSiteId)