Two apps share one Redis. How to prevent cache collisions? - redis

Two different versions of the application (debug and release) share same instance of Redis.
Both Debug and Release have identical source code and therefore identical caching keys for being stored in Redis.
Thus when Debug does redis.StringSet(key1, value1) Release could easily overwrite key1 or read incorrect value (since it should have its own key1).
Is there a way to avoid such interference?

Do not do that - sharing is bad. Spin a Redis instance per environment, each server has negligible overhead.

Use two databases in the same Redis instance.
The SELECT instruction allows you to chose the instance to be used.
The number of the database may be given to your app by an environnement variable, so the code of the app remains the same for both application instances.

One another way is to give your keys a common naming pattern(prefix), and config the prefix in property files.
You can easily use different property files in different environment.


Upcoming deprecation of legacy GCE and GKE metadata server endpoints on Legacy Boxes

I have two legacy servers in GCE, which have both been flagged as using the deprecated metadata server endpoints. At this moment in time, they have hundreds of GB's of data between them in MySQL and MongoDB data, and risking upgrading something on these boxes which has an adverse affect is not an option.
We are currently in the process of migrating away from the data stored here, but for now, we need to keep them running.
Is anyone aware of any implications to either
a) doing nothing or
b) Just setting the disable-legacy-endpoints metadata flag to true ?
i.e. Will these instances stop working altogether if we leave them as they currently are?
After some more digging into what was actually using the Metadata API to start with, we found that they were being sent by stackdriver_agent which was installed an extremely long time ago while it was free, and just never removed.
Stopping this agent will remove all calls that we make with these two legacy servers.
If you are considering disabling with the disable-legacy-endpoints metadata flag, make sure to test it in a contained environment first, i.e. a new VM from a snapshot of the affected instance, before apply to production services.
For help identifying the instances making the calls, refer to this article
For help identifying the processes within the instances, refer to this article

Consideration before creating a single Redis instance

I currently have some different project that works on different redis instance ( consider the sample where I've 3 different application that are on different server each one with its redis server).
We've been asked to virtualize and to remove useless instances so I was wondering what happens if I have only one redis server and all the 3 points to the same redis instance.
For the application key I think there's no problem, I can prefix my own key with the application name , for example "fi-agents", "ga-agents", and so on... but I was wondering for the auth session what happens?
as far as I've read the Prefix is used as internal and it can't be used by final user to separate... it's just enought to use different Db?
Generally and unless there are truely compelling reasons, you don't want to mix different applications and their data in the same database. Yes, it does lower ops costs initially but it can quickly deteriorate to scaling and performance nightmare. This, I believe, is true for any database.
Specifically with Redis, technically yes - you could use a key prefix or the shared/numbered database approach. I'm not sure what you meant by "auth" sessions but you can probably apply the same approach to them. But you really shouldn't... since Redis is a single-threaded process you can end up where one of the apps is blocking the other two. Since Redis by itself is so lightweight, just spin up dedicated servers - one per app - even in the same VM if you must. You can read more background information on why you don't want to opt for the shared approach here:

Multiple Redis Instances

Most folks seem to recommend running separate Redis instances on different ports (6379 and 6380). Why is this more commonly recommended over creating a second database? I'm not completely through the documentation yet, but most examples don't really mention 'selection of a Redis database' when connecting. An example from the Ruby client, nrk/predis's README:
$redis = new Predis\Client(array(
'scheme' => 'tcp',
'host' => '',
'port' => 6379,
We currently run Hubot in our office with Campfire, and I'm working on a second one for GTalk since you can only have a single adapter in use for each Hubot instance. So I'm considering creating a second database or instance of Redis so that data between the two hubots is isolated. But before I got much further, I wanted to understand why you would use separate instances instead of just creating a second database.
Two main reasons:
using multiple databases is considered generally bad and to be deprecated some day, and they have some performance penalties, though pretty minor.
the main reason is that redis is single threaded, if you need two different data sources, another redis instance will improve performance since it will utilize another CPU you probably have, whereas one instance will always utilize just one.
Also different redis instances can have distinct persistence settings. For example one instance can use only memory and other can use files as storage
Redis Persistence
Then there are other advantages as having separate auth passwords, LRU strategies, etc - which can only be done at the instance level.

Redis databases on a dev machine with multiple projects

How do you manage multiple projects on your development and/or testing machine, when some of those projects use Redis databases?
There are 2 major problems:
Redis doesn't have named databases (only numbers 0-16)
Tests are likely to execute FLUSHDB on each run
Right now, I think we have three options:
Assign different databases for each project, each dev and test environment
Prefix keys with a project name using something like redis-namespace
Nuke and seed the databases anytime you switch between projects
The first one is problematic if multiple projects assign "0" for the main use and "1" for the test and such. Even if Project B decided to change to "2" and "3", another member in the project might have a conflict in another projects for him. In other words, that approach is not SCM friendly.
For the second one, it's a bad idea simply because it adds needless overhead on runtime performance and memory efficiency. And no matter what you do, another project might be already using the same key coincidentally when you joined the project.
The third option is rather a product of compromise, but sometimes I want to keep my local data untouched while I deploy small patches for another projects.
I know this could be a feature request for Redis, but I need a solution now.
Any ideas, practices?
If the projects are independent and so do not need to share data, it is much better to use multiple redis instances - each project configuration has a port number rather than a database name/id. Create an appropriately named config file and startup script for each one so that you can get whichever instance you need running with a single click.
Make sure you update the save settings in each config file as well as setting the ports - Multiple instances using the same dump.rdb file will work, but lead to some rather confusing bugs.
I also use separate instances for development and testing so that the test instance never writes anything to disk and can be flushed at the start of each test.
Redis is moving away from multiple databases, so I would recommend you start migrating put of that mechanism sooner rather than later. This means one instance per db. Given the very low overhead of running Redis, this isn't a problem from a resources standpoint.
That said, you can specify the number of databases, and providing A naming standard would work. For example, configure redis to have say, 60 DBS and you add 10 for the test db. For example db3 uses db13 for testing.
It sounds like your dev, test, and prod environments are pretty tied together. If so, I'd suggest moving away from that. Using separate instances is the easiest route to that, and provides protection against cross purpose contamination. Between this and the future of redis being single-db per instance, separate instances is the best route.

Sharing variables across multiple sessions

I know I cannot have a global variable in my backend code (java or php or something else) and have different users (and hence sessions) see the same value. If I need to share some values across these user sessions I need to write them to a DB and read it out every time. This seems awfully wasteful to me.
I understand that an apache process (or the app server) will fork and so having global values will not work but if I am looking at a specialized application is there a web server that lets me do this? This should be possible in a web server that uses threads instead of forking processes. But if I need to share global memory I will need to have some kind of locks to properly access them. I understand that it could (and mostly will) get really buggy but will it degrade performance compared to a DB?
I'm not sure that's entirely true. Apache will handle each user connection individually - correct. However, I know that in Java it is possible to have a Singleton object that exists for the life of the application, in which you could potentially store values to be used across all user sessions.
When handling each user connection on the server side, each access to this Singleton will access the same object - therefore the same values.
You might want to do some more research into application scope objects as well. I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to achieve due to lack of a use case, but you may find that Java web apps can do more than you expect in this area.