Redis databases on a dev machine with multiple projects - redis

How do you manage multiple projects on your development and/or testing machine, when some of those projects use Redis databases?
There are 2 major problems:
Redis doesn't have named databases (only numbers 0-16)
Tests are likely to execute FLUSHDB on each run
Right now, I think we have three options:
Assign different databases for each project, each dev and test environment
Prefix keys with a project name using something like redis-namespace
Nuke and seed the databases anytime you switch between projects
The first one is problematic if multiple projects assign "0" for the main use and "1" for the test and such. Even if Project B decided to change to "2" and "3", another member in the project might have a conflict in another projects for him. In other words, that approach is not SCM friendly.
For the second one, it's a bad idea simply because it adds needless overhead on runtime performance and memory efficiency. And no matter what you do, another project might be already using the same key coincidentally when you joined the project.
The third option is rather a product of compromise, but sometimes I want to keep my local data untouched while I deploy small patches for another projects.
I know this could be a feature request for Redis, but I need a solution now.
Any ideas, practices?

If the projects are independent and so do not need to share data, it is much better to use multiple redis instances - each project configuration has a port number rather than a database name/id. Create an appropriately named config file and startup script for each one so that you can get whichever instance you need running with a single click.
Make sure you update the save settings in each config file as well as setting the ports - Multiple instances using the same dump.rdb file will work, but lead to some rather confusing bugs.
I also use separate instances for development and testing so that the test instance never writes anything to disk and can be flushed at the start of each test.

Redis is moving away from multiple databases, so I would recommend you start migrating put of that mechanism sooner rather than later. This means one instance per db. Given the very low overhead of running Redis, this isn't a problem from a resources standpoint.
That said, you can specify the number of databases, and providing A naming standard would work. For example, configure redis to have say, 60 DBS and you add 10 for the test db. For example db3 uses db13 for testing.
It sounds like your dev, test, and prod environments are pretty tied together. If so, I'd suggest moving away from that. Using separate instances is the easiest route to that, and provides protection against cross purpose contamination. Between this and the future of redis being single-db per instance, separate instances is the best route.


Liquibase incremental snapshots

We've got a rather interesting use-case where we're using Liquibase to deploy a database for our application but we're not actually in control of the database. This means that we've got to add in a lot of extra logic around each time we run Liquibase to avoid encountering any errors during the actual run. One way we've done that is that we're generating snapshots of what the DB should look like for each release of our product and then comparing that snapshot with the running DB to know that it's in a compatible state. The snapshot files for our complete database aren't gigantic but if we have to have a full one for every possible release that could cause our software package to get large in the future with dead weight.
We've looked at using the Linux patch command to create offset files as the deltas between these files will typically be very small (i.e. 1 column change, etc.) but the issues are the generated IDs in the snapshot that are not consistent across runs:
"snapshotId": "aefa109",
"table": "liquibase.structure.core.Table#aefa103"
Is there any way to force the IDs to be consistent or attack this problem in a different way?
Perhaps we should change how we think about PROD deployments. When I read:
This means that we've got to add in a lot of extra logic around each time we run Liquibase to avoid encountering any errors during the actual run.
This is sort of an anti-pattern in the world of Liquibase. Typically, Liquibase is used in a CI/CD pipeline and deployments of SQL are done on "lower environments" to practice for the PROD deployment (which many do not have control over, so your situation is a common one).
When we try to accommodate the possible errors during a PROD deployment, I feel we already are in a bad place with our deployment automation. We should have been testing the deploys on lower environmets that look like PROD.
For example your pipeline for your DB could look like:
Create SQL for deployment in a changelog
DEV & QA seeded with restore from current state of PROD (maybe minus the row data)
You would have all control in DEV (the wild west)
Less control of QA (typically only by QA)
Iterate till you have no errors in your DEV & QA env
Deploy to PROD
If you still have errors, I would argue that you must root cause why and resolve so you can have a pipeline that is automatable.
Hope that helps,

Can you make separate schedules for workflows on staging versus prod?

I would like to have certain workflows run on a different schedule in staging and in production (ex: one workflow run multiple times a day in staging and only once a day in production). Doing so would help with getting quicker feedback on the runs and also save on compute costs. How can I do this with flytekit? Is it recommended?
There is no easy way to do this as it goes against main integration/deployment strategy championed by Flyte.
Flyte entities, comprising tasks, workflow, and launch plans, are designed to be iterated under in a user's development domain. After iterating, users are expected to deploy that version to the staging domain and then to production. The more difference there are between those domains, the more confusion there will be down the road we suspect.
That said, it is possible to do this because the registration step allows the user to specify a different configuration file. One of the entries in the configuration file is this workflow_packages construct. This enables the user basically to look at different folders when registering in staging vs. production for instance.
In order to get a launch plan to only exist in one domain, you'll need to put it in a new folder/module that is inaccessible from any of the extant workflow packages, and then put the other one in yet another.
In the staging file,
In the production file,

Two apps share one Redis. How to prevent cache collisions?

Two different versions of the application (debug and release) share same instance of Redis.
Both Debug and Release have identical source code and therefore identical caching keys for being stored in Redis.
Thus when Debug does redis.StringSet(key1, value1) Release could easily overwrite key1 or read incorrect value (since it should have its own key1).
Is there a way to avoid such interference?
Do not do that - sharing is bad. Spin a Redis instance per environment, each server has negligible overhead.
Use two databases in the same Redis instance.
The SELECT instruction allows you to chose the instance to be used.
The number of the database may be given to your app by an environnement variable, so the code of the app remains the same for both application instances.
One another way is to give your keys a common naming pattern(prefix), and config the prefix in property files.
You can easily use different property files in different environment.

Consideration before creating a single Redis instance

I currently have some different project that works on different redis instance ( consider the sample where I've 3 different application that are on different server each one with its redis server).
We've been asked to virtualize and to remove useless instances so I was wondering what happens if I have only one redis server and all the 3 points to the same redis instance.
For the application key I think there's no problem, I can prefix my own key with the application name , for example "fi-agents", "ga-agents", and so on... but I was wondering for the auth session what happens?
as far as I've read the Prefix is used as internal and it can't be used by final user to separate... it's just enought to use different Db?
Generally and unless there are truely compelling reasons, you don't want to mix different applications and their data in the same database. Yes, it does lower ops costs initially but it can quickly deteriorate to scaling and performance nightmare. This, I believe, is true for any database.
Specifically with Redis, technically yes - you could use a key prefix or the shared/numbered database approach. I'm not sure what you meant by "auth" sessions but you can probably apply the same approach to them. But you really shouldn't... since Redis is a single-threaded process you can end up where one of the apps is blocking the other two. Since Redis by itself is so lightweight, just spin up dedicated servers - one per app - even in the same VM if you must. You can read more background information on why you don't want to opt for the shared approach here:

Using data from multiple redis databases in one command

At my current project I actively use redis for various purposes. There are 2 redis databases for current application:
The first one contains absolutely temporary data: how many users are online, who are online, various admin's counters. This db is cleared before the application starts by start-up script.
The second database is used for persistent data like user's ratings, user's friends, etc.
Everything seems to be correct and everybody is happy.
However, when I've started implementing a new functionality in my application, I discover that I need to intersect a set with user's friends with a set of online users. These sets stored in different redis databases, and I haven't found any possibility to do this task in redis, except changing application architecture and move all keys into one namespace(database).
Is there actually any way to perform some command in redis using data from multiple databases? Or maybe my use case of redis is wrong and I have to perform a fix of system architecture?
There is not. There is a command that makes it easy to move keys to another DB:
If you move all keys to one DB, make sure you don't have any key clashes! You could suffix or prefix the keys from the temp DB to make absolutely sure. MOVE will do nothing if the key already exists in the target DB. So make sure you act on a '0' reply
Using multiple DBs is definitely not a good idea:
A Quote from Salvatore Sanfilippo (the creator of redis):
I understand how this can be useful, but unfortunately I consider
Redis multiple database errors my worst decision in Redis design at
all... without any kind of real gain, it makes the internals a lot
more complex. The reality is that databases don't scale well for a
number of reason, like active expire of keys and VM. If the DB
selection can be performed with a string I can see this feature being
used as a scalable O(1) dictionary layer, that instead it is not.
With DB numbers, with a default of a few DBs, we are communication
better what this feature is and how can be used I think. I hope that
at some point we can drop the multiple DBs support at all, but I think
it is probably too late as there is a number of people relying on this
feature for their work.!msg/redis-db/vS5wX8X4Cjg/8ounBXitG4sJ