Creating Test cases using Decision Table Method - testing

Assume you are a test analyst working on a banking project to upgrade an existing automated teller machine system to allow customers to obtain cash advances from supported credit cards. The system should allow cash advances from 20 dollars to 500 dollars, inclusively, for all supported credit cards. The correct list of supported credit cards is American Express, Visa, Japan Credit Bank, Eurocard, and MasterCard. The user interface starts with a default amount of 100 dollars for advances, and the ATM keypad is used to increase or decrease that amount in 20-dollar increments.
Consider the decision table shown in table 1.0 that describes the handling of these transactions.
Table 1.0. Cash advance decision table
Check the table in attached image
Assume that you want to design a set of test cases where the following coverage is achieved:
Decision table coverage
Boundary values for allowed and disallowed advance amounts
Successful advance for each supported card
Design a set of test cases that achieves this level of coverage with the minimum possible number of test cases. Assume each test case consists of a single combination of conditions to create and a single combination of actions to check. How many test cases do you need?
Can someone help me understanding this problem and solution?
Thanks in Advance :-)

Decision table coverage Boundary values for allowed and disallowed advance amounts ->
Boundary values for your example will be: less than 0; 0; 20-500; 500+.
Equivalence partitioning, boundary value testing and decision table described here:
Successful advance for each supported card ->
Set of instruction number 5 (in decision table) should be applied for all types of provided cars. Depends on risks #4 should be tested too.
Design a set of test cases that achieves this level of coverage with the minimum possible number of test cases. -->
a. If we can assume that cards work totally the same with the same limits and processing procedures so 9 test cases needed, during boundaries testing you can use different cards, so each card can be used. b. If we assume that some specific still exists in processing so 13 test cases needed (9 from previous test + 4 other cards to test instruction #5.
c. If cards has different limits by themselves addition verification will be needed.


Rails postgresql. Collision of two operations

I've got this shop-like application (Rails 3.2 + Postgresql), where two of my resources/tables are Users, and Operations. It has the following characteristics:
Amongst other attributes, Users have a certain :credit at each moment in time.
Operations represent either:
A purchase of a product (whose price is deduced from the User's credit who purchased it).
A purchase of credit ( the amount of which is added to the User's credit).
Each Operation stores:
:precredit - The credit the User had before the Operation.
:postcredit - The final credit after the Operation.
:price - The amount of money involved, whether it's positive or negative.
There was a problem with two Operation since they happened exactly at the same second ( My guess is that there was an internet problem for a while and then both queries were executed at the same second, see below).
This is the sorted sequence of operations by created_at(credit operations add and product operation subtract from the credit):
Category:credit Precredit:2.9 Price:30.0 Postcredit:32.9 Created_at:16:34:02
Category:product Precredit:32.9 Price:30.0 Postcredit:2.9 Created_at:16:42:06
Category:credit Precredit:32.9 Price:5.0 Postcredit:37.9 Created_at:16:42:06
Category:product Precredit:37.9 Price:4.0 Postcredit:33.9 Created_at:16:45:24
As one can see, Operation#3 should have a precredit = 2.9, which is the postcredit of Operation#2. However, the result of Operation#2 is not taken into account when Operation#3 is executed.
Ideally I would have:
Category:credit Precredit:2.9 Price:30.0 Postcredit:32.9 Created_at:16:34:02
Category:product Precredit:32.9 Price:30.0 Postcredit:2.9 Created_at:16:42:06
Category:credit Precredit:2.9 Price:5.0 Postcredit:-2.1 Created_at:16:42:06
Note that Operation#3 would've raised an error due to enough_balance?-type validations resulting in false.
Any ideas regarding how this might have happened?
How can this type of collisions be avoided?
I'm not sure how you're creating the operations, but this kind of situation can happen in concurrent environments, consider the next example:
Process A: gets the User object to obtain the current credit (equal to precredit)
Process B: gets the User object to obtain the current credit (at this point both have the same value)
Process A: calculates the postcredit (precredit +/- value)
Process B: calculates the postcredit
Process B: saves the record
Process A: saves the record
Even if the record in process A and the record in process B are not saved in the exact same millisecond (which is more unlikely), they still save both records with the same precredit, and this depends on how did they calculate this value. This is a common problem in operating systems and its solved with a 'Lock' (Peterson's algorithm,Lock)
Now, Rails provides a mechanism for achieving this, I recommend you take a look at, the object you'll want to lock will probably be the user.

Performing Chi square test for independence in sas- simpson paradox

I want to find out whether there is a relationship between how well the students did on a particular test and the level of dropout from education. I have a 2×2 matrix with the variables Level in test which takes the values level 1 and level 2, and the variable dropout which has the values not active and active. (you can say that level 1=pass the test and level 2=not passed).
I can see that I have a problem with the term called "simpson paradox", because I get that every single education in the faculty has a high p value indicating that there is no relationship between level in test and dropout. BUT when I group the data and perform the analysis for the whole faculty, I get a low p value indicating that there is a significant relationship between the variables.??
I have tried to read about the Simpson paradox, but I don't seem to get the information of how to deal with this problem?
I have read one place that one should not perform the test on aggregated data, but that cannot be true?
I really hope that someone can help me!
Kind Regards Maria
For the cross-tabs labeled education 2 and education 5 you have cell values less than 5 which violates the assumptions for running a chi-square. There are arguments to be made about how chi-square is robust enough of a test to withstand these limitations, but I would still reconsider your grouping methodology.
Since the total number of cases in 'Faculty' is higher, the data is enough to refute the independence hypothesis, hence low p-values. When the number of cases is small (your education 1 to education 5 tables), there is not enough data to show significance. A higher p-value here just says that the differences could be by chance.
This is not an example of Simpson's paradox.

Robust Measures of Algorithmic Trading - Based on Robert Pardo's Book

I am optimizing algorithmic strategies. In the process of choosing from a pool of many optimized strategies, I am in the phase of searching (evaluating) for robustness of the strategy.
Following the guidelines of Dr. Pardo's book "The Evaluation of Trading Strategies" in page 231 Dr. Pardo recomends, in the Numeral 3 to apply the following ratio to the optimized data:
" 3. The ratio of the total profit of all profitable simulations divided by the
total profit of all simulationsis significantly positive"
The Question: from the optimization results, I am not being able to properly understand what does Mr. Pardo means by stating "...all simulationsis significantly positive"; what does Mr. Pardo means by 'significantly positive?
a.) with 95% confidence level?
b.) with a certain p value?
c.) the relation of the average net profit of each simulation minus it' standard deviation
Even though the sentence might seem 'simple' I would REALLY like to understand what Mr. Pardo means by the statement and HOW to calculate it, in order to filter the most robust algorithmic strategies.
The aim of analyzing the optimization profile of an algorithmic simulation is to be able to filter robust strategies.
Therefore the ratio should help us to uncover if the simulation results are on the right track or not.
So, we would like to impose some 'penalties' to our results, so we can select the robust cases from those of doubtful (not robust) result.
I came to the following penalizing measures (found in the book of Mr. Pardo and other sources).
a.) we can use a market return (yearly value) as a benchmark, so all the simulations whose result are below such level, can be excluded from our analysis,
b.) some other benchmark to divide those 'robust' results from those more 'doubtful' (for example, deducing to each result one standard deviation)
From (a) and (b), we can create the ratio:
the total sum of all profitable simulations divided by the profitable results considered robust
The ratio should be greater or equal than 1.
If the ratio is equal to 1 then it means that our simulation result has given interesting results (we are analyzing the positive values in this ratio, but profitable results should always be compared to the negative results also).
If the ratio is greater from 1, then we have not reach the possible scenario, and the result should be compared with the other tests for optimizations.
While simulating trading algorithms, no result is absolute but partial and it's value is taken in relationship to what we expect from the algorithm.
If someone has a better explanation or idea or concept you might find interesting please share, I would gladly read it.
Best regards to all.
Remark on the subject
With all due respect to the subject ( published in 2008 ) the term robustness has its own meaning if-and-only-if the statement also clarifies in which particular respect is the robustness measured and against what phenomena is it to be exposed & tested the Model-under-review's response ( against what perturbances -- type and scale -- shall the Model-under-test hold its robust behaviour, measures of which were both defined and quantified a-priori the test ).
In any case, where such context of the robustness is not defined, the material, be it printed by any bold name, sounds -- and forgive me to speak in plain English -- just like a PR-story, an over-hyped e-zine headline or like a paid advertorial.
Serious quantitative model evaluations, the more if one strives to perform an optimisation ( with respect to some defined quantitative goal ), requires a more thorough insight into the subject than to axiomatically post a trivial "must-have" imperative of
large-average && small-HiLo-range && small StDev.
Any serious Quant-Modelling effort, if it were not to just spoil the consumed hundreds-of-thousands CPU core hours of deep parametric-spaces' scans, shall incorporate a serious parametrisation decision in either dimension of the main TruTrading Strategy sub-spaces --
{ aSelectPOLICY, aDetectPOLICY, anActPOLICY, anAllocatePOLICY, aTerminatePOLICY }
A failure to do so, either cripples the model or leads to a blind-belief, where it is hard to guess, whether the former or the latter is a greater of the both Quant-sins.
Remark on the cited hypothesis
The book states, without any effort to proof the construction, that:
The more robust trading strategywill have an optimization profile with a: 1. Largeaverageprofit 2. Small maximum-minimumrange3. Small standarddeviation
Is it correct?
Now kindly spend a few moments and review this 4D-animated view of a Model-under-test ( visualisation of which is reduced into just four dimensions for easier visual perception ), where none of the above stands true.
<aMouseRightCLICK>.openPictureOnAnotherTab to see full HiRes picture details
Based on contemporary state-of-art adaptive money-management practice, that fails to be correct, be it due to a poor parametrisation ( thus artificially leading the model into a rather "flat-profits" sub-space of aParamSetVectorSPACE )
or due to a principal mis-concept or a poor practice ( including the lack thereof ) of the implementation of the most powerful profit-booster ever -- the very money-management model sub-space.
Item 1 becomes insignificant at all.
Item 2 works right on the contrary to the stated postulate.
Item 3 cannot yield anything but the opposite due to 1 & 2 above.

Creating a testing strategy to check data consistency between two systems

With a quick search over stackoverflow was not able to find anything so here is my question.
I am trying to write down the testing strategy for a application where two applications sync with each other every day to keep a huge amount of data in sync.
As its a huge amount of data I don't really want to cross check everything. But just want to do a random check every time a data sync happens. What should be the strategy here for such system?
I am thinking of this 2 approach.
1) Get a count of all data and cross check both are same
2) Choose a random 5 data entry and verify that their proprty are in sync.
Any suggestion would be great.
What you need is known as Risk Management, in Software Testing it is called Software Risk Management.
It seems your question is not about "how to test" what you are about to test but how to describe what you do and why you do that (based on the question I assume you need this explanation for yourself too...).
Adding SRM to your Test Strategy should describe:
The risks of not fully testing all and every data in the mirrored system
A table scaling down SRM vs amount of data tested (ie probability of error if only n% of data tested versus -e.g.- 2n% tested), in other words saying -e.g.!- 5% of lost data/invalid data/data corrupption/etc if x% of data was tested with a k minute/hour execution time
Based on previous point, a break down of resources used for the different options (e.g. HW load% for n hours, manhours used is y, costs of HW/SW/HR use are z USD)
Probability -and cost- of errors/issues with automation code (ie data comparison goes wrong and results in false positive or false negative, giving an overhead to DBA, dev and/or testing)
What happens if SRM option taken (!!e.g.!! 10% of data tested giving 3% of data corruption/loss risk and 0.75% overhead risk -false positive/negative results-) results in actual failure, ie reference to Business Continuity and effects of data, integrity, etc loss
Everything else comes to your mind and you feel it applies to your *current issue* in your *current system* with your *actual preferences*.

Rough estimate of test cases

I'm curious how many test cases others have for a site similar to mine. It's your basic CRUD with business workflow website. 3 user roles, a couple input pages, a couple search pages, a business rule engine, etc. Maybe 50k lines of .NET code (workflow and persistence altogether). DB with about 10 main tables plus about 100 supporting tables (lookups, logs, etc.). The main UI for entering data is quite big, around 100 data fields, multiple grids, about 5 action/submit type buttons.
I know this is vague and I'm only hoping for order of magnitude figures. I'm also thinking of basic test cases, not code coverage type cases. But like if I told you we had 25 test cases I'm sure you'd say way WAY not enough. So I'm just looking for ballpark figures.
I would have as many test cases as it takes to ensure a high level of confidence in the system.
The number of tables, rules, lines of code, etc is actually immaterial.
You should have the appropriate unit tests to ensure your domain objects and business rules are firing correctly. You should have tests to ensure your queries execute appropriately (this is a harder one).
You might even want to have test cases for paths through the software. In other words, click here, get this page, click there, edit a field, save the page, go back... This type is the most difficult as the tests are usually recorded and have to be rerecorded when the pages change (ie: a field is added or removed).
Generally speaking it's more about coverage than number of tests. You want your tests to cover as much of the applications funcionality as is feasible. Note that I didn't say possible. You can cover an entire application (100%) with test cases, but for every little change, bug fix, etc you'll have to recode those tests. This is more desired for a mature app. For newer apps you don't want to hamstring your developers and QA team that way as they'll spend inordinate amounts of time fixing/changing unit tests...
For any system, you could easily spend as much time developing your automated tests as you do the system itself. In some cases, even more.
As for our group, we tend to have lots of unit tests. However, for testing paths through the system we only record those once a particular area has moved into a "maintenance" type of mode. Meaning we expect little change for quite a while in that area and the path test is simply to ensure no one jacked it up.
UPDATE: the comments here led me to the following:
Going a little further: Let's examine 1 small piece of code:
Int32 AddNumbers(Int32 a, Int32 b) {
return a+b;
On the face of it you could get away with a single test:
Int32 result = AddNumbers(1,2);
Assert.Equals(result, 3);
However, that probably isn't enough. What happens if you do this:
Int32 result = AddNumbers(Int32.MaxValue, 1);
Assert.Equals(result, (Int32.MaxValue+1));
Now we have a failure. Here's another one:
Int32 result = AddNumbers(Int32.MinValue, -1);
Assert.Equals(result, (Int32.MinValue-1));
So, we have an extremely simple method that requires at least 3 tests. The initial to see if it can give any result, then 2 for bounds checking. That's 3 tests for essentially 2 lines of code (method definition and the one line computation).
As your code becomes more complex, things get really dicey:
Decimal DivideThis(Decimal a, Decimal b) {
result = Decimal.Divide(a,b);
This slight change introduces yet another exception condition beyond bounds: DivideByZero. So now we are up to 4 tests required for 2 lines of code.
Now, let's simplify it a bit:
String AppendData(String data, String toAppend) {
return String.Format("{0}{1}", data, toAppend);
Our test case here is:
String result = AppendData("Hello", "World");
Assert.Equals(result, "HelloWorld");
That's just one test case for the code block, with no others really needed.
What does this tell us: For starters 2 lines of code might cause us to need between 1 and 4 test cases. You mentioned 50k lines... Using that logic, you will need between 50,000 and 200,000 test cases...
Of course, life is rarely so simple. In those 50k lines of code you have, there are going to be large blocks of code that have very limited inputs. For example a mortgage interest calculator might take 3 parameters, and return 1 value (the APR). The code itself might run 100 lines or so (been awhile, just work with me). The number of test cases for this is going to be determined by edge cases along the lines of making sure you properly handle rounding.
So, let's say it's 5 cases: which brings us to 20 lines of code = 1 case. Calculating that out your 50k lines might result in 2,500 test cases. Obviously much smaller than what we expected above.
Finally, I'm going to throw another wrinkle into the mix. Some test systems can handle inputs and your assertions coming from a data file. Considering our first one we could have a data file that has a line for each parameter combination we want to test. In this scenario, we only need 1 test case to cover 3 (or more..) possible conditions.
The test case might look like (pseudo code):
read input file.
parse expected result, parameter 1, parameter 2
run method
assert method result = parsed result
repeat for each line of the file
With that capability, we are down to 1 test case per scenario. I would say 1 per method, but the reality is that most methods are rarely standalone and it's entirely possible that numerous methods are implicitly tested through explicit testing of others; therefore not requiring their own individual tests.
This leads me to this: It is impossible to determine the right number of test cases without a full understanding of your code base. 5 cases that are at the UI level might be enough for complete coverage depending on the complexity of the tests; or it might take thousands. Therefore it's much better to base it on code coverage. What percentage of the code, and branching logic, are you testing?
If you ask a car salesman for a rough price of a car and he would give me that price, I wouldn't buy my car there, because he forgot to ask me some important questions. What kind of car do you want? Which extras do you want on the car? etc.
Same for number of test cases .... If a hiring manager would ask me that question I would probably give him the following answer.
#test cases = between #Requirements*2 and #Requirements*infinite (some requirements can lead to bollions of possibilities)
I also would say that based on my experience the number would realistically be #Requirements*5 (is the number I use at the initial phase, for projects with new, changed and omitted functionality)
where the following error margin has to be taken depending on the phase I am making this estimate:
Initiation phase : error margins = 400%
Testing phase : error margin = 10%
By the time you start the testing phase, detailed requirements/specs are available, volatillity of requirements is stabilized, creep of requirements is almost zero, etc.
At that time I also will be able to give better estimates ...