How do i execute a stored procedure using a data dictionary link in ADS? - sql

I have a stored procedure in data dictionary A and i would like to execute it from data dictionary B using a Link. I tried the following syntax but it didnt work :
Is it possible to do this?
Thanks in advance.


Execute Snowflake Procedure in Matilion

I'm trying to execute Snowflake Stored Procedure in Matilion Using Sql Script component.
But i'm getting error as Unknown user defined function.
Can someone help me to call the procedure using Matilion Job.
Thank You !
That looks like a name resolution error. Snowflake does not recognize the name of the stored procedure. You will see the same generic error message when trying to call a procedure that really does not exist...
You most likely need to
qualify the procedure name with a database and a schema
put the names inside double-quotes if they are case sensitive.
In the Matillion stored procedure article there is an example CALL "${environment_database}"."${examples_schema}"."audit"('START', ${run_history_id}, NULL)

Example for stored procedure with output variables

I have gone through lot of tutorials on the web on how to create a stored procedure. I understand that to use a procedure, syntax is "Call procedure_name(in parameters)". But i have found no appreciable example for stored procedure which have multiple output parameters. Could you please give me an example of procedure with out parameters and how to use(call/handle the out parameters) that? Can the output parameters be a table/view type?
Help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Execute the proc:
use the Parameters .Value to get each output parameter:
string strOut1 = myMultiProc.Parameters["#Output1"].Value;
string strOut2 = myMultiProc.Parameters["#Output2"].Value;

Passing a variable into a stored procedure call using Talend Open Source

I want to call an SP in Talend like the following:
`/ Declare a variable that references the type. /
DECLARE #LocationTVP AS LocationTableType;
/ Add data to the table variable. /
INSERT INTO #LocationTVP (LocationName, CostRate)
SELECT Name, 0.00
FROM AdventureWorks2012.Person.StateProvince;
/ Pass the table variable data to a stored procedure. /
EXEC usp_InsertProductionLocation #LocationTVP;`
Can this be done in Talend Open Source? If so, how?
You can use tMssqlInput() component to call for Stored procedure.
In the Query Builder, just type "EXEC your_sp_name '"+context.from_date+"','"+context.to_date+"', "+context.var+""
Before calling stored procedure from tMssqlInput(), you should store the dynamic variable value in the context parameters .
Typically your job flow would be like this :
enter image description here
I used tMSSQLInput component but, it didn't work for me.
We can execute SQL Server stored procedure in Talend along with the context variables using tMSSQLRow component. Works like charm for me
But, few things to note:
I gave tMSSQLConnection and then connected it with tMSSQLRow (with a stored procedure inside this component). This didn't work.
So I had to remove the tMSSQLConnection and enter the connection details in the tMSSQLRow component itself. This worked for me.
Enter stored procedure in this format:
"EXEC schema_name.procedure_name " '"+context.argument1+"','"+context.argument2+"'
Check this link, This might be helpful for you.
Calling a stored procedure or function

Query inside mbcxp_AgingVisit Stored Procedure

I am working on a report called Aging by Patient and the query that I have is calling the stored procedure mbcxp_AgingVisit. I need the query inside the stored procedure but can't seem to find it anywhere. I googled it and saw that others are working on reports with mbcxp_AgingVisit so I was wondering if someone has a copy of the stored procedure.
I hope I make sense and any response will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Go to your database where the stored procedure is installed -> Progammability -> Stored Procedures -> Modify.

Executing Stored Proc in Pervasive Control Center

I am relatively new to Pervasive Control Center and I was wondering if I wanted to test a stored Procedure to see its results, how would I simply select that stored proc? I have:
Select SP_test_getMeasure06
I am sure I am missing something because I know this is legal my syntax must be off slightly.
Thanks in advance!
You can execute a stored procedure using either Call or Exec. For example:
exec SP_test_getMeasure06
You'll need to make sure your stored procedure uses the RETURNS clause to get data back. For more information check out the Stored Procedure docs.