how to solve global temp table in windows azure - sql

i am using global temp in my sql stored procedure when i upload into azure it is not working, can anyone please help me to solve this issue
please check the below code had problem
i can't write it as direct query it is not working when i wrote in directly, please anyone help


Is it possible to declare a Database as a variable?

I am working on data migration and want to be able to change my SourceDatabase without eding the code in multiple places is this possible? This is what I have tried from looking at some other posts but I must be doing something wrong
Declare #SourceDatabase VARCHAR(255)
Set #SourceDatabase = '[PrimaryTesting]';
Select LAid+Dfeid as DFE,SchoolName from #SourceDatabase.dbo.School;
I assume you're using MSSQL, in which case you'd have to build up the desired SQL string, then use the exec statement to run it:
declare #SourceDatabase VARCHAR(255) = '[PrimaryTesting]';
exec('select LAid+Dfeid as DFE,SchoolName from ' + #SourceDatabase + '.dbo.School;');
However, please be aware of the possible dangers of SQL injection when using this approach.

How to dynamically create and populate a local temp table (when the table headers are unknown)?

I am currently using code similar to the following:
SET #Query = 'SELECT * INTO #Temp FROM MyTable'
EXEC sp_executesql #Query
Obviously, this does not work. Until now, I have been getting around this problem by using global temporary tables within my dynamic sql. However, this is not an option once the stored procedure is released to users, as their global temp tables would conflict with one another.
How might I get around this issue? I must specify that the structure of the table MyTable is unknown, so creating the temp table outside of the dynamic sql is (presumably?) not an option.
Edit: Apologies if I was not specific enough with exactly what I am trying to achieve - I thought it would be best to keep this question as relevent to the actual issue as possible.
Obviously, the string that I am trying to execute is not fixed. It is instead constructed so that the table, from which the data is being retrieved, may be specified. Although still not overly complex, the actual query string that I am using is more along the lines of
#Query = CONCAT('SELECT * INTO #Temp FROM ', #Environment, '.[schema].', #Table)
Hopefully this sheds more light on the problem?
Few points:
1. If you want to store the output of dynamic sql into temp table, you need to create the temp table structure first(with CREATE TABLE #TEMP script) and then you can insert data by doing something like below:
INSERT INTO #TEMP EXEC sp_executesql #Query
This will populate data into temp table with all properties of local temp table.
Seeing your query, it does not look like you have a need of dynamic sql unless you are forming some clause like where clause dynamically.
Let me know if this helps.
Couldn't you do something like this:
declare #query nvarchar(4000) = '
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''[dbo].[temp]'') AND type in (N''U''))
drop table temp
Select top 2 *
into temp
from sys.databases
exec sp_executesql #query
Select * from temp
With Select into you don't need to know the structure of your query:
Just as an idea.

SQL OpenQuery variable tablename

I need to transfer data from a linked server to our main SQL server. The issue is, that the table name changes everyday.
I have looked around this site to find out if it is even possible to have a variable database name, which it is, but also to see if it is possible to have variables in a OPENQUERY, which it also is.
But i am struggling to combine those needs, so i have a variable table name in a OPENQUERY.
I need something like this:
Declare #LinkedServer as varchar(max) = 'LinkedServer'
Declare #TName as varchar(max) = 'TName'+substring(cast(cast(getdate() as date) as
varchar(50)),1,4)+substring(cast(cast(getdate() as date) as
varchar(50)),6,2)+substring(cast(cast(getdate() as date) as
SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(#LinkedServer, 'SELECT * FROM dbo.#TName')
Is there any way i can make a variable table name in a OPENQUERY ?
Thank you for your help.
I'd write a synonym which gets updated every day before you kick off your data extraction job. Then you don't need to be updating (potentially a tonne of) references.
SELECT * FROM LinkedTableA
The answer i have, is this:
USE [DataBase]
DROP SYNONYM [dbo].[eCallByCallStat]
declare #tablename varchar(50)
set #tablename = 'Server1..dbo.eCallByCallStat'+substring(cast(cast(getdate()-1 as date) as varchar(50)),1,4)+substring(cast(cast(getdate()-1 as date) as varchar(50)),6,2)+substring(cast(cast(getdate()-1 as date) as varchar(50)),9,2)
declare #sql varchar(500)
set #sql = 'CREATE SYNONYM [dbo].[eCallByCallStat] FOR ' + #tablename
exec (#sql)
This will run everymorning updating the table name in the synonym, and then we will insert that data into a prober table so we have all the data.

Insert result of executing dynamic query into a table

I have a dynamic query #strQuery which on executing gives a result with lots of column.
I want to insert the result from this dynamic query into a temporary table .
I am doing this because I want to perform some filtering on the temporary table and get required result .
A similar question was asked on previous thread HERE
in which a temporary table is created first and then data inserted using INSERT INTO.
I want to avoid this step due to long list of columns and also the datatypes of fields is not known to me.
select * into #tmh from
Error Message
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'exec'.
How to do this ? Is it possible to be done in this way ? If not , please specify some other alternative to get store the result on executing dynamic query into a table.
I have faced this situation before and here is what I did:
DECLARE #strQuery nVarchar(100)
SET #strQuery='SELECT * into [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable] FROM YourTable'
EXECUTE sp_executesql #strQuery
SELECT * FROM [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]
DROP TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]
It works fine. Don't ask me why a FQ table name and not #temptable. I have no idea. It does not work. The only way I could get it working was using [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]
proceed like this
select,t1.lastname from(select * from table)t1.
where "select * from table" is your dyanmic query. which will return result which you can use as temp table t1 as given in example .
You can use variables in your current execution context, set by the Dynamic SQL with the OUTPUT option. Sample code below.
SET #Amount = NULL
SET #SQL = ('SELECT #amt=100' )
EXECUTE sp_executeSQL #SQL, N'#amt MONEY OUTPUT', #amt=#Amount OUTPUT
SELECT #Amount
Yes you can make a new dynamic query containing the original query with the insert like this:
declare #strNewQuery varchar(max)
set #strNewQuery ='select * into #tmh from ('+#strQuery+') as t'
I used this to work around - with out dynamic query
This uses a table variable to receive data to procedure
Even joins can be applied to it
select * into #itemPhantom from #tbl_items_upload
select * from #itemPhantom
select #itemPhantom.itemreference from #itemPhantom left join phantom on

Create view from data accross multiple databases

After some searching around i couldn't find a good answer that covers my issue.
I am working on the consolidation of around 100 databases. The structure is the same and they are all on the same server. All the databases have a table with login information.
We have created a core database with all the connection information from the other databases.
Now we need to create a view in the core database that contains all the login credentials from all the databases.
This means we need to use a loop to go through all the databases and select the user name and password.
Any ideas or suggestions are welcome
One possible solution is to create a stored procedure
DECLARE #sql varchar(max), #Database1 varchar(300)
set #Database1 = 'tempdb'
SET #sql='
USE '+#Database1+';
DROP VIEW test_view
PRINT #sql
declare #sql1 varchar(max)
// Modify below query as per your requirement its just for an idea
select #sql1 = IsNull(#sql1 + 'union all ','') +
'select * from ' + name + '.dbo.tblUser'
from sys.databases
where name like 'DbNamePrefix%'
set #sql1 = 'create view dbo.YourView as ' + #sql1
exec (#sql1)
Make a database job and schedule it as per your requirement.
To reference to your tables in the second database use this:
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[ViewName]
from TableA a
join SecondDBName.dbo.Table b
on ... ---Remaining code here...
NOTE: This will work only on the same server - if your databases are on different servers then you will need to create a linked server.
Take a look at this. Can this be one of the answers to your question?