Filter subforms date column via main form Date range entry in vba access - sql

I have a form named frmCCAuto which includes my date range i.e. start date and end date text fields with a button to filter date.I have a subform "subCCAuto-Open" (I dont know why my seniors decided to use subform name with '-')whose default view is Datasheet and its record source is pulled from a table tblPayments_Auto. So, I have to filter the records displayed in the subform according to the date range which is in main form. In other words, what I want to have happen is on two unbound text boxes allow users to enter a date range and have the subform filtered to only show records of the date range entered in the main form boxes. Codes I have been working on are:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim db As Database
Set db = CodeDb
db.Execute "DELETE * FROM tblPayments_Auto;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryPayments_AddAuto" (store procedure: sp_qryPayments_AddAuto )
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
ProcessBtn.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Filter_Click()
With Forms!frmCCAuto![subCCAuto-Open].Form
.Filter = "[InvoiceDate] BETWEEN #" & Me.StartDate & "# AND #" & Me.EndDate & "#"
.FilterOn = True
End With
End Sub
When I debug my code, it gives me an error saying Microsoft Access can't find the field subCCAuto-Open referred to in your expression. Please help.

Try with the modified syntax:
Private Sub Filter_Click()
With Forms!frmCCAuto.Form![subCCAuto-Open]
.Filter = "[InvoiceDate] BETWEEN #" & Format(Me!StartDate.Value, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "# AND #" & Format(Me!EndDate.Value, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "#"
.FilterOn = True
End With
End Sub
where frmCCAuto must be the name of the subform control.


prevent duplicates when passing values between two forms (with Args)

I have two forms: transfert Form with its subform and intransfert Form. I am using
DoCmd.OpenForm "intransfert", , , , acFormAdd, acDialog, Me!Text83
(where text83 is =[transfertasubform].[Form]![transfertadetailid] under
Private Sub Command78_Click()
in transfet form and
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error Resume Next
If Me.NewRecord Then Me!trnrin = Me.OpenArgs
in intransfet form. intransfert form is based in transfertdetailquery. i wont to prevent passing text83 value more then one time
i tried to explain my problem and expect a help to prevent duplicates when used Arge
assuming trnrin is the name of a variable in your record source. assuming you mean that you want to avoid adding two records where trnrin has the same value and the user sent the same open args twice. assuming trnrin is also the name of a control in the detail section of the intransfert form.
'form load only runs when the form is opened so you have to close the form to pass new args
'but you can just move the same code to a button or whatever
Private Sub IntransferForm_Load()
If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then
Me.txtBoxintheHeader = Me.OpenArgs 'the load event is the right place to set controls
'most of this code is to check if there is already an instance where trnrin = the OpenArgs in the record source
Dim lookedupArgs As String
lookedupArgs = Nz(lookedupArgs = DLookup("trnrin", "MyTable", "trnrin = " & "'" & Me.OpenArgs & "'"), "ValuethatisneveranArg")
If lookedupArgs = "ValuethatisneveranArg" Then
'Debug.Print "trnrin = '" & Me.OpenArgs & "'" 'note the string delimiters
'Me.trnrin = Me.OpenArgs 'this surprisingly works but will break easily and doesn't handle complex cases
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = Me.Recordset 'if recordset is bound to a table then table will also be updated.
'you can also bind to the table directly but you may need to call me.requery to show the changes
rs!trnrin = Me.OpenArgs
End If
End If
End Sub

How to query combo box of only current record/row in Access data entry form?

I have created a data entry form in Access that uses combobox for entering farmer name. The combobox is used for ease and to make sure only farmers from the list are entered. For ease combo box is re-queried as you type in.
The combobox works well for the first entry but previous farmers' names are vanished when queried for the next row. I think, Access is requerying all dropdowns rather than the current drop-down/combo-box.
The VBA for the querying drop down is given below:
Public Sub FilterComboAsYouType(combo As ComboBox, defaultSQL As String,
lookupField As String)
Dim strSQL As String
If Len(combo.Text) > 0 Then
strSQL = defaultSQL & " AND " & lookupField & " LIKE '*" & combo.Text &
strSQL = defaultSQL 'This is the default row source of combo box
End If
combo.RowSource = strSQL
End Sub
Private Sub Combo137_Change()
FilterComboAsYouType Me.Combo137, "SELECT,farmer.ID FROM farms INNER JOIN farmer ON
farms.ID = farmer.farm_id where farms.ID LIKE" & "'" & Form_Name & "*'", ""
End Sub
Private Sub Combo137_GotFocus()
If Form_Name <> "" Then
FilterComboAsYouType Me.Combo137, "SELECT,farmer.ID FROM farms INNER JOIN farmer ON
farms.ID = farmer.farm_id where farms.ID LIKE" & "'" & Form_Name & "*'", ""
FilterComboAsYouType Me.Combo137, "SELECT,farmer.ID FROM farms INNER JOIN farmer ON
farms.ID = farmer.farm_id where farms.ID LIKE" & "'" & "NONE" & "*'", ""
End If
End Sub
Yes, all records will show the same filtered list because there is only one combobox and property settings are reflected in all instances. Filtering a combobox RowSource based on value in another field/control is known as "cascading" or "dependent". Also, your RowSource has alias - value saved is not value displayed. When the list is filtered the display alias will not be available for records that have saved value which has been filtered out. This is a well-known issue of cascading combobox. Options for dealing with:
for any form style, only filter the list for new record or when primary value is changed, then reset to full list for existing records
for forms in Continuous or Datasheet view, include lookup table in form RecordSource, bind a textbox to descriptive field from lookup table, position textbox on top of combobox, set textbox as Locked Yes and TabStop No

Access Combo - Filter As You Type?

I started a thread here: Access Form Combobox Partial Filter but it was a bit too specific, and now that I moved past that, I am struggling to get the behavior I want.
Here is the layout:
A form with the detail hidden. The header has an unbound combobox for filtering the form. Once there is a filter to apply, that record is set for the filter on the form, and the detail is shown. The users want to be able to type in the combo, for partial matches, instead of only being able to click the drop down and click to choose an option.
This is the rowsource of the combo:
SELECT [vw_Info_Records]![recordName] & " (" & [vw_Info_Records]![recordNo] & ")" AS frecord, vw_Info_Records.INF_RID
FROM vw_Info_Records
WHERE ((([vw_Info_Records]![recordName] & " (" & [vw_Info_Records]![recordNo] & ")") Like "*" & [Forms]![frmrecords]![cboFindrecord] & "*"))
ORDER BY [vw_Info_Records]![recordName] & " (" & [vw_Info_Records]![recordNo] & ")";
It is set to auto-expand Yes. It is not bound to anything, and limit to list is set to yes.
This is the onchange event:
Private Sub cboFindRecord_Change()
Dim MyCriteria As String
If Me.cboFindRecord.SelStart > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
This is the after update:
Private Sub cboFindRecord_AfterUpdate()
Dim Criteria As String
Dim myfilter As String
If Me.cboFindRecord.ListIndex = -1 Then
Me.Form.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False
Me.Detail.Visible = False
Criteria = "[INF_RID] = " & Me.cboFindRecord.Column(1)
With Me.Form
.Filter = Criteria
.FilterOn = True
End With
Me.Detail.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
The first character that is typed in, makes the dropdown expand, and filter to any results that contain that character. Any subsequent characters, and the drop down list doesn't update the filter to re-filter based on the added characters. If I add a requery in the change, I get an error about saving the field, before I do a requery. It wants me to set that "filter" value as a value for the combo, which I wouldn't do, because it's really an in string filter. The user still needs to pick a value from whatever is left in the list, before I can filter the form to that record.
Thanks for any advice as to how to fix this!

filtering a query record source on two date text boxes (beginning and ending date)

I have a access form whose recordsource is a query. I want to put two date text boxes on the form and then filter the query for just those records. Can somebody show me an example how this would be done.
Add two TextBox controls to your Form and set their format to "Sort Date". Then add a Button and on the Click event add the following:
Private Sub btnFilterForm_Click()
With Me
.Filter = "[Date Field] Between #" & Format(.TextBox1.Value, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "# And #" _
& Format(.TextBox2.Value, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#"
.FilterOn = True
End With
End Sub

MS access sum results between two dates as text box in form

I issue following query in SQL and works fine
SELECT SUM(goudOpkoop.winst)
FROM goudOpkoop
BETWEEN '2015-1-10' AND '2015-1-22'
I would like to have the results in a Form in Textbox 3 (name Text183) when last of two dates, one in Textbox 1 (name Text179) and other in textbox 2 (name Text181) have been picked.
I think I would need to use AfterUpdate code builder for Textbox 2 and issue there the query to eventually show results in Textbox 3.
I have already linked with SQL server.
Information: ODBC;DSN=Essence Test;;TABLE=goudOpkoop
In me not being a professional in VBA I have no clue how to get this working.
Not tested, but should do the trick slightly, unless I made a typo.
Change the format of your 2 dates textboxes in "Short Date", that way you will have a calendar picker and you will ensure that your date have a correct format
Create this sub in your form module :
Private Sub CheckSUM()
Dim RST As Recordset
Dim SQL As String
' Reset the result textbox
Text183.value = ""
' If your 2 date textboxes are not populated, cancel
If Text179.Value = "" or Text181.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
' Prepare the query, with proper formating of the dates
SQL = " SELECT SUM(goudOpkoop.winst) AS mySum " & _
" FROM goudOpkoop " & _
" WHERE goudOpkoop.Date " & _
" BETWEEN '" & Format(Text179.Value, "YYYY-MM-DD") & "' " & _
" AND '" & Format(text181.Value, "YYYY-MM-DD") & "'"
' Execute the query
Set RST = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL)
' If the query is valid and returned something, we recuperate the value
If Not RST.BOF Then
Text183.Value = RST!mySum
End If
' Cleaning
Set RST = Nothing
End Sub
Then, for your 2 dates textboxes, create an afterupdate event and call the previous sub in them:
Private Sub Text179_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
Private Sub Text181_AfterUpdate()
End Sub