We use mobx-react-form (https://github.com/foxhound87/mobx-react-form) for our forms. One of our forms has a multi select dropdown. according to the selection, fields are added / removed from the form.
How can this be managed in mobx-react-form?
I have created a form in MS Access. The corresponding tables for these forms have zero attributes. I simply created a blank form and manually inserted text boxes, labels, check boxes, etc. Now I would like to capture specific information that is entered into the form. How would I go about this in MS Access? Do I need to write some VB code to say "record whatever value the user puts in the field for serial number" for example? There is no preexisting data in any tables.
A user will manually fill out the form in Access, I would like to capture the data that the user inputs.
Bind the table to the form and then bind the controls to the fields of the table.
Or, the easy route: Mark the table in the navigation pane, then click in the band: Create and then Form, and it will do the dirty work.
Is it possible to have the same combobox appear on multiple forms with linked selections?
I have several forms used for data entry and on the Main form (which has links to the other forms) there are two comboboxes, one queries Year and the other Branch. Based on the selections of these two combo boxes the other forms with apply filters on activate so that users can enter data for their specific branches.
What I am trying to do is have the same comboboxes appear on all the forms so that users don't have to go back to the main form to change the year or branch.
What you're saying is this:
On Form A the user would choose the year and the branch.
On form B their selection would continue to appear.
Option 1: If they can change it in form B you need to copy the value (set the default value) when you launch form B.
Option 2: if they can't change it in form B just put the value inside a (locked) text box, so they will see what the year was but they wouldn't be able to change it.
I have a form that gets populated with rows of data from a database. I want to add a listbox to each row for the user to select a letter grade. When I run the form all the data looks correct, but if I update a single listbox all the listboxes in the form update to the same value. It seems like the listboxes aren't independent of each other.
An unbound control will always display the same on all records.
For individual display, you must bind it to a field of the record - or redesign your form in some way.
I created a database in Access and there are some type of records in some tables that requires a particular inserting, so I decided to use VBA to handle this.
The problem is that if i create a form with some controls which i want to refer and use their values as criteria for queries, the form is still a way to insert data. So the query works but the data i inserted are added directly from the form too, creating duplicates.
The question is, is there a way to create a form that has controls only for text input but does nothing to record , leaving inserting, deleting , updating all to queries in VBA?
I tried to put "no" on propriety "add records" in the form but it gets totally blank with no controls.
Your form must be unbound, i.e. its RecordSource must be empty.
Your form can be bound or not bound to a table / query.
This means that the controls on your form may be bound to a field of that table / query.
But you can also have controls in the same form which are not bound.
You can make a form in which the body has a list view of the records of the table. In this section the controls would be bound to a field.
In the header of the table instead you may have controls that are not bound and that could be used either to filter the records shown or to add new records. You may want to add records this way rather than let users insert data directly in order to add checks or do any other kind of processing before actually adding the data in a new record.
I am building a form in access database.
I have a combo box which is linked to a query which is looking up a unique reference number from a table called Tbl_Submitted_Requests.
What I need the form to do is auto populate the other text boxes when the user selects the unique reference from the combo box. How can I get the text boxes to auto populate with the data that is associated with each unique reference?
First, bind your form to Tbl_Submitted_Requests or better, a query that uses this table, you can do this with the form wizard or by setting the Record Source property of the form. Each of the textboxes will also need to have a control source set to the name of a field (column) Next, add a combo and choose "Find a record on my form based on the value I select in my combobox" from the wizard options.
I will agree with Remou's response, with one small edification. Crate a new form, and drag all of the fields from the relevant query or table onto this form. Alternatively, you can drag them from the field chooser if the form has already been bound. Then, create your combo-box, and choose "Find a record on my form based on the value I select in my combobox" from the wizard options.