VBA listview subitems - vba

How can I save value to a selected item on listview from a multiple textbox, so that whenever I move to another value on listbox and then get back to the previous value, all of the multiple textbox will populate the saved inputs in textbox.


autocomplete select event in datagridview vb.net

I have an autocomplete on datagridview from an sql datbase.
I want that if an item selected from the autocomplete list in one cell the other cells will complete automatilcly from the database. I can't find an autocomplete event that indicates an item was selected.

How to load items from combox into datagridview

How can I get items from combobox in to datagridview and when i click on a cell in datagridview it will lead me to edit so i'm thinking for edit when user clicks on a cell i will display its raw item in texbox and when user press enter it will change in in datagridview as well as in combox
how should i do this in vb.net
You will need to be more clear with your question.
But, for example if you have some items in your ComboBox you can copy them to DGV like this:
For Each item In ComboBox.Items 'loops over combobox
DataGridView.Rows.Add(item) 'adds a new row to datagridview and puts a value from combobox in it

Comparing two list boxes Vb.net

Listbox 1 contains names of hairdressers and Listbox 2 contains services provided by all of them then in Listbox 3 both the selected hairdresser(only 1 allowed) and and selected services are contained. There is a remove button which removes items from Listbox 3. I want a code for the button that if a hairdresser is removed all services also get removed otherwise only services are removed.
For Each str As String In Hairdresser.lstHairdresser.Items
If Not lstHairdresserAndServices.Items.Contains(str) Then
'more code here but above statement never gets true
End If
If the hairdresser is always the first item in the 3rd listbox, all you have to do is check if the selectedindex equals 0. If so, clear the listbox. Otherwise just remove the selected item.
Alternatively, you could search the the 1st listbox for the selected string. If found clear the listbox otherwise remove the selected item.
It is also possible to mark the listbox items when you add then to the listbox. Set the tag property to something like "hairdresser" or "service" and when the remove button is clicked all you have to do is check the tag property.
Finally I would recommend a different approach: Instead of adding the items to the listbox, fill a data structure with the hairdresser's name and services, display this structure in the listbox and when the remove button is clicked compare the selected item to the structure to find out what was selected.

SSRS make Textbox Dropdown list

I am new to SSRS and I was wondering if I can make a textbox populated with a drop down list based on values that are not present in another textbox
For example: in textbox1 I have the value 1, and I want 2,3,4 to show up in textbox2 as dropdown list.
Is there such away to do that in SSRS?
I want textbox2 to be dropdown list that has all the items that has not been showing in textbox1. Textbox1 one is being populated based on the user input in the parameter. So it he user choose 2 the value in textbox1 should be 2 and the dropdown list (which I am calling it textbox2 here) show 1,3,4 only without 2

about datagridview

I have a form that I want to add the content of the datagridview to a listbox every time I double clik on the cell of the datagridview, then store the contents of the listbox in my database. please help.
Use the cellclick event off the datagridview, http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.datagridview.cellclick.aspx
Then implement a "system"(session or something) that keeps track of the clicks when the amount of clicks = 2, add the cell value to your listbox and reset the counter to 0.
When do you want the storing of the contents in the listbox to occure?