SQL Sum Columns - sql

I want to get the following output:
Main table:
Email | Group | id
a#gmail.com | Y | 1
a#gmail.com | Y | 2
b#gmail.com | N | 3
c#gmail.com | N | 4
Join Table:
Email | Value
a#gmail.com | 10
b#gmail.com | 20
c#gmail.com | 30
Desired result (only take the a#gmail.com value once, despite appearing in the first table twice):
Group | Email Count | Sum
Y | 1 | 10
N | 2 | 50
Here is the sqlfiddle I've been playing around with:

You were close in your SQLFiddle. You just needed to join on a distinct select.
e.Unsub as Unsub,
count(e.email) as EmailCount,
sum(c.sum) as EmailSum
FROM CountTable c
JOIN (select distinct email, Unsub from EmailsTable) e on c.email = e.email
GROUP BY e.unsub

First remove the duplicates, and then do the calculations
SELECT filter.`Unsub`, COUNT(*), SUM(`sum`)
SELECT DISTINCT `Unsub`, `email`
FROM EmailsTable ) as filter
JOIN CountTable
ON filter.`email` = CountTable.`email`
GROUP BY filter.`Unsub`
| Unsub | COUNT(*) | SUM(`sum`) |
| N | 2 | 50 |
| Y | 1 | 10 |


Postgres - Unique values for id column using CTE, Joins alongside GROUP BY

I have a table referrals:
id | user_id_owner | firstname | is_active | user_type | referred_at
3 | 2 | c | t | agent | 3
5 | 3 | e | f | customer | 5
4 | 1 | d | t | agent | 4
2 | 1 | b | f | agent | 2
1 | 1 | a | t | agent | 1
And another table activations
id | user_id_owner | referral_id | amount_earned | activated_at | app_id
2 | 2 | 3 | 3.0 | 3 | a
4 | 1 | 1 | 6.0 | 5 | b
5 | 4 | 4 | 3.0 | 6 | c
1 | 1 | 2 | 2.0 | 2 | b
3 | 1 | 2 | 5.0 | 4 | b
6 | 1 | 2 | 7.0 | 8 | a
I am trying to generate another table from the two tables that has only unique values for referrals.id and returns as one of the columns the count for each apps as best_selling_app_count.
Here is the query I ran:
with agents
from referrals
left outer join activations
on (referrals.id = activations.referral_id)
where referrals.user_id_owner = 1),
count(referral_id) as activations_count,
sum(coalesce(amount_earned, 0)) as amount_earned,
max(activated_at) as last_activated_at
group by id, referred_at),
(select id, app_id as best_selling_app,
count(app_id) as best_selling_app_count
from agents
group by id, app_id )
select *, dense_rank() over (order by best_selling_app_count desc) best_selling_app_rank
from distinct_referrals_by_id
inner join distinct_referrals_by_app_id
on (distinct_referrals_by_id.id = distinct_referrals_by_app_id.id);
Here is the result I got:
id | activations_count | amount_earned | referred_at | last_activated_at | id | best_selling_app | best_selling_app_count | best_selling_app_rank
2 | 3 | 14.0 | 2 | 8 | 2 | b | 2 | 1
1 | 1 | 6.0 | 1 | 5 | 1 | b | 1 | 2
2 | 3 | 14.0 | 2 | 8 | 2 | a | 1 | 2
4 | 1 | 3.0 | 4 | 6 | 4 | c | 1 | 2
The problem with this result is that the table has a duplicate id of 2. I only need unique values for the id column.
I tried a workaround by harnessing distinct that gave desired result but I fear the query results may not be reliable and consistent.
Here is the workaround query:
with agents
from referrals
left outer join activations
on (referrals.id = activations.referral_id)
where referrals.user_id_owner = 1),
count(referral_id) as activations_count,
sum(coalesce(amount_earned, 0)) as amount_earned,
max(activated_at) as last_activated_at
group by id, referred_at),
distinct on(id), app_id as best_selling_app,
count(app_id) as best_selling_app_count
from agents
group by id, app_id
order by id, best_selling_app_count desc)
select *, dense_rank() over (order by best_selling_app_count desc) best_selling_app_rank
from distinct_referrals_by_id
inner join distinct_referrals_by_app_id
on (distinct_referrals_by_id.id = distinct_referrals_by_app_id.id);
I need a recommendation on how best to achieve this.
I am trying to generate another table from the two tables that has only unique values for referrals.id and returns as one of the columns the count for each apps as best_selling_app_count.
Your question is really complicated with a very complicated SQL query. However, the above is what looks like the actual question. If so, you can use:
select r.*,
a.app_id as most_common_app_id,
a.cnt as most_common_app_id_count
from referrals r left join
(select distinct on (a.referral_id) a.referral_id, a.app_id, count(*) as cnt
from activations a
group by a.referral_id, a.app_id
order by a.referral_id, count(*) desc
) a
on a.referral_id = r.id;
You have not explained the other columns that are in your result set.

Postgres SQL query to get the first row of distinct id

channels table
id | name
1 | ABC
2 | XYZ
3 | MNO
4 | ASD
user_channels table
user_id | channel_id
555 | 1
666 | 1
777 | 1
555 | 2
888 | 2
999 | 3
555 | 3
user_chats table
id | created_at | channel_id | content
2 | time 1 | 1 | Hello
3 | time 2 | 1 | Hi
4 | time 3 | 2 | Good day
5 | time 4 | 2 | Morning
I have these 3 tables in postgres SQL,
I want to write a sql query to get user_channels by user_id and it's latest message only (time 1 is oldest message) from user_chats table. How can I do that?
For example, for user_id = 555, the query should return
channel_id | content | created_at
1 | Hi | time 2
2 | Morning | time 4
3 | Null | Null
Use distinct on:
select distinct on (a.channel_id) a.*
from user_chats a
inner join user_channels l on l.channel_id = a.channel_id
where l.user_id = 555
order by a.channel_id, a.createt_at desc
If you want this for all users at once:
select distinct on (l.user_id, a.channel_id) l.user_id, a.*
from user_chats a
inner join user_channels l on l.channel_id = a.channel_id
order by l.user_id, a.channel_id, a.createt_at desc
You can use distinct on:
select distinct on (c.channel_id) c.channel_id, uc.content, uc.created_at
from user_channels c left join
user_chats uc
on uc.channel_id = c.channel_id
where c.user_id = ?
order by c.idchannel_id, uc.created_at desc;

Count the number of appearances of char given a ID

I have to perform a query where I can count the number of distinct codes per Id.
|Id | Code
| 1 | C
| 1 | I
| 2 | I
| 2 | C
| 2 | D
| 2 | D
| 3 | C
| 3 | I
| 3 | D
| 4 | I
| 4 | C
| 4 | C
The output should be something like:
|Id | Count | #Code C | #Code I | #Code D
| 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0
| 2 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 2
| 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 1
| 4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0
Can you give me some advise on this?
This answers the original version of the question.
You are looking for count(distinct):
select id, count(distinct code)
from t
group by id;
If the codes are only to the provided ones, the following query can provide the desired result.
codes.total As [Count],
COALESCE(C, 0) AS [#Code C],
COALESCE(I, 0) AS [#Code I],
COALESCE(D, 0) AS [#Code D]
( select Id, Code, Count(code) cnt
from t
Group by Id, Code) s
PIVOT(MAX(cnt) FOR Code IN ([C], [I], [D])) pvt
join (select Id, count(distinct Code) total from t group by Id) codes on pvt.Id = codes.Id ;
Note: as I can see from sample input data, code 'I' is found in all of Ids. Its count is zero for Id = 3 in the expected output (in the question).
Here is the correct output:
DB Fiddle

Group By with MAX value from another column

Table FieldStudies is :
ID Name
1 | Industrial Engineering|
2 | Civil Engineering |
3 | Architecture |
4 | Chemistry |
And table Eductionals is :
ID UserID Degree FieldStudy_ID
1 | 100 | 3 | 4 |
2 | 101 | 2 | 2 |
3 | 101 | 3 | 2 |
4 | 101 | 4 | 3 |
5 | 103 | 3 | 4 |
6 | 103 | 4 | 2 |
I want to find the number of students in each FieldStudies , provided that the highest Degree is considered.
Output desired:
ID Name Count
1 | Industrial Engineering| 0 |
2 | Civil Engineering | 0 |
3 | Architecture | 1 |
4 | Chemistry | 2 |
I have tried:
select Temptable2.* , count(*) As CountField from
(select fs.*
from FieldStudies fs
left outer join
(select e.UserID , Max(e.Degree) As ID_Degree , e.FieldStudy_ID
from Eductionals e
group by e.UserID) Temptable
ON fs.ID = Temptable.FieldStudy_ID) Temptable2
group by Temptable2.ID
But I get the following error :
Column 'Eductionals.FieldStudy_ID' is invalid in the select list
because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the
GROUP BY clause.
If I understand correctly, you want only the highest degree for each person. If so, you can use row_number() to whittle down the multiple rows for a given person and the rest is aggregation and join:
select fs.id, fs.Name, count(e.id)
from fieldstudies fs left join
(select e.*,
row_number() over (partition by userid order by degree desc) as seqnum
from educationals e
) e
on e.FieldStudy_ID = fs.id and seqnum = 1
group by fs.id, fs.Name
order by fs.id;

how to bake in a record count in a sql query

I have a query that looks like this:
select id, extension, count(distinct(id)) from publicids group by id,extension;
This is what the results looks like:
id | extension | count
18459154909 | 12333 | 1
18459154909 | 9891114 | 1
18459154919 | 43244 | 1
18459154919 | 8776232 | 1
18766145025 | 12311 | 1
18766145025 | 1122111 | 1
18766145201 | 12422 | 1
18766145201 | 14141 | 1
But what I really want is for the results to look like this:
id | extension | count
18459154909 | 12333 | 2
18459154909 | 9891114 | 2
18459154919 | 43244 | 2
18459154919 | 8776232 | 2
18766145025 | 12311 | 2
18766145025 | 1122111 | 2
18766145201 | 12422 | 2
18766145201 | 14141 | 2
I'm trying to get the count field to show the total number of records that have the same id.
Any suggestions would be appreciated
I think you want to count distincts extentions, not ids.
Run this query:
select id
, extension
(select count(*) from publicids p1 where p.id = p1.id ) distinct_id_count
from publicids p
group by id,extension;
This is more or less the same as Pastor's answer. Depending on what the optimizer does it might be faster with higher record count source tables.
select p.id, p.extension, p2.id_count
from publicids p
inner join (
select id, count(*) as id_count
from publicids group by id
) as p2 on p.id = p2.id