SQL to find max of sum of data in one table, with extra columns - sql

Apologies if this has been asked elsewhere. I have been looking on Stackoverflow all day and haven't found an answer yet. I am struggling to write the query to find the highest month's sales for each state from this example data.
The data looks like this:
| order_id | month | cust_id | state | prod_id | order_total |
| 67212 | June | 10001 | ca | 909 | 13 |
| 69090 | June | 10011 | fl | 44 | 76 |
... etc ...
My query
SELECT `month`, `state`, SUM(order_total) AS sales
FROM orders GROUP BY `month`, `state`
ORDER BY sales;
| month | state | sales |
| September | wy | 435 |
| January | wy | 631 |
... etc ...
returns a few hundred rows: the sum of sales for each month for each state. I want it to only return the month with the highest sum of sales, but for each state. It might be a different month for different states.
This query
SELECT `state`, MAX(order_sum) as topmonth
FROM (SELECT `state`, SUM(order_total) order_sum FROM orders GROUP BY `month`,`state`)
GROUP BY `state`;
| state | topmonth |
| ca | 119586 |
| ga | 30140 |
returns the correct number of rows with the correct data. BUT I would also like the query to give me the month column. Whatever I try with GROUP BY, I cannot find a way to limit the results to one record per state. I have tried PartitionBy without success, and have also tried unsuccessfully to do a join.
TL;DR: one query gives me the correct columns but too many rows; the other query gives me the correct number of rows (and the correct data) but insufficient columns.
Any suggestions to make this work would be most gratefully received.
I am using Apache Drill, which is apparently ANSI-SQL compliant. Hopefully that doesn't make much difference - I am assuming that the solution would be similar across all SQL engines.

This one should do the trick
SELECT t1.`month`, t1.`state`, t1.`sales`
/* this one selects month, state and sales*/
SELECT `month`, `state`, SUM(order_total) AS sales
FROM orders
GROUP BY `month`, `state`
) AS t1
/* this one selects the best value for each state */
SELECT `state`, MAX(sales) AS best_month
SELECT `month`, `state`, SUM(order_total) AS sales
FROM orders
GROUP BY `month`, `state`
GROUP BY `state`
) AS t2
ON t1.`state` = t2.`state` AND
t1.`sales` = t2.`best_month`
It's basically the combination of the two queries you wrote.

Try this:
SELECT `month`, `state`, SUM(order_total) FROM orders WHERE `month` IN
( SELECT TOP 1 t.month FROM ( SELECT `month` AS month, SUM(order_total) order_sum FROM orders GROUP BY `month`
ORDER BY order_sum DESC) t)
GROUP BY `month`, state ;


BigQuery for running count of distinct values with a dynamic date-range

We are trying to make a query where we get the sum of unique customers on a specific year-month + the sum of unique customers on the 364 days before the specific date.
For example:
Our customer-table looks like this:
| order_date | customer_unique_id |
| -------- | -------------- |
| 2020-01-01 | tom#email.com |
| 2020-01-01 | daisy#email.com |
| 2019-05-02 | tom#email.com |
In this example we have two customers who ordered on 2020-01-01 and one of them already ordered within the 364-days timeframe.
The desired table should look like this:
| year_month | unique_customers |
| -------- | -------------- |
| 2020-01 | 2 |
We tried multiple solutions, such as partitioning and windows, but nothing seem to work correctly. The tricky part is the uniqueness. We want the look 364 days back but want to do a count distinct on the customers based on that whole period and not based on date/year/month because then we would get duplicates. For example, if you partition by date, year or month tom#email.com would be counted twice instead of once.
The goal of this query is to get insight into the order-frequency (orders divided by customers) over a time period from 12 months.
We work with Google BigQuery.
Hope someone can help us out! :)
Here is a way to achieve your desired results. Note that this query does year-month join in a separate query, and joins it with the rolling 364-day-interval query.
with year_month_distincts as (
cast(extract(year from order_date) as string),
cast(extract(month from order_date) as string)
) as year_month,
count(distinct customer_id) as ym_distincts
from customer_table
group by 1
select x.order_date, x.ytd_distincts, y.ym_distincts from (
a. order_date,
count(distinct customer_id)
from customer_table b
where b.order_date between date_sub(a.order_date, interval 364 day) and a.order_date
) as ytd_distincts
from orders a
group by 1
) x
join year_month_distincts y on concat(
cast(extract(year from x.order_date) as string),
cast(extract(month from x.order_date) as string)
) = y.year_month
Two options using arrays that may help.
Look back 364 days as requested
In case you wish to look back 11 months (given reporting is monthly)
month_array AS (
DATE_TRUNC(order_date,month) AS order_month,
STRING_AGG(DISTINCT customer_unique_id) AS cust_mth
FROM customer_table
year_array AS (
-- (option 2) STRING_AGG(cust_mth) OVER (ORDER by cast(format_date('%Y%m', order_month) as int64) RANGE BETWEEN 99 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS cust_12m
FROM month_array
SELECT format_date('%Y-%m',order_month) year_month,
(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT cust_unique_id) FROM UNNEST(SPLIT(cust_12m)) AS cust_unique_id) as unique_12m
FROM year_array

Create DISTINCT list of users from table with NULL values

CREATE TABLE customers (
customer VARCHAR(255),
confirmed_date DATE,
first_order DATE
INSERT INTO customers
(customer, confirmed_date, first_order)
('user_01', '2020-03-12', '2020-04-10'),
('user_01', NULL , '2020-04-10'),
('user_02', '2020-04-07', '2020-05-28'),
('user_03', '2020-05-19', '2020-05-22'),
('user_04', NULL, '2020-07-09'),
('user_05', '2020-06-03', '2020-06-04'),
('user_05', NULL , '2020-06-04'),
('user_06', '2020-07-18', '2020-10-23');
Expected Result:
customer | confirmed_date | first_order |
user_01 | 2020-03-12 | 2020-04-10 |
user_02 | 2020-04-07 | 2020-05-28 |
user_03 | 2020-05-19 | 2020-05-22 |
user_04 | NULL | 2020-07-09 |
user_05 | 2020-06-03 | 2020-06-04 |
user_06 | 2020-07-18 | 2020-10-23 |
I want to list all DISTINCT users from the results in the table.
However, the data inlcudes:
a) users that do not have any confirmed_date (e.g. user_04)
b) users that appear with a row incl. a confirmed_date and another row without a confimred_date (e.g. user_01, user_05)
In case of a) I want to include the user with confirmed_date NULL.
In case of b) I want to use the row which includes a confirmed_date
So far I came up with this query:
DISTINCT c.customer AS customer,
c.confirmed_date AS confirmed_date,
c.first_order AS first_order
FROM customers c
WHERE c.confirmed_date IS NOT NULL
It almost provides the expected results but excludes user_04.
How do I need to modify it to get the correct results?
The first "confirmed" or the only existing row per a customer
SELECT *, row_number() over(partition by customer order by confirmed_date) rn
FROM customers c
) t
WHERE rn = 1;
Use DISTINCT ON. The second ORDER BY expression will push records with non-null first_order up and include them in the selection correctly.
SELECT distinct on (customer) *
from customers
order by customer,
case when confirmed_date is null then 1 else 0 end,
The result is what you expect.
If I understand your requirement correctly, you should be able to just aggregate by customer and then select the max value of the date and order columns:
SELECT customer, MAX(confirmed_date) AS confirmed_date, MAX(first_order) AS first_order
FROM customers
GROUP BY customer;
Just for reference, the MAX function (along with most other aggregate functions) ignore NULL values by default. So taking the MAX here works well, because it disregards the missing dates and instead selects the non NULL values.

Running total of values from a table until it matches value from another table

I have 2 tables.
Table 1 is a temp variable table:
declare #Temp as table ( proj_num varchar(10), sum_dom decimal(23,8))
My temp table is populated with a list of project numbers, and a month end accounting dollar amount.
For example:
proj_num | sum_dom
11522 | 2477.15
11524 | 26474.20
41865 | 9012.10
Table 2 is a Project Transactions table.
We're concerned with just the following columns:
Individual values will somemething like this:
proj_num | cost_code | amount | tran_date
11522 | LBR | 112.10 | 10/1/2018
11522 | LBR | 1765.90 | 10/2/2018
11522 | MAT | 599.15 | 10/3/2018
11522 | FRT | 57.50 | 10/4/2018
So for this project, since the grand total of $2477.15 is met on 10/3, example output would be:
proj_num | cost_code | amount
11522 | LBR | 1878.00
11522 | MAT | 599.15
I want to sum the amounts (grouped by cost_code, and ordered by tran_date) under the project transaction table until the total sum of values for that project value matches the value in the sum_dom column of the temp table, at which point I will output that data.
Can you help me figure out how to write the query to do that?
I know I should avoid cursors, but I havent had much luck with my attempts so far. I cant seem to get it to keep a running total.
Running sum is done using SUM(...) OVER (ORDER BY ...). You just need to tell where to stop:
FROM projects
SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY proj_num ORDER BY tran_date) AS running_sum
FROM project_transactions
) AS sq ON projects.proj_num = sq.proj_num
WHERE running_sum <= projects.sum_dom
DB Fiddle

PostgreSQL return multiple rows with DISTINCT though only latest date per second column

Lets says I have the following database table (date truncated for example only, two 'id_' preix columns join with other tables)...
| id_table1 | id_tab2 | date | description | price |
| 1 | 11 | 2014 | man-eating-waffles | 1.46 |
| 2 | 22 | 2014 | Flying Shoes | 8.99 |
| 3 | 44 | 2015 | Flying Shoes | 12.99 |
...and I have a query like the following...
SELECT id, date, description FROM inventory ORDER BY date ASC;
How do I SELECT all the descriptions, but only once each while simultaneously only the latest year for that description? So I need the database query to return the first and last row from the sample data above; the second it not returned because the last row has a later date.
Postgres has something called distinct on. This is usually more efficient than using window functions. So, an alternative method would be:
SELECT distinct on (description) id, date, description
FROM inventory
ORDER BY description, date desc;
The row_number window function should do the trick:
SELECT id, date, description
FROM (SELECT id, date, description,
FROM inventory) t
WHERE rn = 1

SQL - Select unique rows from a group of results

I have wrecked my brain on this problem for quite some time. I've also reviewed other questions but was unsuccessful.
The problem I have is, I have a list of results/table that has multiple rows with columns
| 005DTHGP | 172 | 2007-09-11 | MBio
| 005DTHGP | 1966 | 2006-09-12 | Tracker
| 013DTHGP | 2281 | 2006-11-01 | Tracker
| 013DTHGP | 2712 | 2008-05-30 | MBio
| 017DTNGP | 2404 | 2006-10-20 | Tracker
| 017DTNGP | 508 | 2007-11-10 | MBio
I am trying to select rows with unique REGISTRATIONS and where the DATE is max (the latest). The IDs are not proportional to the DATE, meaning the ID could be a low value yet the DATE is higher than the other matching row and vise-versa. Therefore I can't use MAX() on both the DATE and ID and grouping just doesn't seem to work.
The results I want are as follows;
| 005DTHGP | 172 | 2007-09-11 | MBio
| 013DTHGP | 2712 | 2008-05-30 | MBio
| 017DTNGP | 508 | 2007-11-10 | MBio
PLEASE HELP!!!?!?!?!?!?!?
You want embedded queries, which not all SQLs support. In t-sql you'd have something like
select r.registration, r.recent, t.id, t.unittype
from (
select registration, max([date]) recent
from #tmp
group by
) r
left outer join
#tmp t
on r.recent = t.[date]
and r.registration = t.registration
declare #R table
Registration varchar(16),
ID int,
Date datetime,
UnitType varchar(16)
insert into #R values ('A','1','20090824','A')
insert into #R values ('A','2','20090825','B')
select R.Registration,R.ID,R.UnitType,R.Date from #R R
inner join
(select Registration,Max(Date) as Date from #R group by Registration) M
on R.Registration = M.Registration and R.Date = M.Date
This can be inefficient if you have thousands of rows in your table depending upon how the query is executed (i.e. if it is a rowscan and then a select per row).
In PostgreSQL, and assuming your data is indexed so that a sort isn't needed (or there are so few rows you don't mind a sort):
select distinct on (registration), * from whatever order by registration,"date" desc;
Taking each row in registration and descending date order, you will get the latest date for each registration first. DISTINCT throws away the duplicate registrations that follow.
select registration,ID,date,unittype
from your_table
where (registration, date) IN (select registration,max(date)
from your_table
group by registration)
This should work in MySQL:
SELECT registration, id, date, unittype FROM
(SELECT registration AS temp_reg, MAX(date) as temp_date
FROM table_name GROUP BY registration) AS temp_table
WHERE registration=temp_reg and date=temp_date
The idea is to use a subquery in a FROM clause which throws up a single row containing the correct date and registration (the fields subjected to a group); then use the correct date and registration in a WHERE clause to fetch the other fields of the same row.