Spatial Clustering - associate cluster attribute (id) to the geometry that is part of the cluster - sql

I'm having certain issues into associate a clustered set of geometries with their own proprieties.
I've a table with a set of geometries,
buildings {
gid integer,
geom geometry(Multipoligon,4326)
And I've run the function ST_ClusterWithin with a certain threshold over a the "buildings" table.
From that cluster analysis, I got a table that named "clusters",
clusters {
cid Integer,
geom geometry(GeometryCollection,4326)
I would love to extract into a table all geometry with associated its own cluster information.
clustered_building {
gid Integer
cid Integer
geom geometry(Multipoligon,4326)
gid | cid | geom |
1 | 1 | multypoligon(...) |
2 | 1 | multypoligon(...) |
3 | 1 | multypoligon(...) |
4 | 2 | multypoligon(...) |
5 | 3 | multypoligon(...) |
6 | 3 | multypoligon(...) |
What I Did (but does not work)
I've been trying using the two function ST_GeometryN / ST_NumGeometries parse each MultyGeometry and extract the information of the cluster with this query that is derived from one of the Standard Example of the ST_Geometry manual page.
INSERT INTO clustered_building (cid, c_item , geom)
SELECT sel.cid, n, ST_GeometryN(sel.geom, n) as singlegeom
FROM ( SELECT cid, geom, ST_NumGeometries(geom) as num
FROM clusters") AS sel
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,sel.num) n
WHERE n <= ST_NumGeometries(sel.geom);
The query, it takes few seconds if I force to use a series of 10.
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,10)
But it got stuck when I ask to generate a series according to the number of item in each GeometryCollection.
And also, this query does not allow me to link the single geometry to his own features into the building table because I'm losing the "gid"
could someone please help me,

I don't have you data, but using some dummy values, where ids 1, 2 and 3 intersect and 4 and 5, you can do something like the following:
temp (id, geom) AS
(VALUES (1, ST_Buffer(ST_Makepoint(0, 0), 2)),
(2, ST_Buffer(ST_MakePoint(1, 1), 2)),
(3, ST_Buffer(ST_MakePoint(2, 2), 2)),
(4, ST_Buffer(ST_MakePoint(9, 9), 2)),
(5, ST_Buffer(ST_MakePoint(10, 10), 2))),
clusters(geom) as
unnest(ST_ClusterIntersecting(geom)), 3))
FROM temp
SELECT array_agg(, cl.geom
FROM clusters cl, temp
WHERE ST_Intersects(cl.geom, temp.geom)
GROUP BY cl.geom;
If you wrap the final cl.geom is ST_AsText, you will see something like:
{1,2,3} | MULTIPOLYGON(((2.81905966523328 0.180940334766718,2.66293922460509 -0.111140466039203,2.4142135623731 -0.414213562373094,2.11114046603921 -0.662939224605089,1.81905966523328 -0.819059665233282,1.84775906502257 -0.765366864730179,1.96157056080646 -0.390180644032256,2 0,2 3.08780778723872e-16,2 0,2.39018064403226 0.0384294391935396,2.76536686473018 0.152240934977427,2.81905966523328 0.180940334766718))......
{4,5} | MULTIPOLYGON(((10.8190596652333 8.18094033476672,10.6629392246051 7.8888595339608,10.4142135623731 7.58578643762691,10.1111404660392 7.33706077539491,9.76536686473018 7.15224093497743,9.39018064403226 7.03842943919354,9 7,8.60981935596775 7.03842943919354,8.23463313526982 7.15224093497743,7.8888595339608 7.33706077539491,7.58578643762691 7.5857864376269,7.33706077539491 7.88885953396079,7.15224093497743 8.23463313526982
where you can see the ids 1,2,3, below to the first multipolygon, and 4,5 the other.
The general idea is you cluster the data, and then you intersect the returned clusters with the original data, using array_agg to group the ids together, so that the returned Multipolygons now contain the original ids. The use of ST_CollectionExtract with 3 as the second paramter, in conjunction with unnest, which splits the geometry collection returned by ST_ClusterIntersecting back into rows, returns each contiguous cluster as a (Multi)Polygon. The ST_MakeValid is because sometimes when you intersect geometries with other related geometries, such as the original polygons with your clustered polygonss, you get strange rounding effects and GEOS error about non-noded intersections and the like.
I answered a similar question on gis.stackexchange recently that you might find useful.


Athena query get the index of any element in a list

I need to access to the elements in a column whose type is list according to the other elements' locations in another list-like column. Say, my dataset is like:
WITH dataset AS (
SELECT ARRAY ['hello', 'amazon', 'athena'] AS words,
ARRAY ['john', 'tom', 'dave'] AS names
SELECT * FROM dataset
And I'm going to achieve
SELECT element_at(words, index(names, 'john')) AS john_word
FROM dataset
Is there a way to have a function in Athena like "index"? Or how can I customize one like this? The desired result should be like:
| -------- |
| john_word|
| -------- |
| hello |
| -------- |
array_position(x, element) → bigint
Returns the position of the first occurrence of the element in array x (or 0 if not found).
Note that in presto array indexes start from 1.
SELECT element_at(words, array_position(names, 'john')) AS john_word
FROM dataset

Filter list of points using list of Polygons

Given a list of points and a list of polygons. How do you return a list of points (subset of original list of points) that is in any of the polygons on the list
I've removed other columns in the sample tables to simplify things
Points Table:
| Longitude| Latitude |
| 7.07491 | 51.28725 |
| 3.674765 | 51.40205 |
| 6.049105 | 51.86624 |
LocationPolygons Table:
| LineString |
| CURVEPOLYGON (COMPOUNDCURVE (CIRCULARSTRING (-122.20 47.45, -122.81 47.0, -122.942505 46.687131 ... |
| MULTIPOLYGON (((-110.3086 24.2154, -110.30842 24.2185966, -110.3127...
If I had row from the LocationPolygons table I could do something like
DECLARE #homeLocation geography;
SET #homeLocation = (select top 1 GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromText(LineString, 4326)
FROM LocationPolygon where LocationPolygonId = '123abc')
select Id, Longitude, Latitude, #homeLocation.STContains(geography::Point(Latitude, Longitude, 4326))
as IsInLocation from Points PointId in (1, 2, 3,)
which would return what I want in a format like the below. However this is only true for just one location on the list
| Id | Longitude| Latitude | IsInLocation |
| 1 | 7.07491 | 51.28725 | 0 |
| 2 | 3.674765 | 51.40205 | 1 |
| 3 | 6.049105 | 51.86624 | 0 |
How do I handle the scenario with multiple rows of the LocationPolygon table?
I'd like to know
if any of the points are in any of the locationPolygons?
what specific location polygon they are in? or if they are in more than one polygon.
Question 2 is more of an extra. Can someone help?
Update #1
In response to #Ben-Thul answer.
Unfortunately I don't have access/permission to make changes to the original tables, I can request access but not certain it'll be given. So not certain I'll be able to add the columns or create the index. Although I can create temp tables in a stored proc, I might be able to use test your solution that way
I stumbled on an answer like the below, but slightly worried about performance implications of using a cross join.
WITH cte AS (
select *, (GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromText(LineString, 4326)).STContains(geography::Point(Latitude, Longitude, 4326)) as IsInALocation from
select Longitude, Latitude from Points nolock
) a cross join (
select LineString FROM LocationPolygons nolock
) b
select * from cte where IsInALocation = 1
Obviously, it's better to look at a query plan but is the solution I stumbled upon essentially the same as yours? Are there any potential issues that I missed. Apologies for this but my sql isn't very good.
Question 1 shouldn't be too bad. First, some set up:
alter table dbo.Points add Point as (GEOGRAPHY::Point(Latitude, Longitude, 4326));
create spatial index IX_Point on dbo.Points (Point) with (online = on);
alter table dbo.LocationPolygon add Polygon as (GEOGRAPHY::STGeomFromText(LineString, 4326));
create spatial index IX_Polygon on dbo.LocationPolygon (Polygon) with (online = on);
This will create a computed column on each of your tables that is of type geography that has a spatial index on it.
From there, you should be able to do something like this:
select pt.ID,
coalesce(pg.IsInLocation, 0) as IsInLocation
from Points as pt
outer apply (
select top(1) 1 as IsInLocation
from dbo.LocationPolygon as pg
where pg.Polygon.STContains(p.Point) = 1
) as pg;
Here, you're selecting every row from the Points table and using outer apply to see if any polygons contain that point. If one does (it doesn't matter which one), that query will return a 1 in the result set and bubble that back up to the driving select.
To extend this to Question 2, you can remove the top() from the outer apply and have it return either the IDs from the Polygon table or whatever you want. Note though that it'll return one row per polygon that contains the point, potentially changing the cardinality of your result set!

Batch insert one to many

Let's say we have two tables:
flight segmment
| name | type | | name | type |
|-------------|------| |-------------|------|
| origin | text | | origin | text |
| destination | text | | destination | text |
| flight_id | int |
Where the relationship is One to Many (one flight can have multiple segments).
I would like to know if there is a way to batch insert a lot of rows at the same time while keeping the relationship?
Here's my current method but it may be not optimised:
From this documentation here, I'm using this way:
INSERT INTO flight (origin, destination) VALUES
('PAR', 'LON'), -- returning id: 1
('PAR', 'BKK'), -- returning id: 2
('PAR', 'DPS'); -- returning id: 3
I insert multiple flights using above request and I return the id of all of them. Then programmatically I'm updating my segments before inserting them with ids of flight.
Lastly I'm inserting every segments using the same methods as flights.
I will end with a second request that seems like:
INSERT INTO segment (origin, destination, flight_id) VALUES
('PAR', 'LON', 1),
('PAR', 'AMS', 2),
('AMS', 'BKK', 2),
('PAR', 'IST', 3),
('IST', 'DPS', 3);
The second problem is that the relationship is one to many so some methods (Multiple INSERTS into one table and many to many table, Insert data in 3 tables at a time using Postgres or How to use RETURNING with ON CONFLICT in PostgreSQL?) seems not to be my use case as I want to batch insert multiple flight AND multiple segments with a relationship one to many.
Is there a way to do this with only one query?

Store multidimensional array in database: relational or multidimensional?

I have read numerous posts along the lines of multidimensional to single dimension, multidimensional database, and so on, but none of the answers helped. I did find a lot of documentation on Google but that only provided background information and didn't answer the question at hand.
I have a lot of strings that are related to one another. They are needed in a PHP script. The structure is hierarchical. Here is an example.
Each indent supposes a new level in the multidimensional array.
The goal is to retrieve an element with PHP by name and all its descendants. If for instance I query for A, I want to receive an array of string containing array('A', 'AA', 'AAA', 'AAC', 'AB', 'AE', 'AEA', 'AEE', 'AEEB'). The 'issue' is that queries can also be made to lower-level elements. If I query AEE, I want to get array('AEE', 'AEEB').
As I understand the concept of relational databases, this means that I cannot use a relational database because there is no common 'key' between elements. The solution that I thought is possible, is assigning PARENT elements to each cell. So, in a table:
By doing so, I think you should be able to query the given string, and all items that share this parent, and then recursively go down this path until no more items are found. However, this seems rather slow to me because the whole search space would need to be looked through on each level - which is exactly what you don't want in a multidimensional array.
So I am a bit at loss. Note that there are actually around 100,000 strings structured in this way, so speed is important. Luckily the database is static and would not change. How can I store such a data structure in a database without having to deal with long loops and search times? And which kind of database software and data type is best suited for this? It has come to my attention that PostgreSQL is already present on our servers so I'd rather stick with that.
As I said I am new to databases but I am very eager to learn. Therefore, I am looking for an extensive answer that goes into detail and provides advantages and disadvantages of a certain approach. Performance is key. An expected answer would contain the best database type and language for this use case, and also script in that language to build such a structure.
The goal is to retrieve an element with PHP by name and all its descendants.
If that is all you need, you can use a LIKE search
FROM Table1
With an index beginning with CELL this is a range check, which is fast.
If your data doesn't look like that, you can create a path column which looks like a directory path and contains all nodes "on the way/path" from root to the element.
| id | CELL | parent_id | path |
| 1 | A | NULL | 1/ |
| 2 | AA | 1 | 1/2/ |
| 3 | AAA | 2 | 1/2/3/ |
| 4 | AAC | 2 | 1/2/4/ |
| 5 | AB | 1 | 1/5/ |
| 6 | AE | 1 | 1/6/ |
| 7 | AEA | 6 | 1/6/7/ |
| 8 | AEE | 6 | 1/6/8/ |
| 9 | AEEB | 8 | 1/6/8/9/ |
To retrieve all descendants of 'AE' (including itself) your query would be
FROM tree t
WHERE path LIKE '1/6/%';
or (MySQL specific concatenation)
FROM tree t
CROSS JOIN tree r -- root
AND t.path LIKE CONCAT(r.path, '%');
| id | CELL | parent_id | path |
| 6 | AE | 1 | 1/6/ |
| 7 | AEA | 6 | 1/6/7/ |
| 8 | AEE | 6 | 1/6/8/ |
| 9 | AEEB | 8 | 1/6/8/9/ |
I have created 100K rows of fake data on MariaDB with the sequence plugin using the following script:
drop table if exists tree;
`id` int primary key,
`CELL` varchar(50),
`parent_id` int,
`path` varchar(255),
unique index (`CELL`),
unique index (`path`)
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `tree_after_insert`;
if = 1 then
set new.path := '1/';
set new.path := concat((
select path from tree where id = new.parent_id
),, '/');
end if;
insert into tree
select seq as id
, conv(seq, 10, 36) as CELL
, case
when seq = 1 then null
else floor(rand(1) * (seq-1)) + 1
end as parent_id
, null as path
from seq_1_to_100000
DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS `tree_after_insert`;
-- runtime ~ 4 sec.
Count all elements under the root:
SELECT count(*)
FROM tree t
CROSS JOIN tree r -- root
WHERE r.CELL = '1'
AND t.path LIKE CONCAT(r.path, '%');
-- result: 100000
-- runtime: ~ 30 ms
Get subtree elements under a specific node:
FROM tree t
CROSS JOIN tree r -- root
WHERE r.CELL = '3B0'
AND t.path LIKE CONCAT(r.path, '%');
-- runtime: ~ 30 ms
| id | CELL | parent_id | path |
| 4284 | 3B0 | 614 | 1/4/11/14/614/4284/ |
| 6560 | 528 | 4284 | 1/4/11/14/614/4284/6560/ |
| 8054 | 67Q | 6560 | 1/4/11/14/614/4284/6560/8054/ |
| 14358 | B2U | 6560 | 1/4/11/14/614/4284/6560/14358/ |
| 51911 | 141Z | 4284 | 1/4/11/14/614/4284/51911/ |
| 55695 | 16Z3 | 4284 | 1/4/11/14/614/4284/55695/ |
| 80172 | 1PV0 | 8054 | 1/4/11/14/614/4284/6560/8054/80172/ |
| 87101 | 1V7H | 51911 | 1/4/11/14/614/4284/51911/87101/ |
This also works for PostgreSQL. Only the string concatenation syntax has to be changed:
FROM tree t
CROSS JOIN tree r -- root
AND t.path LIKE r.path || '%';
Demo: sqlfiddle - rextester
How does the search work
If you look at the test example, you'll see that all paths in the result begin with '1/4/11/14/614/4284/'. That is the path of the subtree root with CELL='3B0'. If the path column is indexed, the engine will find them all efficiently, because the index is sorted by path. It's like you would want to find all the words that begin with 'pol' in a dictionary with 100K words. You wouldn't need to read the entire dictionary.
As others have already mentioned, performance shouldn't be an issue as long as you use a suitable indexed primary key and ensure that relations use foreign keys. In general, an RDBMS is highly optimised to efficiently perform joins on indexed columns and referential integrity can also provide the advantage of preventing orphans. 100,000 may sound a lot of rows but this isn't going to stretch an RDBMS as long as the table structure and queries are well designed.
Choice of RDBMS
One factor in answering this question lies in choosing a database with the ability to perform a recursive query via a Common Table Expression (CTE), which can be very useful to keep the queries compact or essential if there are queries that do not limit the number of descendants being traversed.
Since you've indicated that you are free to choose the RDBMS but it must run under Linux, I'm going to throw PostgreSQL out there as a suggestion since it has this feature and is freely available. (This choice is of course very subjective and there are advantages and disadvantages of each but a few other contenders I'd be tempted to rule out are MySQL since it doesn't currently support CTEs, MariaDB since it doesn't currently support *recursive* CTEs, SQL Server since it doesn't currently support Linux. Other possibilities such as Oracle may be dependent on budget / existing resources.)
Here's an example of the SQL you'd write to perform your first example of finding all the descendants of 'A':
SELECT id, letters
FROM cell
WHERE letters = 'A'
SELECT, c.letters
FROM cell c
ON c.parent_cell_id =
SELECT letters
FROM rcte
ORDER BY letters;
The above SQL sets up a "Common Table Expression", i.e. a SELECT to run whenever its alias (in this case rcte) is referenced. The recursion happens because this is referenced within itself. The first part of the UNION picks the cell at the top of the hierarchy. Its descendants are all found by carrying on joining on children in the second part of the UNION until no further records are found.
The above query can be seen in action on the sample data here:
You absolutely can do that (if I've read your question correctly).
Depending on your RDBMS you might have to choose a different way.
Your basic structure of having a parent is correct.
SQL Server use recursive common table expression (CTE) to anchor the start and work down
Edit: For Linux use the same in PostgreSQL
Oracle has a different approach, though I think you might be able to use the CTE as well.
For 100k rows I don't imagine performance will be an issue, though I'd still index PK & FK because that's the right thing to do. If you're really concerned about speed then reading it into memory and building a hash table of linked lists might work.
Pros & cons - it pretty much comes down to readability and suitability for your RDBMS.
It's an already solved problem (again, assuming I've not missed anything) so you'll be fine.
I have two words for you... "RANGE KEYS"
You may find this technique to be incredibly powerful and flexible. You'll be able to navigate your hierarchies with ease, and support variable depth aggregation without the need for recursion.
In the demonstration below, we'll build the hierarchy via a recursive CTE. For larger hierarchies 150K+, I'm willing to share a much faster build in needed.
Since your hierarchies are slow moving (like mine), I tend to store them in a normalized structure and rebuild as necessary.
How about some actual code?
Declare #YourTable table (ID varchar(25),Pt varchar(25))
Insert into #YourTable values
('A' ,NULL),
('AA' ,'A'),
('AAA' ,'AA'),
('AAC' ,'AA'),
('AB' ,'A'),
('AE' ,'A'),
('AEA' ,'AE'),
('AEE' ,'AE'),
Declare #Top varchar(25) = null --<< Sets top of Hier Try 'AEE'
Declare #Nest varchar(25) ='|-----' --<< Optional: Added for readability
Drop Table TestHier
;with cteHB as (
Select Seq = cast(1000+Row_Number() over (Order by ID) as varchar(500))
,Title = ID
From #YourTable
Where IsNull(#Top,'TOP') = case when #Top is null then isnull(Pt,'TOP') else ID end
Union All
Select cast(concat(cteHB.Seq,'.',1000+Row_Number() over (Order by cteCD.ID)) as varchar(500))
From #YourTable cteCD
Join cteHB on cteCD.Pt = cteHB.ID)
,cteR1 as (Select Seq,ID,R1=Row_Number() over (Order By Seq) From cteHB)
,cteR2 as (Select A.Seq,A.ID,R2=Max(B.R1) From cteR1 A Join cteR1 B on (B.Seq like A.Seq+'%') Group By A.Seq,A.ID )
Select B.R1
,Title = Replicate(#Nest,A.Lvl-1) + A.Title
Into dbo.TestHier
From cteHB A
Join cteR1 B on A.ID=B.ID
Join cteR2 C on A.ID=C.ID
Order By B.R1
Show The Entire Hier I added the Title and Nesting for readability
Select * from TestHier Order By R1
Just to state the obvious, the Range Keys are R1 and R2. You may also notice that R1 maintains the presentation sequence. Leaf nodes are where R1=R2 and Parents or rollups define the span of ownership.
To Show All Descendants
Declare #GetChildrenOf varchar(25) = 'AE'
Select A.*
From TestHier A
Join TestHier B on B.ID=#GetChildrenOf and A.R1 Between B.R1 and B.R2
Order By R1
To Show Path
Declare #GetParentsOf varchar(25) = 'AEEB'
Select A.*
From TestHier A
Join TestHier B on B.ID=#GetParentsOf and B.R1 Between A.R1 and A.R2
Order By R1
Clearly these are rather simple illustrations. Over time, I have created a series of helper functions, both Scalar and Table Value Functions. I should also state that you should NEVER hard code range key in your work because they will change.
In Summary
If you have a point (or even a series of points), you'll have its range and therefore you'll immediately know where it resides and what rolls into it.
This approach does not depend on the existence of a path or parent column. It is relational not recursive.
Since the table is static create a materialized view containing just the leaves to make searching faster:
create materialized view leave as
select cell
from (
select cell,
lag(cell,1,cell) over (order by cell desc) not like cell || '%' as leave
from t
) s
where leave;
table leave;
A materialized view is computed once at creation not at each query like a plain view. Create an index to speed it up:
create index cell_index on leave(cell);
If eventually the source table is altered just refresh the view:
refresh materialized view leave;
The search function receives text and returns a text array:
create or replace function get_descendants(c text)
returns text[] as $$
select array_agg(distinct l order by l)
from (
select left(cell, generate_series(length(c), length(cell))) as l
from leave
where cell like c || '%'
) s;
$$ language sql immutable strict;
Pass the desired match to the function:
select get_descendants('A');
select get_descendants('AEE');
Test data:
create table t (cell text);
insert into t (cell) values
For your scenario, I would suggest you to use Nested Sets Approach in PostgreSQL. It is XML tags based querying using Relational database.
If you index on lft and rgt columns, then you don't require recursive queries to get the data. Even though, the data seems huge, the retrieval will be very fast.
2 AA:
5 AB
6 AE:
8 AEE:
CREATE TABLE tree(id int, CELL varchar(4), lft int, rgt int);
("id", CELL, "lft", "rgt")
(1, 'A', 1, 9),
(2, 'AA', 2, 4),
(3, 'AAA', 3, 3),
(4, 'AAC', 4, 4),
(5, 'AB', 5, 5),
(6, 'AE', 6, 9),
(7, 'AEA', 7, 7),
(8, 'AEE', 8, 8),
(9, 'AEEB', 9, 9)
FROM tree hp
JOIN tree hc
ON hc.lft BETWEEN hp.lft AND hp.rgt
Querying using Nested Sets approach

Visiting a directed graph as if it were an undirected one, using a recursive query

I need your help about the visit of a directed graph stored in a database.
Consider the following directed graph
A table stores those relations:
create database test;
\c test;
create table ownership (
parent bigint,
child bigint,
primary key (parent, child)
insert into ownership (parent, child) values (1, 2);
insert into ownership (parent, child) values (2, 1);
insert into ownership (parent, child) values (2, 3);
insert into ownership (parent, child) values (3, 1);
I'd like to extract all the semi-connected edges (i.e. the connected edges ignoring the direction) of the graph reachable from a node. I.e., if I start from parent=1, I'd like to have the following output
I'm using postgresql.
I've modified the example on Postgres' manual which explains recursive queries, and I've adapted the join condition to go "up" and "down" (doing so I ignore the directions). My query is the following one:
\c test
WITH RECURSIVE graph(parent, child, path, depth, cycle) AS (
SELECT o.parent, o.child, ARRAY[ROW(o.parent, o.child)], 0, false
from ownership o
where o.parent = 1
o.parent, o.child,
path||ROW(o.parent, o.child),
ROW(o.parent, o.child) = ANY(path)
ownership o, graph g
(g.parent = o.child or g.child = o.parent)
and not cycle
select g.parent, g.child, g.path, g.cycle
graph g
its output follows:
parent | child | path | cycle
1 | 2 | {"(1,2)"} | f
2 | 1 | {"(1,2)","(2,1)"} | f
2 | 3 | {"(1,2)","(2,3)"} | f
3 | 1 | {"(1,2)","(3,1)"} | f
1 | 2 | {"(1,2)","(2,1)","(1,2)"} | t
1 | 2 | {"(1,2)","(2,3)","(1,2)"} | t
3 | 1 | {"(1,2)","(2,3)","(3,1)"} | f
1 | 2 | {"(1,2)","(3,1)","(1,2)"} | t
2 | 3 | {"(1,2)","(3,1)","(2,3)"} | f
1 | 2 | {"(1,2)","(2,3)","(3,1)","(1,2)"} | t
2 | 3 | {"(1,2)","(2,3)","(3,1)","(2,3)"} | t
1 | 2 | {"(1,2)","(3,1)","(2,3)","(1,2)"} | t
3 | 1 | {"(1,2)","(3,1)","(2,3)","(3,1)"} | t
(13 rows)
I have a problem: the query extracts the same edges many times, as they are reached through different paths, and I'd like to avoid this. If I modify the outer query into
select distinct g.parent, g.child from graph
I have the desired result, but inefficiencies remain in the WITH query, as unneeded joins are done.
So, is there a solution to extract the reachable edges of a graph in a db, starting from a given one, without using distinct?
I also have another problem (this one is solved, look at the bottom): as you can see from the output, cycles stop only when a node is reached for the second time. I.e. I have (1,2) (2,3) (1,2).
I'd like to stop the cycle before cycling over that last node again, i.e. having (1,2) (2,3).
I've tried to modify the where condition as follows
(g.parent = o.child or g.child = o.parent)
and (ROW(o.parent, o.child) <> any(path))
and not cycle
to avoid visiting already visited edges, but it doesn't work and I cannot understand why ((ROW(o.parent, o.child) <> any(path)) should avoid cycling before going on the cycled edge again but doesn't work). How can I do to stop cycles one step before the node that closes the cycle?
Edit: as danihp suggested, to solve the second problem I used
(g.parent = o.child or g.child = o.parent)
and not (ROW(o.parent, o.child) = any(path))
and not cycle
and now the output contains no cycles. Rows went from 13 to 6, but I still have duplicates, so the main (the first) problem of extracting all the edges without duplicates and without distinct is still alive. Current output with and not ROW
parent | child | path | cycle
1 | 2 | {"(1,2)"} | f
2 | 1 | {"(1,2)","(2,1)"} | f
2 | 3 | {"(1,2)","(2,3)"} | f
3 | 1 | {"(1,2)","(3,1)"} | f
3 | 1 | {"(1,2)","(2,3)","(3,1)"} | f
2 | 3 | {"(1,2)","(3,1)","(2,3)"} | f
(6 rows)
Edit #2:: following what Erwin Brandstetter suggested, I modified my query, but if I'm not wrong, the proposed query gives MORE rows than mine (ROW comparison is still there as it seems more clear to me, even I understood that string comparison will be more efficient).
Using the new query, I obtain 20 rows, while mine gives 6 rows
WITH RECURSIVE graph(parent, child, path, depth) AS (
SELECT o.parent, o.child, ARRAY[ROW(o.parent, o.child)], 0
from ownership o
where 1 in (o.child, o.parent)
o.parent, o.child,
path||ROW(o.parent, o.child),
ownership o, graph g
g.child in (o.parent, o.child)
and ROW(o.parent, o.child) <> ALL(path)
select g.parent, g.child from graph g
Edit 3: so, as Erwin Brandstetter pointed out, the last query was still wrong, while the right one can be found in his answer.
When I posted my first query, I hadn't understood that I was missing some joins, as it happens in the following case: if I start with the node 3, the db selects the rows (2,3) and (3,1). Then, the first inductive step of the query would select, joining from these rows, the rows (1,2), (2,3) and (3,1), missing the row (2,1) that should be included in the result as conceptually the algorithm would imply ( (2,1) is "near" (3,1) )
When I tried to adapt the example in Postgresql manual, I was right trying to join ownership's parent and child, but I was wrong not saving the value of graph that had to be joined in each step.
These type of queries seem to generate a different set of rows depending on the starting node (i.e. depending on the set of rows selected in the base step). So, I think it could be useful to select just one row containing the starting node in the base step, as you'll get any other "adjacent" node anyway.
Could work like this:
SELECT parent
,',' || parent::text || ',' || child::text || ',' AS path
,0 AS depth
FROM ownership
WHERE parent = 1
SELECT o.parent
,g.path || o.child || ','
,g.depth + 1
FROM graph g
JOIN ownership o ON o.parent = g.child
WHERE g.path !~~ ('%,' || o.parent::text || ',' || o.child::text || ',%')
FROM graph
You mentioned performance, so I optimized in that direction.
Major points:
Traverse the graph only in the defined direction.
No need for a column cycle, make it an exclusion condition instead. One less step to go. That is also the direct answer to:
How can I do to stop cycles one step before the node that closes the
Use a string to record the path. Smaller and faster than an array of rows. Still contains all necessary information. Might change with very big bigint numbers, though.
Check for cycles with the LIKE operator (~~), should be much faster.
If you don't expect more that 2147483647 rows over the course of time, use plain integer columns instead of bigint. Smaller and faster.
Be sure to have an index on parent. Index on child is irrelevant for my query. (Other than in your original where you traverse edges in both directions.)
For huge graphs I would switch to a plpgsql procedure, where you can maintain the path as temp table with one row per step and a matching index. A bit of an overhead, that will pay off with huge graphs, though.
Problems in your original query:
WHERE (g.parent = o.child or g.child = o.parent)
There is only one endpoint of your traversal at any point in the process. As you wlak the directed graph in both directions, the endpoint can be either parent or child - but not both of them. You have to save the endpoint of every step, and then:
WHERE g.child IN (o.parent, o.child)
The violation of the direction also makes your starting condition questionable:
WHERE parent = 1
Would have to be
WHERE 1 IN (parent, child)
And the two rows (1,2) and (2,1) are effectively duplicates this way ...
Additional solution after comment
Ignore direction
Still walk any edge only once per path.
Use ARRAY for path
Save original direction in path, not actual direction.
Note, that this way (2,1) and (1,2) are effective duplicates, but both can be used in the same path.
I introduce the column leaf which saves the actual endpoint of every step.
SELECT CASE WHEN parent = 1 THEN child ELSE parent END AS leaf
,ARRAY[ROW(parent, child)] AS path
,0 AS depth
FROM ownership
WHERE 1 in (child, parent)
SELECT CASE WHEN o.parent = g.leaf THEN o.child ELSE o.parent END -- AS leaf
,path || ROW(o.parent, o.child) -- AS path
,depth + 1 -- AS depth
FROM graph g
JOIN ownership o ON g.leaf in (o.parent, o.child)
AND ROW(o.parent, o.child) <> ALL(path)
FROM graph