React Native componentWillMount / componentDidMount not going triggered after pop navigating and navigate again - react-native

I am new in React Native ...just want ask nub question, my App wont triggered componentWillMount and componentDidMount when navigate back to other page,
I use react-native-router-flux for navigator
componentWillMount() {
exp: I have homescreen and categories, from home I want go to categories: on categories I have that code, but sometime when I back to previouse page (homescreen) and back again on categories componentWillMount not triggered sometime,
I think my categories scene not unmounted

We can detect props change with
but we need set state to accommodate new props value,


How to add redux selector state to useStack hook when moving back to original screen. react-native

First-of-all I apologise because I'm new to this concept of redux haha so bare with me here :)
I have implemented a very simple redux in my app
I have one screen here ListAnItem
Here there is a button.
Add size when pressing this they get navigated to another screen called SizeSelector
here there is a button called dispatch size when they press this button it runs the following.
dispatch({type: "ADD_SIZE", payload: size })
this works perfectly with useSelector.
once this dispatch has been run I use navigation.goBack() to send the user back to the ListAnItem screen.
but once they come to this screen I want to add this useSelector redux state value to a useState hook something like this;
const [sizeState, setSizeState] = React.useState(null)
how can I change this state the minute something has been added to useSelector value of ADD_SIZE.
if that makes sense 😂.

Which React navigation action to use to unmount

I have a react native app with two screens (actually too many): ScreenA and ScreenB. In ScreenA, I am doing some API calls and in ScreenB, I have some animation. I am using stack navigator to visit ScreenB from ScreenA. In ScreenB, I have some animation in my useEffect() hook and also from gestures. When I move away from ScreenB to ScreenA and then back to ScreenB, the state of the screen is not changed. It remains the same. I want the entire animation to reset, the useEffect() to be called again, but only for ScreenB. I want all my other mounted screens to be mounted, to avoid calling APIs and displaying data again but ScreenB to reset to its initial state if I move away from it. How can I achieve this in most efficient way possible? Thanks
You could use useIsFocused in a useEffect and reset the animation with something like
const isFocused = useIsFocused();
// start your animations
// stop your animations

Set state to initial state in react native

I would like to know if it's possible to set the state to the initial state values whenever we press back the button in the tabBar ? At the moment, when I leave the tabBar and come back after a few navigation in the app, the infos that the user enter in TextField persist.
Thanks !
You could use React hooks to achieve similar results to lifecycle methods in class functions.
The useEffect method runs on component render. You can set the state in there.
const [currentState, setCurrentState] = useState(null);
// This will run after 1st render

react native while come back to previous screen the page data is not updated

I did some changes in my second screen and comeback to my first screen the data is not updated. After reloading app the data is updated. How to update the data from second screen to first screen navigation without refresh or reload
What i believe without any code is that if you do navigation.goBack() or navigation.navigate() it doesnt call the api if its in your componentDidMount, what you can try is adding an eventlistener called onFocus so that whenever screen is focused you call that :
like this in your componentDidMount
this.focusListener = this.props.navigation.addListener('didFocus', () => {
// The screen is focused
// Calling action to reset current day index to 1
Hope it helps

react-navigation Infinite loop inside componentWillReceiveProps

I Have 2 components, component a and component b
I want to navigate from component a to component b after changing a state.
When i change state, it triggers my componentWillReceiveProps function and i am navigation from there.
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
const { navigate } = nextProps.navigation;
Now i got in an infinite loop, it starts triggering componentWillReceiveProps again and again instead of navigating
Help needed.
If you don't need compare current this.props and nextProps, you better trigger navigate action in somewhere else.
This link might also help you: