The following query (used in Excel VBA) gets the measuregroups and the dimensions from a cube, but not the measures. I would like to tie the dimensions to their measures and not just the measuregroup. Is that possible?
" ,[MEASUREGROUP_NAME] AS [MeasureGroup]" & _
" WHERE [CUBE_NAME] ='" & CubeName & "'" & _
I have the following code using the ConcatRelated function. the current sql works with 1 where condition but I can't figure out how to get the sql to work with 2 conditions. It works when use it in a query. I get issues and the code does not debug.
ItemsShpdInvSQL = "SELECT InvoiceAllShippedItems.ShipmentID, InvoiceAllShippedItems.ShipType, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.BillTo, InvoiceAllShippedItems.CustID AS Consignee, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.PayMethod, InvoiceAllShippedItems.PaidInFull, " _
& "First(InvoiceAllShippedItems.Units) AS Units, " _
& "'Freight Charges - Ref. WR: ' & (ConcatRelated('[WR]'," _
& "'[InvoiceAllShippedItems]','[BillTo] =' & [BillTo])) & " _
& "' - (' & Sum([Chargeable]) & ' ' & [Units] & ' " _
& ") - Number of Pieces: ' & [NoPieces] AS InvDetails, " _
& "Sum(InvoiceAllShippedItems.[# of Pieces]) AS NoPieces, " _
& "Sum(InvoiceAllShippedItems.Chargeable) AS Charge, " _
& "CustRate([custid],[ShipType]) AS CustomerRate, " _
& "IIf(([Charge])<6.1,20/[Charge],[CustomerRate]) AS RateMin " _
& "FROM InvoiceAllShippedItems " _
& "GROUP BY InvoiceAllShippedItems.ShipmentID, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.ShipType, InvoiceAllShippedItems.BillTo, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.CustID, InvoiceAllShippedItems.PayMethod, " _
& "InvoiceAllShippedItems.PaidInFull, InvoiceAllShippedItems.Units, " _
& "CustRate([custid],[ShipType]) " _
& "ORDER BY InvoiceAllShippedItems.BillTo;"
'& "CustRate([custid],[ShipType]);"
with this it works in a query but not in the code above:
'concatrelated("[WR]","InvoiceAllShippedItems","[BillTo]&[PayMethod] ='" & [BillTo] & [PayMethod] & "'")
strQuery = _
"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] " & _
"IN '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Source1.xlsx' " & _
"[Excel 12.0;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Read;Extended Properties='HDR=YES;'] " & _
"UNION " & _
"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] " & _
"IN '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Source2.xlsx' " & _
"[Excel 12.0;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Read;Extended Properties='HDR=YES;'] " & _
"UNION " & _
"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$] " & _
"IN '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Source3.xlsx' " & _
"[Excel 12.0;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Read;Extended Properties='HDR=YES;'] " & _
I have the above inside a Module in VBA (the code itself is sourced from here ). My question is, my columns in each file starts from row 15 and data goes down from row 16. How do I make it so that each file, it would look to UNION from row 15?
Thanks in advance!
With Excel workbook SQL queries via ADO or DAO, you can specify the regions of a worksheet by setting a range in the fashion: [Sheet$A1:Z2]. First find the last named column (recall for UNION they must be same lengths and types) and add rows sufficient for valid querying. Below uses Z999:
strQuery = _
"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A15:Z999] " & _
"IN '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Source1.xlsx' " & _
"[Excel 12.0;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Read;Extended Properties='HDR=YES;'] " & _
"UNION " & _
"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A15:Z999] " & _
"IN '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Source2.xlsx' " & _
"[Excel 12.0;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Read;Extended Properties='HDR=YES;'] " & _
"UNION " & _
"SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$A15:Z999] " & _
"IN '" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Source3.xlsx' " & _
"[Excel 12.0;Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Mode=Read;Extended Properties='HDR=YES;'] " & _
I am having troubles with a VBA SQL JOIN. I Keep Getting A "Join Expression Not Supported" Error. The Following Code Works In The Query Design View but seems to throw an error when in vba.
Dim Rs As DAO.RecordSet
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset( _
"SELECT Schools.ID, Schools.[School Name],Schools.Address, Schools.Postcode, Schools.[Principal name], " & _
"Schools.[E-Mail], Schools.Phone, Schools.Region, Schools.JTHE, Schools.[Social Status], Events.Program " & _
"FROM Schools INNER JOIN Events ON Schools.ID = Events.School WHERE ((Schools.Region = '" & RegionOne & _
"' Or Schools.Region = '" & RegionTwo "' Or Schools.Region = '" & RegionThree "' Or Schools.Region = '" & _
RegionFour "') AND (Schools.JTHE = " & JTHE1 & " Or Schools.JTHE = " & JTHE2 ") AND (Schools.[Social Status] = '" & _
StatusBox.Value "') AND (Events.Program = '" & ProgramBox.Value & "'));")
This Similar Query Works
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Schools WHERE " & _
"(((Schools.Region)='" & RegionOne & _
"' Or (Schools.Region)='" & RegionTwo & _
"' Or (Schools.Region)='" & RegionThree & _
"' Or (Schools.Region)='" & RegionFour & _
"') AND ((Schools.[Social Status])='" & StatusBox.Value & _
"') AND ((Schools.JTHE)=" & JTHE1 & " Or (Schools.JTHE)=" & JTHE2 & "));")
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not entirely sure why is that. It is hard to spot error when your doing it on VBA, unlike if your in an actual SQL Management studio where you can spot the lines that errors out. Nonetheless, you may try this:
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset( _
"SELECT Schools.ID, Schools.[School Name], Schools.Address, " & _
"Schools.Postcode, Schools.[Principal name], Schools.[E-Mail], " & _
"Schools.Phone, Schools.Region, Schools.JTHE, Schools.[Social Status], " & _
"Events.Program " & _
"FROM Schools " & _
"INNER JOIN Events " & _
"ON Schools.ID = Events.School " & _
"WHERE Schools.Region IN (" & _
"'" & RegionOne & "'," & _
"'" & RegionTwo & "'," & _
"'" & RegionThree & "'," & _
"'" & RegionFour & "') " & _
"AND Schools.JTHE IN (" & JTHE1 & ", " & JTHE2 & ") " & _
"AND Schools.[Social Status]='" & StatusBox.Value & "' " & _
"AND Events.Program='" & ProgramBox.Value & "';")
I formatted it as such to give you the story of the query (and that is how I will write it in SQL). Not really a direct to the point answer to your question but I just simplified your OR statements and instead uses IN. You might get a:
Too many continuous line error
So adjust the concatenation of strings. I have not tested this of course (although it compiles) but my goal is to give you idea on a possible way to do it. HTH.
The block of code immediately following (given to me by a stackoverflow solver) works perfectly in MS-Access. I'm trying to convert it to work in a form accessing the very same MS-Access database. I get an error and cannot see my mistake. Are there any coders that can see what I'm doing wrong. The first block of code works in MS-Access and is the code I'm trying to convert. And the second block of code is my conversion attempt.
SELECT at.animalID, amt.milestoneType
animals_Table at
SELECT animalID, milestoneType
FROM animalMilestones_Table
WHERE milestoneType = 'Intake'
) amt
ON at.animalID = amt.animalID
Now, my conversion attempt:
dim selectAnimal as string
selectAnimal = "SELECT at.animalID, amt.milestoneType" & _
" FROM animals_Table at" & _
" LEFT JOIN" & _
" (" & _
" SELECT animalID, milestoneType" & _
" FROM animalMilestones_Table" & _
" WHERE milestoneType = '" & "Intake" & "'" & _
" ) amt" & _
" ON at.animalID = amt.animalID"
The error code I get is
!ErrorInfo.GetDescription failed with E_FAIL(0x80004005)
It appears that ACE.OLEDB doesn't like at as a table alias. Try this instead
Dim selectAnimal As String
selectAnimal = "SELECT atbl.animalID, amtbl.milestoneType" & _
" FROM animals_Table atbl" & _
" LEFT JOIN" & _
" (" & _
" SELECT animalID, milestoneType" & _
" FROM animalMilestones_Table" & _
" WHERE milestoneType = '" & "Intake" & "'" & _
" ) AS amtbl" & _
" ON atbl.animalID = amtbl.animalID"
I need some help with this, sorry, I am new in VBA and I am trying to run a update query which should obtain a value from a variable and update an already existing table. This is done using VBA. On executing no error message is shown but the table isn't updated with the new value. The code is as follows:
Query = "UPDATE Results " & _
"SET fk_Report='" & Report & "'" & _
",fk_Name='" & Namevar & "'" & _
",fk_Age='" & Agevar & "'" & _
",fk_Sex='" & Sexvar & "'" & _
"WHERE [Count]='" & Countvar & "'" & _
",[Positives]='" & Posvar & "'" & _
",[Negatives]='" & Negvar & "'" & _
",[Unknow]='" & Unkvar & "';"
CurrentDb.Execute (Query)
If somebody can help...
You don't need the commas in the where clause
Query = "UPDATE Results " & _
"SET fk_Report='" & Report & "'" & _
",fk_Name='" & Namevar & "'" & _
",fk_Age='" & Agevar & "'" & _
",fk_Sex='" & Sexvar & "'" & _
"WHERE [Count]='" & Countvar & "' " & _
"AND [Positives]='" & Posvar & "' " & _
"AND [Negatives]='" & Negvar & "' " & _
"AND [Unknow]='" & Unkvar & "';"
CurrentDb.Execute (Query)
use AND instead of , (comma) after WHERE clause