Any way to have a loop to build a variable array in ternsorflow? - tensorflow

New with Tensorflow. If i want do some thing like
What's the best way to do this?
it seems to me that i need to have a loop that can generate a variable array before session init all the variables.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

Just use a regular python loop:
x_pl = tf.placeholder([None, n])
y_pl = tf.placeholder([None, m])
b_0 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(n))
k = tf.Variable([n,n])
b_list = [b_0]
for i in xrange(1, m + 1):
b_list.append(tf.matmul(b_list[i-1], k)
y_prd = tf.matmul(x_pl, b_list)
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y_prd - y_pl)


Creating 2d array and filling first columns of each row in numpy

I have written the following code for creating a 2D array and filing the first element of each row. I am new to numpy. Is there a better way to do this?
x = np.linspace(0,L,num = N)
for k in range(0,N):
y[k][0] = np.sin(PI*x[k]/L)
Simply do this:
y[:, 0] = np.sin(PI*x/L)

How to add a new variable to an already existing set of variables (based on a SparseAxisArray) in JuMP?

I am currently working with a JuMP model where I define the following example variables:
using JuMP
N = 3
outN = [[4,5],[1,3],[5,7]]
m = Model()
#variable(m, x[i=1:N,j in outN[i]] >=0)
At some point, I want to add, for example, a variable x[1,7]. How can I do that in an effective way? Likewise, how can I remove it afterwards? Is there an alternative to just fixing it to 0?
Thanks in advance
You're probably better off just using a dictionary:
using JuMP
N = 3
outN = [[4,5],[1,3],[5,7]]
model = Model()
x = Dict(
(i, j) => #variable(model, lower_bound = 0, base_name = "x[$i, $j]")
for i in 1:N for j in outN[i]
x[1, 7] = #variable(model, lower_bound = 0)
delete(model, x[1, 4])
delete!(x, (1, 4))
Nothing about JuMP restricts you to using only the built-in variable containers:

How to define (sparse) variable diagonal tensors

In a problem I want to solve using Tensorflow, I want to build a n-dimensional rank tensor that is 'diagonal' by blocks. That is, I want to generate a tensor object from a concatenation of low order tensors.
I have tried to define the whole tf.Variable tensor and then to impose the value 0 to some variables but Tensorflow does not allow assignments when working with variable tensors.
Moreover, I would want to create 'diagonal' tensors with the same independent variables, as, for example, using a stacked 2D representation, being A a 2 dimensional tensor:
T = [A, 0;0 , A]
My current source code:
shape1 = [3,3,10,10]
shape2 = [3,3]
i1 = tf.truncated_normal(shape1, stddev=1.0, dtype = tf.float32)
i2 = tf.truncated_normal(shape2, stddev=1.0, dtype = tf.float32)
A = tf.Variable(i1)
V = tf.Variable(i2)
for i in range(10):
for j in range(10):
if i != j:
A[:,:,i,j] = tf.zeros((3,3))
A[:,:,i,j] = V
Of course, this code returns the error Variable object does not support item assignment.
What I want, at the end of the day, is to define a variable tensor such as:
T[:,:,i,j] = tf.zeros([D0,D1]), if i != j
T[:,:,i,j] = A, if i = j
with A = tf.variable([D0,D1])
Thank you very much in advance!
One way would be to use tf.stack, which converts a list of tensors of dimension n to a tensor of dimension n+1.
l = []
for i in range(10):
li = [V * 0.0 if i != j else V for j in range(10)]
Ai = tf.stack(li)
A = tf.stack(l)

Scipy Optimize minimize returns the initial value

I am building machine learning models for a certain data set. Then, based on the constraints and bounds for the outputs and inputs, I am trying to find the input parameters for the most minimized answer.
The problem which I am facing is that, when the model is a linear regression model or something like lasso, the minimization works perfectly fine.
However, when the model is "Decision Tree", it constantly returns the very initial value that is given to it. So basically, it does not enforce the constraints.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize
I am using the very first sample from the input data set for the optimization. As it is only one sample, I need to reshape it to (1,-1) as well.
x = df_in.iloc[0,:]
x = np.array(x)
x = x.reshape(1,-1)
This is my Objective function:
def objective(x):
x = np.array(x)
x = x.reshape(1,-1)
y = 0
for n in range(df_out.shape[1]):
y = Model[n].predict(x)
Y = y[0]
return Y
Here I am defining the bounds of inputs:
range_max = pd.DataFrame(range_max)
range_min = pd.DataFrame(range_min)
B_min =[]
for i in range(range_max.shape[0]):
b_max = range_max.iloc[i]
b_min = range_min.iloc[i]
B_max = pd.DataFrame(B_max)
B_min = pd.DataFrame(B_min)
bnds = pd.concat([B_min, B_max], axis=1)
These are my constraints:
con_min = pd.DataFrame(c_min)
con_max = pd.DataFrame(c_max)
Here I am defining the constraint function:
def const(x):
x = np.array(x)
x = x.reshape(1,-1)
Y = []
for n in range(df_out.shape[1]):
y = Model[n].predict(x)[0]
Y = pd.DataFrame(Y)
a4 =[]
for k in range(Y.shape[0]):
a1 = Y.iloc[k,0] - con_min.iloc[k,0]
a2 = con_max.iloc[k, 0] - Y.iloc[k,0]
a3 = [a2,a1]
a4 = np.concatenate([a4, a3])
return a4
c = const(x)
con = {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': const}
This is where I try to minimize. I do not pick a method as the automatically picked model has worked so far.
sol = minimize(fun = objective, x0=x,constraints=con, bounds=bnds)
So the actual constraints are:
c_min = [0.20,1000]
c_max = [0.3,1600]
and the max and min range for the boundaries are:
range_max = [285,200,8,85,0.04,1.6,10,3.5,20,-5]
range_min = [215,170,-1,60,0,1,6,2.5,16,-18]
I think you should check the output of 'sol'. At times, the algorithm is not able to perform line search completely. To check for this, you should check message associated with 'sol'. In such a case, the optimizer returns initial parameters itself. There may be various reasons of this behavior. In a nutshell, please check the output of sol and act accordingly.
If you have not yet resolved your issue, try using scipy.optimize.differential_evolution instead of scipy.optimize.minimize. I ran into similar issues, particularly with decision trees because of their step-like behavior resulting in infinite gradients.

Solve PDE with Tensorflow

I would like to know if it is possible to solve 1D heat conduction equation with Tensorflow. The equation is:
Is it possible to convert the following python code into Tensorflow input? Thank you very much.
# Initial and boundary conditions
T = np.ones(shape=(mesh_num+1,1))*T_amb
T[0] = 0.
T[mesh_num] = 0.
# Solve discrete equation
for k in range(Total_itr_num):
epsT = np.sin(3.0*np.pi/200.0*T)
source = epsT *(T_amb**4-T**4) + h*(T_amb-T)
for ii in range(mesh_num-1):
i = ii + 1
T[i] = 0.5*(T[i+1]+T[i-1]+source[i]*dx*dx)