Not showing Project Structure in IntelliJ IDEA - intellij-idea

I am a new to IntelliJ IDEA and somehow my project structure doesn't appear where It should be. Someone know how to fix this please? I want it to appear left corner where red circle:

You have hidden the tool window buttons. To show them again press Alt+Alt (and keep holding) or click on the bottom left corner icon. Or use View | Tool Buttons to show them permanently. Then you can click on the Project or Structure tool window buttons depending on what you need.
Another way is to use the menu: View | Tool Windows | Project (or Structure).
Or just use the keyboard shortcuts:
Alt+1 — Project
Alt+7 — Structure
You can find more details in the online documentation:
Manipulating the Tool Windows


Customize Intellij top menu to include debugger icons

I would like the debugger menu (with the step over and step into etc) buttons up in the top menu next to the run/debug/stop buttons. Is there any way to make this happen? I can move then entire debugging pane up top. But that is not what I want. I just want the icons up top like other IDE's have.
this is a different question than How do I move the toolbar in IntelliJ?
I am not asking how to move the existing toolbar, I'm asking how to add the debug buttons to the toolbar up top.
It's not possible at the moment. Feel free to create feature request on YouTrack:
It is possible now as JetBrains has added highly-customizable functionality for controlling commands in menus and toolbars.
For Windows/Linux: File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Menus and Toolbars
For Mac: IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | Menus and Toolbars
Additional info on the IntelliJ website.

Keyboard shortcut to navigate between IntelliJ views

In IntelliJ, there are some underlined numbers on the side menus :
1: Project
7: Structure
Like below :
So there is probably a keyboard shortcut which allows to navigate from one view to another by just entering the view number.
I tried the different digits with Ctrl, Ctrl+Shift, Ctrl+Alt etc but could not find the right shortcut.
How can I easily navigate between those views?
The shortcut is Alt + [number]
ps. There's a plugin force-shortcuts if you wanna replace your mouse click actions with shortcuts ( It's super annoying but you learn really fast. And by the way here are such plugins to most editors and IDEs.
ALT+F1 opens a window where you can choose one of the views by pressing the corresponding number.
Info: It actually opens the selected file in the selected view - which is not that bad maybe - but not 100% what you want?
Also there are cool things like pressing C to open a file chosen in Project Explorer directly in Explorer for example.

How to see class structure window in addition to project window in IntelliJ?

I can see the structure of a class in IntelliJ by View --> Tool Windows --> Structure, however, that replaces the existing project window (with the project hierarchy) on the left.
How can I see both windows, keep the project on the left, and the structure on the right with the editor sandwiched in between? That way I see where the class fits in the big picture on the left and the details of the class on the right.
After you open structure: left click the wheel -> Move to -> Right
Than Open project again.
This will give you the "sandwich" you wanted.
Just click on the little settings wheel in the structure window's toolbar and select "Split Mode".
A little more intuitive way: Make the Toolbuttons visible (in the "View" menu) and just drag the "Structure" toolbutton down (or to another side).

Pop-up menu is not fully visible in IntelliJ IDEA

I am just evaluating IntelliJ IDEA. Installed it with default procedures.
I created a simple Spring project and when I right click on the project, not able to see the the bottom part of the pop up menu. The issue is because of my laptop screen's height is less and could not fit the entire set of pop-up menu items.
In eclipse there is a drop down arrow, so that I can scroll to the menu items, which do not fit in the screen. How can I get the similar eclipse functionality in IntelliJ?
Well, you are only missing one useful feature (Genereate Java code from wsdl). I would ignore it unless you need to generate such code.
If you want to run this generation you can do this with Ctrl + Shift + A (and start typing feature name)
//btw, it is better to make code generation in maven anyway

Managing IntelliJ Tool Windows, how to

Currently my IntelliJ shows amongst other things
How do i decide
What tool windows are shown
Where they are shown
Those things are called Tool Windows, and you can find them at View > Tool Windows.
To disable some of them, you can install the plugin ToolWindow Manager and disable one by one.
You can enable/disable all tool windows in Settings > Appearance > Show tool window bars
You can find more information about them here.
These are called "Tool Windows". If you right click on them it shows a menu that at the bottom has a "Hide" option. I notice some of them can't be hidden, but you can drag them to other places that are out of your view. For example, you can drag them from the bottom to the side. You can also drag to answer your second question.