Convolutional Autoencoders: Black Feature Maps - tensorflow

I am working with convolutional autoencoders. My autoenoder configuration has one convolutional layer with stride (2,2) or avg-pooling and relu activation and one deconvolutional layer with stride (2,2) or avg-unpooling and relu activation.
I trained the autoencoder with the MNIST data set.
When I am looking at the feature maps after the first convolutional layer (20 filters with filter size 3), I got some black feature maps instead the learned filters are not black. The same happens if I change the number of filters or the filter size.
I get this phenomena with TensorFlow and Theano autoencoders. (I did not test other neural network software yet.)
Does anyone know why this happens?
I can avoid the black feature maps when adding a LRN layer but I want to understand why the black feature maps appear.

I found the same phenomenon.
After training an convolutional autoencoder with 7x7x3x6 for thousands RGB images, two or three filters has some outputs, other filters gets zero outputs.
And the error does not decrease when they has too many zero output filters.
I also changed the filter numbers and sizes but results were almost the same.


What are the uses of layers in keras/Tensorflow

So I am new to computer vision, and I do not really know what the layers do in keras. What is the use of adding layers (dense, Conv2D, etc) in keras? What do they add to it?
Convolution neural network has 4 main steps: Convolution, Pooling, Flatten, and Full connection.
Conv2D(), Conv3D(), etc. is for Feature extraction (It's a Convolution Layer).
Pooling layers (MaxPool2D(), AvgPool2D(), etc) is for Feature extraction as well (It has different operation though).
Flattening layers (Flatten() ) are to convert the extracted feature map into Vector before being fed into the Fully connection layers (The Dense layers).
Dense layers are for Fully connected step in Computer vision that acts as Classifier (The Neural network classify each extracted features from the Convolution layers.)
There are also optimization layers such as Dropout(), BatchNormalization(), etc.
For more information, just open the keras documentation.
If you want to start learning Convolution neural network, this article may help.
A layer in an Artificial Neural Network is a bunch of nodes bound together at a specific depth in a Neural Network. Keras is a high level API used over NN modules like TensorFlow or CNTK in order to simplify tasks. A Keras layer comprises 3 main parts:
Input Layer - Which contains the raw data
Hidden layer - Where the nodes of a layer learn some aspects about
the raw data which is input. It's similar to levels of abstraction
to form a Neural network.
Output Layer - Consists of a single output which is mostly a single
node and can be subjected to classification.
Keras, as a whole consists of many different types of layers. A Convolutional layer creates a kernel which is convoluted with the input over a single temporal space to derive a group of outputs. Pooling layers provide sampling of the feature maps by simplifying features in a map into patches. Max Pooling and Average Pooling are commonly used methods in a Pool layer.
Other commonly used layers in Keras are Embedding layers, Noise layers and Core layers. A single NN layer can represent only a Linearly seperable method. Most prediction problems are complicated and more than just one layer is required. This is where Multi Layer concept is required.
I think i clear your doubts and for any other queries you can see on
Neural networks are a great tool nowadays to automate classification problems. However when it comes to computer vision the amount of input data is too great to be handled efficiently by simple neural networks.
To reduce the network workload, your data needs to be preprocessed and certain features need to be identified. To find features in images we can use certain filters (like sobel edge detection), which will highlight the essential features needed for classification.
Again the amount of filters required to classify one image is too great, and thus the selection of those filters needs to be automated.
That's where the convolutional layer comes in.
We use a convolutional layer to generate multiple random (at first) filters that will highlight certain features in an image. While the network is training those filters are optimized to do a better job at highlighting features.
In Tensorflow we use Conv2D() to add one of those layers. An example of parameters is : Conv2D(64, 3, activation='relu'). 64 denotes the number of filters used, 3 denotes the size of the filters (in this case 3x3) and activation='relu' denotes the activation function
After the convolutional layer we use a pooling layer to further highlight the features produced by the previous convolutional layer. In Tensorflow this is usually done with MaxPooling2D() which takes the filtered image and applies a 2x2 (by default) layer every 2 pixels. The filter applied by MaxPooling is basically looking for the maximum value in that 2x2 area and adds it in a new image.
We can use this set of convolutional layer and pooling layers multiple times to make the image easier for the network to work with.
After we are done with those layers, we need to pass the output to a conventional (Dense) neural network.
To do that, we first need to flatten the image data from a 2D Tensor(Matrix) to a 1D Tensor(Vector). This is done by calling the Flatten() method.
Finally we need to add our Dense layers which are used to train on the flattened data. We do this by calling Dense(). An example of parameters is Dense(64, activation='relu')
where 64 is the number of nodes we are using.
Here is an example CNN structure I used recently:
# Build model
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()
# Convolution and pooling layers
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, 3, activation='relu', input_shape=(IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE, 1))) # Input layer
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, 3, activation='relu'))
# Flattened layers
# Dense layers
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, activation='relu'))
model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(2, activation='softmax')) # Output layer
Of course this worked for a certain classification problem and the number of layers and method parameters differ depending on the problem.
The Youtube channel The Coding Train has a very helpful video explaining the Convolutional and Pooling layer.

Last fc layers in VGG16

The VGG16 architecture has input: 224x224x3 images.I want to have 48x48x3 inputs but to do this in keras, we remove the last fc layers which have 4096 neurons each.Why we have to do this? and is it needed to add another size of fc layers for this input?
Final pooling layer of VGG16 has dimension 7x7x512 for 224x224 input image. From there VGG16 uses fully connected layer of (7x7x512)x4096 to get 4096 dimensional output. However, since your input size is different your feature output dimension from final pooling layer will also be different (2x2x512 I think). So you need to change matrix dimension for fully connected layer to make it work. You have two other options though
use a global average pooling across spatial dimension to get 512 dimensional feature and then use few fully connected layers to get to your number of classes.
Resize you input image to 224x224x3 and you won't need to change anything in model architecture.
Removing the last FC layers is for fine-tuning or transfer learning, where you adapt an existing network to a new problem, such as changing the number of categories that your classifier can choose between.
You are adapting the network to take a different sized input, so you need to adjust the first layer(s) of the network.

Keras CIFAR-10 Dense Layer Code Why 512 Neurons in Last Layer?

I am using Keras to build a CNN to work with the CIFAR-10 dataset. I am slightly confused at one of the last lines of an online tutorial. They take 50,000 32x32 color images and process them through 4 convolutional layers and one fully connected layer. The last part is accomplished by:
I am trying to understand why it is model.add(Dense(512)) and not some other number. For example, I thought 32x32 images can be flattened to a 1024-size vector. But, why did they choose 512 here?
Actualy not 32x32, it's 32x32x3 because of color channels and flatten and dense different methods I think you won't get the code there is low level implementation:
W1=tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([32*32*3,512]),name="W1") #variable
x=tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[batch,32,32,3]) #placeholder for inputs
flat=tf.reshape(x,[batch,32*32*3]) #model.add(Flatten())
mul1=tf.matmul(flat,W1) #model.add(Dense(512))
relu=tf.nn.relu(mul1) #model.add(Activation('relu'))
flat's shape=[batch,32*32*3]
mul1's shape=[batch,512]
Of course it could be 1024 or 5000 but it becomes harder to optimize.

visualizing 2nd convolutional layer

So via tf.summary I visualized the first convolutional layer in my model, of shape [5,5,3,32], as a set of individual images, one per filter. so this layer has a filter of 5x5 dimensions, of depth 3, and there are 32 of them. Im viewing these filters as 5x5 color(RGB) images.
Im wondering how to generalize this to a second convolutional layer, and third and on...
shape of the second convolutional layer is [5,5,32,64].
my questions is how would I transform that tensor into individual 5x5x3 images?
with the first conv layer of shape [5,5,3,32] I visualize it by transposing first tf.transpose(W_conv1,(3,0,1,2)), and then having 32 5x5x3 images.
doing a tf.transpose(W_conv2,(3,0,1,2)) would produce a shape [64,5,5,32]. how would I then use those "32 color channels"? (Im know its not that simple :) ).
Visualization of higher level filters is usually done indirectly. To visualize a particular filter, you look for images that the filter would respond the most to. For that you perform gradient ascent in the space of images (instead of changing the parameters of the network like when you train the network, you change the input image).
You will understand it easier if you play with the following Keras code:

patch-wise training and fully convolutional training in FCN

In the FCN paper, the authors discuss the patch wise training and fully convolutional training. What is the difference between these two?
Please refer to section 4.4 attached in the following.
It seems to me that the training mechanism is as follows,
Assume the original image is M*M, then iterate the M*M pixels to extract N*N patch (where N<M). The iteration stride can some number like N/3 to generate overlapping patches. Moreover, assume each single image corresponds to 20 patches, then we can put these 20 patches or 60 patches(if we want to have 3 images) into a single mini-batch for training. Is this understanding right? It seems to me that this so-called fully convolutional training is the same as patch-wise training.
The term "Fully Convolutional Training" just means replacing fully-connected layer with convolutional layers so that the whole network contains just convolutional layers (and pooling layers).
The term "Patchwise training" is intended to avoid the redundancies of full image training.
In semantic segmentation, given that you are classifying each pixel in the image, by using the whole image, you are adding a lot of redundancy in the input. A standard approach to avoid this during training segmentation networks is to feed the network with batches of random patches (small image regions surrounding the objects of interest) from the training set instead of full images. This "patchwise sampling" ensures that the input has enough variance and is a valid representation of the training dataset (the mini-batch should have the same distribution as the training set). This technique also helps to converge faster and to balance the classes. In this paper, they claim that is it not necessary to use patch-wise training and if you want to balance the classes you can weight or sample the loss.
In a different perspective, the problem with full image training in per-pixel segmentation is that the input image has a lot of spatial correlation. To fix this, you can either sample patches from the training set (patchwise training) or sample the loss from the whole image. That is why the subsection is called "Patchwise training is loss sampling".
So by "restricting the loss to a randomly sampled subset of its spatial terms excludes patches from the gradient computation." They tried this "loss sampling" by randomly ignoring cells from the last layer so the loss is not calculated over the whole image.