Impala and reading special characters - impala

We have Impala ODBC connection in odbc.ini file and have problem to see some special characters correctly (danish characters) in tables when we are connected to a database.
Is there any options that can be defined to change the encoding (in the following example)?
Here is an example of the ODBC connection we have:
Description=Cloudera ODBC Driver for Impala (32-bit) DSN


"Unexpected end of command - line 1, column 8" in JetBrains DataGrip trying to connect to Firebird

I'm trying to connect to a Firebird database hosted in a Docker from the DataGrip client, but this error appears:
WARNING: No connection character set specified (property lc_ctype, encoding, charSet or localEncoding
[42000][335544851] Dynamic SQL Error; SQL error code = -104; Unexpected end of command - line 1, column 8 [SQLState:42000, ISC error code:335544851]
I've tried to give a path in the file encoding, but I don't have any idea to how Jaybird works.
What do I need to do?
The problem is caused by IntelliJ (DataGrip is based on IntelliJ) executing a "keep-alive query" when testing the connection, but the default configuration for the Firebird driver doesn't have a keep-alive query. When no keep-alive query is configured, IntelliJ seems to execute the query select 1 (though I haven't verified this, the fact the error mentions "column 8" seems to hint at that). This causes Firebird to return an error, because Firebird requires a from-clause.
To solve this, go to the "Drivers" tab of the "Data Sources and Drivers" screen, select "Firebird" (under "Basic Support"), and on the options tab, enter the "Keep-alive query" select 1 from rdb$database.
As an aside, you can make the warning about the connection character set go away by explicitly configuring a connection character set (property charSet) on the "Advanced" tab of the connection configuration.
I reported this to JetBrains: Configuration for Firebird misses default keep-alive query causing error on connection test

R read a local .mdf file

I have a database file (a .mdf file from a microsoft SQL server) that I copied on my disk. It comes from a device, and I would like to read the data, preferably in R. I am totally new to SQL, and I don't understand how to deal with a local file.
I tried
con <- dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(), dbname = "MGCDBase")
which gave me
Error in .local(drv, ...) :
Failed to connect to database: Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (0)
I don't get if it is because there is a password, if I am doing it wrong, or if I should use something else than R or RMySQL.
Any help or advise would be welcome

how to insert utf8 characters into oracle database using robotframework database library

I have a robot script which inserts some sql statements from a sql file; some of these statements contain utf8 characters. If I insert this file manually into database using navicat tool, everything's fine. But when I try to execute this file using database library of robot framework, utf8 characters go crazy!
This is my utf8 included sql statement:
This is how I use database library:
Connect To Database Using Custom Params cx_Oracle ${dbConnection}
Execute Sql Script ${sqlFile}
Disconnect From Database
This is what I get in the database:
������������ 1
I have tried to execute the SQL file using cx_Oracle directly and it's still failing! It seems there is a problem in the original library. This is what I've used for importing SQL file:
import cx_Oracle
if __name__ == "__main__":
dsn_tns = cx_Oracle.makedsn(ip, port, sid)
db = cx_Oracle.connect(username, password, dsn_tns)
sql_commands = open(sql_file_addr, 'r').read().split(";")
cr = db.cursor()
for command in sql_commands:
if not command in ["", "\t", "\n", "\r", "\n\r", "\r\n", None]:
print "Executing SQL command:", command
I have found that I can define character-set in the connection string. I've done it for mysql database and it the framework successfully inserted UTF8 characters into database; this is my connection string for MySQL:
database='db_name', user='db_username', password='db_password', host='db_ip', port=3306, charset='utf8'
But I don't know how to define character-set for Oracle connection string. I have tried this:
And I've got this error:
TypeError: an integer is required
As #Yu Zhang suggested, I read discussion in this link and I found out that I should set an environment variable NLS_LANG in order to have a UTF-8 connection to the database. So I've added below line in my test setup:
Would any of links below help?
There can be several problems in here...
The first problem might be that you don't save the test files using UTF-8 encoding.
Robot framework expects plain text test files to be saved using UTF-8 encoding, yet most text editors will not save by default using UTF-8.
Verify that your editor saves that way - for example, by opening the file using NotePad++ and choosing Encoding -> UTF-8
Another problem might be the connection to the Oracle database. It doesn't seem like you can configure the connection custom properties to explicitly state UTF-8
This means you probably need to state that the database schema itself is UTF-8

Running SQL in Stata

I am trying to load data from SQL server management studio into Stata. How do I get Stata to run the .sql file? I have used the -ado- procedure from another post, but it does not work because my database has a username and password.
Original -ado- code:
program define loadsql
*! Load the output of an SQL file into Stata, version 1.2 (
version 12.1
syntax using/, DSN(string) [CLEAR NOQuote LOWercase SQLshow ALLSTRing DATESTRing]
tempname mysqlfile exec line;
file open `mysqlfile' using `"`using'"', read text;
file read `mysqlfile' `line';
while r(eof)==0 {;
local `exec' `"``exec'' ``line''"';
file read `mysqlfile' `line';
file close `mysqlfile';
odbc load, exec(`"``exec''"') dsn(`"`dsn'"') `clear' `noquote' `lowercase' `sqlshow' `allstring' `datestring';
help odbc discusses connect_options for connecting to odbc data sources. Two of which are u(userId) and p(password) which can be added to the original code written by #Dimitriy V. Masterov (see post here).
I believe you should be able to connect using SQL Server authentication by adding the u(string) and p(string) as additional options following syntax in the ado file, and then again down below following
odbc load, exec(`"``exec''"') dsn(`"`dsn'"')
This would also require that you pass these arguments to the program when you call it:
loadsql using "./sqlfile.sql", dsn("mysqlodbcdata") u(userId) p(Password)

H2 - Split file option in server mode

Using H2 database, is it possible to use the split file option while in (SSL) server mode and using encryption? If so, how can I do it?
I created a split database using this JDBC string:
It is stated that a split database always needs the :split option afterwards, which seems true because I get errors about corrupted files when connecting with
General error: "java.lang.NumberFormatException: Zero length string" [50000-170] HY000/50000
But when I attach the appropriate option, another error follows:
IO Exception: " A sintaxe do nome do arquivo, do nome do diretório ou do rótulo do volume está incorreta"; "ssl://g:/db_split.h2.db" [90031-170] 90031/90031 (Error message localized in Portuguese - something like "The syntax for file name, folder name or volume label is incorrect")
Is there a way to make these options coexist? I am considering AUTO_SERVER, but it would be a lousy option.
For the server mode, use:
When using SSL:
For embedded mode, use: