Running SQL in Stata - sql

I am trying to load data from SQL server management studio into Stata. How do I get Stata to run the .sql file? I have used the -ado- procedure from another post, but it does not work because my database has a username and password.
Original -ado- code:
program define loadsql
*! Load the output of an SQL file into Stata, version 1.2 (
version 12.1
syntax using/, DSN(string) [CLEAR NOQuote LOWercase SQLshow ALLSTRing DATESTRing]
tempname mysqlfile exec line;
file open `mysqlfile' using `"`using'"', read text;
file read `mysqlfile' `line';
while r(eof)==0 {;
local `exec' `"``exec'' ``line''"';
file read `mysqlfile' `line';
file close `mysqlfile';
odbc load, exec(`"``exec''"') dsn(`"`dsn'"') `clear' `noquote' `lowercase' `sqlshow' `allstring' `datestring';

help odbc discusses connect_options for connecting to odbc data sources. Two of which are u(userId) and p(password) which can be added to the original code written by #Dimitriy V. Masterov (see post here).
I believe you should be able to connect using SQL Server authentication by adding the u(string) and p(string) as additional options following syntax in the ado file, and then again down below following
odbc load, exec(`"``exec''"') dsn(`"`dsn'"')
This would also require that you pass these arguments to the program when you call it:
loadsql using "./sqlfile.sql", dsn("mysqlodbcdata") u(userId) p(Password)


R read a local .mdf file

I have a database file (a .mdf file from a microsoft SQL server) that I copied on my disk. It comes from a device, and I would like to read the data, preferably in R. I am totally new to SQL, and I don't understand how to deal with a local file.
I tried
con <- dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(), dbname = "MGCDBase")
which gave me
Error in .local(drv, ...) :
Failed to connect to database: Error: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (0)
I don't get if it is because there is a password, if I am doing it wrong, or if I should use something else than R or RMySQL.
Any help or advise would be welcome

how to insert utf8 characters into oracle database using robotframework database library

I have a robot script which inserts some sql statements from a sql file; some of these statements contain utf8 characters. If I insert this file manually into database using navicat tool, everything's fine. But when I try to execute this file using database library of robot framework, utf8 characters go crazy!
This is my utf8 included sql statement:
This is how I use database library:
Connect To Database Using Custom Params cx_Oracle ${dbConnection}
Execute Sql Script ${sqlFile}
Disconnect From Database
This is what I get in the database:
������������ 1
I have tried to execute the SQL file using cx_Oracle directly and it's still failing! It seems there is a problem in the original library. This is what I've used for importing SQL file:
import cx_Oracle
if __name__ == "__main__":
dsn_tns = cx_Oracle.makedsn(ip, port, sid)
db = cx_Oracle.connect(username, password, dsn_tns)
sql_commands = open(sql_file_addr, 'r').read().split(";")
cr = db.cursor()
for command in sql_commands:
if not command in ["", "\t", "\n", "\r", "\n\r", "\r\n", None]:
print "Executing SQL command:", command
I have found that I can define character-set in the connection string. I've done it for mysql database and it the framework successfully inserted UTF8 characters into database; this is my connection string for MySQL:
database='db_name', user='db_username', password='db_password', host='db_ip', port=3306, charset='utf8'
But I don't know how to define character-set for Oracle connection string. I have tried this:
And I've got this error:
TypeError: an integer is required
As #Yu Zhang suggested, I read discussion in this link and I found out that I should set an environment variable NLS_LANG in order to have a UTF-8 connection to the database. So I've added below line in my test setup:
Would any of links below help?
There can be several problems in here...
The first problem might be that you don't save the test files using UTF-8 encoding.
Robot framework expects plain text test files to be saved using UTF-8 encoding, yet most text editors will not save by default using UTF-8.
Verify that your editor saves that way - for example, by opening the file using NotePad++ and choosing Encoding -> UTF-8
Another problem might be the connection to the Oracle database. It doesn't seem like you can configure the connection custom properties to explicitly state UTF-8
This means you probably need to state that the database schema itself is UTF-8

How to generate executable TPC-DS queries?

I have downloaded the DSGEN tool from the TPC-DS web site and already generated the tables and loaded the data into Oracle XE.
I am using the following command to generate the SQL statements :
dsqgen -input ..\query_templates\templates.lst -directory ..\query_templates -dialect oracle -scale 1
However, No matter how I adjust the command I always get this error message :
ERROR: A query template list must be supplied using the INPUT option
Can anybody help?
Apparently you need to use / rather than - for the flags for the Windows executable:
dsqgen /input ..\query_templates\templates.lst /directory ..\query_templates
/dialect oracle /scale 1

sqlTool.rc contais password in plain text

I want to stop my HSQL DB from command line using command
java -jar hsqldb/lib/sqltool.jar --rcfile=sqltool.rc --sql "shutdown;" localhost-sa-myPassword
This command expects sqlTool.rc file which contains DB related information like user id and password. This RC file contains password in plain text.
Is there any way to hide that password in RC file?
Or is there any way to encrypt this RC file and use it?
Or is it possible to forcibly stop the server without giving id/pwd?
Any other approach is also welcome as long as password is not visible in plain text
Thanks in advance
I got alternative approach for this.
Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:hsqldb:file:/opt/db/testdb;shutdown=true", "SA", "");
create the connection as mentioned above.
Then execute sql query as given below
This will shutdown the HSQL DB

Generating TPC-DS database for sql server

How do I populate the Transaction Processing Performance Council's TPC-DS database for SQL Server? I have downloaded the TPC-DS tool but there are few tutorials about how to use it.
In case you are using windows, you gotta have visual studio 2005 or later. Unzip dsgen in the folder tools there is dsgen2.sln file, open it using visual studio and build the project, will generate tables for you, I've tried that and I loaded tables manually into sql server
I've just succeeded in generating these queries.
There are some tips may not the best but useful.
cp ${...}/query_templates/* ${...}/tools/
add define _END = ""; to each query.tpl
${...}/tools/dsqgen -INPUT templates.lst -OUTPUT_DIR /home/query99/
Let's describe the base steps:
Before go to the next steps double-check that the required TPC-DS Kit has not been already prepared for your DB
Download TPC-DS Tools
Build Tools as described in 'v2.11.0rc2\tools\How_To_Guide-DS-V2.0.0.docx' (I used VS2015)
Create DB
Take the DB schema described in tpcds.sql and tpcds_ri.sql (they located in 'v2.11.0rc2\tools\'-folder), suit it to your DB if required.
Generate data that be stored to database
# Windows
dsdgen.exe /scale 1 /dir .\tmp /suffix _001.dat
# Linux
dsdgen -scale 1 -dir /tmp -suffix _001.dat
Upload data to DB
# example for ClickHouse
for file_fullpath in /tmp/tpc-ds/*.dat; do
filename=$(echo ${file_fullpath##*/})
tablename=$(echo ${filename%_*})
echo " - $(date +"%T"): start processing $file_fullpath (table: $tablename)"
query="INSERT INTO $database_name.$tablename FORMAT CSV"
cat $file_fullpath | clickhouse-client --format_csv_delimiter="|" --query="$query" --password $ch_password
Generate queries
# Windows
set tmpl_lst_path="..\query_templates\templates.lst"
set tmpl_dir="..\query_templates"
set dialect_path="..\..\clickhouse-dialect"
set result_dir="..\queries"
set tmpl_name="query1.tpl"
dsqgen /input %tmpl_lst_path% /directory %tmpl_dir% /dialect %dialect_path% /output_dir %result_dir% /scale 1 /verbose y /template %tmpl_name%
# Linux
# see for example
To fix the error 'Substitution .. is used before being initialized' follow this fix.