Drawer Layout DefaultRenderer React Native - react-native

I am fairly new to React Native, as it would be the correct way to have a Drawer Layout that is present in several of the screens of the app. Thank you very much for your help!


My scrollview is not working in react native app

im making scroll component visible when someone pressed on input
this is my itemfinder.js link https://drive.google.com/file/d/182ZQf7Ocx7hiJVfaJJjv_pvP32bL3kaN/view?usp=share_link
this is my file which i called itemfinder component https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dAQPk3Hw9vJ7CM3zbzGpCgDDw_LeGB54/view?usp=share_link
i want to make it scroll
im new to react native
anad im using expo for this
Thank you

React Native TabView Swipe

Iam looking React Native swipe tabs. Right now using "React Native Tab View" it as an issue like lazy loading, flatlist won't work, Tab indicator get delay. please suggest a good package or how to do swipeable tab in react-native. Thanks
"React Native Tab View" https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-tab-view
You can try react-native-scrollable-tab-view . I have implemented in lot of projects and working fine
You can try Material Top Tabs Navigator #react-navigation/material-top-tabs, more info at https://reactnavigation.org/docs/material-top-tab-navigator

React Native - Disable certain navigation in TabNavigator

Fairly new and learning React Native.
The project is created with Expo/React Native, I wonder if it is possible to disable Links and Settings
I found this as a working solution. The idea is that by default every screen you put in your stackNavigator is added to this bar, so as you don't want to remove them from your stackNavigator, so you should do another trick. Hope it works for you.

React native navigation which is the best solution

Which navigation is best to use in react native with redux
react navigation
react native navigation
react native router flux
Is here anything best rather than this ?
I would go with react navigation for redux. It is pretty easy, there is a good number of tutorials as well as their documentation I would say is pretty clear: https://reactnavigation.org/docs/en/redux-integration.html
You should give the Navigation router a try. It provides 100% native navigation on iOS and Android. It doesn’t require you to do anything special to integrate with Redux. Wrap the top level component in a Redux Provider component and away you go. I’ve written a Redux example to get you started
React-Navigation itself answers your question here

React Navigator and React Native Interactable libraries

How to use ReactNavigator (https://reactnavigation.org) in pair with ReactNative Interactable(https://github.com/wix/react-native-interactable) for animated transiotion between Navigator states ?
Has anyone tried this ?
In general I need to create a component, which takes routes config like StackNavigator proposes from React Navigator library and this component should gets left/right/top/bottom screens views and show then on swipe from left/right/top/bottom sides of the phone respectively.
So StackNavigator is suitable for me. But I need to switch between routes with screen custom animation. And I need to has a possibility to swipe from the any side of the phone device!
Help please!! Thanks!