Get ID from name with Access DLookUp function - sql

Long story short I need to DLookUp an ID based on the name of a record. In this case I need to get the ID of a city based on it's name. When I try
DLookUp("ID","Cities","Name = London")
it says it cant find name "London"
Side Question:
Can I write queries in Access using pure SQL somehow?
Big thanks for help

As stated by John Wu, you have to put single quotes around London to indicate that this is not another field in the database but rather a string literal:
DLookUp("ID", "Cities", "Name = 'London'")
Where this is a simple way in VBA to retrieve a single value, you can always use fully fledged SQL to retrieve entire records (multiple values of a database entry) or a recordset (consisting of multiple records). That would look something like this:
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT ID FROM Cities WHERE Name = 'London'")
Do While Not rst.EOF
Debug.Print rst("ID")


SQL Injection from a textbox

I'm new to MS Access.
So, I wrote a SQL query(query name = qryEmployeeInfo) which shows employee information. The query outputs two columns. The employee ID(header name = employee_ID) and the corresponding employee address(header name = employee_address).
My Access form has a text box(text box name = txtEmployeeID) that I want the user to be able to enter the employee_ID into and have it output the corresponding employee_address into another text box (text box name = txtEmployeeAddress). I also want the employee_address to be in the format of a string variable so I can perform other VBA checks on it later(for example - if LIKE "California" THEN...something).
I want to write what (I think) is called an injection SQL query so that I can pull the address data from the query for that specific employee_ID. I believe the format should look like this:
Dim rs As Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select employee_address from qryEmployeeInfo where employee_ID = "' & txtEmployeeID & "'", dbOpenDynaset)
Do I have this written correctly?
If so, then how do I get that output into a string variable format(variable name = strEmployeeAddress)?
After I get the employee address into a string variable format I want to simply use txtEmployeeAddress.value = strEmployeeAddress to populate the employee address text box. Again, I also want the employee_address to be in the format of a string variable so I can perform other VBA checks on it later(for example - if LIKE "California" THEN...something).
Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
If employee_ID is a number field, remove apostrophe delimiters.
If employee_ID is a text field, move first apostrophe so it is within quote marks.
"select employee_address from qryEmployeeInfo where employee_ID = '" & txtEmployeeID & "'"
Then txtEmployeeAddress = rs!employee_address
However, instead of opening a recordset object, could just use DLookup.
txtEmployeeAddress = DLookup("employee_address", "qryEmployeeInfo", "employee_ID =" & txtEmployeeID)
Or even better, eliminate the VBA. The DLookup() expression can be in textbox ControlSource property, just precede with = sign.
However, domain aggregate functions can perform slowly. So instead of textbox, use a combobox for selecting employee. Include employee information in combobox RowSource. Expression in textbox references column of combobox: =combobox.Column(1). Issue is combobox has limit on how many characters can be pulled into column so if field is memo (long text) type, this approach is not feasible and should use DLookup.
The address will be available in textbox for use as long as this form is open. If you want the address to be available to other procedures even after form is closed, then need to set a global or public variable. Such variable must be declared in a module header to make it available to multiple procedures. TempVars are another way to hold values for future use. I have never used them.

Access 2010 - How to make multiple queries with changing the criteria automatically

I have a question concerning a "serie of queries". After searching the internet for hours, I am really lost!
I want to make 200 queries with changing criteria (the values from the field "City"). How can I tell Access "please repeat the query on the fields "X", "Y" and "Z" by grouping by the field "City". Is there a simple way to make Access pull the Values of "City" from a list and creating a query having the same name like the Value in "City". And doing that for all 200 Cities?
Unfortunately, I am fairly new to Access and VBA. Any help would be HIGHLY APPRECIATED :)
Thanks in advance
A few options. You could open a recordset containing all your Cities, then loop through it and you get a buncha queries:
dim s as string
dim sql as string
dim r as new adodb.recordset
'populate r with SELECT * FROM tblCities (code not shown here)
s = r![City]
sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl1 WHERE City = '" & s & "';"
debug.print sql
'do whatever you want with the contents of sql

Query to return field names in a table within Microsoft Access

I thought there was a way you can do this in ms access whereby I can run a query on a table called 'Employees' for example and it will return the field names i.e. EmpID, FirstName, Surname titles,not the values of the field e.g. 13, john, doe.
Is this possible in ms access?
You will be needing a Recordset object to play with this. Not sure how you intent to use. But this code will print it to the immediate window.
For more info on how to use Recordset -
Public Sub printFieldName(inputTable As String)
'Takes a TableName as input and prints the field names
' of that Table.
Dim tmpRS As DAO.Recordset
Dim fCtr As Long
Set tmpRS = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM " & inputTable)
For fCtr = 0 To tmpRS.Fields.Count - 1
Debug.Print tmpRS.Fields(fCtr).Name
Set tmpRS = Nothing
End Sub
Usage would be,
printFieldName "TransactionTable"
If you just want a list, open the table, select the first line, copy it and paste it into Excel. The field names and the first record will be pasted. Delete the first record. Copy the row with the field names and paste, transpose to get a list. Obviously not usable if you need the info dynamically but helpful if you need a list to work with.

Run time error 3021- no current record

I want to link the result of a query to a Textbox but I get this error: here is my code:
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT XValue, YValue,Wert FROM tb_DCM_Daten WHERE (FzgID=" & Forms!frm_fahrzeug!ID & " AND Name='" & List2.Value & "')")
Text10.Text = rst!XValue //error in this line
It should be return c.a 20 record
Why do I get this error and how can I solve it?
One possible reason for the error is that Name is a reserved word in Access, so you should use
... & " AND [Name]='" & ...
You could also test for rst.EOF before trying to use rst!XValue. That is, to verify whether or not your query is returning at least one row you can add the code
If rst.EOF Then
MsgBox "The Recordset is empty."
End If
immediately after the .OpenRecordset call. If the Recordset is empty, then you'll need to verify your SQL statement as described by #GregHNZ in his comment above.
Usually, I would do this. Create a new query in Access , switch to SQL View , Paste my code there and go to Design >> Run.
SELECT XValue, YValue,Wert FROM [tb_DCM_Daten] WHERE [FzgID]=12 AND [Name]='ABC';
if your query syntax is correct you should see the result otherwise error mssg will tell where you are wrong. I used to debug a much more complicated query than yours and this is the way that I've done.
If there is still error, maybe you should try
Dim sql as String
sql = "SELECT...."
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
Another possible reason might be your table name. I just wonder what is your table name exactly ? if your table contains white space you should make it like this [DCM Daten].
One more thing I like to add that may cause this, is your returning a sets of resultset that has "Reserved word" fields, for example:
Your "Customers" table has field name like the following:
Custnum | Date | Custname
we know that Date field is a reserved word for most database
so when you get the records using
SELECT * FROM Customers
this will possible return "No Current Record", so instead selecting all fields for that table, just minimize your field selection like this:
SELECT custnum, custname FROM Customers
After trying the solutions above to no avail, I found another solution: Yes/No fields in Access tables cannot be Null (See
Although my situation was slightly different in that I only got the "No current record." error when running my query using GROUPBY, my query worked after temporary eliminating the Yes/No field.
However, my Yes/No field surprisingly did not contain any Nulls. But, troubleshooting led me to find an associated error that was indeed populating my query result with Null Yes/No values. Fixing that associated error eliminated the Null Yes/No values in my results, thus eliminating this error.
I got the same error in the following situation:
In my case the recordset returned one record including some fields with Null value.
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE (criteria)", dbOpenDynaset)
Textbox1 = rst!field1 'error in this line - Non-Null value
Textbox2 = rst!field2 'Null value
Textbox3 = rst!field1 'Null value
Viewing Locals when rst is opened and before asignments, shows the recordset as I expect it to be. The error is thrown when trying to a asign a value from this recordset.
What fixed this, is ensuring that all fields contained non-Null values.
Just posting this for future seekers.

how to replace text in a multifield value column in access

I've got a tablea such as below, I know its bad design having multifield value column but I'm really looking for a hack right now.
Student | Age | Classes
foo | 23 | classone, classtwo, classthree, classfour
bar | 24 | classtwo, classfive, classeight
When I run a simple select query as below, I want the results such a way that even occurrence of classtwo is displayed as class2
select student, classes from tablea;
I tried the replace() function but it doesnt work on multivalued fields >_<
You are in a tough situation and I can't think of a SQL solution for you. I think your best option would be to write a VB function that will take the string of data, parse it out (replacing) the returning you the updated string that you can update your data with.
I can cook up quite a few ways to solve this.
You can explode the mv by using Classes.Value in your query. This will cause one row to appear for each value in the query and thus you now can use replace on that. However, this will result in one separate row for each class.
So use this:
Select student, classes.Value from tablea
Or, for this example:
Select student, replace(classes.Value,"classtwo","class2") as myclass
from tablea
If you want one line, AND ALSO the multi value classes are NOT from another table (else they will be returning ID not text), then then you can use the following trick
Select student, dlookup("Classes","tablea","id = " & [id]) as sclasses
from tablea
The above will return the classes separated by a space as a string if you use dlookup(). So just add replace to the above SQL. I suppose if you want, you could also do replace on the space back to a "," for display.
Last but not least, if this those classes are coming from another table, then the dlookup() idea above will not work. So just simply create a VBA function.
You query becomes:
Select student, strClass([id]) as sclasses from tablea
And in a standard code module you create a public function like this:
Public Function strClass(id As Variant) As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
If IsNull(id) = False Then
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select Classes.Value from tableA where id = " & id)
Do While rst.EOF = False
If strClass <> "" Then strClass = strClass & ","
strClass = strClass & Replace(rst(0), "classtwo", "class2")
Set rst = Nothing
End If
End Function
Also, if you sending this out to a report, then you can DUMP ALL of the above ideas, and simply bind the above to a text box on the report and put the ONE replace command around that in the text box control. It is quite likely you going to send this out to a report, but you did ask how to do this in a query, and it might be the wrong question since you can "fix" this issue in the report writer and not modify the data at the query level. I also think the replace() command used in the report writer would likely perform the best. However, the above query can be exported, so it really depends on the final goal here.
So lots of easy ways to do this.