Create a Live Event with a type of "Quick using Google Hangouts On Air" with API - youtube-livestreaming-api

I'd like to create a live broadcast event with a type of Quick (using Hangouts on Air for streaming) using the API. I currently don't see a way to pass that in to the API.
Is that possible?
I have been looking here to try to find a way to pass this in:


How to mark Google Calendar Goal event as done using the api?

As the question says, I can't find any documentation on Google Apis about the Goal feature in Google Calendar. Right now I'm using javascript for my api but haven't started writing code for this yet since I can't find any endpoints.
I'm looking at the event update endpoint but there doesn't seem to be a done property.

How to create and event with multiple cams with youtube-livestreaming-api

I'm trying to use youtube-livestream-api to create an Event and adding cameras.
What I have tried so far is:
1) Create single Broadcast with broadCasts.insert and then bind multiple streams. That didn't work, as I found out in the documentation.
2) Create multiple broadCasts and bind it to every stream, but when I go to the Youtube Content Editor, I see an event for each broadcast. Which is coherent with the documentation about a broadcast = a video.
My question is, is there any way using the API to create a single event with multiple cams, as you do in the Content Creator?
Finally i've found a similar question to this Does the YouTube Data API expose multi-camera livestream functionality?
In short, as is for now, there is no way with youtube API for having multiple cameras per stream.

Save, Delete, & Manage the Google Hangout Video Calls by using API?

I'd like to know , whether we can Save, Delete, & Manage the Google+ Hangout Video Calls by using API? If yes, may I know which API?
It depends exactly what you mean by "save, delete, and manage", but in general the answer will be no.
The Hangout API is used for apps running inside the hangout itself. You can do some manipulation of the video stream, but there is no way to directly access the video itself.
If you are running this as a Hangout on Air, you may be able to use the YouTube Data API to mananage the recordings the way you want.

Google Now API - Possible Boarding/Event Pass & Gmail integration

Can we create a Gmail based Event /Boarding Pass Card? What's the format of this Card?
Do we have API to customize this? I only need to update data element. Once the user gets this in Gmail / it will scan this data & will get automatically load in Google Now API.
I am using Android 4.1.2 OS which has Google Search API which has Google Now Widget API with it.Is this do-able option & we have any Google Now API available to do it.
This is a guess
Google Now appears to be an integral part of Glass.
As the nomenclature is similar (cards)
The general shape of the cards look Glass-like
I think it'll be highly probable that they're using google-glass APIs.
Someone ought to get wireshark on the case however.

Does the Google+ Hangouts API support filling app fields on the runtime?

I am trying to build a app using the hangout API, starter app.
Does the Hangouts API have support for data fields to be added on runtime?
For example,
a. If we need to add team members to our app
b. Or when we do 'Create Application' (
c. When we enter AppEngine app ID to Gadget URL (
Can we do the above using Python code and using the API (if there are any)?
As documented in Google APIs Console Help we don't let people programmatically register data into the APIs console.
Don't forget that that the current restrictions are because we are in a developer preview.