BC30420 'Sub Main' was not found error in a Windows Form app - vb.net

I've created a Windows Form application. It is my understanding that you do not have to have a Sub Main() in a Windows Form app. However I'm getting this error when I build my project:
BC30420 'Sub Main' was not found in 'LoanCalculator.Module1'.
First of all I don't know why it's saying 'LoanCalculator.Module1'. Both my form and my class are named LoanCalculator.vb. When I started the project I started writing the code in the original module. Then I added a module, named it 'LoanCalculator' and moved what code I had written to that module and finished it there. I deleted the original module. Now it builds fine with the exception of this one error. Here's my code:
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class LoanCalculator
Private Sub Calculate()
Dim str As String
Dim intLoanAmt As Integer
Dim intDown As Integer
Dim intFees As Integer
Dim intBalance As Integer
Dim dblIntsRate As Single
Dim intLoanTerm As Integer
Dim sngInterestPaid As Single
Dim intTermMonths As Integer
Dim dblMonthlyPmt As Integer
Dim intTotalPaid As Integer
Dim dblYon As Double
Dim dblXon As Double
Dim dblZon As Double
If Not CheckInput() Then
End If
intLoanAmt = Convert.ToInt32(txtLoan.Text)
intFees = Convert.ToInt32(txtFees.Text)
intDown = Convert.ToInt32(txtDown.Text)
intBalance = Convert.ToInt32(intLoanAmt - intDown + intFees)
intLoanTerm = Convert.ToInt32(txtTerm.Text)
dblIntsRate = Convert.ToDouble(txtTerm.Text)
intTermMonths = intLoanTerm * 12
dblYon = dblIntsRate / 1200
dblXon = dblYon + 1
dblZon = Math.Pow(dblXon, intTermMonths) - 1
dblMonthlyPmt = (dblYon + (dblYon / dblZon)) * intBalance
intTotalPaid = dblMonthlyPmt * intTermMonths
sngInterestPaid = intTotalPaid - intBalance
str = "Loan balance =" & Space(11) & intBalance.ToString & vbCrLf
str = str & "Loan Term =" & Space(16) & intLoanTerm.ToString & " years" & vbCrLf
str = str & "Interest paid =" & Space(17) & intTotalPaid.ToString & vbCrLf
str = str & "Monthly payment =" & Space(5) & dblMonthlyPmt.ToString
lblResults.Text = str
End Sub
Private Function CheckInput() As Boolean
Dim strErr As String = ""
If txtLoan.Text.Length = 0 Then
strErr = "Enter loan amount" & vbCrLf
End If
If txtDown.Text.Length = 0 Then
strErr = strErr & "Enter down payment" & vbCrLf
End If
If txtInterest.Text.Length = 0 Then
strErr = strErr & "Enter interest rate" & vbCrLf
End If
If txtFees.Text.Length = 0 Then
strErr = strErr & "Enter fees" & vbCrLf
End If
If txtTerm.Text.Length = 0 Then
strErr = strErr & "Enter loan term" & vbCrLf
End If
If strErr.Length > 0 Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function
End Class
How can I fix this?


VB.NET ComboBox selected item not remains effect than 2 times

I have a VB windows form application that has 02 ComboBox that provide newname input for a renaming file event. The first combobox provide prefix for new name comprise items (aa, bb, cc,... can add more through keydown button click event), the other combobox provide main name comprise items (XX, YY, ZZ,.. can also add more through keydown button click event). When I select "aa" from the first combobox, "XX" from the other then fire the rename event, the new file name should be "aa - XX", if file "aa - XX" has already existed then add "1" to the last as "aa - XX 1" and so on and if no item selected in prefix combobox the newname just be "XX" and increment. I get the old file name through a system openfiledialog. My code for rename as follows:
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim var As String, prfix As String
var = ComboBox1.Text
prfix = ComboBox2.Text
If ComboBox2.Text = Nothing Then
If File.Exists(n & "\" & var & extn) = False Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, var & extn)
Dim i As Integer = 1
Dim newfn As String = var & " " & i & extn
Dim m As String = n & "\" & newfn
While File.Exists(m)
newfn = var & " " & i & extn
m = n & "\" & newfn
i += 1
End While
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, newfn)
End If
If File.Exists(n & "\" & prfix & " - " & var & extn) = False Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, prfix & " - " & var & extn)
Dim j As Integer = 1
Dim newfn1 As String = prfix & " - " & var & " " & j & extn
Dim k As String = n & "\" & newfn1
While File.Exists(k)
newfn1 = var & " " & j & extn
k = n & "\" & newfn1
j += 1
End While
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, newfn1)
End If
End If
MessageBox.Show("Select a next file")
End Sub
My code run well 2 times. After I select "aa" and "XX" and leave it to rename, first result is "aa - XX", the second result is "aa - XX 1" but the third result is "XX", the forth is "XX 1" and then incrementing so on while the result should be "aa - XX 2" and next increment. I don't understand why combobox1 still effective but combobox2 as Nothing after no re-selecting the item in both comboboxes (2 times). I'm very new with VB so any advice should be much appreciated. Thanks.
In your lower Else block, you were incorrectly building up the file name.
You build up the first "newfn1" with:
Dim newfn1 As String = prfix & " - " & var & " " & j & extn
But then below, you used:
newfn1 = var & " " & j & extn
Notice the missing prefix and dash parts at the beginning.
Here's the full corrected version:
Dim j As Integer = 1
Dim newfn1 As String = prfix & " - " & var & " " & j & extn
Dim k As String = Path.Combine(n, newfn1)
While File.Exists(k)
j = j + 1
newfn1 = prfix & " - " & var & " " & j & extn
k = Path.Combine(n, newfn1)
End While
My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(OpenFD.FileName, newfn1)
I'm a little confused by your explanation but if I understand correctly this should help,
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub
Private BasePath As String = "" 'TODO
Private Ext As String = "txt"
Private Sub CreateFile()
If ComboBox1.SelectedIndex < 0 OrElse
ComboBox2.SelectedIndex < 0 OrElse
ComboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString = "" OrElse
ComboBox2.SelectedItem.ToString = "" Then
'error message
Exit Sub
End If
Dim fileName As String = String.Format("{0}-{1}.{2}",
fileName = IO.Path.Combine(BasePath, fileName)
Dim ct As Integer = 1
Do While IO.File.Exists(fileName)
fileName = String.Format("{0}-{1}{3}.{2}",
fileName = IO.Path.Combine(BasePath, fileName)
ct += 1
Dim fs As IO.FileStream = IO.File.Create(fileName)
End Sub

Content Control not recognizing content

I was hoping someone could help me work out why the the 'F' value in my code below continues to include my error label in the ErrorMessage String when the Count value is 5?
In the document, the content control contains text just like all the other controls (which work perfectly) but this content Control text value is not being recognised in the VBA code to map error labels.
Have tried just replacing the control and checking the properties match. Debug messages suggest the the value is just being set to the default Content Control Value of "Click or Tap here to input text".
Private Sub Create_Click()
Dim oCC As ContentControl
Dim oCC2 As ContentControl
Dim Mandatory(9) As String
Dim ErrorMessage As String
Dim ErrorCount As Integer
Dim ErrorLabel(9) As String
Dim objDoc As Document
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strFileString As String
Dim Number As String
Mandatory(0) = "A"
Mandatory(1) = "B"
Mandatory(2) = "C"
Mandatory(3) = "D"
Mandatory(4) = "E"
Mandatory(5) = "F"
Mandatory(6) = "G"
Mandatory(7) = "H"
Mandatory(8) = "I"
ErrorLabel(0) = "A Label"
ErrorLabel(1) = "B Label"
ErrorLabel(2) = "C Label"
ErrorLabel(3) = "D Label"
ErrorLabel(4) = "E Label"
ErrorLabel(5) = "F Label"
ErrorLabel(6) = "G Label"
ErrorLabel(7) = "H Label"
ErrorLabel(8) = "I Label"
ErrorMessage = ""
ErrorMessage = "The following mandatory fields are missing: "
For Count = 0 To 8
Set oCC = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle(Mandatory(Count)).Item(1)
MsgBox (oCC.Range.Text)
If Count = 0 Then
Number = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTitle(Mandatory(Count)).Item(1).Range.Text
End If
If oCC.Range.Text = "Click or tap here to enter text." Or oCC.Range.Text = "0.00" Then
ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "- " & ErrorLabel(Count)
MsgBox (oCC.Range.Text)
ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1
End If
Next Count
If ErrorCount > 0 Then
MsgBox (ErrorMessage)
strFileString = Number
MsgBox (strFileString)
strFilename = "Some Text Here" & " - " & strFileString & ".pdf"
With ActiveDocument
NewPath = .Path & "\" & strFilename
.SaveAs2 FileName:=NewPath, FileFormat:=wdFormatPDF
.ExportAsFixedFormat OutputFileName:=strFilename, ExportFormat:=wdExportFormatPDF, _
OpenAfterExport:=True, OptimizeFor:=wdExportOptimizeForPrint, _
Range:=wdExportAllDocument, Item:=wdExportDocumentContent
End With
End If
End Sub
Check there are no other content controls with the same title in the document.
I couldn't test your code for lack of data but from your description I guess that the ErrorMessage must be reset with each loop since it will be changed when used and would naturally retain the modified version thereafter.
Except for what follows the loop, I looked closely at your code in order to understand it. Perhaps, the changes I made will be of some use to you.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Create_Click()
Dim Doc As Document
Dim Mandatory() As String
Dim ErrorMessage As String
Dim ErrorCount As Integer
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strFileString As String ' this appears identical with 'Number'
Dim Number As String
Dim Count As Integer ' loop counter
Set Doc = ActiveDocument
Mandatory = Split("A B C D E F G H I")
Number = Doc.SelectContentControlsByTitle(Mandatory(0))(1).Range.Text
For Count = 1 To UBound(Mandatory) + 1
ErrorMessage = "The following mandatory fields are missing: "
With Doc.SelectContentControlsByTitle(Mandatory(Count))(1).Range
MsgBox "Number = " & Number & vbCr & .Text
If .Text = "Click or tap here to enter text." Or _
.Text = "0.00" Then
ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "- " & Mandatory(Count) & " Label"
MsgBox (.Text)
ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1
End If
End With
If Count = 1 Then Exit For
Next Count
If ErrorCount > 0 Then
MsgBox (ErrorMessage)
strFileString = Number
MsgBox (strFileString)
strFilename = "Some Text Here" & " - " & strFileString & ".pdf"
With Doc
NewPath = .Path & "\" & strFilename
.SaveAs2 FileName:=NewPath, FileFormat:=wdFormatPDF
.ExportAsFixedFormat OutputFileName:=strFilename, _
ExportFormat:=wdExportFormatPDF, _
OpenAfterExport:=True, _
OptimizeFor:=wdExportOptimizeForPrint, _
Range:=wdExportAllDocument, _
End With
End If
End Sub
You can have VBA add the useful (some would say necessary) Option Explicit to all new code modules automatically. Select Tools > Options in the VBE window and check "Require Variable Declaration" on the Editor tab.

Visual Basic- I've got an error

It says error on Line 32....
The given code is of visual basic. I guess I have got everything correct but have no clue what I did wrong. when I checked about it in the console it said line 32
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim isInKG As Boolean = Nothing
Dim canDrink As Boolean = Nothing
Dim isSeniorCitizen As Boolean = Nothing
Console.WriteLine("what is your age?")
Dim age As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
Dim outcomeKG As String = Nothing
Dim outcomeSenior As String = Nothing
Dim outcomeDrink As String = Nothing
If age <> 5 Then
isInKG = False
outcomeKG = "You arent in KG"
isInKG = True
outcomeKG = "You are in KG"
End If
If age >= 65 Then
isSeniorCitizen = True
outcomeSenior = "You are a Senior Citizen"
isSeniorCitizen = False
outcomeSenior = "You are a Junior Citizen"
End If
If age >= 21 Then
canDrink = True
outcomeDrink = "Go and get drunk"
canDrink = False
outcomeDrink = "Sorry Kiddo Not until 21 "
End If
Console.WriteLine(outcomeDrink & " " & outcomeKG & " " & outcomeSenior " " &)
End Sub
End Module
Third row from the bottom has wrong order...
try this
Console.WriteLine(outcomeDrink & " " & outcomeKG & " " & outcomeSenior & " ")

Sharepoint version history in document via vba?

Here is my problem:
Duplicate versions
I checked the version history on the Sharepoint site and it doesn't show any duplicates.
Here is the code im using:
Sub versionhistory()
' versionhistory Macro
On Error Resume Next
' On Error GoTo message
Dim dlvVersions As Office.DocumentLibraryVersions
Dim dlvVersion As Office.DocumentLibraryVersion
Dim strVersionInfo As String
Set dlvVersions = ThisDocument.DocumentLibraryVersions
'MsgBox ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Count
Dim tbl As Word.Table
'Set tbl = ActiveDocument.Tables.Item(2)
Set tbl = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("VersionTable").Range.Tables(1)
If dlvVersions.IsVersioningEnabled Then
strVersionInfo = "This document has " & dlvVersions.Count & " versions: " & vbCrLf
Call InsertVersionHistory(tbl, dlvVersions)
For Each dlvVersion In dlvVersions
strVersionInfo = strVersionInfo & _
" - Version #: " & dlvVersion.Index & vbCrLf & _
" - Modified by: " & dlvVersion.ModifiedBy & vbCrLf & _
" - Modified on: " & dlvVersion.Modified & vbCrLf & _
" - Comments: " & dlvVersion.Comments & vbCrLf
strVersionInfo = "Versioning not enabled for this document."
End If
'MsgBox strVersionInfo, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Version Information"
Set dlvVersion = Nothing
Set dlvVersions = Nothing
Call GetUserName
'MsgBox Err.Description
MsgBox ("Insert Version Number in the Header and type a Title in the [Insert Title here] on the front page. It will be automatically updated in the footer." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Do Not Type in the Review and Version tables.")
End Sub
Private Function InsertVersionHistory(oVerTbl As Word.Table, oVersions As Office.DocumentLibraryVersions)
Dim rowIndex As Integer
Dim oVersion As Office.DocumentLibraryVersion
Dim oNewRow As Row
Dim versionIndex As Integer
For rowIndex = 2 To oVerTbl.Rows.Count
Next rowIndex
rowIndex = 1
versionIndex = oVersions.Count
For Each oVersion In oVersions
If (rowIndex > 5) Then
End If
rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
Set oNewRow = oVerTbl.Rows(oVerTbl.Rows.Count)
oNewRow.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = wdColorWhite
oNewRow.Range.Font.TextColor = wdBlack
oNewRow.Range.Font.Name = "Tahoma"
oNewRow.Range.Font.Bold = False
oNewRow.Range.Font.Size = 12
oNewRow.Range.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 4
With oNewRow.Cells(1)
'.Range.Text = oVersion.Index
.Range.Text = versionIndex
End With
With oNewRow.Cells(2)
.Range.Text = FormUserFullName(GetUserFullName(oVersion.ModifiedBy))
End With
With oNewRow.Cells(3)
.Range.Text = oVersion.Modified
End With
With oNewRow.Cells(4)
.Range.Text = oVersion.Comments
End With
versionIndex = versionIndex - 1
Set oVersion = Nothing
End Function
Function GetUserFullName(userName As String) As String
Dim WSHnet, UserDomain, objUser
Set WSHnet = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
'UserDomain = WSHnet.UserDomain
'Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & UserDomain & "/" & userName & ",user")
userName = Replace(userName, "\", "/")
Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & userName & ",user")
'MsgBox objUser.FullName
GetUserFullName = objUser.FullName
End Function
Function FormUserFullName(userName As String) As String
Dim arrUserName As Variant
Dim changedUserName As String
arrUserName = Split(userName, ",")
Dim length As Integer
length = UBound(arrUserName) - LBound(arrUserName) + 1
If length >= 2 Then
changedUserName = arrUserName(1) & " " & arrUserName(0)
changedUserName = userName
End If
FormUserFullName = changedUserName
End Function
Private Function GetUserName()
Dim userName As String
userName = ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Author")
ActiveDocument.BuiltInDocumentProperties("Author") = FormUserFullName(userName)
End Function
I know this is old, but I was looking for the same thing and found this article. I'm still trying it out, but wanted to share before I got distracted with my real job.
From: SixSigmaGuy on microsoft.public.sharepoint.development-and-programming.narkive.com/...
Wanted to share my findings, so far. Surprisingly, I could not find
anything in the SharePoint Designer object/class that supported versions,
but the Office, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint objects do support it.. It
wasn't easy to find, but once I found it, it works great, as long as the
file in the document library is one of the Office documents.
Here's some sample code, written in Excel VBA, showing how to get the
version information for a paritcular SharePoint Document Library file
created in Excel:
Public viRow As Long
Function fCheckVersions(stFilename As String) As Boolean
' stFilename is the full URL to a document in a Document Library.
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim dlvVersions As Office.DocumentLibraryVersions
Dim dlvVersion As Office.DocumentLibraryVersion
Dim stExtension As String
Dim iPosExt As Long
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(viRow, 1) = stFilename
If Workbooks.CanCheckOut(stFilename) = True Then
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(stFilename, , True)
Set dlvVersions = wb.DocumentLibraryVersions
If dlvVersions.IsVersioningEnabled = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(viRow, 3) = "Num
Versions = " & dlvVersions.Count
For Each dlvVersion In dlvVersions
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(viRow, 4) = "Version: " & dlvVersion.Index
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(viRow, 5) = "Modified Date: " & dlvVersion.Modified
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(viRow, 6) = "Modified by: " & dlvVersion.ModifiedBy
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(viRow, 7) = "Comments: " & dlvVersion.Comments
viRow = viRow + 1
Next dlvVersion
End If
wb.Close False
End If
Set wb = Nothing
End Function`
Fortunately, I discovered that Excel can open non-Excel files in most
cases. I.e., I can, for example, open a jpg file in Excel and use the
dlvVersions collection for that file.

Batching results SQL Server 2008 R2

How would I go about batching records in a select statement I Have to conserve bandwidth as delaying with shop tills so bandwidth is at a premium. I will be reading the batch size from configuration file and passing to this select statement:
Friend Function SelectAllPendingDeliveries() As String Implements iScriptBuilder.SelectAllPendingDeliveries
Dim retVal As String = ""
retVal = "Select * from batchtable where [location] is not null and isprocessed = 0"
Return retVal
End Function
How would I go about doing this is the table structure
#Anthoy I think this is where I am getting tripped up how Would i control it here to for it to loop until the end of the recordset so it executes in batches this is the function that calls the select statement
#Anthory I meen this code i pasted the wrong proc in
Friend Function CreateLiveSale(ByVal wrpPush As LiveSales.wrpPush, ByVal rCount As Int32, ByVal request As LiveSales.requestPush, ByVal orderLineData As DataTable, ByVal packetBatchSize As String) ', ByVal orderNumber As String, ByVal orderLineReference As String, ByVal uniqueFilename As String, ByVal tagBarCode As String, ByVal costPrice As String, ByVal deliveryQty As Int32, ByVal orderLineData As DataTable) As Boolean
Dim retVal As Boolean
Dim settings As LiveSalesBackOfficeClient.infoLiveSalesBackOfficeClient = _
(New LiveSalesBackOfficeClient.configurationLoader).LoadConfiguration
Dim cfb As New cfbConfiguration
Dim pushOrderIncQTY As New infoPushOrderIncQTY()
Dim totalRecords As Integer = orderLineData.Rows.Count
Dim pushOrderInc As List(Of infoPushOrderIncQTY) = New List(Of infoPushOrderIncQTY)() ' create a generic list
Dim recordCount As Integer = 0
Dim batchNumber As Integer
Dim batchNumberpad As String
Dim filenameSplit As String()
For Each thisentry In orderLineData.Rows
If recordCount = 0 Then
filenameSplit = thisentry.Item("unqiueFilename").ToString().Split("_")
batchNumber = recordCount + 1
batchNumberpad = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filenameSplit(2)) & "_" & batchNumber.ToString("D3") & ".csv"
With request
.companyID = settings.companyID
.machineID = settings.machineID
.uniqueBatchIdentifier = batchNumberpad
End With
End If
With pushOrderIncQTY
.costPrice = thisentry.Item("costPrice")
.externalTimeStamp = DateTime.Now()
.RootPLU = thisentry.Item("tagbarcode") 'set this to the barcode from the file
.sizeBit = -666
.supplierID = cfb.SupplierID
.orderReference = thisentry.Item("OrderNumber")
.orderLineReference = ""
.externalTransaction = ""
.sourceShop = cfb.SiteId 'set to the GEMINI location ID for this store (you will have to get this from your configuration file
.destinationShop = cfb.SiteId 'set this to the same as the sourceshop
.QTY = thisentry.Item("ActQty")
.whichQty = LiveSales.infoPushOrderIncQTY.Which_OrderQty.delivered 'only available option at present
End With
recordCount = recordCount + 1
pushOrderInc.Add(pushOrderIncQTY) ' add it to the list for batching
If recordCount = cfb.PacketBatchSize Then ' only when the record count = the packetsize fire off
recordCount = 0
End If
If cfb.PacketBatchSize > 0 Then
CallWebSerivce(wrpPush, request, pushOrderInc.ToArray())
End If
If cfb.PacketBatchSize = 0 Then ' if their is a batch size then lets just processe
'call the webservice
CallWebSerivce(wrpPush, request, pushOrderInc.ToArray())
End If
Return retVal
End Function
#anthoy the above gets called by this procedure so it does its hear the looping needs to happen
Dim results As DataTable = connection.SqlSelectToDataTable(scriptBuilder.SelectAllPendingDeliveries)
Dim dataForEmail As String = ""
Dim msg As String = ""
msg = "The Following Deliverys where processed for the Following Ordernumbers at " & DateTime.Now.ToString() & Chr(13)
dataForEmail = "Order Number" & vbTab & "BarCode" & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Product Name" & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Brand" & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & "Size" & vbTab & vbTab & "Colour" & vbTab & "Qty" & vbTab & vbTab & "RRP" & vbTab & Chr(13)
Dim totalcost As Decimal
Dim cnt As Int16 = 0
Dim fileName As String = ""
If Not IsNothing(results) AndAlso Not IsNothing(results.Rows) _
AndAlso results.Rows.Count > 0 Then
Dim rrpprice As Double = 0.0
For Each thisRow As DataRow In results.Rows
If IsDBNull(thisRow.Item("RRPPrice")) Then
rrpprice = 0.0
rrpprice = thisRow.Item("RRPPrice")
End If
fileName = thisRow.Item("unqiueFilename")
totalcost = totalcost + rrpprice * thisRow.Item("QTY")
dataForEmail = dataForEmail & BuildReportFoEmail(thisRow)
connection.ExecuteNonQuerySql(scriptBuilder.SetDeliveryStatus(2, 1, thisRow.Item("r3DeliveryId")))
cnt = cnt + 1
connection.ExecuteNonQuerySql(scriptBuilder.SetDeliveryStatus(1, 0))
CreateLiveSalesDeliveryForR3(cnt, fileName, results, cfb.PacketBatchSize)
dataForEmail = dataForEmail & vbCrLf & "Total Price " & totalcost.ToString() & vbCrLf & BuildExceptionsForEmail(results) & vbCrLf
End If
SendEmailViaWebService(dataForEmail, cfb.EmailForDeliverys, cfb.FullNameForEmailSubject, msg)
MsgBox("Delvery Complete", vbInformation, "Delivery Import")