How to implement a loading screen for a SPA written in Vue.js? - vue.js

I am new to Vue.js, coming from AngularJS 1. Does anybody have tips on how to implement a loading screen such as PleaseWait?

I also created an example that integrated with PleaseWait.js
Since PleaseWait.js manipulates real DOM directly, the code becomes a little bit tricky. I'd recommend to re-implement this library in Vue.js. Vue does have transitions:
You can just create a component for it, and use v-if to hide/show it
<loading-screen v-if="isLoading"></loading-screen>
A very simple example:


How to hide functional components (JSX) in vue devtools?

i'm currently using JSX for Vue component, but currently, the devtool would show a very ugly nested hashed functional component tree like this, is there any way to avoid this? As far as I know, Vue devtools doesn't provide us an option to hide these functional components, therefore this would be very annoying
I'm building a UI package for Form module, I want to use JSX for Vue because that would make contribution much easier when a lot of people from React.js can jump in and help.
My package:

Is there any solution to union two vue apps on vuetify and bootstrap-vue

I have two SPA on vue, on same deployment area:
Uses Vuetify (
Uses Bootstrap-vue (
Now I need to make some portal area with components from both SPA. Is there any methodology to deal with it?
I try to create app with vuetify and bootsrtap-vue, but stuck with many sass errors...
I have struggled with the same issue regarding Vuetify styles. I needed to have a second Vue app embedded inside my Vuetify app but the Vuetify styles kept leaking inside the child Vue app, and the global styling coming from child app also broke Vuetify defaults.
I have done a long research and concluded that the options are:
-Rewrite the child app using BEM approach (Still Vuetify would leak with selectors like p, head, body etc.)
-Disable Vuetify's CSS reset file, remove globals and disable theming via hacky approaches.
-Use an iFrame container or web components approach on the second app to isolate it from the other.
Messing with Vuetify library didn't sound too great, because it will be too chaotic to deal with problems later on. We decided to completely isolate two Vue instances via an iFrame in the end, and I'd recommend the same thing if you REALLY need to use both bootstrap-vue and Vuetify, because they both have global CSS selector modifiers and stuff that will just create a huge mess.
I had my team do further research on iframes and how to consistently pass data between an iframe and parent app, here are the two options that you may consider:
vuex-iframe-sync (a lightweight option but I couldn't get it to work properly)
Zoid (a library maintained by payPal, very solid approach but tricky to set up with Vue)
Further info on how to set up zoid with Vue:
PostRobot (Haven't tried this one but also a solid option, probably much easier than zoid)
Good luck, and please let me know if you find any other approach that works!

Implement onscreen console log component in Vue.js app

I'm building a Vue.js app that will be run on devices where I don't have access to a dev tools console, such as a game console. I've created a vue DebugPanel component that contains several tabs, one of them being a "log" to write to.
The UI is mostly working as I expect, but now I need to actually take what's in the console and have it output to the element in the component.
I'd like to use this solution of hijacking the consol.log function. This solution works great in a non-vue HTML page, but I'm having trouble with the best way to incorporate it into a Vue.js app.
The issue I'm having is that each tab section on my DebugPanel is hidden/shown based on a v-if attribute. The log element is only in the DOM when its tab element shown. So a call to document.getElementById errors.
Any thoughts on how to implement this in Vue.js?
You can just use Vuex store to pass data through all the app. And i think it would be better to use it in your app for global data.

Target and manipulate single DOM element in vue

Somehow I still can't wrap my head around some core vue concepts.
I have made some simple webpage using phalcon. Created it so, that it would work without JS and now is the time to add some bells and whistles - ajax queries and the like, for the user experience to be better.
I wanted to do everything using vue, to see how it all adds up. But after hours of googling I still can't find solution for the simplest of tasks.
Say: I want to get a text paragraph in a series of <li>-s and change it somewhat. Maybe make excerpt of it and add 'see more' button behind it. Now, in jQuery I would just iterate with each() and perform the tasks. With vue targeting set of DOM elements is much harder for me, probably because of whole paradigm being "the other way round".
I know I could iterate with v-for, but these elements are already in the DOM, taken from the database and templated with volt. I had even this wild idea of creating .js files from phalcon, but it would completely negate my strategy of making functional webpage first and then enhance it progressively.
Frankly speaking I feel like I'm overcomplicating for the sake of it, right now. Is vue even fit for a project like this, or is it exclusively a tool to build app from the ground up?
Vue's templating is client-side, which means if you are delivering an already templated html page (by your backend) there is little vue can still do for you. Vue needs data, not DOM elements to build its viewmodels.
This becomes pretty obvious when building a single page application for example, which would be rendered only on the client-side. You'd simply load the data asynchronously from a backend api (REST for example) and then do all the rendering on the client.
As far as I understand your usecase you want to mix client and server side rendering, rendering most of the non-interactable content using your backend's templating engine and adding some interactivity using vue. In this case you'll need to add some vue components (with their own rendering logic) to your backend template and pass data to that component using vue's data-binding.
Here's an example:
<div id="app">
<my-vue-list :products="{% products %}"></my-vue-list>
And in your JS:
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
components: {MyVueList} // You will have to register all the components you want to use here
Vue provides the ref attribute for registering a reference to a dom element or child component:
// accessible via this.$
<li ref="foo">...</li>
Do note, however, that refs are not reactive, as stated in the docs:
$refs is also non-reactive, therefore you should not attempt to use it in templates for data-binding.

Angular 2 rc4 Importing component content into modal

I am working with angular 2 rc4 and we are using fuel-ui to load a modal.
What we are trying to achieve is the following:
we have a login component that we want to inject into the fuel-ui modal the problem is that the actual modal html code (actual DOM) is getting loaded after.
Fuel-ui gives a tag into which the html for the modal gets loaded into.
I have researched and tried DynamicComponentLoader although found out it is now deprecated.
What I need is to know what is the best way to inject my login component content
into the rendered DOM (tag with modal-body class from bootstrap html).
I have searched but perhaps someone had the same issue and stumbled upon a better link that explains how to do this.
Thank you, in advance, for your help.
This seems very old now. But i think the latest in Angular helps you use content projection into a component.
You can add <ng-content></ng-content> as the body of your modal. In the parent component view add your custom component wrapped in the modal component. When modal shows up, you will have your component in it's content.
Also, Angular supports dynamic component creation.
Component templates are not always fixed. An application may need to
load new components at runtime.
You can look it up here for any help: