VBA selecting visible cells after filtering - vba

The following code applies filters and selects the top 10 items in column B after some filters are applied to the table. I have been using this for many different filtered selection, but I came across a problem with one of my filter combinations.
I found that when there is only one item in column B after filtering, it doesn't copy that one cell - instead it copies the entire row and seems to be a strange selection.
When I manually add one more item to this filter (total 2), then it copies it fine. Any ideas on why this code won't work when there is only one item?
Sub top10()
Dim r As Range, rC As Range
Dim j As Long
'Drinks top 10
Selection.sort Key1:=Range("H1"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
Worksheets("OLD_Master").Range("A:H").AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=Array( _
"CMI*"), Operator:= _
Worksheets("OLD_Master").Range("A:H").AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:="Drinks"
Set r = Nothing
Set rC = Nothing
j = 0
Set r = Range("B2", Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
For Each rC In r
j = j + 1
If j = 10 Or j = r.Count Then Exit For
Next rC
Range(r(1), rC).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy
Worksheets("For Slides").Range("P29").PasteSpecial
End Sub

Rory helpfully points out:
If you apply Specialcells to only one cell, it actually applies to the entire used range of the sheet.
Now we know what the problem is, we can avoid it! The line of code where you use SpecialCells:
Set r = Range("B2", Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
Instead, set the range first, test if it only contains one cell, then proceed...
Set r = Range("B2", Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
' Check if r is only 1 cell
If r.Count = 1 Then
Else ' Your previous code
Set r = r.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
For Each rC In r
j = j + 1
If j = 10 Or j = r.Count Then Exit For
Next rC
Range(r(1), rC).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy
End If
Note, you're assuming there is even one row still visible. It might be that the .End(xlUp) selects row 1 if there is no visible data, you may want to check which row this is first too!
Aside: You really should be fully qualifying your ranges, i.e. instead of
Set r = Range("B2")
You should use
Set r = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet").Range("B2")
This will save you some confusing errors in future. There are shortcuts you can take, for example saving repetition using With blocks or declaring sheet objects.
' using With blocks
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet")
Set r = .Range("B2")
Set s = .Range("B3")
' ...
End With
' Using sheet objects
Dim sh as Worksheet
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("MySheet")
Set r = sh.Range("B2")

Thank you to #Rory
Doesn't work with one cell selected. Adapted by doing the following:
For Each rC In r
j = j + 1
If j = 10 Or j = r.Count Then Exit For
Next rC
If j = 1 Then
Range(r(1), rC).Copy
Range(r(1), rC).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Select
End If
Worksheets("For Slides").Range("P29").PasteSpecial
End Sub


How to find the true Last Cell in any Worksheet

This question is now answered elegantly, thanks to Chris Neilsen, see the answer below. It is the one I will use from now on. The solution reliably finds the last cell in a Worksheet, even when cells are hidden by Filters, Groups or Local hiding of rows.
The discussion may be informative to some, so I have provided an optimised version of my own code too. It demonstrates how to save and restore Filters, uses #Chis's ideas for finding the last Row, and records Hidden Row Ranges in a short Variant array from which they are finally restored.
A test Workbook that explores and tests all the solutions proposed discussed is also available to download here.
There is much discussion here and elsewhere on finding last cells in Excel Worksheets. The Range.SpecialCells method has limitations and does not always find the true last cell. This is particularly true if Worksheet.AutoFilters are active. The code below solves the problem and returns the correct result, even if Filters are active, cells are Grouped and Hidden, or Rows or Columns are Hidden using Hide/Unhide. However, the method is not simple. Does anybody know of a better method that is consistently reliable?
The 'true last cell' is understood to be the intersection of the last row containing data or formulae and the last column containing them. Formatting may extend past it.
Credits and thanks for good ideas: to readify and sancho s.
The code below tests and works in my application in Excel 2010 and requires that Scripting.Runtime is referenced in the VBIDE. It contains inline comments that document what it is doing and why. Also, the variable names are deliberately explanatory. Sorry, but this makes them long.
In some circumstances it may not restore the exact Rows that were hidden when it is called. I have never had this happen.
Edit 1 to the question
Thanks to the 3 kind respondees on 1/3/2016.
This follows on from brettdj marking the question as already answered. Regrettably, I do not believe that to be true. At least, not unless UsedRange can be trusted in all circumstances. Though problems with SpecialCells are hard to reproduce, previous experience with the values provided by SpecialCells discourages reliance on them.
brettdj's post Return a range from A1 to the true last used cell provides a solution, GetRange. It is one amongst others but appears to be clearly the best. I have tested it and all the solutions proposed in this thread. In my tests, none of them are able to find the last cell when a filter is active without trusting UsedRange. brettdj, of high reputation, clearly thinks otherwise but it appears to me that I really have detected a real issue.
To demonstrate:
See the following test Sheet. All rows and columns are exposed in this view. Note Row 19 with the text 'Row to hide with filter' in H19. Also note that there is information in Row 20 at B20 and in Column J at J11. (Obviously, as this is a test, there is nothing in J20 the Cell whose reference is the correct answer to the Question):
Tests were run on the Sheet above but with a filter active (emphasised by a red circle in the image below) which removes row 19 from view. During the tests the Column Group J:K was collapsed but the Row Group over 19:20 was left visible.
These are the results (the true answer is J20):
Gettrange() by brettdj in the referenced Answer gives
"Range is A1:B20."
TrueLastCell() by Gary's Student gives "The
TRUE last cell is B20" and also may sometimes be very expensive, looping from very high row and column numbers if the UsedRange goes to the end of a largely empty Sheet. (Also, the screen shot in the answer shows C11 when it should be F11.)
GetTrueLastCell(WS) by PatrickK gets the right answer, J20 but
it relies entirely on UsedRange which I understand is not possible,
or I would never have started on this!
GetTrueLastCell(WS,,) (by me, the code below, though complicated) gives $J$20.
In the unlikely case that this is Operating System specific, my test was run on {you're not allowed to laugh -:)} Vista Home Premium. My excuse is that it is 64Bit OS on a lightning fast 8 core machine, even if it is ageing.
Excel 2010, 32 bit Version 14.0.7166.5000.
Edit 2 in response
In response to chris neilsen's request for validation and a test file upload it is no longer here. The short answer is : The problem is all too reproducible on Windows 10 running Office 2013 15.0.4797.1003 as well as on Vista - Office 2010. Sadly, this is real. The Workbook from which the images were taken now contains the code for each the suggestions made here (to date 2 March 2016). The public file downloads OK and reproduces the results on a Windows 7/Office 2010 machine. To run the tests, look for the Module TestSolutionsProposed in the VBIDE. The Debug.Prints from the tests give identical same results on W10, W7, Vista and Office 2010 & 2013 (correct answer is J20):
Brettdj's GetRange gives: Range is A1:B20
WS usedrange = $A$1:$K$20
PatrickK's GetTrueLastCell gives Found last cell = $K$20
Gary's Student's TrueLastCell gives: The TRUE last cell is B20
My GetTrueLastCell (with RemoveFiltersAsBoolean = False) gives: Last cell address is B20
My GetTrueLastCell (with RemoveFiltersAsBoolean = True) gives: Last cell address is J20
#brettdj - please can you restore the status of this question? Surely it is reproducible by others - how could the results be specific to three separate systems I can get access to but not to others? Only removal of the filters gives the correct answer. Note: The filter has to be both present and active to show the problem; as uploaded, the Test Workbook is set to give the results above; it is not enough to have AutoFitlerMode = True. One of the filters must have a filter criterion active - in the example H19 is hidden.
Private Function GetTrueLastCell(ws As Excel.Worksheet, _
Optional lRealLastRow As Long, _
Optional lRealLastColumn As Long, _
Optional RemoveFiltersAsBoolean As Variant = False) As Range
'Finds the cell at the intersection of the last Row containing any data and the last Column containing any data,
' even if some cells are hidden by Filters, Grouping or are locally Hidden. If there are no filters uses a simple method.
'Returns: the LastCell as a Range; Optionally returns Row and Column indeces.
' If the WS has no data or is not a WS, returns GetTrueLastCell=Nothing & lRealLastRow=0 & RealLastColumn=0
'Developed by extension of ideas from:
' 'Readify' for ideas about saving and restoring filters,
' see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9489126/in-excel-vba-how-do-i-save-restore-a-user-defined-filter
' 'Sancho s' 24/12/2014, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24612874/finding-the-last-cell-in-an-excel-sheet
'Written by Neil Dunlop 29/2/2016
'History: 2016 03 03 added optimisation of the reapplication of filters following discussion on StackOverFlow wiht
' thanks to Chris Neilsen for review and comments and ideas - see here:
' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35712424/how-to-find-the-true-last-cell-in-any-worksheet
'This will find the last cell even if rows are Hidden by any means.
' This is partly accomplished by setting Lookin:=xlFormulas,
' and partly by removing and restoring filters that prevent .Find looking in a cell.
' The reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime must be present in the VBIDE's Tools>References list.
Dim FilteredRange As Range, rng As Range
Dim wf As Excel.WorksheetFunction
Dim MyCriteria1 As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim lr As Long, lr2 As Long, lr3 As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long, NumFilters As Long
Dim CurrentScreenStatus As Boolean, LastRowHidden As Boolean
Dim FilterStore() As Variant, OutlineHiddenRow() As Variant
If Not RemoveFiltersAsBoolean Then GoTo JUSTSEARCH
CurrentScreenStatus = Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating
Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error GoTo BADWS
If ws.AutoFilterMode Then
'Save all active Filters
With ws.AutoFilter
If .Filters.Count > 0 Then
Set FilteredRange = .Range
For i = 1 To .Filters.Count
If .Filters(i).On Then
NumFilters = NumFilters + 1
ReDim Preserve FilterStore(0 To 4, 1 To NumFilters)
FilterStore(0, NumFilters) = i 'The Column to which the filter applies
'If there are only 2 Filters they will be in Criteria1 and Criteria2.
'Above 2 Filters, Criteria1 contains all the filters in a Scripting Dictionary
FilterStore(1, NumFilters) = .Filters(i).Count 'The number of conditions active within this filter
Select Case .Filters(i).Count
Case Is = 1 'There is 1 filter in Criteria1
FilterStore(2, NumFilters) = .Filters(i).Criteria1
Case Is = 2 'There are 2 Filters in Criteria1 and Criteria2
FilterStore(2, NumFilters) = .Filters(i).Criteria1
FilterStore(3, NumFilters) = .Filters(i).Criteria2
Case Else 'There are many filters, they need to be in a Scripting Dictionary in Criteria1
Set MyCriteria1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
MyCriteria1.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
For j = 1 To .Filters(i).Count
MyCriteria1.Add Key:=CStr(j), Item:=.Filters(i).Criteria1(j)
Next j
Set FilterStore(2, NumFilters) = MyCriteria1
End Select
If .Filters(i).Operator Then
FilterStore(4, NumFilters) = .Filters(i).Operator
End If
End If
Next i
End If ' .Filters.Count > 0
End With
'Check for and store any hidden Outline levels applied to the Rows.
'At this stage the last cell is not known, so the best available estimate , UsedRange,
' is used in the Row loop. The true maximum row number with data may be less than the
' highest row from UsedRange. The code below reduces the maximum estimated efficiently.
'It is believed that UsedRange is never too small; it it were, then the hidden properties
' of some rows may not be stored and will therefore not be restored later.
'---------get a true last row---------------------------------------------------------
Set rng = ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.UsedRange.Cells(ws.UsedRange.Cells.CountLarge))
Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction
With rng 'Code from Chris Neilsen
lr = .Rows.Count + .Row - 1
lr2 = lr \ 2
lr3 = lr2 \ 2
Do While (lr - lr2) > 30
'Debug.Print "r", lr2, lr
If wf.CountA(.Rows(lr2 & ":" & lr)) = 0 Then
lr = lr2
lr2 = lr3
lr3 = lr2 \ 2
lr3 = lr2
lr2 = (lr + lr2) \ 2
End If
For i = lr To 1 Step -1
If wf.CountA(.Rows(i)) <> 0 Then Exit For
Next i
lr = i
End With ' rng
'---------record and unhide any hidden Row--------------------------------------------
j = 0
LastRowHidden = False
For i = 1 To lr
If (Not ws.Rows(i).Hidden And LastRowHidden) Then
'End of a Hidden Rows Range, record the Range
Set OutlineHiddenRow(2, j) = ws.Rows(OutlineHiddenRow(1, j) & ":" & i - 1)
LastRowHidden = False
ElseIf ws.Rows(i).Hidden And Not LastRowHidden Then 'Start of Hidden Rows Range, record the Row
j = j + 1
ReDim Preserve OutlineHiddenRow(1 To 2, 1 To j) ' 1 -first row found to be Hidden, 2 - Range of Hidden Rows(i:j)
If i <> lr Then
OutlineHiddenRow(1, j) = i
LastRowHidden = True
Else 'Last line in range is hidden all on its own
Set OutlineHiddenRow(2, j) = ws.Rows(i & ":" & i)
End If
ElseIf LastRowHidden And ws.Rows(i).Hidden And i = lr Then 'Special case is for Hidden Range ending on last Row
Set OutlineHiddenRow(2, j) = ws.Rows(OutlineHiddenRow(1, j) & ":" & i)
'Nothing to do
End If
Next i
NumFilters = j
'Remove the AutoFilter, if any of the filters were On.
' This changes the hidden setting for ALL Rows (but NOT Columns) to visible
' irrespective of the reason for their having become hidden (Filter, Group, local Hide).
If NumFilters > 0 Then ws.AutoFilterMode = False
End If ' WS.AutoFilterMode
'Search for the last cell that contains any sort of 'formula'.
'xlPrevious ensures that the search starts from the end of the last Row or Column (it's the next cell after (1,1)).
'LookIn:=xlFormulas ensures that the search includes a search across Hidden data.
' However, if ANY filters are active the search NO LONGER LOOKS IN HIDDEN CELLS. Also the reverse search
' starts at the end of the column or row containing (1,1) instead of starting at the very end row and column.
' This is why all filters have to be stored, removed and reapplied to find the correct end cell.
lRealLastColumn = ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=ws.Cells(1, 1), _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
MatchCase:=False, _
MatchByte:=False, _
If lr = 0 Then
lRealLastRow = ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=ws.Cells(1, 1), _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
MatchCase:=False, _
MatchByte:=False, _
lRealLastRow = lr
End If
Set GetTrueLastCell = ws.Cells(lRealLastRow, lRealLastColumn)
'Restore the saved Filters to their Rows.
If NumFilters Then
'Restore the original AutoFilter settings
With ws.AutoFilter
For i = 1 To UBound(FilterStore, 2)
If FilterStore(4, i) Then 'There is an Operator
If FilterStore(1, i) > 2 Then 'There is a ScriptingDictionary for Criteria1
FilteredRange.AutoFilter Field:=FilterStore(0, i), _
Criteria1:=FilterStore(2, i).Items, _
Criteria2:=FilterStore(3, i), _
Operator:=FilterStore(4, i)
Else 'Criteria 1 is a string
FilteredRange.AutoFilter Field:=FilterStore(0, i), _
Criteria1:=FilterStore(2, i), _
Criteria2:=FilterStore(3, i), _
Operator:=FilterStore(4, i)
End If
Else 'No Operator
If FilterStore(1, i) > 2 Then 'There is a ScriptingDictionary for Criteria1
FilteredRange.AutoFilter Field:=FilterStore(0, i), _
Criteria1:=FilterStore(2, i).Items
Else 'Criteria 1 is a string
FilteredRange.AutoFilter Field:=FilterStore(0, i), _
Criteria1:=FilterStore(2, i)
End If
End If
Next i
End With
End If ' NumFilters
If NumFilters > 0 Then
'Restore the Hidden status of any Rows that were revealed by setting WS.AutoFilterMode = False.
'Rows, not columns are filtered. Columns' Hidden status does not need to be restored
' because AutoFilter does not unhide Columns.
For i = 1 To NumFilters
OutlineHiddenRow(2, i).Hidden = True 'Restore the hidden property to the stored Row Range
Next i
End If ' NumFilters > 0
lRealLastRow = 0
lRealLastColumn = 0
Set GetTrueLastCell = Nothing
Set wf = Nothing
Set MyCriteria1 = Nothing
Set FilteredRange = Nothing
Excel.Application.ScreenUpdating = CurrentScreenStatus
End Function
Based on #Gary's method, but optimised to work fast when the UsedRange is Large but not reflective of the True Last Cell (as can happen when a cell on the extreames of a worksheet is inadvertently formatted)
It works by, starting with the UsedRange, counting cells in half the range and halving the referenced test range above or below the split point depending on the count result, and repeating until it reaches < 5 rows/columns, then uses a linear search from there.
Function TrueLastCell( _
ws As Excel.Worksheet, _
Optional lRealLastRow As Long, _
Optional lRealLastColumn As Long _
) As Range
Dim lrTo As Long, lcTo As Long, i As Long
Dim lrFrom As Long, lcFrom As Long
Dim wf As WorksheetFunction
Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction
With ws.UsedRange
lrTo = .Rows.Count
lcTo = .Columns.Count
lrFrom = lrTo \ 2
Do While (lrTo - lrFrom) > 2
If wf.CountA(.Rows(lrFrom & ":" & lrTo)) = 0 Then
lrTo = lrFrom - 1
lrFrom = lrFrom \ 2
lrFrom = (lrTo + lrFrom) \ 2
End If
If wf.CountA(.Rows(lrFrom & ":" & lrTo)) = 0 Then
lrTo = lrFrom - 1
For i = lrTo To lrFrom Step -1
If wf.CountA(.Rows(i)) <> 0 Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
lrTo = i
End If
lcFrom = lcTo \ 2
Do While (lcTo - lcFrom) > 2
If wf.CountA(Range(.Columns(lcFrom), .Columns(lcTo))) = 0 Then
lcTo = lcFrom - 1
lcFrom = lcFrom \ 2
lcFrom = (lcTo + lcFrom) \ 2
End If
If wf.CountA(Range(.Columns(lcFrom), .Columns(lcTo))) = 0 Then
lcTo = lcFrom - 1
For i = lcTo To 1 Step -1
If wf.CountA(.Columns(i)) <> 0 Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
lcTo = i
End If
Set TrueLastCell = .Cells(lrTo, lcTo)
lRealLastRow = lrTo + .Row - 1
lRealLastColumn = lcTo + .Column - 1
End With
End Function
On my hardware it runs in about 2ms on a sheet with UsedRange extending to the sheet limits and True Last Cell at F5, and 0.1ms when UsedRange reflects the True Last Cell at F5
Edit: slightly more optimised search
UsedRange may be erroneous, (it may be too large), but we can start with its outer limits and work inwards:
Sub TrueLastCell()
Dim lr As Long, lc As Long, i As Long
Dim wf As WorksheetFunction
Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
lr = .Rows.Count + .Row - 1
lc = .Columns.Count + .Column - 1
End With
For i = lr To 1 Step -1
If wf.CountA(Rows(i)) <> 0 Then
Exit For
End If
Next i
For i = lc To 1 Step -1
If wf.CountA(Cells(lr, i)) <> 0 Then
MsgBox "The TRUE last cell is " & Cells(lr, i).Address(0, 0)
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
End Sub
Great question.
As you note, Find failes with AutoFilter. As an alternative to looping through the filters, or the range loop used by another answer you could
Copy the sheet and remove the AutoFilter
use xlformulas in the Find routine which caters to hidden cells
So something lke this:
Sub GetRange()
'by Brettdj, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8283797/return-a-range-from-a1-to-the-true-last-used-cell
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
Dim rng3 As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
Set ws = ActiveSheet
With ws
.AutoFilterMode = False
Set rng1 = ws.Cells.Find("*", ws.[a1], xlFormulas, , xlByRows, xlPrevious)
Set rng2 = ws.Cells.Find("*", ws.[a1], xlFormulas, xlPart, xlByColumns, xlPrevious)
If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
Set rng3 = Range([a1], Cells(rng1.Row, rng2.Column))
MsgBox "Range is " & rng3.Address(0, 0)
Debug.Print "Brettdj's GetRange gives: Range is " & rng3.Address(0, 0) 'added for this test by ND
'if you need to actual select the range (which is rare in VBA)
Application.GoTo rng3
MsgBox "sheet is blank", vbCritical
End If
.Parent.Close False
End With
With Application
.EnableEvents = True
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
End Sub
I think you can utilize the .UsedRange property from the Worksheet object. Try below:
Option Explicit
Function GetTrueLastCell(WS As Worksheet) As Range
With WS
If .UsedRange.Count = 1 Then
Set GetTrueLastCell = .UsedRange
Set GetTrueLastCell = .Range(Split(.UsedRange.Address, ":")(1))
End If
End With
End Function
Best way I know to find "true Last Cell" is to use 2 steps:
Pick last cell of UsedRange (i.e. UsedRange.Cells.CountLarge)
Move left & up until you find last non-empty row & column with CountA (i.e. WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range)), as it is fast, and works with Hidden / AutoFiltered / Grouped ranges.
This takes some time, so I've written an optimized code for the second step.
Then I found #Chris' code edited on Nov 30, 2019, and it looked similar, though I was wondering why so different. I compared (...did my best to do apple v apple), and was surprised by the results.
If my tests are reliable, then all what matters is how many searches you do with CountA. I call it cycle - it is actually the number of CountA functions!
My routine does up to 34 cycles, and #Chris' routine seems to do up to 32..80+ cycles. His code seems to test the same ranges repeatedly.
Please have a look at the test table Link, see my test results in VBA notes, and watch Immediate for your live results. You may test with any content, or even use an ActiveSheet in your own WorkBook. Play with parameters in VBA at "==== PARAMETERS TO BE CHANGED ====". You may zoom to 10%-15% to see painted cells showing the search ranges for each cycle. That's where the number of cycles becomes visible.
Note: I have not found any side-effects or errors with this so far. I avoid using Range.Find, and changing its parameters behind the scenes. Some users will learn it the hard way... - like I did, when I then replaced text in the entire workbook, just to find it out days later.
Note2: This is my first post, please excuse possible glitches here.
Function GetLastSheetCellRng(ws As Excel.Worksheet) As Range
'Returns the [Range] of last used cell of the specified [Worksheet], located in the cross-section of the bottom row and right column with non-empty cells
Dim wf As Excel.WorksheetFunction: Set wf = Application.WorksheetFunction
Dim Xfound&, Yfound&, Xfirst&, Yfirst&, Xfrom&, Yfrom&, Xto&, Yto As Long
With ws
'1. step: UsedRange last cell
Set GetLastSheetCellRng = .UsedRange.Cells(.UsedRange.Cells.CountLarge) 'Getting UsedRange last cell
Yfound = GetLastSheetCellRng.Row: Xfound = GetLastSheetCellRng.Column
'2. step: Check non-empty cells in UsedRange last cell row & column
'If not found, then search up for last non-empty row, and search left for last non-empty column
If (wf.CountA(.Rows(Yfound)) = 0) And (Yfound > 1) Then
Yto = Yfound
Yfrom = Yto \ 2
Yfirst = 0
If wf.CountA(.Range(.Rows(Yfrom), .Rows(Yto))) <> 0 Then
Yfirst = Yfrom
Yfrom = (Yfirst + Yto + 0.5) \ 2
Yto = Yfrom - 1
Yfrom = (Yfrom + Yfirst) \ 2
End If
Loop Until Yfirst = Yfrom
If Yfirst = 0 Then
Yfound = 1 'If no cell found, then 1st row returned
Yfound = Yfirst
End If
End If
If (wf.CountA(.Columns(Xfound)) = 0) And (Xfound > 1) Then
Xto = Xfound
Xfrom = Xto \ 2
Xfirst = 0
If wf.CountA(.Range(.Columns(Xfrom), .Columns(Xto))) <> 0 Then
Xfirst = Xfrom
Xfrom = (Xfirst + Xto + 0.5) \ 2
Xto = Xfrom - 1
Xfrom = (Xfrom + Xfirst) \ 2
End If
Loop Until Xfirst = Xfrom
If Xfirst = 0 Then
Xfound = 1 'If no cell found, then 1st column returned
Xfound = Xfirst
End If
End If
Set GetLastSheetCellRng = .Cells(Yfound, Xfound)
End With
End Function

Replace cells containing zero with blank

I have a very large amount of data A4:EW8000+ that I want to replace cells containing a zero with a blank cell. Formatting the cells is not an option as I need to retain the current format. I'm looking for the fastest way to replace zeros with blank cells.
I can do this with looping but its very slow. Below code:
Sub clearzero()
Dim rng As Range
For Each rng In Range("A1:EW10000")
If rng.Value = 0 Then
rng.Value = ""
End If
End Sub
Is there an easy way I can do this without looping?
I tried the below code, but it doesn't seem to work correctly. It hangs Excel for a while (not responding) then it loops through the range and blanks every cell.
Sub RemoveZero()
Dim LastRow As Long
Const StartRow As Long = 2
LastRow = Cells.Find(What:="0", SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row
With Range("B:EW")
.Value = Range("B:EW").Value
.Replace "0", "0", xlWhole, , False
On Error Resume Next
.SpecialCells(xlConstants).Value = ""
.SpecialCells(xlFormulas).Value = 0
End With
End Sub
This is all the VBA you need to automate the replacements:
[a4:ew10000].Replace 0, "", 1
While the above is concise, the following is likely the fastest way possible. It takes less than a quarter of a second on my computer for your entire range:
Sub RemoveZero()
Dim i&, j&, v, r As Range
Set r = [a4:ew10000]
v = r.Value2
For i = 1 To UBound(v, 1)
For j = 1 To UBound(v, 2)
If Len(v(i, j)) Then
If v(i, j) = 0 Then r(i, j) = vbNullString
End If
End Sub
I have found that sometimes it is actually more expedient to cycle through the columns on bulk replace operations like this.
dim c as long
with worksheets("Sheet1")
with .cells(1, 1).currentregion
for c = 1 to .columns.count
with .columns(c)
.replace what:=0, replacement:=vbNullString, lookat:=xlWhole
end with
next c
end with
end with
Splitting the overall scope into several smaller operations can improve overall performance. My own experience with this is on somewhat larger data blocks (e.g. 142 columns × ~250K rows) and replacing NULL from an SQL feed not zeroes but this should help.

VBA: copying the first empty cell in the same row

I am a new user of VBA and am trying to do the following (I got stuck towards the end):
I need to locate the first empty cell across every row from column C to P (3 to 16), take this value, and paste it in the column B of the same row.
What I try to do was:
Find non-empty cells in column C, copy those values into column B.
Then search for empty cells in column B, and try to copy the first non-empty cell in that row.
The first part worked out fine, but I am not too sure how to copy the first non-empty cell in the same row. I think if this can be done, I might not need the first step. Would appreciate any advice/help on this. There is the code:
Private Sub Test()
For j = 3 To 16
For i = 2 To 186313
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, j)) Then
Cells(i, j - 1) = Cells(i, j)
End If
sourceCol = 2
'column b has a value of 2
RowCount = Cells(Rows.Count, sourceCol).End(xlUp).Row
'for every row, find the first blank cell, copy the first not empty value in that row
For currentRow = 1 To RowCount
currentRowValue = Cells(currentRow, sourceCol).Value
If Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, 3)) Or Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, 4)) Or Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, 5)) Or Not IsEmpty(Cells(i, 6)) Then
~ got stuck here
Next i
Next j
End Sub
Your loop is really inefficient as it is iterating over millions of cells, most of which don't need looked at. (16-3)*(186313-2)=2,422,043.
I also don't recommend using xlUp or xlDown or xlCellTypeLastCell as these don't always return the results you expect as the meta-data for these cells are created when the file is saved, so any changes you make after the file is saved but before it is re-saved can give you the wrong cells. This can make debugging a nightmare. Instead, I recommend using the Find() method to find the last cell. This is fast and reliable.
Here is how I would probably do it. I'm looping over the minimum amount of cells I can here, which will speed things up.
You may also want to disable the screenupdating property of the application to speed things up and make the whole thing appear more seemless.
Lastly, if you're new to VBA it's good to get in the habit of disabling the enableevents property as well so if you currently have, or add in the future, any event listeners you will not trigger the procedures associated with them to run unnecessarily or even undesirably.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Test()
Dim LastUsed As Range
Dim PasteHere As Range
Dim i As Integer
With Range("B:B")
Set PasteHere = .Find("*", .Cells(1, 1), xlFormulas, xlPart, xlByRows, xlPrevious, False, False, False)
If PasteHere Is Nothing Then Set PasteHere = .Cells(1, 1) Else: Set PasteHere = PasteHere.Offset(1)
End With
For i = 3 To 16
Set LastUsed = Cells(1, i).EntireColumn.Find("*", Cells(1, i), xlFormulas, xlPart, xlByRows, xlPrevious, False, False, False)
If Not LastUsed Is Nothing Then
LastUsed.Copy Destination:=PasteHere
Set PasteHere = PasteHere.Offset(1)
End If
Set LastUsed = Nothing
End Sub
Sub non_empty()
Dim lstrow As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim sht As Worksheet
Set sht = Worksheets("Sheet1")
lstrow = sht.Cells(sht.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lstrow
If IsEmpty(Range("B" & i)) Then
Range("B" & i).Value = Range("B" & i).End(xlToRight).Value
End If
Next i
End Sub

Use a VBA loop to select a series of variables

I have a series of variables (each declared as a range) in a VBA script as follows:
r1 = range
r2 = range
r100 = range
Ideally I'd like to use a for loop to select, copy, and paste (transpose) each range in succession. I'm writing my code via trial and error, and I have little familiarity with VBA. Currently I'm using a loop like the following:
For i = 0 To 99 Step 1
Dim Num As Integer
Num = i + 1
Num = CStr(Num)
Dim R As Range
R = "r" & Num
Range("TARGET RANGE").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=True
Next i
Can anyone help me debug this loop and/or find the best way to achieve this?
You need to Set a Range object.
Dim Num As Integer, R As Range
For i = 0 To 99 Step 1
Num = i + 1
SET R = RANGE("r" & Num)
R.Copy Destination:=Range("TARGET RANGE")
Next i
It is not entirely clear what you intend to accomplish but the above should do what is expected of it.
You can use a For Each ... In loop for this.
Dim Bag As New Collection
Dim Target As Range
Dim r As Range
Bag.Add [A1:A50]
Bag.Add [C3:F100]
Bag.Add [Sheet2!H1:L1]
Bag.Add ['[Another file.xlsx]Sheet1'!A1:B100]
Set Target = [Output!A1]
For Each r In Bag
' Size target to be the same dimensions as r transposed
Set Target = Target.Resize(r.Columns.Count, r.Rows.Count)
' transpose and copy values
Target.Value = Application.Transpose(r.Value)
' shift target down to next empty space
Set Target = Target.Offset(Target.Rows.Count)

How to locate all '0' on fixed row and varying Columns, then sum them up?

I need help with my code, I'm not sure why it isnt running properly and takes a very long time. What i'm trying to do is to locate repeated temp, for example, 0. After locating 0, I will continue to look for any more 0 at the temp row, if there is i will sum the test1 of B3 and test1 of H3 together... it will continue until the end of the row and will be pasted at Column N or O which is an empty column. After that, will have to do the same for 100, overall.
The resultant should be like this
I have trouble running the following code that i tried writing.
Dim temprow As Long, ColMax1 As Long, tempcell As Range, ColCount1 As Long
Dim temprow1 As Long, valuetohighlight As Variant, valuetohighlight1 As Variant
Dim totalvalue As Double, findvalues As Long
temprow = 1
ColMax1 = 10
Set tempcell = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(temprow, 1)
'Look for the word temp in column A
If tempcell = "temp" Then
'Look for values = 0
For ColCount1 = 2 To ColMax1
findvalues = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(temprow, ColCount1)
If findvalues = 0 Then
temprow1 = temprow + 1
valuetohighlight = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(temprow1, ColCount1)
End If
'Look for other values that is equal to 0
For ColCount1 = 3 To ColMax1
findvalues = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(temprow, ColCount1)
If findvalues = 0 Then
temprow1 = temprow + 1
valuetohighlight1 = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(temprow1, ColCount1)
End If
temprow = temprow + 1
End If
For ColCount1 = 1 To ColMax1
If Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(temprow, ColCount1) = "" Then
totalvalue = 0
totalvalue = valuetohighlight + valuetohighlight1
End If
End Sub
If you have any ideas or opinion, do share it with me.. will appreciate your help!
Slight Modifications
Now need also to consider the name.
What you want to achieve can be done with a formula. The trick is to keep the Cell Headers in Col O to Q in Row 2 to actual values that you want to compare.
Formula in Cell O3
Hi, i remember u using that formula and typed it into a VBA for me before, i have tried and it work.. Sheets("Sheet1").[O5] = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((B2:M2=O2)*(B5:M5))") but, i cant really have a fixed column for the printed result and also the temp may not falls on Row 2...
Here is a sample code. Change 15 to the relevant column where you want to display the result. I have commented the code so you shouldn't have any problem in understanding the code. If you still do then simply ask :)
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim ColNo As Long, tempRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim aCell As Range
'~~> Change this to the column number where you want to display the result
'~~> The code assumes that Row 2 in this column has headers
'~~> for which you want to retrieve values
ColNo = 18 '<~~ Example :- Column R
'~~> Change this to relevant sheet name
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")
'~~> Get the row number which has "Temp"
Set aCell = ws.Columns(1).Find(What:="Temp", LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not aCell Is Nothing Then
'~~> This is the row which has 'Temp'
tempRow = aCell.Row
'~~> Sample for putting the value in Row 3 (assuming that 'temp' is not in row 3)
ws.Cells(3, ColNo).Value = Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT(($B$" & tempRow & ":$M$" & tempRow & "=" & _
ws.Cells(2, ColNo).Address & ")*(B3:M3))")
'~~> If you want to use formula in the cell in lieu of values then uncomment the below
'ws.Cells(3, ColNo).Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(($B$" & tempRow & ":$M$" & tempRow & "=" & _
ws.Cells(2, ColNo).Address & ")*(B3:M3))"
MsgBox "Temp Not Found. Exiting sub"
End If
End Sub