How to represent a "active group" relationship in a relational database? - sql

I need to store maintain a table of "users" where one user can belong to many "groups". Within each group a user has a bunch of group-specific settings.
This is all very easy to achieve with a Group table, a User table and UserGroupSettings cross-reference[1] table. No problems here.
The issue I'm grappling though is how to represent an "active group" relationship between a user and the group in which they are currently "active". A user can either be inactive, or active in one group at a time. When they are inactive, their UserGroupSettings are maintained.
The obvious approach of having a nullable "active_group" column within the User table doesn't seem optimal, as the database schema wouldn't enforce the fact that a row must exist within the UserGroupSettings table for any given Group and User ID. Likewise, having a "settings_id" foreign key column in the User table wouldn't enforce that the settings row that it pointed to actually referred to the same user.
Is there an optimal solution?

It sounds like you need a table of, say, user_active_group, with a foreign key that references the user's group settings.
Something along these lines . . .
-- Assumes {group_id, user_id) is unique.
create table user_group_settings (
settings_id integer primary key,
user_id integer not null,
group_id integer not null,
bunch_of_settings char(1) not null default 'X',
unique (user_id, group_id)
create table user_active_group (
-- This primary key constraint means each user can have only one row.
user_id integer not null primary key,
group_id integer not null,
-- This foreign key constraint means there must also be a row in user_group_settings.
foreign key (user_id, group_id) references user_group_settings (user_id, group_id)
on update cascade,
active_group varchar(5) not null
Cascading updates seems sensible. Cascading deletes is a little more application-dependent.


Modeling a 1:Many relationship with an attribute

I've come across a table design that immediately struck me as odd, but now that I've thought through it I can't seem to come up with a design that I'm really happy about.
The existing design (simplified) is:
account_id INT NOT NULL,
account_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
group_id INT NOT NULL,
group_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE Group_Accounts (
group_id INT NOT NULL,
account_id INT NOT NULL,
is_primary BIT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Group_Accounts PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (group_id, account_id)
While it looks like a standard many:many relationship, an account never actually belongs to more than one group. I immediately thought, "Ok, we could put the group_id into the Accounts table and that should work." But then what would I do with the is_primary attribute?
I could put an account_id into the Groups table as primary_account_id and then I believe that I could enforce RI with a foreign key on the primary_account_id, group_id to account_id, group_id.
Alternatively, I could move the "is_primary" flag into the Accounts table. Maybe that's the best solution?
Any thoughts on pros/cons for each approach? Am I missing any potential issues? Is there some other alternative that I've missed?
Is there any way to enforce a single primary account within a group in any of these situations outside of triggers (so primarily declarative RI)?
Relationship Cardinality
Judging by your description, you need 1:N relationship, which means you do not need the junction table Group_Accounts. Just a simple FK from Accounts to Groups should do.
Special Row
The next question is how you pick one row at the N side (Accounts) to be "special". You can either:
use the Accounts.is_primary flag and enforce its uniqueness (per group) through a filtered unique index (if your DBMS supports it),
or you could have a FK in Groups pointing to the primary account. In the latter case, though, you have to be careful to pick a primary account which actually belongs to the group.
The second approach can be modeled similar to this:
Groups.FK1 denotes:
FOREIGN KEY (group_id, primary_account_no) REFERENCES Accounts (group_id, account_no)
The presence of group_id in the FK above is what enforces primary account to belong to the group it is the primary account of.
Just be careful how you generate account_no when creating new accounts. You'll need to do something like this to avoid race conditions in concurrent environment (the actual code will varry by DBMS, of course).
Pick the first approach if your DBMS supports filtered indexes and there is no specific reason to pick the second approach.
Pick the second if:
you DBMS doesn't support filtered indexes,
or your DBMS supports deferred constraints and you need to enforce the presence of primary account at all times (just make primary_account_no NOT NULL),
or you don't actually need account_id, so you can have potentially one index less (depending on how strictly your DBMS requires indexes on FKs, and your actual workload, you may be able to avoid index on primary_account_no, as opposed to index that must be present on is_primary).
It is definitely possible to get rid of Group_Accounts.
From your description, it seems each group has many accounts, but each account only has one group. So you would put the group_id into the Accounts table as you suggest, and then put primary_account_id as a field in Groups.
It is possible to change the m:n intersection table, Group_Accounts, to a 1:n table by changing the PK to just the account id instead of both account and group. However, you would still be stuck with the additional overhead of enforcing the constraint that one and only one account is primary for any group.
However, if you move the group FK to the account record, where it really should be for 1:n cardinality, you can create a Primary_Accounts table kinda like the Group_Accounts table except the PK would be the group id. So each group could have one only one entry and that would be the one primary account. It would look like this:
create table Groups (
Id int not null,
Name varchar( 50 ) not null,
constraint PK_Groups primary key( Id )
create table Accounts (
Id int not null,
Name varchar( 50 ) not null,
GroupID int not null,
constraint PK_Accounts primary key( Id ),
constraint FK_AccountGroup foreign key( GroupID )
references Groups( ID )
create table PrimaryAccounts (
GroupID int not null,
AccountID int not null,
constraint PK_PrimaryAccounts primary key( GroupId ),
constraint FK_PrimaryGroup foreign key( GroupID )
references Groups( ID ),
constraint FK_PrimaryAccount foreign key( AccountID )
references Accounts( ID )
Now you have the 1:n cardinality design properly and you have the ability to designate one and only one account per group as the primary account.
However, there is one flaw. The PrimaryAccounts table must refer to an existing group and an existing account, but there is nothing that enforces the implicit requirement that the account be associated with the group.
Fortunately, this is easily fixed. Just add a constraint to the Accounts table:
constraint UQ_AccountGroup unique( GroupID, ID ),
Then, instead of creating two FKs in the PrimaryAccounts table, you need only one:
constraint FK_PrimaryGroupAccount foreign key( GroupID, AccountID )
references Accounts( GroupID, ID )
Now there can be only one primary account for each group and that account must be associated with the group.

Create unique constraint with null columns

I have a table with this layout:
CREATE TABLE Favorites (
UserId uuid NOT NULL,
RecipeId uuid NOT NULL,
MenuId uuid
I want to create a unique constraint similar to this:
ADD CONSTRAINT Favorites_UniqueFavorite UNIQUE(UserId, MenuId, RecipeId);
However, this will allow multiple rows with the same (UserId, RecipeId), if MenuId IS NULL. I want to allow NULL in MenuId to store a favorite that has no associated menu, but I only want at most one of these rows per user/recipe pair.
The ideas I have so far are:
Use some hard-coded UUID (such as all zeros) instead of null.
However, MenuId has a FK constraint on each user's menus, so I'd then have to create a special "null" menu for every user which is a hassle.
Check for existence of a null entry using a trigger instead.
I think this is a hassle and I like avoiding triggers wherever possible. Plus, I don't trust them to guarantee my data is never in a bad state.
Just forget about it and check for the previous existence of a null entry in the middle-ware or in a insert function, and don't have this constraint.
I'm using Postgres 9.0. Is there any method I'm overlooking?
Postgres 15 or newer
Postgres 15 adds the clause NULLS NOT DISTINCT. The release notes:
Allow unique constraints and indexes to treat NULL values as not distinct (Peter Eisentraut)
Previously NULL values were always indexed as distinct values, but
this can now be changed by creating constraints and indexes using
With this clause null is treated like just another value, and a UNIQUE constraint does not allow more than one row with the same null value. The task is simple now:
ALTER TABLE favorites
ADD CONSTRAINT favo_uni UNIQUE NULLS NOT DISTINCT (user_id, menu_id, recipe_id);
There are examples in the manual chapter "Unique Constraints".
The clause switches behavior for all keys of the same index. You can't treat null as equal for one key, but not for another.
NULLS DISTINCT remains the default (in line with standard SQL) and does not have to be spelled out.
The same clause works for a UNIQUE index, too:
ON favorites (user_id, menu_id, recipe_id) NULLS NOT DISTINCT;
Note the position of the new clause after the key fields.
Postgres 14 or older
Create two partial indexes:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX favo_3col_uni_idx ON favorites (user_id, menu_id, recipe_id)
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX favo_2col_uni_idx ON favorites (user_id, recipe_id)
WHERE menu_id IS NULL;
This way, there can only be one combination of (user_id, recipe_id) where menu_id IS NULL, effectively implementing the desired constraint.
Possible drawbacks:
You cannot have a foreign key referencing (user_id, menu_id, recipe_id). (It seems unlikely you'd want a FK reference three columns wide - use the PK column instead!)
You cannot base CLUSTER on a partial index.
Queries without a matching WHERE condition cannot use the partial index.
If you need a complete index, you can alternatively drop the WHERE condition from favo_3col_uni_idx and your requirements are still enforced.
The index, now comprising the whole table, overlaps with the other one and gets bigger. Depending on typical queries and the percentage of null values, this may or may not be useful. In extreme situations it may even help to maintain all three indexes (the two partial ones and a total on top).
This is a good solution for a single nullable column, maybe for two. But it gets out of hands quickly for more as you need a separate partial index for every combination of nullable columns, so the number grows binomially. For multiple nullable columns, see instead:
Why doesn't my UNIQUE constraint trigger?
Aside: I advise not to use mixed case identifiers in PostgreSQL.
You could create a unique index with a coalesce on the MenuId:
Favorites_UniqueFavorite ON Favorites
(UserId, COALESCE(MenuId, '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'), RecipeId);
You'd just need to pick a UUID for the COALESCE that will never occur in "real life". You'd probably never see a zero UUID in real life but you could add a CHECK constraint if you are paranoid (and since they really are out to get you...):
alter table Favorites
add constraint check
(MenuId <> '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
You can store favourites with no associated menu in a separate table:
CREATE TABLE FavoriteWithoutMenu
FavoriteWithoutMenuId uuid NOT NULL, --Primary key
UserId uuid NOT NULL,
RecipeId uuid NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY (UserId, RecipeId)
I believe there is an option that combines the previous answers into a more optimal solution.
create table unique_with_nulls (
id serial not null,
name varchar not null,
age int2 not null,
email varchar,
email_discriminator varchar not null generated always as ( coalesce(email::varchar, 0::varchar) ) stored,
constraint uwn_pkey primary key (id)
create unique index uwn_name_age_email_uidx on unique_with_nulls(name, age, email_discriminator);
What happens here is that the column email_discriminator will be generated at "insert-or-update-time", as either an actual email, or "0" if the former one is null. Then, your unique index must target the discriminator column.
This way we don't have to create two partial indexes, and we don't loose the ability to use indexed scans on name and age selection only.
Also, you can keep the type of the email column and we don't have any problems with the coalesce function, because email_discriminator is not a foreign key. And you don't have to worry about this column receiving unexpected values because generated columns cannot be written to.
I can see three opinionated drawbacks in this solution, but they are all fine for my needs:
the duplication of data between the email and email_discriminator.
the fact that I must write to a column and read from another.
the need to find a value that is outside the set of acceptable values of email to be the fallback one (and sometimes this could be hard to find or even subjective).
I think there is a semantic problem here. In my view, a user can have a (but only one) favourite recipe to prepare a specific menu. (The OP has menu and recipe mixed up; if I am wrong: please interchange MenuId and RecipeId below)
That implies that {user,menu} should be a unique key in this table. And it should point to exactly one recipe. If the user has no favourite recipe for this specific menu no row should exist for this {user,menu} key pair. Also: the surrogate key (FaVouRiteId) is superfluous: composite primary keys are perfectly valid for relational-mapping tables.
That would lead to the reduced table definition:
( UserId uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES users(id)
, MenuId uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES menus(id)
, RecipeId uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES recipes(id)
, PRIMARY KEY (UserId, MenuId)

Can a foreign key be NULL and/or duplicate?

Please clarify two things for me:
Can a Foreign key be NULL?
Can a Foreign key be duplicate?
As fair as I know, NULL shouldn't be used in foreign keys, but in some application of mine I'm able to input NULL in both Oracle and SQL Server, and I don't know why.
Short answer: Yes, it can be NULL or duplicate.
I want to explain why a foreign key might need to be null or might need to be unique or not unique. First remember a Foreign key simply requires that the value in that field must exist first in a different table (the parent table). That is all an FK is by definition. Null by definition is not a value. Null means that we do not yet know what the value is.
Let me give you a real life example. Suppose you have a database that stores sales proposals. Suppose further that each proposal only has one sales person assigned and one client. So your proposal table would have two foreign keys, one with the client ID and one with the sales rep ID. However, at the time the record is created, a sales rep is not always assigned (because no one is free to work on it yet), so the client ID is filled in but the sales rep ID might be null. In other words, usually you need the ability to have a null FK when you may not know its value at the time the data is entered, but you do know other values in the table that need to be entered. To allow nulls in an FK generally all you have to do is allow nulls on the field that has the FK. The null value is separate from the idea of it being an FK.
Whether it is unique or not unique relates to whether the table has a one-one or a one-many relationship to the parent table. Now if you have a one-one relationship, it is possible that you could have the data all in one table, but if the table is getting too wide or if the data is on a different topic (the employee - insurance example #tbone gave for instance), then you want separate tables with a FK. You would then want to make this FK either also the PK (which guarantees uniqueness) or put a unique constraint on it.
Most FKs are for a one to many relationship and that is what you get from a FK without adding a further constraint on the field. So you have an order table and the order details table for instance. If the customer orders ten items at one time, he has one order and ten order detail records that contain the same orderID as the FK.
1 - Yes, since at least SQL Server 2000.
2 - Yes, as long as it's not a UNIQUE constraint or linked to a unique index.
Yes foreign key can be null as told above by senior programmers... I would add another scenario where Foreign key will required to be null....
suppose we have tables comments, Pictures and Videos in an application which allows comments on pictures and videos. In comments table we can have two Foreign Keys PicturesId, and VideosId along with the primary Key CommentId. So when you comment on a video only VideosId would be required and pictureId would be null... and if you comment on a picture only PictureId would be required and VideosId would be null...
it depends on what role this foreign key plays in your relation.
if this foreign key is also a key attribute in your relation, then it can't be NULL
if this foreign key is a normal attribute in your relation, then it can be NULL.
Here's an example using Oracle syntax:
First let's create a table COUNTRY
Create the table PROVINCE
This runs perfectly fine in Oracle. Notice the COUNTRY_ID foreign key in the second table doesn't have "NOT NULL".
Now to insert a row into the PROVINCE table, it's sufficient to only specify the PROVINCE_ID. However, if you chose to specify a COUNTRY_ID as well, it must exist already in the COUNTRY table.
By default there are no constraints on the foreign key, foreign key can be null and duplicate.
while creating a table / altering the table, if you add any constrain of uniqueness or not null then only it will not allow the null/ duplicate values.
Simply put, "Non-identifying" relationships between Entities is part of ER-Model and is available in Microsoft Visio when designing ER-Diagram. This is required to enforce cardinality between Entities of type " zero or more than zero", or "zero or one". Note this "zero" in cardinality instead of "one" in "one to many".
Now, example of non-identifying relationship where cardinality may be "zero" (non-identifying) is when we say a record / object in one entity-A "may" or "may not" have a value as a reference to the record/s in another Entity-B.
As, there is a possibility for one record of entity-A to identify itself to the records of other Entity-B, therefore there should be a column in Entity-B to have the identity-value of the record of Entity-B. This column may be "Null" if no record in Entity-A identifies the record/s (or, object/s) in Entity-B.
In Object Oriented (real-world) Paradigm, there are situations when an object of Class-B does not necessarily depends (strongly coupled) on object of class-A for its existence, which means Class-B is loosely-coupled with Class-A such that Class-A may "Contain" (Containment) an object of Class-A, as opposed to the concept of object of Class-B must have (Composition) an object of Class-A, for its (object of class-B) creation.
From SQL Query point of view, you can query all records in entity-B which are "not null" for foreign-key reserved for Entity-B. This will bring all records having certain corresponding value for rows in Entity-A alternatively all records with Null value will be the records which do not have any record in Entity-A in Entity-B.
Can a Foreign key be NULL?
Existing answers focused on single column scenario. If we consider multi column foreign key we have more options using MATCH [SIMPLE | PARTIAL | FULL] clause defined in SQL Standard:
A value inserted into the referencing column(s) is matched against the values of the referenced table and referenced columns using the given match type. There are three match types: MATCH FULL, MATCH PARTIAL, and MATCH SIMPLE (which is the default). MATCH FULL will not allow one column of a multicolumn foreign key to be null unless all foreign key columns are null; if they are all null, the row is not required to have a match in the referenced table. MATCH SIMPLE allows any of the foreign key columns to be null; if any of them are null, the row is not required to have a match in the referenced table. MATCH PARTIAL is not yet implemented.
(Of course, NOT NULL constraints can be applied to the referencing column(s) to prevent these cases from arising.)
INSERT INTO A(a, b, d)
VALUES (NULL, NULL, NOW()),('a', NULL, NOW()),(NULL, 'b', NOW()),('c', 'b', NOW());
-- MATCH SIMPLE - default behaviour nulls are allowed
INSERT INTO B(id, ref_a, ref_b) VALUES (1, NULL, 'b');
-- (NULL/'x') 'x' value does not exists in A table, but insert is valid
INSERT INTO B(id, ref_a, ref_b) VALUES (2, NULL, 'x');
-- MATCH PARTIAL - not implemented
-- ERROR: MATCH PARTIAL not yet implemented
-- MATCH FULL nulls are not allowed
-- FK is defined, inserting NULL as part of FK
INSERT INTO B(id, ref_a, ref_b) VALUES (1, NULL, 'b');
-- ERROR: MATCH FULL does not allow mixing of null and nonnull key values.
-- FK is defined, inserting all NULLs - valid
INSERT INTO B(id, ref_a, ref_b) VALUES (1, NULL, NULL);
db<>fiddle demo
I think it is better to consider the possible cardinality we have in the tables.
We can have possible minimum cardinality zero. When it is optional, the minimum participation of tuples from the related table could be zero, Now you face the necessity of foreign key values to be allowed null.
But the answer is it all depends on the Business.
The idea of a foreign key is based on the concept of referencing a value that already exists in the main table. That is why it is called a foreign key in the other table. This concept is called referential integrity. If a foreign key is declared as a null field it will violate the the very logic of referential integrity. What will it refer to? It can only refer to something that is present in the main table. Hence, I think it would be wrong to declare a foreign key field as null.
I think foreign key of one table also primary key to some other table.So it won't allows nulls.So there is no question of having null value in foreign key.

How do you store business activities in a SQL database?

The goal is to store activities such as inserting, updating, and deleting business records.
One solution I'm considering is to use one table per record to be tracked. Here is a simplified example:
CREATE TABLE ActivityTypes
TypeId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
TypeName nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT UK_ActivityTypes UNIQUE (TypeName)
INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('WidgetRotated');
INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('WidgetFlipped');
INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('DingBatPushed');
INSERT INTO ActivityTypes (TypeName) VALUES ('ButtonAddedToDingBat');
ActivityId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
TypeId int NOT NULL,
AccountId int NOT NULL,
TimeStamp datetime NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Activities PRIMARY KEY (ActivityId),
CONSTRAINT FK_Activities_ActivityTypes FOREIGN KEY (TypeId)
REFERENCES ActivityTypes (TypeId),
CONSTRAINT FK_Activities_Accounts FOREIGN KEY (AccountId)
REFERENCES Accounts (AccountId)
CREATE TABLE WidgetActivities
ActivityId int NOT NULL,
WidgetId int NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_WidgetActivities PRIMARY KEY (ActivityId),
CONSTRAINT FK_WidgetActivities_Activities FOREIGN KEY (ActivityId)
REFERENCES Activities (ActivityId),
CONSTRAINT FK_WidgetActivities_Widgets FOREIGN KEY (WidgetId)
REFERENCES Widgets (WidgetId)
CREATE TABLE DingBatActivities
ActivityId int NOT NULL,
DingBatId int NOT NULL,
ButtonId int,
CONSTRAINT PK_DingBatActivities PRIMARY KEY (ActivityId),
CONSTRAINT FK_DingBatActivities_Activities FOREIGN KEY (ActivityId)
REFERENCES Activities (ActivityId),
CONSTRAINT FK_DingBatActivities_DingBats FOREIGN KEY (DingBatId)
REFERENCES DingBats (DingBatId)
CONSTRAINT FK_DingBatActivities_Buttons FOREIGN KEY (ButtonId)
REFERENCES Buttons (ButtonId)
This solution seems good for fetching all activities given a widget or dingbat record id, however it doesn't seem so good for fetching all activities and then trying to determine to which record they refer.
That is, in this example, all the account names and timestamps are stored in a separate table, so it's easy to create reports focused on users and focused on time intervals without the need to know what the activity is in particular.
However, if you did want to report on the activities by type in particular, this solution would require determining to which type of activity the general activity table refers.
I could put all my activity types in one table, however the ID's would not be able to be constrained by a foreign key, instead the table name might be used as an id, which would lead me to use dynamic queries.
Note in the example that a DingBatActivity has an optional button Id. If the button name were to have been edited after being added to the dingbat, the activity would be able to refer to the button and know its name, so if a report listed all activities by dingbat and by button by name, the button name change would automatically be reflected in the activity description.
Looking for some other ideas and how those ideas compromise between programming effort, data integrity, performance, and reporting flexibility.
The way that I usually architect a solution to this problem is similar to inheritance in objects. If you have "activities" that are taking place on certain entities and you want to track those activities then the entities involved almost certainly have something in common. There's your base table. From there you can create subtables off of the base table to track things specific to that subtype. For example, you might have:
CREATE TABLE Objects -- Bad table name, should be more specific
object_id INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Application_Objects PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (application_id)
object_id INT NOT NULL,
height DECIMAL(5, 2) NOT NULL,
width DECIMAL(5, 2) NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT FK_Widgets_Objects
FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES Objects (object_id)
object_id INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT FK_Dingbats_Objects
FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES Objects (object_id)
Now for your activities:
CREATE TABLE Object_Activities
activity_id INT NOT NULL,
object_id INT NOT NULL,
activity_type INT NOT NULL,
activity_time DATETIME NOT NULL,
account_id INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Object_Activities PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (activity_id),
CONSTRAINT FK_Object_Activities_Objects
FOREIGN KEY (object_id) REFERENCES Objects (object_id),
CONSTRAINT FK_Object_Activities_Activity_Types
FOREIGN KEY (activity_type) REFERENCES Activity_Types (activity_type),
CREATE TABLE Dingbat_Activities
activity_id INT NOT NULL,
button_id INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Dingbat_Activities PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (activity_id),
CONSTRAINT FK_Dingbat_Activities_Object_Activities
FOREIGN KEY (activity_id) REFERENCES Object_Activities (activity_id),
CONSTRAINT FK_Dingbat_Activities_Buttons
FOREIGN KEY (button_id) REFERENCES Object_Activities (button_id),
You can add a type code to the base activity if you want to for the type of object which it is affecting or you can just determine that by looking for existence in a subtable.
Here's the big caveat though: Make sure that the objects/activities really do have something in common which relates them and requires you to go down this path. You don't want to store disjointed, unrelated data in the same table. For example, you could use this method to create a table that holds both bank account transactions and celestial events, but that wouldn't be a good idea. At the base level they need to have something in common.
Also, I assumed that all of your activities were related to an account, which is why it's in the base table. Anything in common to ALL activities goes in the base table. Things relevant to only a subtype go in those tables. You could even go multiple levels deep, but don't get carried away. The same goes for the objects (again, bad name here, but I'm not sure what you're actually dealing with). If all of your objects have a color then you can put it in the Objects table. If not, then it would go into sub tables.
I'm going to go out on a limb and take a few wild guesses about what you're really trying to accomplish.
You say you're trying to track 'store activities' I'm going to assume you have the following activities:
Purchase new item
Sell item
Write off item
Hire employee
Pay employee
Fire employee
Update employee record
Ok, for these activities, you need a few different tables: one for inventory, one for departments, and one for employees
The inventory table could have the following information:
item_id (pk)
description (varchar)
number_in_stock (number)
cost_wholesale (number)
retail_price (number)
dept_id (fk)
dept_id (pk)
description (varchar)
emp_id (pk)
first_name (varchar)
last_name (varchar)
salary (number)
hire_date (date)
fire_date (date)
So, when you buy new items, you will either update the number_in_stock in inventory table, or create a new row if it is an item you've never had before. When you sell an item, you decriment the number_in_stock for that item (also for when you write off an item).
When you hire a new employee, you add a record from them to the employees table. When you pay them, you grab their salary from the salary column. When you fire them, you fill in that column for their record (and stop paying them).
In all of this, the doing is not done by the database. SQL should be used for keeping track of information. It's fine to write procedures for doing these updates (a new invoice procedure that updates all the items from an invoice record). But you don't need a table to do stuff. In fact, a table can't do anything.
When designing a database, the question you need to ask is not "what do I need to do?" it is "What information do I need to keep track of?"
New answer, based on an different interpretation of the question.
Are you just trying to keep a list of what has happened? If you just need a ordered list of past events, you just need 1 table for it:
action_list_id (pk)
action_desc (varchar)
event_log_id (pk)
event_time (timestamp)
action_list_id (fk)
new_action_added (fk)
action_details_or_description (varchar)
In this, the action_list would be something like:
1 'WidgetRotated'
2 'WidgetFlipped'
3 'DingBatPushed'
4 'AddNewAction'
5 'DeleteExistingAction'
The event_log would be a list of what activities happened, and when. One of your actions would be "add new action" and would require the 'new_action_added' column to be filled in on the event table anytime the action taken is "add new action".
You can create actions for update, remove, add, etc.
I added the action_details_or_description column to event. In this way, you can give further information about an action. For example, if you have a "product changes color" action, the description could be "Red" for the new color.
More broadly, you'll want to think through and map out all the different types of actions you'll be taking ahead of time, so you can set up your table(s) in a way that can accurately contain the data you want to put into them.
How about the SQL logs?
The last time I needed a database transaction logger I used an Instead Of trigger in the database so that it would instead of just updating the record, the database would insert a new record into the log table. This technique meant that I needed an additional table to hold the log for each table in my database and the log table had an additional column with a time stamp. Using this technique you can even store the pre and post update state of the record if you want to.

implementing UNIQUE across linked tables in MySQL

a USER is a PERSON and a PERSON has a COMPANY - user -> person is one-to-one, person -> company is many-to-one.
person_id is FK in USER table.
company_id is FK in PERSON table.
A PERSON may not be a USER, but a USER is always a PERSON.
If company_id was in user table, I could create a unique key based on username and company_id, but it isn't, and would be a duplication of data if it was.
Currently, I'm implementing the unique username/company ID rule in the RoseDB manager wrapper code, but it feels wrong. I'd like to define the unique rule at the DB level if I can, but I'm not sure excactly how to approach it. I tried something like this:
alter table user add unique(used_id,person.company_id);
but that doesn't work.
By reading through the documentation, I can't find an example that does anything even remotely similar. Am I trying to add functionality that doesn't exist, or am I missing something here?
Well, there's nothing simple that does what you want. You can probably enforce the constraint you need using BEFORE INSERT and BEFORE UPDATE triggers, though. See this SO question about raising MySQL errors for how to handle making the triggers fail.
Are there more attributes to your PERSON table? Reason I ask is that what you want to implement is a typical corollary table:
USERS table:
user_id (pk)
user_id (pk, fk)
company_id (pk, fk)
EXPIRY_DATE (not null)
company_id (pk)
The primary key of the USER_COMPANY_XREF table being a composite key of USERS.user_id and COMPANIES.company_id would allow you to associate a user with more than one company while not duplicating data in the USERS table, and provide referencial integrity.
You could define the UNIQUE constraint in the Person table:
UNIQUE KEY (person_id, company_id),
FOREIGN KEY (company_id) REFERENCES Company (company_id)
FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES Person (person_id)
But actually you don't need the unique constraint even in the Person table, because person_id is already unique on its own. There's no way a given person_id could reference two companies.
So I'm not sure what problem you're trying to solve.
Re your comment:
That doesn't solve the issue of allowing the same username to exist in different companies.
So you want a given username to be unique within one company, but usable in different companies? That was not clear to me from your original question.
So if you don't have many other attributes specific to users, I'd combine User with Person and add an "is_user" column. Or just rely on it being implicitly true that a Person with a non-null cryptpass is by definition a User.
Then your problem with cross-table UNIQUE constraints goes away.