Error 17550 SQL-Server - sql

This error is appearing and I can not correct it, can someone help me?

Please check if the blog be helpful


track-changes-suggestion-data-mismatch error how to debug

I have been currently following the Documentation and getting the track-changes-suggestion-data-mismatch error, i am unsure how to debug it, any help would be much appreciated.
I have compared both the data(html) which is generated by CKEditor and also the data fetched from the server, there is no difference.
If anyone can shed some light as to which data the error is talking about it would be great.


I believe I may have mistakenly overwrote the macros for activateTargetDocument().
Is there a way to find the relevant code for replacement?
I have looked at
This was the closest I could get to the macros.
Please assist,
Thank you

SQL: Sublime-->PHPMyAdmin formatting error?

this is probably a very rookie mistake (I`m totally new to SQL), but I hope you can help me. I have written some SQL code in Sublime Text. When trying to paste it into PHPMyadmin (web) I get some error messages. I think the code is right, so it seems like something happened to the formatting. Does anybody have any clues what I might have done wrong?

How do I use the batch ultility of Graphics Magick?

I'm sure that my mistake is plain simple. I'm fair new to this application and after seeing the online help for batch I copy and paste the code for jpg conversion (to tiff) and it didn't work. The error it gives is: "gm: unrecognized command 'for'. Use help ... " and I don't get it, isn't batch utily this for (the use of shell script)? If someone can copy a simple script for this porpouse it will help me a lot. Thanks
PD: Sorry for my english
This blog post gives a deeper explanation of how GM batch mode works. Try out the examples there should help you to understand the examples used in the online help.

How can I get rid of all the information lines?

The subject says it all. That is way too much information, and the important stuff is somewhere in the bottom. What might I have changed that all these details appear?
Thanks in advance.
Please try new AppCode 2.1.1 build - we have improved error output.