How can I get rid of all the information lines? - appcode

The subject says it all. That is way too much information, and the important stuff is somewhere in the bottom. What might I have changed that all these details appear?
Thanks in advance.

Please try new AppCode 2.1.1 build - we have improved error output.


track-changes-suggestion-data-mismatch error how to debug

I have been currently following the Documentation and getting the track-changes-suggestion-data-mismatch error, i am unsure how to debug it, any help would be much appreciated.
I have compared both the data(html) which is generated by CKEditor and also the data fetched from the server, there is no difference.
If anyone can shed some light as to which data the error is talking about it would be great.

Extracting VCS Changes - Intellj Idea Plugin Development

I have a VcsFullCommitDetails, calling .getChanges() is returning empty array all the time. Appreciate any help or hint how I can resolve that.
Take a look at methods in git4idea.history.GitHistoryUtils

Error 17550 SQL-Server

This error is appearing and I can not correct it, can someone help me?
Please check if the blog be helpful

Comments that control uncrustify behaviour

In this question ( i learned that i can use *INDENT-OFF* to exclude uncrustify action on certain parts of code.
Unfortunately i was not able to find this information anywhere else.
Does anybody know where i can look this up? Are there other comments which control uncrustifiy behaviour?
The *INDENT-ON* and *INDENT-OFF* are defined in the uncrustify_types.h file in the source code
See also Ben Gardner's comment:

Bulkloader syntax Error

Having been struggling trying to bulkload data to the datastore, I have reached the point where expert help is needed.
I don't think what is am doing is tricky, I have the following configuration file:
and when I use the command, the error messages end with:
File "config.txt", line 1
Syntax error: invalid syntax.
I have used a .txt file as it is faster to edit in notepad initially - I don't know if that is a problem and the remote_api for the appspot all seems to be okay.
I am thinking it is a fairly fundemental problem as it has stopped working at the top line. I removed the comment lines at the top of the original file - maybe that caused it.
I have tried to find working examples to set me right but they all seem to follow the syntax above, or where they are slightly different, I have tried both variants.
Help on bulkloading for my first cloud app would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance for anyone taking time to read my post whether they solve it or not.
Be sure the configuration file extension is .yaml