How to bind to attribute in Vue JS? - vue.js

I got this error
Interpolation inside attributes has been removed. Use v-bind or the
colon shorthand instead. For example, instead of <div id="{{ val }}">,
use <div :id="val">.
on this line
<a href="/Library/#Model.Username/{{myVueData.Id}}">
It works in Angular 1. How do you do it in Vue?

In your template:
<a :href="href">
And you put href in data:
new Vue({
// ...
data: {
href: 'your link'
Or use a computed property:
new Vue({
// ...
computed: {
href () {
return '/foo' + this.someValue + '/bar'

Just complementing ... solve the interpolation error (simple solution, I am Junior front-end developer):
Example post object in a loop:
instead of
<a href="{{post.buttonLinkExt}}">
try this way
<a v-bind:href="post.buttonLinkExt">

Use javascript code inside v-bind (or shortcut ":") :
:href="'/Library/#Model.Username' + myVueData.Id"
:id="'/Library/#Model.Username' + myVueData.Id"
Update Answer
Some directives can take an “argument”, denoted by a colon after the directive name. For example, the v-bind directive is used to reactively update an HTML attribute:
<a v-bind:href="url"></a>
Here href is the argument, which tells the v-bind directive to bind the element’s href attribute to the value of the expression url. You may have noticed this achieves the same result as an attribute interpolation using href="{{url}}": that is correct, and in fact, attribute interpolations are translated into v-bind bindings internally.

Found in Google this topic when searching $attrib.
Question don't specify what value is used (maybe not defined before)
For ANY parent attribute or to FILTER it, use something like that:
This instruct to create specific, dynamic and context aware, wrapper:
v-bind="$attrs" instruct to take all sended params. Not needed to declare as param object in script.
Work even with valid html attribute like class
example above mix static class with parent and join it. Use ternary operator (x=1?x:y) to choose proper one.
bonus: by "is" you can dynamically set tag like header or secion instead of div
$attrs can be binded to any tag in component so this easily enable simple transmission for one tag dynamic attributes like you define class for <input /> but wrapper and actions are added in component
Source with description:

you can either use the shorthand : or v-bind
<img v-bind:src="linkAddress">
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
linkAddress: ''
or for when you need more than just binding an attribute you can also do:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
finishedLink: ' Google '


Vue replaces "open" attribute to value "open" in any tag

I'm using vue.js (v2.6.12) components in laravel blade templates.
For the project, I'm also using MathML in which I need to use the open attribute of <mfenced> tag to be set to some custom values. Here is the example of the math expressing in mathml.
<math xmlns="">
<mfenced close="]" open="[">
But as soon as the page renders, the open attribute is converted into this open="open". I'm 100% sure there is no other library or script is loaded that updates like so, just plain vue. This actually breaks the math expression. So it looks like this:
<math xmlns="">
<mfenced close="]" open="open">
Later I realized that not only in math expression, litaratily any tag, be it <div open="anything">...</div>, <span open="anything">...</span>, <custom-element open="something">...</custom-element> having open attribute behaves the same. even if I use v-pre attribute to exclude it from vue js templete compiler.
And this do not happen, as soon I disable the vue app initialization.
The question here are:
Why vue is changing the open attribute like so?
How can I stop this behaviour, to the entire page within the vue application area or at least where I choose (something like using v-pre), is there ary config or any other way around?
In HTML spec there are some attributes called boolean attributes. Spec dictates what can be a value of such attribute:
If the attribute is present, its value must either be the empty string or a value that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the attribute's canonical name, with no leading or trailing whitespace.
The values "true" and "false" are not allowed on boolean attributes. To represent a false value, the attribute has to be omitted altogether.
open is one of the boolean attributes - it is defined for the <details> element
Problem with Vue 2 is, that it treats most of the boolean attributes as global - without considering the element it is placed on. Result is that open attribute is always rendered with value "open" or removed if the value is falsy (when v-binding). This is fixed in Vue 3 as shown in 2nd example...
The use of v-pre is the way to go but unfortunately for you there is a bug.
See this issue. The bug was already fixed with this commit(Sep 21, 2020) but it was not released yet...
example - the "With v-pre" should work in Vue version > 2.6.12
const vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
message: 'Hi!',
html: `<div open="[" close="]">Hi from html</div>`
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div open="[" close="]">{{ message }}</div>
<div v-html="html"></div>
<div v-pre>
<p open="[" close="]">With v-pre</p>
example - it works in Vue 3 - open is treated as boolean attribute only if placed on <details>
const app = Vue.createApp({
data() {
return {
message: 'This works in Vue 3!',
<script src="" integrity="sha512-1gHWIGJfX0pBsPJHfyoAV4NiZ0wjjE1regXVSwglTejjna0/x/XG8tg+i3ZAsDtuci24LLxW8azhp1+VYE5daw==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<div id="app">
<div open="[" close="]">{{ message }}</div>
<details open="[">
open attribute on details element is treated as boolean (renders empty value)
One workaround is to create a directive (named "attr") that sets the attribute:
Vue.directive('attr', (el, binding) => el.setAttribute(binding.arg, binding.value || ''))
Then use it in your template like v-bind but with v-attr:
<mfenced v-attr:open="'['">
Vue.directive('attr', (el, binding) => el.setAttribute(binding.arg, binding.value || ''))
new Vue({ el: '#app' })
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<math xmlns="">
<mfenced close="]" v-attr:open="'['">
I've found a simple hack to solve this problem.
Why hack?
Because it is eventually going to be fixed in the comming release as pointed by #Michal, so just a quick & dirty hack is enough for now to go for it.
What I did is I placed the math content in the content and also added it to the data attribute and replacing the original content after vue has done its bad work (sorry just using blade syntax here, but it will make sense). I keep it in both places just for SEO purposes.
The template where I need math expression to be displayed.
<div class="proxy-content" data-proxy-content="{{ $article->content }}">
{!! $article->content !!}
I was using it along with jQuery, but you can easily substitute with vue.js' $el. This is what it looks in my app.js file.
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
proxyContent() {
// Set Proxy Content.
jQuery('.proxy-content').each((i, el) => {
const $el = jQuery(el);
$el.html( jQuery('<textarea />').html( $'proxy-content')).text() );
loadMathJax() {
// Load & Initialize MathJax Library.
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "";
// Enable proxy content after mount, so we are sure no more rendering issue for templates.
// Load MathJax library with a little delay to make sure everything is ready before loading the library.
setTimeout(() => this.loadMathJax(), 10);
One might argue, that I'm mixing up things outside of the scope of the vue application. For me that is not an issue, as the whole page is using vue.js and also the single thing don't make any harm even if there is another scope that is using mathml (though it depends on actual implementation).
In that case, if you want to scope it well, just use $el of vue.

Is there any way to have a comment inside a tag [duplicate]

Sometimes it is needed to comment out some element attribute without having to remember it in order to restore it quickly after some tests.
Commenting out whole element is achievable with HTML commenting syntax
<!-- <h2>Hello</h2> -->
However this won't work with a single attribute (causes rendering error)
<my-comp id="my_comp_1"
<!-- :disabled="!isValid" -->
The best approach I could see and used before was to make a tag backup by copying whole element and settings v-if="false" for it (or comment out whole copied element) and continue to experiment with original one
I don't think you can put an HTML comment inside a component tag, for much the same reason you can't put comments inside an HTML element opening tag. It's not valid markup in either situation. I think the closest you could come would be to place the comment in the quotes:
:disabled="// !isValid"
Which would have the same effect as:
Depending on whether your component can handle that value being missing, that might fit your needs.
Prefix the attribute value with data- or Wrap with data attribute.
<my-comp id="my_comp_1"
data-_click="handleClick"> # `#` could not be used
<my-comp id="my_comp_1"
I'll with the attribute set to something like data-FIXME.
I got these solutions to work. I thought of solution 1.
Starting code:
v-for="foo in foos"
#click="foo.on = !foo.on /* JavaScript comment. */"
{{ }} {{foo.on}}
The Vue directive HTML attribute that needs to be disabled: #click="foo.on = !foo.on"
How the final div tag will run:
v-for="foo in foos"
Solutions 1 and 2 keep the disabled attribute inside its tag. I didn't find a good way to make a "raw string". To keep the attribute in the tag, the outer and inner quotes must be different.
sol. 1: I made a new v-bind attribute (:lang) to put the disabled attribute in.
:lang='en /* #click="foo.on = !foo.on" */'
Sol. 2: Pick a Vue directive. Put the attribute in.
v-for="foo in foos /* #click='foo.on = !foo.on' */"
Solutions 3 and 4 put the attribute outside the tag.
Sol. 3:
<div v-if="false">
#click="foo.on = !foo.on"
Sol. 4: <!-- #click="foo.on = !foo.on" -->
One way to remove/hide component attributes is to create a custom directive for it.
Let's say you create a directive called v-hide and put it in your component as:
<my-comp v-model="value" #click="handleClick" v-hide :disable='true'></my-comp>
And the output would be:
<my-comp v-model="value" #click="handleClick"></my-comp>
Here is a working example:
Vue.component ('my-component', {
template: `<p> A custom template </p>`
Vue.directive('hide', {
inserted: function (el) {
console.log('el before hide', el)
while(el.attributes.length > 0)
console.log('el after hide', el)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data () {
return {
someValue: 'Hello'
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<my-component v-model='someValue' v-hide :disable='true'></my-component>

Generate Vue Component with vanilla JS

I am currently using the bootstrap table component to display a list (
This component (or jQuery plugin wrapped within a vue component) has a formatter for each column.
example with source code:
I need to build a more complex set of links which involve some js processing that could easily be done with vue.
Instead of the formatter returning the <a> tag I would like to return the contents of a <component>. I have tried this but haven't been able to render a component.
I'm almost sure this is impossible because the child component is not previously binded which means the component won't be "reactive".
As an alternative I can build a js function that generates all the required links.
Another phrasing for this question would be: Is there any possibility to generate a vue component from vanilla js?
The above was not possible the way was tried because the components cannot be simply rendered like html tags as they can have methods and computed data therefore they must be compiled.
It looks like the solution for the above situation is using the Vue.compile() method:
const template = `
<li v-for="item in items">
{{ item }}
const compiledTemplate = Vue.compile(template);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
items: ['Item1', 'Item2']
render(createElement) {
return, createElement);
Demo reference:
Vue docs:

How to call a JavaScript function from a Vue.js v-bind

I want to call a plain JavaScript function from inside a Vue.js v-bind attribute. I can do it by channeling it through a Vue.js data variable, but calling a plain JavaScript function directly from v-bind produces an error.
How can I call a JavaScript function directly without having to map to a variable or method in Vue.js?
<div id="app">
The URL is: {{url}}
<a target="_blank" v-bind:href="url">goto URL</a>
<a target="_blank" v-bind:href="url2">goto URL2</a>
<a target="_blank" v-bind:href="getUrl()">goto URL2 using javascript function</a>
function getUrl() {
return '';
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
url: '',
url2: getUrl()
In order for Vue to be able to bind itself, it needs to be part of the Vue instance. Whilst your function might be accessible under normal circumstances, it's not part of the vue instance and in turn can't be accessed.
As you have already stated, using a data prop moves it into scope of the vue instance. You could also use a computed prop for this if the value is likely to mutate.
As per this post from the vue author(Evan You) regarding using global functions:
Because implicitly falling back to globals will be a maintainability nightmare. When you look at a template you will have no idea whether a variable belongs to the component, or some globals defined by someone you have no idea where.
It's worth noting that if you feel this is something you want to do a lot, you could have a global mixin and specify some methods on there to get the Urls.
There is a way to do this but I don't recommend it:
See this fiddle
Basically, you add your own function to the Vue.prototype (this is how things like Vue Router and Vuex work):
Vue.prototype.$myFunc = function getUrl() {
return '';
Make sure you declare it before you create your var vm = new Vue() call.
Then you can access it via $myFunc() from the template or this.$myFunc() from the vue instance itself.

Does Vue have bilateral bind?

<p contenteditable="true" v-bind="message"></p>
Object #message does not change when I edit the HTML element. Is there any simple way to do this using Vue.js?
Unfortunately, contenteditable doesn't work with Vue bindings such as v-model, it's recommended that you use a library such as medium.js to build your own component.
However, if you're just trying to do something simple and keep the data in sync you can probably do that yourself:
View Model
new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
updateMessage() {
this.message = this.$refs.message.innerText;
watch: {
message() {
this.$refs.message.innerText = this.message;
data: {
message: 'Hello'
<p ref="message" contenteditable="true" #keyup="updateMessage" class="editable">{{message}}</p>
As you can see you have to deal with updating the DOM yourself when using contenteditable. What I'm actually doing here is using a ref to target the contenteditable, so I can get the inner text via this.$refs.message.innerText. I've then added a #keyup event which calls the updateMessage method to update the message data property. I've then added a watcher which reverses this process, so when message is updated it updates the contenteditable.
Here's the JSFiddle:
Yes it has a two-way binding directive v-model, but it works only with input elements. So, instead of using a p element and handling that with complex JS, use a textarea with v-model and it will work out of the box.
<textarea v-model="message"></textarea>
here is an example.