Automated testing of local storage - testing

we recently implemented on our websites local storage. I am curious if there is some way to automate testing of local storage. I don't mean unit test etc. I am looking for some tools from testers perspective for example - possibility to test it with Selenium or other test automation tool.
Thank you


API automation execution from CI/CD Platforms

My question is about API automation execution from CI/CD Platforms like Jenkins/Bamboo/Azure etc.
For API automation, it is important to have control on the machine from which the API’s are triggered as we may need to open Firewall for some API’s or add Certificates to java of that machine.
But if I run my API test from the CI/CD agent machines, I can not have that control as those agent machines are maintained by organizational level team who will not entertain any such modifications for the agent machines as they are used by all other teams.
How to overcome this issue? How is actually done?
If anyone out there, faced the same situation in their own company, I want to hear from them.
Thanks a lot for your support.

Test Canvas Graphics with Selenium

I need to test canvas graphics with Selenium. Does anyone have any advice, resource to facilitate the development of the tests? Is it technically possible to test canvas with selenium?
No its not possible with selenium:
if look the selenium intro doc
Test Automation for Web Applications
Many, perhaps most, software applications today are written as web-based applications to be run in an Internet browser. The effectiveness of testing these applications varies widely among companies and organizations. In an era of highly interactive and responsive software processes where many organizations are using some form of Agile methodology, test automation is frequently becoming a requirement for software projects. Test automation is often the answer. Test automation means using a software tool to run repeatable tests against the application to be tested. For regression testing this provides that responsiveness.

What is the difference between Perfecto Mobile and Mobile Labs Device Connect?

I need to know the difference between Mobile Labs Device Connect and Perfecto Mobile. I don't see much links stating
is there any other differences? Kindly suggest me which one is the best cloud based testing tool.
There are many differences between the 2 tools and vendors
1) Perfecto is the leading tool vendor around continuous quality solutions for mobile apps. It backs the solution with a robust mobile quality lab which offers various cloud models (Private Hosted or on premise, Public (top 100 devices always on!), and local devices connected (No hardware required).
2) Perfecto offers open APIs and large set of connection to leading tools (Selenium, Appium, Calabash, HP UFT, Microsoft, IBM, CA, Jmeter, Neotys)
3) Perfecto offers end to end life cycles solutions from manual, automation, performance and monitoring with easy scripting which works on multiple platforms and runs in parallel (in opposed to the MobileLabs only UFT solution which required serial execution)
4) Perfecto offers selenium remote webdriver solution for selenium users DIRECTLY from within the Eclipse IDE (this is the only solution in the market offering cloud connection from eclipse for selenium development). No evidence!! for mobile labs selenium solution

Any idea for executing Selenium webdriver + Java/Python tests from Cloud

I can't found any question/answer about that (probably I don't know how to find it...)
Could somebody give me a global idea to execute +200 Selenium webdriver tests (Python) from cloud servers/tools?
Another way is Saucelabs, using this service you'll be able to just send your Selenium
Java/Python tests
to their Cloud infrastructure for execution. The benefits of such testing are obvious – no need to waste time and resources setting up and maintaining your own VM farm, and additionally you can run your test suite in various browsers in parallel. Also no need to share any sensitive data, source code and databases.
As said in this acticle:
Of course inserting this roundtrip across the Internet is not without cost. The penalty of running Selenium tests this way is that they run quite slowly, typically about 3 times slower in my experience. This means that this is not something that individual developers are going to do from their workstations.
To ease the integration of this service into your projects, maybe you'll have to write a some kind of saucelabs-adapter, that will do the necessary SSH tunnel setup/teardown and Selenium configuration, automatically as part of a test.
And for a better visualization:
Here's a global idea:
Use Amazon Web Services.
Using AWS, you can have a setup like this:
1 Selenium Grid. IP: X.X.X.X
100 Selenium nodes connecting to X.X.X.X:4444/wd/register
Each Selenium node has a node config, running 2 maxSessions at once. (depending on size of course)
Have also, a Continuous integration server like Jenkins, run your Python tests Against X.X.X.X grid.

Demandware site testing

We are using Demandware for our eCommerce site so they are giving sandboxes for development and testing.
I am automating the site for regression testing. But if I run automation scripts on Testing sandbox, sometimes it is taking longer time to load the page as a result test fails.
So what is the best way to do automation testing on Demandware related websites ?
Is it possible to deploy site to Cloud ?
Is is possible to increase the performance of testing related sandbox ? So tests will not fail?
Can you please suggest your thoughts?
Use development instance for these tests, as it is close to production in terms that it uses Akamai CDN, so the loading of pages will be relatively faster.
If sandboxes/development instances are performing slow, it may be good idea to look in Pipeline profiler in Demandware Business Manager to get insight as to where the performance bottleneck is lying.