Test Canvas Graphics with Selenium - selenium

I need to test canvas graphics with Selenium. Does anyone have any advice, resource to facilitate the development of the tests? Is it technically possible to test canvas with selenium?

No its not possible with selenium:
if look the selenium intro doc https://www.seleniumhq.org/docs/01_introducing_selenium.jsp:
Test Automation for Web Applications
Many, perhaps most, software applications today are written as web-based applications to be run in an Internet browser. The effectiveness of testing these applications varies widely among companies and organizations. In an era of highly interactive and responsive software processes where many organizations are using some form of Agile methodology, test automation is frequently becoming a requirement for software projects. Test automation is often the answer. Test automation means using a software tool to run repeatable tests against the application to be tested. For regression testing this provides that responsiveness.


API Automation through Java or Postman

In my company we use Ruby to create a framework for API automation and I have heard we can automate using Postman or SoapUI. So why do we have to create a automation framework when we already have tools for it?
It is like a buying a suit at the clothes shop versus going to a tailor to get a suit that is measured especially to your needs.
Using an existing tool will require less initial setup, you will have access to a lot of commonly needed features, without reinventing the wheel. For instance, in Postman there are available test snippets that you can use with little or no programming knowledge. Tools such as ReadyAPI, Katalon Studio, Robot Framework, SoapUI, etc. usually don't have a too steep of a learning curve, compared to developing a customer automation framework from scratch.
Using tools is fine, especially if you understand how they work in the background and have analysed the testing needs for your particular project. For example, a tool like REST Assured makes writing tests for RESTful webservices very easy, but it's actually very complex in the background.
You would build an inhouse automation framework if after researching the existing solutions, you realize they don't fully provide all that you need. A well designed/architectured framework will be far more customizable than any other tool, although it will require more initial work and maintenance as well.
In terms of using a custom test automation framework your testers will generally have to be more technical, more like SDETs rather than typical testers, but does not always has to be the case - I have seen automation frameworks build by developers and the testers would only write tests inside it by re-using the methods in the framework.
Lastly I would advise you to do some experimentation, try one of the commercial or Open Sources tools for API testing and after doing some testing with it try doing the same with a more hands-on approach, like using Python's Request client Apache Http client for Java, but every language has it's equivalent.

Automated testing of local storage

we recently implemented on our websites local storage. I am curious if there is some way to automate testing of local storage. I don't mean unit test etc. I am looking for some tools from testers perspective for example - possibility to test it with Selenium or other test automation tool.
Thank you

Solution for a testing platform

We are looking for an automated testing software for our web application. We need to come up with a solution or software that our non-it staffs could write test cases as well as the developers.
For example I've run through some of them such as: SmartBear, National Instrument and IBM. Most of these guys are MS Windows based or commercial Linux distros which remove them from our list since we are all Debian based.
Any recommendation or guideline would be much appreciated.
Ps. We don't have any budget limit!
You're going to have a hard time getting tooling for non-technical testers to build test cases if you limit yourselves to Debian OS for developing and running the tests on. There's no reason you couldn't have a few Windows system to manage your test suites from -- those would run against your web site just fine, regardless of what stack it's hosted on. That would open you up to the tools you mentioned (and Telerik's Test Studio, the tool I help promote).
Those Windows systems could easily be run via whatever virtualization host you prefer, so you wouldn't even need physical systems to deal with that. You could easily share the same source control repository as your devs, too, since nearly every decent SCM has Windows clients.
If you're unwilling to consider having a few Windows boxes around for your testing, then you'll need to have a look at getting all your testers proficient in APIs and frameworks like WebDriver and Robot Framework. The Pages gem from Jeff Morgan (#chzy) in Ruby would be another option, as would Adam Goucher's Saunter (in Python).

Can HP QTP & FuncUnit/Selenium coexist, or are they mutually exclusive?

QTP seems robust and integrated withother systems.Funcunit/Selenium seem easier/quicker to setup and run for developers. Is it either-or, or is each tool betterat differentaspects of programming?
Anyone had experience with using both on a project and how?
The main advantage that QTP has vs Selenium is that QTP supports automation against non-browser-based applications. Selenium only tests web apps hosted in a browser.
Technology-wise, they can coexist, but I am not sure why you would want to. If you are a shop that only has web apps, then you could use either. If you are a shop that also needs to support desktop apps, then you should use QTP (or another vendor tool that supports both, like IBM RFT or MSFT VS2010).
In my opinion, you would never want to use both (i.e. QTP for desktop, Selenium for web), as you then need to support expertise in 2 toolsets.

Recommendations for automated testing tools for Windows CE and PDA devices

Is anyone out there aware of any good or even reasonable tools for automated testing on the Windows CE / mobile platforms. Potential tools that I am aware of include TestQuest, Countdown, SOTI pocket controller, and Eggplant. Are there any more that I have missed?
Alternatively, is anyone aware of a VNC or remote display tool for Windows mobile that replicates the Windows visual object hierarchy on the PC, rather than displaying the entire device as a single bitmap? If this could be done, mainstream desktop automation tools could be applied to Windows mobile.
N.B. I have already read this related question which is useful, but am looking for a viable off the shelf alternative. This post is following up on a number of related posts in the PDA/Embedded section of SQAforums.
I realize that your question is directly "are there tools to do the automated testing on CE", but have you considered perhaps aiming your automation at a version of the app which can be accessed from a standard desktop environment? In this way, you are open to all of the standard automation tools.
For example, I have worked on a few projects where we needed to perform automated testing for the device. In all cases, the RF device was really just a web browser connecting to a web based app. The same URL and simple forms could be plugged into a standard desktop browser and be automated by any of the usual automation toolsets. Automation never replaces manual testing, so what we did on those projects was automate regression testing of the same web interface that was used by the RF devices, but still do some sanity manual testing directly on the devices.
Also, with regards to the VNC/bitmap issue, I've been down that road before and agree that it is a nightmare. Using standard desktop UI automation on a VNC bitmap is not only unreliable and unmaintainable, but slow - in most tools, the CPU churns away searching the entire bitmap from top left to bottom right for the desired image. Really really slow.
Check Hopper, a test tool for Windows Mobile.