I'm not sure if my Express Checkouts are Working - express

How you doing? Well, i'm actually trying to integrate MyApplication > Paypal (at the SandBox mode).
Everything seems to be right and fine.
The api returns me a long message with tokens and stuff(without any error).
But when i look into the transaction logs, nothing is there.
Can someone help me please? Thanks for your attention!
Return message below:

For sure your transaction is processed successfully as you have the transaction id in the response. Where do you actually look out for the transaction logs?


How to handle errors when making a call to app insights?

My web app is integrated with App Insights for telemetry purposes.
My question is this:
If I have my app insights configured incorrectly, i will get an error.
Should this error break the UI, or gracefully let the user know of the error, or should it just be silent/ignore it?
It will depend on the type of application, end users etc.
Type of application - If this is going to be a public facing application, I don't think you would want the end users to know that there was an error with instrumentation. A regular check of the data being collected could help you understand if AppInsights is not configured correctly.
End users - If the end users are internal to your organization/team, the error information on UI could be considered for faster diagnosis.
Depending on the Framework/platform being used for the application, you could enable it using Auto-Instrumentaion which does not require a lot of configuration update to enable AppInsights. The chance of error here would be minimal.
However, if you are going with the SDK method, you could check the AppInsights logs, dashboards after a few minutes of hosting the application, to ensure that the data is flowing in.

Only receiving "File Written To" notifications from VDKQueue regardless of activity

I am trying to implement VDKQueue but only get ‘VDKQueueFileWrittenToNotification’ back as the notification regardless of the file activity in the watched folder. Deletes, file size changes all report back as this same message.
I think everything is set up OK, but maybe not…
[self.theQueueWatcher setDelegate:self];
[self.theQueueWatcher addPath:self.hotFolderPath notifyingAbout:VDKQueueNotifyDefault];
This is on 10.8.2.
Does anyone know if anything underlying in the OS has changed which would cause this? Or what I am missing?
After contacting the author of VDKQueue, he helpfully(seems like a nice guy) pointed out the purpose of kQueue, and therefore VDKQueue, was to watch an individual file for changes etc, not a folder as I was doing. So now starts the voyage into FSEvents which Bryan recommended was the best way to achieve this task.
Thanks Bryan.
Hope someone else finds this useful.

Adobe Air crash on NetConnection call

I have an Adobe Air mobile application that has a NetConnection. One on call to my AMF server it makes the call and everything returns fine. When I make a second call my app crashes.
Anyone one run into this?
you're going to need to get more info. Run it in debug mode and you should get a stack trace, variable values and the like.
Figured it out. My models in the client and on the server didn't match. Why AIR just crash and didn't give me an error is weird.
Maybe your server client is the cause of the error!
It may be the reason of automatic combine of the two amf calls by NetConnection.
So, your function on server side will be run twice.
Check your require or require_one on server side.

Function evaluation timed out

I have WCF service.. couple times it was working ok.. but after certain point in time the function returns "Function evaluation timedout".. what the heck is this? also, when I checked the state of the proxy it was opened.. can anyone please help?
I would guess it is one of two things. Either it is a custom error in your application or it is stuck on a debug point. Refer: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-US/vsdebug/thread/728b9404-60b1-4951-99f8-70a5f75cba61/
Please supply more information about what the service is doing.

SimpleModal 1.3.2 Contact Form Not Sending

I just downloaded the SimpleModal 1.3.2 Contact Form to my localhost to try it out; the only change I've made is to the user settings in data/contact.php. I get the thankyou message and SimpleModal closes after I hit "send". However, something prevents the email from being sent; I never receive it in my inbox. Any comments would be welcome; it's a slick system and I'd like to use it.
Typically, that means that the problem is on the server end. You can uncomment the # in front of #mail (data/contact.php) to see if you get a server error back. If not, it means there is a problem on the system with mail delivery.
Let me know what you find out.
The fix was very simple, I just had to modify the post url path in contact.js, line 117.
Thank you very much for such a beautiful and functional contact form,