Function evaluation timed out - wcf

I have WCF service.. couple times it was working ok.. but after certain point in time the function returns "Function evaluation timedout".. what the heck is this? also, when I checked the state of the proxy it was opened.. can anyone please help?

I would guess it is one of two things. Either it is a custom error in your application or it is stuck on a debug point. Refer:
Please supply more information about what the service is doing.


I'm not sure if my Express Checkouts are Working

How you doing? Well, i'm actually trying to integrate MyApplication > Paypal (at the SandBox mode).
Everything seems to be right and fine.
The api returns me a long message with tokens and stuff(without any error).
But when i look into the transaction logs, nothing is there.
Can someone help me please? Thanks for your attention!
Return message below:
For sure your transaction is processed successfully as you have the transaction id in the response. Where do you actually look out for the transaction logs?

Restcomm variable for the date

I'm creating a new App in RVD and creating a request to an external service. Everything works as expected, I'm using different variables as core_From, core_To and so on. The problem is, I would like also send the date when the call is done but I don't find any variable for that and I wasn't able to find any documentation defining those variables.
I guess I could invoke an external service to know the date, but it seems to costly to do something so trivial... so I think I'm missing something obvious here. Any help on that would be welcomed.
After this PR, the variable core_callTimestamp is available to provide this functionality.

python - HTTP Error 503 Service Unavailable

I am trying to scrape data from google and linkedin. Somehow it gave me this error:
*** httperror_seek_wrapper: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable
Can someone help advice how I solve this?
Google is simply detecting your query as automated. You would need a captcha solver to get unlimited results. The following link might be helpful.
Bypassing Captcha using an OCR Engine:
Simple Approach:
An even simpler approach is to simply use sleep() a few times and to generate random queries. This way google will not spot that you are using an automated system. But the system is far slower ...
Error Handling:
To simply get remove the error message use try and except
I encountered the same situation and tried using the sleep() function before every request to spread the requests a little. It looked like it was working fine but failed soon enough even with a delay of 2 seconds. What solved it finally was using:
with contextlib.closing(urllib.urlopen(urlToOpen)) as x:
#do stuff with x.
This I did because I thought opening too many requests keeps it open and had to closed. Nevertheless, it worked quite consistently with as less as 0.5s delay time.

WCF message routing debugging error - Multiple headers

I'm trying to understand WCF message routing, so I'm trying to recreate a sample passthrough router that I found in order to understand the pieces. The problem is that when I run mine in the debugger, I get the exception:
Multiple headers with name 'VsDebuggerCausalityData' and namespace '' found.
I've read that this is because I'm debugging all the pieces at the same time, and that the debugger is adding this data on each hop? However, I can debug all the pieces in the original sample I'm working from with no errors, so I'm not sure I believe the explanation I've seen, or I don't understand something yet. Anyone have an explanation how I can debug mine without getting this exception?
Can you check if your machine config has element. You might need to comment this out. (Before any changes to machine config do back it up)

Function evaluation timed out

I am using linq to sql in a Silverlight application and I keep getting this debug error..
This code runs when the application is started up without problems. When I call it the second time, I only get a few of the results. When I add a breakpoint to the WCF service I get the following error...
Could someone please tell me whats going on here so i can make some changes?
ps. Might not be the most efficient coding but I will sort all that out later :P
If you add a breakpoint to the service code the caller will throw a Timeout Exception after the timeout time has passed. Raise the timeout of your service (on the server and client side), this will allow you to debug your service code without getting exceptions.