I am new to using expect. I try the code below and it fails:
expect -c 'spawn ssh user#host < script.ecma3
expect Password: ;
send "******\r";
send "exit\r";'
anyone could clarify
This might help you
set timeout -1
spawn -noecho bash -c "ssh -t user#host '<here-comes-your-command>'"
expect {
-re ".*assword.*" {
exp_send "$env(PASS_WORD)\n"
Note :-
1) Copy script to remote host before running it. passing whole script is not good thing to do.
2) to access enviornment variables in expect , $env(variable_name) is used.
In above example , for $PASS_WORD, i used $env(PASS_WORD) .
I am passing command line arguments to a shell file i.e assignRole.sh which contains an SQL command which will use these arguments like below
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -T $key < /oracle/oracle_user/makhshif/./assignRole.sh name open_mode >> /oracle/oracle_user/dftest.txt
This gives me error and does not accept arguments of name and open_mode and gives error, but if I execute the statement outside of ssh command like:
/oracle/oracle_user/makhshif/./assignRole.sh name open_mode
This runs fine
What is the problem with ssh command and how should I adjust these parameters so these can be accepted for the shell script assignRole.sh
< /oracle/oracle_user/makhshif/./assignRole.sh
This commands sends a content of that file to stdin. So obviously it can't process variables that you haven't send to remote machine. Just preprocess your script or create a script on remote machine and call it with arguments
Though it's even easier to pass variables like this:
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -T $key "var1=$var1 var2=$var2" < /oracle/oracle_user/makhshif/./assignRole.sh name open_mode >> /oracle/oracle_user/dftest.txt
For example my function for executing update scripts on all cluster nodes:
# functions:
local DESCR="$1"; shift
local SCRIPT="$1"; shift
local hosts=("$#")
echo =================================================
echo = $DESCR
echo = Going to execute $SCRIPT...
read -a res -p "Enter 'skip' to skip this step or press Enter to execute: "
if [[ $res = "skip" ]]
echo Skipping $SCRIPT...
echo Executing $SCRIPT...
for host in "${hosts[#]}"
local cur=${!host}
echo Executing $SCRIPT on $host - $cur...
sshpass -p "$rootpass" ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" root#${cur} \
"ns1=$ns1 ns2=$ns2 search=$search zoo1=$zoo1 zoo2=$zoo2 zoo3=$zoo3 node0=$node0 pass=$pass CURIP=$cur CURHOST=$host bash -s" \
<$SCRIPT >log-$SCRIPT-$cur.log 2>&1
echo Done.
echo =================================================
Then I use it like this:
read -p "Please check that Solr started successfully and Press [Enter] key to continue..."
#Solr configset and collections:
ssh_exec "Solr configset and collections" script06.sh zoo1 zoo2 zoo3
This command executes script06.sh on 3 servers (zoo1,zoo2,zoo3)
As Sayan said, using < redirects the output of running the assignRole.sh script locally, but you want to execute that script on the remote host, with the arguments.
Pass the whole command as the final argument to ssh, in quotes:
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -T $key "/oracle/oracle_user/makhshif/./assignRole.sh name open_mode" >> /oracle/oracle_user/dftest.txt
or split into multiple lines for readability:
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -T $key \
"/oracle/oracle_user/makhshif/./assignRole.sh name open_mode" \
>> /oracle/oracle_user/dftest.txt
I'm having some trouble with expect.
I'm trying to ssh onto another machine and then create a directory on that machine.
Right now this is what my code looks like:
spawn ssh username#ipAddress
expect "password"
send "password"
file mkdir directoryName
That code is giving me a "permission denied".
When I try replacing
file mkdir directoryName
send "mkdir directoryName"
There's no error, but it doesn't make a file.
This might help you :-
set timeout -1
spawn -noecho bash -c "ssh username#serveraddress 'cd /user/bill/work;<your=command>'"
expect {
-re "assword:"{
send "mypassword/r"
You must send the command inside ssh as it will run on remote machine.
Explanation for above script :-
set timeout -1will set this loop in infinite (but it will exit once spawn process is finished.
-re will match regex for assword:
eof will wait until spawn is finish.
After sending mkdir command, wait for eof to happen.
send "mkdir directoryName\r"
expect eof
I have written an Ansible playbook which prompts me to enter password interactively for SSH and SUDO like below.
$ ansible-playbook -i test --limit dev app_name.yml -vv --tags=stop
SSH password:
SUDO password[defaults to SSH password]:
There are various options available with Ansible like defining password in ansible_ssh_password under group_vars but it don't seem to work for me since I can't have sshpass installed in my target server nor I am allowed to make any changes to my sudoers file.
I tried to execute ansible-playbook from a little expect script below
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set password PASSWORD
set where_to_execute [lindex $argv 0]
set which_app_to_execute [lindex $argv 1]
set what_to_execute [lindex $argv 2]
send "ansible-playbook -i test --limit $where_to_execute $which_app_to_execute -vv --tags=$what_to_execute \r"
expect "SSH password:"
send "$password \r"
expect "SUDO password*"
send "$password \r"
expect "$"
send "exit \r"
Unfortunately this is also not working may be because SSH process is not spawned by expect. Did anyone try this method and got things working. Please suggest. Thanks.
The problem with your expect scripts is that you aren't actually running the ansible command there (or any command for that matter).
You use
send "ansible-playbook -i test --limit $where_to_execute $which_app_to_execute -vv --tags=$what_to_execute \r"
which sends that string to ... nowhere as far as I know. There's nowhere for it to go.
What you want to be doing is spawning that ansible command and then using expect to communicate with it.
Something like this:
spawn ansible-playbook -i test --limit $where_to_execute $which_app_to_execute -vv --tags=$what_to_execute
You may also want to set the timeout value if the ansible command can take a little while (to prevent expect from killing it when it doesn't return quickly enough).
It works for me using the python implementation of expect. pexpect
install pexpect using pip: pip install pexpect
You can use this code as an workaround for your expect script:
import pexpect
def main(args):
#Setup variables
password, where, which, what = args
cmd = "ansible-playbook -i test --limit %s %s -vv --tags=%s" % (where, which, what)
child = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
child.expect('SSH password:')
child.expect('SUDO password*')
print child.before
if __name__ == '__main__':
This is the most simple example but it's working fine for me.
./myscript.py mypassword dev app_name.yml stop
As #Etan Reisner pointed out, the main difference between your code that isn't working and my pexpect code is the spawn ansible command. The above code on expect also works fine:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn /usr/bin/ansible -m ping myserver --ask-pass
expect "SSH password:"
send "mypassword\r"
expect "$ "
Is there a way to execute a command before accessing a remote terminal
When I enter this command:
$> ssh user#server.com 'ls'
The ls command is executed on the remote computer but ssh quits and I cannot continue in my remote session.
Is there a way of keeping the connection? The reason that I am asking this is that I want to create a setup for ssh session without having to modify the remote .bashrc file.
I would force the allocation of a pseudo tty and then run bash after the ls command:
syzdek#host1$ ssh -t host2.example.com 'ls -l /dev/null; bash'
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root other 27 Apr 1 2005 /dev/null
You can try using process subsitution on the init file of bash. In the example below, I define a function myfunc:
myfunc () {
echo "Running myfunc"
which I transform to a properly-escaped one-liner echoed in the <(...) construct for process subsitution for the --init-file argument of bash:
$ ssh -t localhost 'bash --init-file <( echo "myfunc() { echo \"Running myfunc\" ; }" ) '
bash-3.2$ myfunc
Running myfunc
bash-3.2$ exit
Note that once connected, my .bashrc is not sourced but myfunc is defined and properly usable in an interactive session.
It might prove a little difficult for more complex bash functions, but it works.
The command
ssh -q -o "BatchMode=yes" user#host "echo 2>&1" && echo "OK" || echo "NOK"
will help in checking whether the SSH connection to peer IP is a success or not.
But I am having only Peer IP so
ssh -q -o "BatchMode=yes" peerIP 2>&1" && echo "OK" || echo "NOK"
doesnt work.
Anyone knows how can i solve it? A One-liner command is required and it should work on AIX, HP, Linux... any help or suggestion is very much appreciated.
Why do you mention awk ?
Whatever, here a solution that works for me:
ssh USER#HOST 'env |grep SSH_CLIENT && echo "OK" || echo "NOK"'
When SSH is connected to the host, some environment variable will be set.
Also, when your connection to a remote host without using a User in the SSH URL, your current should be set by default. You can change that behavior in your */etc/ssh/ssh_config* .
Maybe that will fix it.
Good luck