Expect ssh and create directory - ssh

I'm having some trouble with expect.
I'm trying to ssh onto another machine and then create a directory on that machine.
Right now this is what my code looks like:
spawn ssh username#ipAddress
expect "password"
send "password"
file mkdir directoryName
That code is giving me a "permission denied".
When I try replacing
file mkdir directoryName
send "mkdir directoryName"
There's no error, but it doesn't make a file.

This might help you :-
set timeout -1
spawn -noecho bash -c "ssh username#serveraddress 'cd /user/bill/work;<your=command>'"
expect {
-re "assword:"{
send "mypassword/r"
You must send the command inside ssh as it will run on remote machine.
Explanation for above script :-
set timeout -1will set this loop in infinite (but it will exit once spawn process is finished.
-re will match regex for assword:
eof will wait until spawn is finish.

After sending mkdir command, wait for eof to happen.
send "mkdir directoryName\r"
expect eof


Expect: How to use "ls -d filename" for full path name in expect?

I am trying to automate loading of image on the hardware using expect. For that I need to get full path of the image.
I am using the following syntax -
spawn ls -d $env(PWD)/build/image/bmxs.*bin
expect -re {(\S+)(\r)}
set imgpath $expect_out(1,string)
The message I get is -
spawn: returns {51875}
expect: does "" (spawn_id exp4) match regular expression "(\S+)(\r)"? no
So, it appears that the spawn does not return anything.
I've tried various syntaxes, but no use -
send "ls -d $env(PWD)/build/images/final/nxos.*bin\r"
spawn "ls -d $env(PWD)/build/image/bmxs.*bin"
puts "$LS" ### where $LS is the command.
None of these work. Am I making a mistake?
Your code suggests that
the image file is local - on same machine where you run Expect
You want the first file which matches the pattern
If this is so, you can just do
set files [glob $env(PWD)/build/image/bmxs.*bin]
set imgpath [lindex [lsort $files] 0]
On the other hand, the phrase "on the hardware" suggests that this image file is on some remote system. If so, and you already have spawned a login session there, you need to send the ls command on the existing session and then expect the output from ls. However in that case it looks strange to get the directory from $env(PWD)" as this will read the environment variable PWD on your local machine.

Executing a script remotely through ssh using expect

I am new to using expect. I try the code below and it fails:
expect -c 'spawn ssh user#host < script.ecma3
expect Password: ;
send "******\r";
send "exit\r";'
anyone could clarify
This might help you
set timeout -1
spawn -noecho bash -c "ssh -t user#host '<here-comes-your-command>'"
expect {
-re ".*assword.*" {
exp_send "$env(PASS_WORD)\n"
Note :-
1) Copy script to remote host before running it. passing whole script is not good thing to do.
2) to access enviornment variables in expect , $env(variable_name) is used.
In above example , for $PASS_WORD, i used $env(PASS_WORD) .

Relative path do not work by script

This is my firt post at stackoverflow.
I'm currently using xmlstartlet, with popen, to parse a XML file and return some results to me.
I want to organize the "changeable" files (xml's) inside a subfolder of my project, so I did the following:
fp = popen("xmlstarlet sel -t -m '//Program/Data' -v . -n < /DSP_DATA/test.xml", "r");
The issue is: I'm using a script to load the program and some configurations to my embedded system (headless), and when I excecute the program directly by ssh, it runs great, showing all the outputs, but when I run it by the script, it shows:
sh: 1: cannot open /DSP_DATA/test.xml: No such file
Below, there is the script used to load the excecutable:
#This Script will upload the excecutable at "Debug" Folder to the remote host and excecute it at terminal by SSH.
set REMOTE_USER "pi"
set REMOTE_IP ""
#Upload Pin Configuration Script file
spawn scp -r remote.pinconf.sh $REMOTE_USER#$REMOTE_IP:/home/pi/SoftwareTestLocation
expect "password:"
send "raspberry\r"
expect "*\r"
expect "\r"
#Upload the Software
spawn scp -r ../Debug/ADAU145x.bin $REMOTE_USER#$REMOTE_IP:/home/pi/SoftwareTestLocation
expect "password:"
send "raspberry\r"
expect "*\r"
expect "\r"
#Excecute Pin Configuration Script - perform an CHMOD before
expect "password:"
send "raspberry\r"
expect "*\r"
expect "\r"
send -- "chmod +x ~/SoftwareTestLocation/remote.pinconf.sh\r"
send -- "sudo ./SoftwareTestLocation/remote.pinconf.sh\r"
expect "*\r"
expect "\r"
#Execute the Software
send_user "Remote Output\n---\n---\n---\n"
send -- "sudo ~/SoftwareTestLocation/ADAU145x.bin\r"
expect "*\r"
expect "END"
Please, give me any sugestions to help Discover the reason why the relative path works then I log in directly and execute the software from the folder, but won't work when I ask for execution by the script.
On linux /DSP_DATA/test.xml means to look at the root directory under DSP_DATA folder.
If the path is relative to the executable position you should use: ./DSP_DATA/test.xml

Expect script to run Ansible playbooks

I have written an Ansible playbook which prompts me to enter password interactively for SSH and SUDO like below.
$ ansible-playbook -i test --limit dev app_name.yml -vv --tags=stop
SSH password:
SUDO password[defaults to SSH password]:
There are various options available with Ansible like defining password in ansible_ssh_password under group_vars but it don't seem to work for me since I can't have sshpass installed in my target server nor I am allowed to make any changes to my sudoers file.
I tried to execute ansible-playbook from a little expect script below
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
set password PASSWORD
set where_to_execute [lindex $argv 0]
set which_app_to_execute [lindex $argv 1]
set what_to_execute [lindex $argv 2]
send "ansible-playbook -i test --limit $where_to_execute $which_app_to_execute -vv --tags=$what_to_execute \r"
expect "SSH password:"
send "$password \r"
expect "SUDO password*"
send "$password \r"
expect "$"
send "exit \r"
Unfortunately this is also not working may be because SSH process is not spawned by expect. Did anyone try this method and got things working. Please suggest. Thanks.
The problem with your expect scripts is that you aren't actually running the ansible command there (or any command for that matter).
You use
send "ansible-playbook -i test --limit $where_to_execute $which_app_to_execute -vv --tags=$what_to_execute \r"
which sends that string to ... nowhere as far as I know. There's nowhere for it to go.
What you want to be doing is spawning that ansible command and then using expect to communicate with it.
Something like this:
spawn ansible-playbook -i test --limit $where_to_execute $which_app_to_execute -vv --tags=$what_to_execute
You may also want to set the timeout value if the ansible command can take a little while (to prevent expect from killing it when it doesn't return quickly enough).
It works for me using the python implementation of expect. pexpect
install pexpect using pip: pip install pexpect
You can use this code as an workaround for your expect script:
import pexpect
def main(args):
#Setup variables
password, where, which, what = args
cmd = "ansible-playbook -i test --limit %s %s -vv --tags=%s" % (where, which, what)
child = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
child.expect('SSH password:')
child.expect('SUDO password*')
print child.before
if __name__ == '__main__':
This is the most simple example but it's working fine for me.
./myscript.py mypassword dev app_name.yml stop
As #Etan Reisner pointed out, the main difference between your code that isn't working and my pexpect code is the spawn ansible command. The above code on expect also works fine:
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn /usr/bin/ansible -m ping myserver --ask-pass
expect "SSH password:"
send "mypassword\r"
expect "$ "

unable to spawn ssh using TCL expect in ActiveTCL

I am trying to ssh through .tcl script from ActiveState TCL 'tclsh' window.
Having WINDOWS OS system.
# \
exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$#"}
package require Expect
set user [lindex $argv 0]
set password [lindex $argv 1]
set DeviceIpAddr [lindex $argv 2]
set DeviceHostName [lindex $argv 3]
foreach DeviceIp $DeviceIpAddr HostName $DeviceHostName {
spawn ssh $DeviceIp
expect "login as:"
send "$user\r"
expect "Password:"
send "$password\r"
expect "$HostName ~]#"
I see below error while execute in tclsh(ActiveTCL)
% tclsh Test.tcl root 321 lb02va
The system cannot find the file specified.
while executing
"spawn ssh root#$DeviceIp"
("foreach" body line 3)
invoked from within
"foreach DeviceIp $DeviceIpAddr HostName $DeviceHostName {
spawn ssh root#$DeviceIp
expect "login as:"
send "$user\r"
expect "Password:"
(file "Test.tcl" line 12)
child process exited abnormally
Kindly assist me resolving this.
Thank you.
First, make sure that you have ssh installed. From the bash prompt (Mac, Linux, Cygwin) or cmd prompt (Windows), type:
If you see an error, try to fix it. The most likely cause is ssh not installed, or not in the path.
Next, in your script, you did not use the $user variable, instead you use the hard-coded root. Fix that:
spawn ssh $user#$DeviceIp
The final problem: you already specified the user name from the command line, the ssh program will not ask for user again, so you must delete these two lines:
expect "login as:"
send "$user\r"
After that, hopefully everything will go as planned.