What navigation component to use in react-native for IOS? - react-native

I thought navigation-experimental was the latest one and I saw some posts which says it is deprecated in V0.43. So which navigation component to use in IOS, If I want to start today ?
There is no right answer to this question. But personally I prefer react-native-router-flux. But there are too many ones which makes difficult to choose.

You can also check reactnavigation. I hav not tried it yet personally but it seems promising.

Have a look at this one - https://github.com/wix/react-native-navigation.
It has good API and is well maintained.
I haven't used it myself though. The one I use is https://github.com/aksonov/react-native-router-flux

I think the best way to get started is on Exponent. Ex-navigation is great for beginners.


VUEJS SSR, how to?

I made a VueJS 3 app (WebPack 3.12.0), with prerendering (not serverside), and the content of some page are loaded via ajax request, so google bots can't see the text (this is the problem here).
I read that I need to use SSR to do this. So I tried a couple of tutorials but no one seem to works (some do nothing, others crashes my app). I don't really know which one is the best and they are all using differents solutions.
First of all, do I need to use SSR to achieve what I want ? And if yes, anyone have a good tutorial (and a working one) ?
Thanks guys !
The best solution for SSR with Vue is to use Nuxt.js: https://nuxtjs.org/
It's not that complex, working really great !
It will probably be migrated to Vue3 really soon (Nuxt 2.15.2 is using Vue2 still), maybe even today during the JS World Conference.
Also, you can check those videos of Debbie who does a nice job of explaining things in a clear and simple way: https://www.youtube.com/c/DebbieOBrien/videos

Navigation On The web react-navigation

So i was wondering is there a comprehensive example or library out there that one could use for navigation on web as well as native side.
Maybe a working example one could try out with modal, drawers, and all that fancy stuff.
What is it like using react-navigation 3.0 for web? Is it fully compatible? Is there an example online one could work with and draw inspiration from?
The example on react-navigation documentation is pretty contrived and not really clear, is there someone who has worked on such project.
Here are a few sources i have come across.
How about using an HOC as provided in the above case?
Seems like a neat solution.
There is no perfect example of rn-web plus r-navigation.
Have a look at: https://github.com/react-native-elements
PS:Honestly this is (for me) a dependency hell "r, rn, rn-web, rn-dom, babel, expo, expo-cli". Frameworks & repos owners around the RN topic do not seems too concerned about the react-native-web topic anyway.

React Admin : How to use bootstrap instead of Material Design?

and first of all thank you for your amazing work.
The README file indicates that it is possible to use Bootstrap instead of Material Design, but I can’t find any documentation of how to implement it.
Does anybody has already done that ? Thank you in advance :)
Unfortunately, we did not find the time to document the ra-core package properly yet, so you'll have to explore the source code for now. I doubt you'll find any example for doing this as the separation into two packages (ra-core and ra-material-ui) is quite recent.
Be aware that building a bootstrap version of react-admin will take a lot of time. You'll have to explore the ra-material-ui package and build a bootstrap version of every components.

Textmate Code Completion Question

I know the ESC key does code completion, but is there a way to get a pop-up(tool-tip I guess) that shows you all the possible choices for a piece of code? As an example, it would be nice when writing Javascript to get a list of available actions. Other apps I've used like Coda do this. I'd like to check out Textmate but I have a hard time getting past this missing feature which I find pretty valuable, particularly as a fairly new programmer who likes to see what options are there as it's a bit of a learning tool for me also. I thought I had found a plugin like what I'm looking for, Dialog2, but it seems to have disappeared as it was meant to be built-in to the never-released TM2.
I've looked around a fair bit for the answer to this question and figured this was my next best option. Thanks.
I don't have Textmate available to try it out, but I believe that option-Esc is supposed to show you the list of possible code completions.
Check out subtleGradient's tmbundle: https://github.com/subtleGradient/javascript.tmbundle
It knows how to auto-wrap for arrays, and objects. Documentation look-up too.

Syntax coloring for Cocoa app

I'm planning to do a Cocoa app that requires code syntax to be colored (in all common languages). Instead of writing my own code highlighter/parser, are there any pre-made solutions available?
You might be able to use something like Geshi, but there're also the resources listed here: http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?SyntaxHighlighting
More links:
Syntax Highlighting in Cocoa TextView? Experiences? Suggestions? Ideas?
An excellent solution is Uli Kusterer's UKSyntaxColoredTextDocument. It is fast and has several built-in syntax parsers. It's easy to add new languages.
It's free for non-commercial use and very cheap if you want it for a commercial app.
You can also use the JavaScript library SyntaxHighlighter and embed it into a WebView into your app.
After quite a bit of research trying to solve a similar problem, the simplest approach I found by far is to use a JavaScript library for syntax highlighting combined with a WebView. Spending time writing a syntax highlighter, a fairly complex task, is probably not what you'd want to spend time on.
I settled on using the popular CodeMirror and wrote an open source wrapper for Cocoa: https://github.com/swisspol/CodeMirrorView. You can use similar approaches to wrap other JavaScript based code editors in Cocoa apps.
You can use highlight that is used in QLColorCode :) (however, it's not a Framework that you include in your code, but a command-line utility)
EDIT: Ah yeah, use Geshi, it's probably better :D