Entropy(uncertainty) of imputed table with missing data? - missing-data

Hello folks, I have a incomplete data(A.Original), *- represents missing value.
Imputed version of table A is shown in table B.Imputed.
In table B, A(4,3) represents probability of having non-missing value for A.
My problem is to measure the entropy(uncertainty) of table B.
How do we measure entropy(uncertainty) of table B?
Is there any method for this?
Any advice and criticism is highly appreciated :)

If I am correctly understanding your description of the table, then its entropy is actually zero:
Each row of the table is of the form (A, B, C, D), and the values of A through D are always the same, then each tuple is always the same. So you have a single element which never changes, and so its probability is 1. That kind of sequence has an entropy of zero.


calculate value based on other column values with some step for rows of other columns

total beginner here. If my question is irrelevant, apologies in advance, I'll remove it. So, I have a question : using pandas, I want to calculate an evolution ratio for a week data compared with the previous rolling 4 weeks mean data.
df['rolling_mean_fourweeks'] = df.rolling(4).mean().round(decimals=1)
from here I wanna create a new column for the evolution ratio based on the week data compared with the row of the rolling mean at the previous week.
what is the best way to go here? (I don't have big data) I have tried unsuccessfully with .shift() but am very foreign to .shift()... I should get NAN for week 3 (fourth week) and ~47% for fifth week.
Any suggestion for retrieving the value at row with step -1?
Thanks and have a good day!
Your idea about using shift can perfectly work. The shift(x) function simply shifts a series (a full column in your case) of x steps.
A simple way to check if the rolling_mean_fourweeks is a good predictor can be to shift Column1 and then check how it differs from rolling_mean_fourweeks:
df['column1_shifted'] = df['Column1'].shift(-1)
df['rolling_accuracy'] = ((df['column1_shifted']-df['rolling_mean_fourweeks'])
resulting in:

Subtract the mean of a group for a column away from a column value

I have a companies dataset with 35 columns. The companies can belong to one of 8 different groups. How do I for each group create a new dataframe which subtract the mean of the column for that group away from the original value?
Here is an example of part of the dataset.
So for example for row 1 I want to subtract the mean of BANK_AND_DEP for Consumer Markets away from the value of 7204.400207. I need to do this for each column.
I assume this is some kind of combination of a transform and a lambda - but cannot hit the syntax.
Although it might seem counter-intuitive for this to involve a loop at all, looping through the columns themselves allows you to do this as a vectorized operation, which will be quicker than .apply(). For what to subtract by, you'll combine .groupby() and .transform() to get the value you need to subtract from a column. Then, just subtract it.
for column in df.columns:
df['new_'+column] = df[column]-df.groupby('Cluster')['column'].transform('mean')

Need explanation on how pandas.drop is working here

I have a data frame, lets say xyz. I have written code to find out the % of null values each column possess in the dataframe. my code below:
round(100*(xyz.isnull().sum()/len(xyz.index)), 2)
let say i got following results:
abc 26.63
def 36.58
ghi 78.46
I want to drop column ghi because it has more than 70% of null values.
I achieved it using the following code:
xyz = xyz.drop(xyz.loc[:,round(100*(xyz.isnull().sum()/len(xyz.index)), 2)>70].columns, 1)
but , i did not understand how does this code works, can anyone please explain it?
the code is doing the following:
xyz.drop( [...], 1)
removes the specified elements for a given axis, either by row or by column. In this particular case, df.drop( ..., 1) means you're dropping by axis 1, i.e, column
xyz.loc[:, ... ].columns
will return a list with the column names resulting from your slicing condition
round(100*(xyz.isnull().sum()/len(xyz.index)), 2)>70
this instruction is counting the number of nulls, adding them up and normalizing by the number of rows, effectively computing the percentage of nan in each column. Then, the amount is rounded to have only 2 decimal positions and finally you return True is the number of nan is more than 70%. Hence, you get a mapping between columns and a True/False array.
Putting everything together: you're first producing a Boolean array that marks which columns have more than 70% nan, then, using .loc you use Boolean indexing to look only at the columns you want to drop ( nan % > 70%), then using .columns you recover the name of such columns, which then are used by the .drop instruction.
Hopefully this clear things up!
If you code is hard to understand , you can just check dropna with thresh, since pandas already cover this case.

How to check the highest score among specific columns and compute the average in pandas?

Help with homework problem: "Let us define the "data science experience" of a given person as the person's largest score among Regression, Classification, and Clustering. Compute the average data science experience among all MSIS students."
Beginner to coding. I am trying to figure out how to check amongst columns and compare those columns to each other for the largest value. And then take the average of those found values.
I greatly appreciate your help in advance!
Picture of the sample data set: 1: https://i.stack.imgur.com/9OSjz.png
Provided Code:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("cleaned_survey.csv", index_col=0)
Sample Data:
What I have tried so far:
If you want to get the highest score of column 'hw1' you can get it with:
pd['hw1'].max(). this gives you a series of all the values in that column and max returns the maximum. for average use mean:
if you want to find the maximum of multiple columns, you can use:
maximum_list = list()
for col in pd.columns:
max = maximum_list.max()
avg = maximum_list.mean()
hope this helps.
First, you want to get only the rows with MSIS in the Program column. That can be done in the following way:
df[df['Program'] == 'MSIS']
Next, you want to get only the Regression, Classification and Clustering columns. The previous query filtered only rows; we can add to that, like this:
df.loc[df['Program'] == 'MSIS', ['Regression', 'Classification', 'Clustering']]
Now, for each row remaining, we want to take the maximum. That can be done by appending .max(axis=1) to the previous line (axis=1 because we want the maximum of each row, not each column).
At this point, we should have a DataFrame where each row represents the highest score of the three categories for each student. Now, all that's left to do is take the mean, which can be done with .mean(). The full code should therefore look like this:
df.loc[df['Program'] == 'MSIS', ['Regression', 'Classification', 'Clustering']].max(axis=1).mean()

Mark accumulated values on a QlikView column if condition is fulfilled

I have a table in Qlikview with 2 columns:
a 10
b 45
c 30
d 15
Based on this table, I have a formula with full acumulation defined as:
As a result,
b 45 45/100=0.45
c 30 75/100=0.75
d 15 90/100=0.90
a 10 100/100=1
My question is. how do I mark in colour the values in column A that have on column D <=0.8)?
The challenge is that D is defined with full accumulation, but if I reference D in a formula, it doesn't consider the full accumulation!
I tried with defining a formula E=if(D>0.8,'Y','N') but this formula doesn't take the visible (accumulated) value for D unfortunately, instead it takes the D with no accumulation. If this worked, I would have tried to hide (not disable) E and reference it from the dimensions column of the table , Text colour option. Any ideas please?? Thanks
You can't get an expression column's value from within a dimension or it's properties, because the expression columns rely on the dimensions provided. It would create an endless loop. Your options are:
Apply your background colour to the expression columns, not the dimensions. This would actually make more sense as the accumulated values would have the colour, not the dimension.
When loading this specific table, have QlikView create a new column that contains the accumulated values of B. This would mean, however, that the order of your chart-table would need to be fixed for the accumulations to make any sense.
Use aggregation to create a temporary table and accumulate the values using RangeSum(). Note this will only accumulate properly if the table is ordered in Ascending order of Column A