Subtract the mean of a group for a column away from a column value - pandas

I have a companies dataset with 35 columns. The companies can belong to one of 8 different groups. How do I for each group create a new dataframe which subtract the mean of the column for that group away from the original value?
Here is an example of part of the dataset.
So for example for row 1 I want to subtract the mean of BANK_AND_DEP for Consumer Markets away from the value of 7204.400207. I need to do this for each column.
I assume this is some kind of combination of a transform and a lambda - but cannot hit the syntax.

Although it might seem counter-intuitive for this to involve a loop at all, looping through the columns themselves allows you to do this as a vectorized operation, which will be quicker than .apply(). For what to subtract by, you'll combine .groupby() and .transform() to get the value you need to subtract from a column. Then, just subtract it.
for column in df.columns:
df['new_'+column] = df[column]-df.groupby('Cluster')['column'].transform('mean')


calculate value based on other column values with some step for rows of other columns

total beginner here. If my question is irrelevant, apologies in advance, I'll remove it. So, I have a question : using pandas, I want to calculate an evolution ratio for a week data compared with the previous rolling 4 weeks mean data.
df['rolling_mean_fourweeks'] = df.rolling(4).mean().round(decimals=1)
from here I wanna create a new column for the evolution ratio based on the week data compared with the row of the rolling mean at the previous week.
what is the best way to go here? (I don't have big data) I have tried unsuccessfully with .shift() but am very foreign to .shift()... I should get NAN for week 3 (fourth week) and ~47% for fifth week.
Any suggestion for retrieving the value at row with step -1?
Thanks and have a good day!
Your idea about using shift can perfectly work. The shift(x) function simply shifts a series (a full column in your case) of x steps.
A simple way to check if the rolling_mean_fourweeks is a good predictor can be to shift Column1 and then check how it differs from rolling_mean_fourweeks:
df['column1_shifted'] = df['Column1'].shift(-1)
df['rolling_accuracy'] = ((df['column1_shifted']-df['rolling_mean_fourweeks'])
resulting in:

How to check the highest score among specific columns and compute the average in pandas?

Help with homework problem: "Let us define the "data science experience" of a given person as the person's largest score among Regression, Classification, and Clustering. Compute the average data science experience among all MSIS students."
Beginner to coding. I am trying to figure out how to check amongst columns and compare those columns to each other for the largest value. And then take the average of those found values.
I greatly appreciate your help in advance!
Picture of the sample data set: 1:
Provided Code:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("cleaned_survey.csv", index_col=0)
Sample Data:
What I have tried so far:
If you want to get the highest score of column 'hw1' you can get it with:
pd['hw1'].max(). this gives you a series of all the values in that column and max returns the maximum. for average use mean:
if you want to find the maximum of multiple columns, you can use:
maximum_list = list()
for col in pd.columns:
max = maximum_list.max()
avg = maximum_list.mean()
hope this helps.
First, you want to get only the rows with MSIS in the Program column. That can be done in the following way:
df[df['Program'] == 'MSIS']
Next, you want to get only the Regression, Classification and Clustering columns. The previous query filtered only rows; we can add to that, like this:
df.loc[df['Program'] == 'MSIS', ['Regression', 'Classification', 'Clustering']]
Now, for each row remaining, we want to take the maximum. That can be done by appending .max(axis=1) to the previous line (axis=1 because we want the maximum of each row, not each column).
At this point, we should have a DataFrame where each row represents the highest score of the three categories for each student. Now, all that's left to do is take the mean, which can be done with .mean(). The full code should therefore look like this:
df.loc[df['Program'] == 'MSIS', ['Regression', 'Classification', 'Clustering']].max(axis=1).mean()

Quick Delta Between Two Rows/Columns in GoodData

Right now, I see there are quick ways to get things like Sum/Avg/Max/Etc. for two or more rows or columns when building a table in GoodData.
quick total options
I am building a little table that shows last week and the week prior, and I'm trying to show the delta between them.
So if the first column is 100 and the second is 50, I want '-50'
If the first column is 25 and the second is 100, i want '75'
Is there an easy way to do this?
Let’s consider, that the first column contains result of calculating of metric #1 and the second column contains result of calculating of metric #2, you can simply create a metric #3, which would be defined as the (metric #1 - metric #2) or vice versa.

recoding multiple variables in the same way

I am looking for the shortest way to recode many variables in the same way.
For example I have data frame where columns a,b,c are names of items of survey and rows are observations.
d <- data.frame(a=c(1,2,3), b=c(1,3,2), c=c(1,2,1))
I want to change values of all observations for selected columns. For instance value 1 of column "a" and "c" should be replaced to string "low" and values 2,3 of these columns should be replaced to "high".
I do it often with many columns so I am looking for function which can do it in very simple way, like this:
recode2(data=d, columns=a,d, "1=low, 2,3=high").
Almost ok is function recode from package cars, but if I have 10 columns to recode I have to rewrite it 10 times and it is not as effective as I want.

How to access columns by their names and not by their positions?

I have just tried my first sqlite select-statement and got a result (an iterator over tuples). So, in other words, every row is represented by a tuple and I can access value in the cells of the row like this: r[7] or r[3] (get value from the column 7 or column 3). But I would like to access columns not by their positions but by their names. Let us say, I would like to know the value in the column user_name. What is the way to do it?
I found the answer on my question here:
cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info(tablename)")
print cursor.fetchall()