How to requiere a js file in Fiddle.js - vue.js

I'm trying to make a fiddlejs.
The Code use a VueJS plugin called VueDragula, inside the code, I have:
let VueDragula = require('../vue-dragula');
So, I uploaded vue-dragula.js to my own server, and added it to external resources, and delete the 2 lines, but now, it says
VueDragula is not defined
I also tried to include directly the content of vue-dragula inside the JS, but happened the same thing.
How should I do that???


PrintInvoice global variable - BigCommerce

I have the following case:
I'm trying to edit the PrintInvoice.html after downloading it through WebDav. The template was previously edited by another developer, but using the Template Files directly in the Storefront back when the files were visible in the Storefront. When opening the HTML template, the wording that I need to change is inside the global variable %%GLOBAL_ProductsTable%% so I'm not sure how to reach the text content inside. Replacing the global variable with custom HTML is not desirable.
Any suggestions are appreciated!
As others have stated, these global variables are saved within BC's back-end database which you do not have access to.
A workaround my team and I have done to edit the contents of these global variables is to use JavaScript at the bottom of the document that changes the desired text after it is loaded. This seems to be the only way we could find to edit those values.
Global variables like this are provided by the BigCommerce app, it is how the product data is sent through your store to email and can't be modified. To change the product table's appearance, the existing variable would need to be removed and replaced with your custom code.

How do I navigate to another page within my Elm application?

How do I navigate to another page within my Elm application?
Specifically, I am trying to navigate from the Home page to the Contributor page.
The Contributor page is located under my Domain folder.
The file structure is below:
- Home.elm
- Domain
- Contributor.elm
I thought I could do something like this:
a [href "Domain/Contributor.elm"] [text "click me!"]
or this:
a [href "Domain/Contributor.html"] [text "click me!"]
However, neither of these paths work.
The app that I'm working on is NOT a SPA.
You are using elm-live, which is a development server. It targets a single Elm source file as its entry point, so unless your Elm code is built as a single page application, you won't be able to do any navigation to another file (though there is nothing wrong with hard-coding href links that link elsewhere).
elm-live is also only for development. You wouldn't want to run it on a production server.
If you are trying to avoid a SPA and would rather have each Elm file represent the complete functionality for a single page, perhaps you could go with the default functionality of elm make, which generates an HTML file that contains inline javascript compiled from Elm code. This is, in essence, what drives the website. If you look at the source code, you'll see the html generated by the default elm make command, compiled against each Elm file "page" of the application.
On the other hand, if you are trying to build a SPA, #Bill's answer is a good starting point.
I don't believe you can do the sort of navigation you are trying to do within an Elm app without building a SPA. You are attempting to use the HTML href attribute to navigate. That attribute needs to be a real URL. Without using something like the Elm navigation package, you wont's have support for multiple routes.
Simple navigation in Elm is fairly straightforward. I wrote a blog post on this subject.
Also, here is the github repo that demonstrates the work in this post.

Svg-edit usage reference where i can find it?

I found this tool( very useful, but there is any reference for this project allow to integrate properly in your applicatione instead of simply add it to an iframe?
For example i want to retrieve the svg code for save it in a variables or something like this
It's possible but might be a little tricky to strip out the required resources and load them in your own application while making sure that there aren't any conflicts. This is actually something I plan on doing for one of my own projects.
Do you need to do this though? You can talk to the iframe from your application pretty easily. For example, to get the SVG content you would use this (assuming you only have 1 iframe on the page) ->
var svgedit = window.frames[0];

Yii - Route without Controller

I'm using an existing upload script that require user authentication. However since I did not write the upload script, it's nearly impossible for me to read the source code and make it into separate view and controller file. The problem is if the script does not get routed by the bootstrap file, it has no access to the Yii variable and thus user log in information.
I tried to set a custom session variable when the user login. However it work barely because my custom session would expire before the session set by Yii.
Any help would be appreciated.
Because of the way the script is written I've only been able to find one way of doing this. It will involve re-writing some elements of the script.
Save the filemanager in protected/vendors.
You need a controller to handle the routing of the request. This will also give you the access control that you need. Call it FileUpload and create it where you normally create controllers in your project. Right at the start of the controller, before the class is declared, import the fileUpload files from it's previously saved location; Yii::import('application.vendors.*');
You need an action to handle the incoming request. Call this actionIndex. Give it the following code.
public function actionIndex() {
//Start capturing the output from the script
//Finish capturing output, and save to a variable
$output = ob_end_clean();
$this->render('index', array('output' => $output));
Then you need a view file. Call it 'output.php' and it just contains one line; <?php echo $output; ?>
This will render the html generated by the script, and hopefully contain it within your existing template.
Your first problem is that the script sends headers which aren't discarded by ob_start. You will need to delete these from the script. It also starts a session, which will throw an error 'Session already started', which can be cured by changing the first line of config.php to
Your next problem will be that none of the scripts and stylesheets are loaded, because the vendor hasn't used relative filepaths, and also because you've just deleted the headers. You will need to re-write lots of the script to include the necessary files. Fortunately, you now have access to Yii functions, so can use the asset manager to publish all the js and css files needed by the script.
Your final (hopefully!) problem will be the urls used by the script page. Currently they are all pointing to files within the script. You will need to rewrite these to use Yii routing. Fortunately, inside the main file dialog.php you should have access to all the normal Yii functions, so you can set $baseUrl as $this->createUrl() etc. If you need to add extra actions to the controller you can follow the pattern above to call other files, like the upload.php file in the script.
Hope that all works for you!
You are using a Framework with mvc pattern so controllers are preferred way to route requests .As per your problem i would suggest you to use htaccess file to do the routing to the required file and handle other files by Yii
copy code from existing source to new Yii Controler/Action ... done :D

How to add javascript to YII correctly?

I want to create several javascript function that will be needed on different pages. Most will be relevant only to one page, but some to several. I know if I add general conversion functions, it would be a good idea to just create a new javascript file and put all these generic functions into that one file. Bringing me to my first question:
Where would you store the generic javascript file? In "protected"? Which subfolder?
Then, I need to address the placement of other javascript code.
If I have javascript that will only be used on one page, should I use this technique or should I stick to a similar approach as above?
The emphasis is on doing it correctly. I want to fall exactly in line with the yii framework.
store your generic javascript file in your_app/js folder
i.e js folder is at same level to protected.
if js is only used on one page than it will be better not to use generic file.
The best way to have you generic js code into /js/ or similar named folder under root of your app code. Personally I would separate my custom code files into one other subdirectory /js/custom/ and /js/vendors/ where in this vendor folder you can put ready js code such as jquery plugins etc.
Also don't forget to set this path to config file like this:
'clientScript' => array(
'coreScriptUrl' => 'path/to/js/lib/dir',
'enableJavaScript' => true,
where path/to/js/lib/dir is your final js folder name path