results.row[i] is undefined using react-native-db-models - react-native

Im new to React Native and Im using react-native-db-models. I have searched stackoverflow for fetching the data and it gave me this code below
DB.users.get_all((result) => {
let data = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= result.totalrows; i++) {
but result.rows[i] returns undefined. Any ideas how and why?
I tried my own solution but this time it gave me another problem. This is my code
var data = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= result.totalrows; i++) {
let j = result.autoinc;
let id = j - i;
DB.expense.get_id(id, function(results){
when I put console.log(data) after data.push(result) it works fine. But when I put console.log(data) outside DB.expense.get_id function, console.log(data) returns an empty array.
I really need your help guys


node-red getting data from api and to sort

I have a little code to traite and sort some data get by api, my probleme but actually is that's applying on first array, could you please help me to resolve my problem ?
downlinks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < msg.payload.length; i++) {
downlink = {};
downlink.eui = msg.payload[i].valve_EUI;
if (msg.payload[i].System_Activated === null ) {
downlink.payload = new Buffer("00", "hex");
} else {
downlink.payload = new Buffer( "01", "hex");
downlink.port = 1;
downlink.ack = true;
downlink.RxWnd = 1;
return downlinks;

In Ionic and Vue.js. How to fetch or “call” data from one file to another?

I’m new to both Ionic and Vue.js. I’m taking advantage of this summer break to start learning both.
I’m building a mobile app for this purpose and so far, so good. However, I have found and issue that I hope you could help me with. Namely, how to fetch or “call” data from one file to another (Is it called routing?).
In my app, I am trying to start/open a function named myFunction() from one of the pages (quiz.vue) when I call it using v-on:click="myFunction3".
This function is located in a JS file called quizz.js, and it is located in the assets folder. This is its path: (“./assets/js/quizz.js”).
I have tried many things to make it work and finally it is working as it should. However, I think my solution is not optimal as it keeps throwing “Uncaught TypeErrors” in the console of the Developer’s Tool…even though it works.
My solution was to push the function inside methods: this.$router.push(myFunction3())
Also, when running the app, it says that myFunction() , and other functions in the same quizz.js file, “is define but never used”.
If you could advise me with anything, I would be most grateful. I am still a beginner so please explain it to me in as simple a manner as possible.
Below, the quizz.js file:
var mlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
mlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var myObj = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
const quiz = myObj.results[0]['question'];
const correctAnswer = myObj.results[0]['correct_answer'];
const incorrect = myObj.results[0]['incorrect_answers'];
document.getElementById("ans").innerHTML = quiz;
var text = "";
var val = 0;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < incorrect.length; i++) {
if(incorrect[i] == correctAnswer){
text += "<ion-button fill='outline' id='right' onClick='increment();myFunc();'/><b>" + incorrect[i] + "</b></ion-button></br>";
val = val + 1;
text += "<ion-button fill='outline' class='wrong' onClick='myFunc2();'/><b>" + incorrect[i] + "</b></ion-button></br>";
document.getElementById("ans5").innerHTML = text;
var j=0;
function myFunction3() {
document.getElementById("ans6").innerHTML = "";"GET", "", true);
function shuffle(array) {
for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
[array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]];
function myFunc(){
document.getElementById("ans6").innerHTML = "<h1 style='color:green'><i class='fa fa-check'></i> That is correct!</h1>";
document.getElementById("right").style.color = "white";
document.getElementById("right").style.backgroundColor = "green";
var audio = new Audio('./assets/sound/win.mp3');;
function myFunc2(){
document.getElementById("ans6").innerHTML = "<h1 style='color:red'><i class='fa fa-thumbs-down' ></i>Wrong Answer! </h1>";
document.getElementById("right").style.color = "white";
document.getElementById("right").style.backgroundColor = "green";
var x = document.getElementsByClassName("wrong");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
x[i].style.backgroundColor = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8)";
x[i].style.color = "white";
//document.getElementById("wrong").style.color = "red";
var audio = new Audio('./assets/sound/wrong.mp3');;
var i=0;
function increment() {

Setting input values on call function - React Native

I am having trouble with saving the value of text inputs(which i am fetching from an API) to an array. Currently I can save the values but if I try to edit one text input value, it will save the new value and still keep the old one as well. I want to save only the latest value when the 'onChangeText' has ended.
I appreciate any suggestion!
Here is my code:
textfieldsObject = () => {
const obje = this.props.navigation.state.params.item;
var keyvalue_to_json = JSON.parse(obje.keyValues);
var textinputName = [];
var foundTextFields = [];
for (let i = 0; i < keyvalue_to_json.inputFields.length; i++) {
if (keyvalue_to_json.inputFields[i].type === 'textfield') {
foundTextFields.push(<TextInput onEndEditing={(e) => {
keyvalue_to_json.inputFields[i].inputValues = e.nativeEvent.text;
return (
You can't make a push every time you edit your textinput. You will get an array of every edit you made, I think that's not what you want.
Maybe this:

How to send the index of a for loop into the promise of a function in a Vue Resource call?

I am looping through an object however in the asynchronous part the i variable is always five.
How can I maintain that value, or pass it into the function
getProductData: function() {
var vm = this;
for (var i = 0; i < vm.recommendationResponse['recommendedItems'].length; i++) {
var sku = vm.recommendationResponse['recommendedItems'][i]['items'][0]['id'];
vm.$http.get('' + sku).then(response => {
// get body data
vm.recommendationResponse['recommendedItems'][i]['items'][0]['image_url'] = response.body['product_image_url'];
vm.recommendationResponse['recommendedItems'][i]['items'][0]['price'] = response.body['price'];
}, response => {
vm.recommendationResponse['recommendedItems'][i]['items'][0]['image_url'] = '';
vm.recommendationResponse['recommendedItems'][i]['items'][0]['price'] = '';
I I do something like this:
vm.$http.get('' + sku).then((response, i) => ...
then i is undefined
Who do I keep the index of the loop or should I go about it a different way?
Always use let to initialize variables in for loop when dealing with async operations. Similar things goes to having for loops in intervals. By using let you make sure you always have a unique variable assigned to i.
for (let i = 0, recommendationlength = vm.recommendationResponse['recommendedItems'].length; i < recommendationlength; i++)
Little bonus, if you cache array length in the beginning you get a small performance boost :-)
You could use Array.prototype.forEach instead:
var vm = this;
vm.recommendataionResponse['recommendedItems'].forEach((item, i) => {
var sku = vm.recommendationResponse['recommendedItems'][i]['items'][0]['id'];
vm.$http.get('' + sku).then(response => {
// get body data
vm.recommendationResponse['recommendedItems'][i]['items'][0]['image_url'] = response.body['product_image_url'];
vm.recommendationResponse['recommendedItems'][i]['items'][0]['price'] = response.body['price'];
}, response => {
vm.recommendationResponse['recommendedItems'][i]['items'][0]['image_url'] = '';
vm.recommendationResponse['recommendedItems'][i]['items'][0]['price'] = '';
This way, since there is a unique scope for each i value, each .then callback will be able to reference the correct value.

Time out error using protractor with loops

Brief introduction to the problem. So my project is using BDD Framework (Cucumber) automated with help of Protractor/Selenium using Typescript as scripting language. I passed a table with multiple rows to the step definition and want to run the function in iteration mode using typescript/javascript. I pass the expected dropdowns values and verify it against the application. I came with the below solution with help of one topic on stack overflow. (Using protractor with loops)
But the problem is that it does not work all the time. Many times i have got function time out error.(Error: function timed out after 30000 milliseconds)
Can anyone please let me know what am i missing here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please find below Cucumber and Typescript code.
Cucumber Step Definition_Screenshot
#then(/^.*verify the country data in both the citizenship drop downs$/, 'extratime', 30000)
public VerifyCountryData(table, callback: CallbackStepDefinition): void {
let promises = []
let dropcheck
let dropcheck1
let promise
let noOfRows
var i,j;
var i1,j1;
var k,l;
var funcs = [];
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
let index = i;
funcs[i] = function(index) {
promises.push(element(by.model('vm.citizenships['+index+'].citizenshipCd')).all(by.tagName('option')).getText().then((CitizenValueList) => {
var dropdown = table.rows()[index][1].split(";")
for (i1 = 0; i1 < dropdown.length; i1++) {
dropcheck = false;
for (j1 = 0; j1 < CitizenValueList.length; j1++) {
if (dropdown[i1] === CitizenValueList[j1]) {
dropcheck = true;
if (!dropcheck) {
callback("Passed value: '" + dropdown[i1] + "' not found")
for (k = 0; k < CitizenValueList.length; k++) {
dropcheck1 = false;
for (l = 0; l < dropdown.length; l++) {
if (CitizenValueList[k] === dropdown[l]) {
dropcheck1 = true;
if (!dropcheck1) {
callback("Application value: '" + CitizenValueList[k] + "' not found in expected")
}.bind(null, i);
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
}, (error) => {
as far as I can see in your code you loops will take more then 30 seconds, that's the timeout you gave in the #then(/^.*verify the country data in both the citizenship drop downs$/, 'extratime', 30000). If you change it to for example 60000 you have more time for this method.
Upgrading the time is a temporary solution in my opinion, you also need to find the root-cause of exceeding the 30 seconds time limit. One of the problems can be a slow connection which results in not retrieving the webdriver-calls fast enough. Are you testing it locally or against a cloud solution? The experience I have with cloud solutions is that 1 webdriver-call can take up to 1 second. If you compare it to local testing than local webdriver-calls just take a few milliseconds.
About the code. Depending on the version of Typescript you have (I think you need at least version 2.1) you can use async/await. This will remove all the promises.push(..), Promise.all(promises) hell and introduce a more clean code like this
#then(/^.*verify the country data in both the citizenship drop downs$/, 'extratime', 30000)
public async VerifyCountryData(table): Promise < void > {
const citizenValueListOne = await element(by.model('vm.citizenships[1].citizenshipCd')).all(by.tagName('option')).getText();
const dropdownOne = table.rows()[1][1].split(';');
const citizenValueListTwo = await element(by.model('vm.citizenships[2].citizenshipCd')).all(by.tagName('option')).getText();
const dropdownTwo = table.rows()[2][2].split(';');
for (let i1 = 0; i1 < dropdownOne.length; i1++) {
let dropdownOnecheck = false;
for (let j1 = 0; j1 < citizenValueListOne.length; j1++) {
if (dropdownOne[i1] === citizenValueListOne[j1]) {
dropdownOnecheck = true;
if (!dropdownOnecheck) {
Promise.reject(`Passed value: '${dropdownOne[i1]}' not found`);
for (let k = 0; k < citizenValueListTwo.length; k++) {
let dropdownTwocheck = false;
for (let l = 0; l < dropdownTwo.length; l++) {
if (citizenValueListTwo[k] === dropdownTwo[l]) {
dropdownTwocheck = true;
if (!dropdownTwocheck) {
Promise.reject(`Application value: '${citizenValueListTwo[k]}' not found in expected`);
return Promise.resolve();
This can also have an impact on the execution time.
Hope this helps