How to start `mockjax` back after `stop` - mockjax

In my application I have a shuffle button to start and stop the mockjax response. as a first time, I am initiating the mockjax it works. later the user click on off button to stop mockjax service. ( I am showing server data )
for stop I use:
stopSimulation : function( ) {
if( !this.retriveSimulationStatus() ) {
console.log("i switched off!!");
$.mockjax.clear(); //removes the simulation;
But user clicks back to start button, But mockjax not intercepting again to provide the data.
so what is the correct way to stop and start the mockjax service? any one help me?

Clearing the Mockjax handlers does NOT "stop" them, it erases them from Mockjax. There is no "start"/"stop" functionality. You will need to clear the handlers, then re-add the handlers when you want to start. Here's an example:
var handler = { url: '/foo', responseText: { foo: 'bar' } };
function start() {
function stop() {


How can i check page is going to refresh in "beforeunload" event in angular5

i am trying to put logic when user close the browser/tab then i need to clear the local session. so i have used beforeunload event. The problem is that it's getting called on both browser close as well as on page refresh. and i don't have to clear session on refresh it should be on close.
i tried to check only by using clientY and pageY but it's not working for me.
also i tried with the below code to identify browser is going to refresh or not and set the flag value and use it in beforeunload event. but it's getting called after beforeunload event
this.subscription = => {
if (event instanceof NavigationStart) {
this.browserRefresh = !this.router.navigated;
console.log(" else browserRefresh");
#HostListener('window:beforeunload', ['$event'])
beforeunload($event) {
console.log("clear session");
Please suggest if i am using wrong event for the task or suggest me the correct way to this. i checked few links suggested but nothing is helping.
You can try like this Hope so it can work
#HostListener('window:unload', ['$event'])
beforeunload($event) {
console.log("clear session");

It is so slow when a callback function be called repeatedly in react native app

It will have a callback function called repeatedly to when I start a download task. But It will be so slow that it can't give feedback when touch a button.
Fileio.downloadFile(downloadData[downloadFileIndex].uri, '1.jpg',this.progressFunc.bind(this)).then((DownloadResult)=> {
if (DownloadResult.statusCode == 200) {
let nextDownloadFileIndex = this.props.downloadFileIndex + 1;
}).catch((error)=> {
This is my code and the callback function are as be folllowed
progressFunc(DownloadBeginCallbackResult) {
let progressNum = DownloadBeginCallbackResult.bytesWritten / DownloadBeginCallbackResult.contentLength;
I mean I can't get feedback immediately when I touch button. I think that it is because I have a callback function called repeatedly. so js can't handle so many tasks;
It does sound like JS thread is busy doing the request and not able to communicate back to UI thread. One thing you can try is to wrap you on press handler in an InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => ...)

Selenium: are there events like "New element inserted in DOM"

The site I am testing has a notification logic that brings up a message at the bottom of the screen, keeps it there for one second and then sends it away. When the notification is displayed it hides other elements and that makes my test unstable. I did my best to figure out when the notification is displayed (when the business logic displays it) and dismiss it but every now and then I detect new cases my code are not aware of when the notification is displayed.
Is there a way (using Selenium) to subscribe to an event like "New element inserted in DOM". Dismissing the notification on its callback would solve my problem once and for all.
Selenium doesn't support this use case out of the box but you can achieve that using MutationObserver in javascript. I don't know what language you are using to write selenium test but in C# you can create extensions method as follow
public static void StartWatchingForContentChange(this RemoteWebDriver driver, string containerId, int timeout = SearchElementDefaultTimeout)
driver.ExecuteScript(#"var $$expectedId = arguments[0];
__selenium_observers__ = window.__selenium_observers__ || {};
var target = document.getElementById($$expectedId);
__selenium_observers__[$$expectedId] = {
observer: new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
__selenium_observers__[$$expectedId].occured = true;
var config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true };
__selenium_observers__[$$expectedId].observer.observe(target, config);
})();", containerId);
public static bool WasContentChanged(this RemoteWebDriver driver, string containerId)
return (bool) driver.ExecuteScript( "return window.__selenium_observers__ && window.__selenium_observers__[arguments[0]].occured;", containerId)
You can use some kind of timer to asynchronously invoke WasContentChanged method and react for content changes. Please read MutationObserver documentation for more details

dojo make a widget react to a published event

Im trying to figure out how to close a pop up dialog based on a published event .. i.e when a person moves the mouse to another part of the page.(i only want it closed when i move to this part of the page) Is this possible
i have a topic published when the user moves off this area.
_hoverOffArea : function() {
how do i get my popup to subscribe to this topic and close itself ?
var tooltip = new TooltipDialog({
onMouseLeave : function() {
onBlur : function() {
messageTooltip.set("content", rollOver.domNode);{
popup: tooltip,
around: e
You may be over thinking it. The dojo/topic module has a subscribe method which takes a topic name ("messageRollOver/close") and a function to fire when the message is published.
console.log('close tooltip');
You can pass arbitrary parameters to the publish message that are then passed to the subscribe:
console.log("arg1 = ",arg1);
var tooltip = new TooltipDialog(/*params*/);
when the subscribe function is invoked, arg1 would be the second argument to the topic#publish function call.

Double click on buttons inside the app could provide UI corruptions

Double clicking fast on a button in Sencha Touch 2 when having a navigation view will on some Android device push the new view twice on the view stack, how to solve it? Doesnt happen on iPhone
If you're having problems with the single click, then wrap the event function in a delayed task... for instance:
tap: function(button, e, eOpts) {
if(this.delayedTask == null){
this.delayedTask = Ext.create('Ext.util.DelayedTask', function() {
this.delayedTask = null;
}, this);
So in the example above, if another tap is registered and this.delayedTask has yet to be null, then it will not create the new delayed task which ultimately calls whatever function you need after 500 miliseconds... hope this makes sense, it's also a way to create double tap events on buttons...
This issue is a bit old but I was facing the same issue in the app I'm working on in my company. This is especially frustrating when buttons are bound to an Ajax call.
I took back Jeff Wooden's solution to override every button in my app :
Ext.define('MyApp.override.CustomButton', {
override : 'Ext.Button',
doTap: function(me, e) {
if(this.delayedTask == null){
this.delayedTask = Ext.create('Ext.util.DelayedTask', function() {
this.delayedTask = null;
}, this);
} else {
console.log("Preventing double tap");
How does it works?
Each button action will trigger a delayedTask which will intercept button action for 500 ms, therefore preventing doubletap
This will work for 'tap' and 'handler:', which both pass through 'doTap' method
this is linked to the current button so it won't reverberate on other buttons
To use it simply add it in your app.js 'requires' block
requires: [
Helpfull Sources :
Best practice for overriding classes / properties in ExtJS?
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