Deploy spinnaker components to pivotal cloud foundry - spinnaker

I want to deploy Spinnaker components to private cloud (PCF). I want to know whether the following procedure works or it. Download spring-cloud-spinnaker-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar (mentioned in and run it (on Linux machine), then deploy the Spinnaker components to required space from local host.
If this procedure works, what are the requirements of my system? else mention the way to deploy.

Yes, Spring Cloud Spinnaker is the proper way to install Spinnaker components into a PCF setup.
Each Spinnaker module is installed with custom settings, some including resources (for example, clouddriver needs 4GB RAM + 2GB disk space), and Spring Cloud Spinnaker applies that.
Spring Cloud Spinnaker itself needs 8 GB RAM + 4 GB disk to operate properly. This is cited here => When run locally, that probably won't be a problem. Should you install it into PCF itself, that would be a critical setting.
If you run into issues with the installer, you can reach out for assistance at on the #general channel.


Lift and Shift of Cloud based applications

We have a web applications developed with Angular and .Net, which is deployed on an Azure Cloud platform, lets say External A-Cloud.
We need to lift the same application and host in a different Internal Cloud Platform, lets say Internal B-Cloud.
How can we achieve this, please share some thoughts to do the ground work to start the process,
Warm Regards
Migrate an externally hosted cloud based application to our Cloud platform.
We have both AWS and Azure, but the externally hosted one is in Azure cloud platform
We can move from any Cloud to any Cloud. But we need to understand few points first.
How are the Angular and .Net hosted in Azure
If they are hosted on simple Virtual Machines - Then we can create a Virtual Machine in AWS and Migrate or host the apps in AWS ( Yes we definitely need to consider foundation of AWS like VNETs , hope thats already done )
If the Angular and .Net hosted in Azure is of Kubernetes and docker based
We need to Create EKS in AWS and then as its docker based, the same Manifest files etc would work in EKS as well with minor changes
We can look at migration tools as well if they are Windows VM based

Is it possible to enable NFS Services in PCFDev?

I'm using PCF Dev Environment on a Windows Host in order to test an application I'm developing. My app needs to access several files that are stored on a NFS Volume.
I know that as an PCF Operator you can redeploy Cloud Foundry and add
The NFS Volume Service Type to your plattform (
The PCF Dev uses Bosh Director to deploy so I've installed the BOSH Cli and tried to redeploy the VM.
The Problem is that I neither have got any idea about which configuration to use nor know if it generally works.
So my question is, it is possible to redeploy the PC Dev Environment in order to add the NFS Volume Service?

Does Docker Cloud bring your own nodes need to all have the same OS?

Currently, all our nodes are on Ubuntu, but I'm considering switching to CentOS. But I want to stagger the switch over.
Short answer: Yes.
See Introducing Docker Cloud
You can also provide your own node or nodes. This means you can use any Linux host connected to the Internet as a Docker Cloud node as long as you can install a Cloud agent. The agent registers itself with your Docker account, and allows you to use Docker Cloud to deploy containerized applications.

How to utilize disk space of Amazon EBS attached to a DCOS Agent machine

We have EBS attached to our centos machines which are used as DCOS agent machines. However when a DCOS cluster is
created, the mounted EBS storage is not utilized for Total DCOS disk capacity.
Please can you let me know, if there are anyways to include them. The DCOS otherwise is working properly and we are able to execute applications ( ArangoDB, Spark ) in them.
I've checked this link : . But it doesn't seem to solve my purpose.
Mount Disk Resources is probably what you are looking for.
You can learn more about Mount/Path disk at the Mesos documentation.

Is it possible to deploy Spinnaker to an instance smaller than m4.xlarge on AWS?

We are currently following the default deployment instructions for Spinnaker which states using m4.xlarge as the instance type.
We did make an unsuccessful attempt to deploy it to m4.large but the services didnt start.
Has anyone tried the something similar and succeeded?
It really depends on the size of your cloud.
There are 4 core services that you need - gate/deck/orca/clouddriver. You can shut the other ones off if say, you don't care about automated triggers, baking or jenkins integration.
I'm able to run this locally with the docker images with about 8 gigs of ram and it works. Using s3 instead of cassandra also helps here.
You can play around with the settings in the baked image of spinnaker, but for internal demos and what not, I've been able to just spin up a VM, install docker and run the docker compose config correctly on m4.large.