how to prevent image download in outlook form region? - outlook-addin

We did an outlook addin with form regions to add tracking pixel img into email message upon sending.
What we want to make sure is to not load that same image when user goes to sent items and opens that message after sending.
Is there a way to do it through form regions or maybe some other better way?

Loading images in the HTML of the message body is controlled by the application and the behavior cannot be modified with code. The option to automatically download embedded images is controlled in Trust Center settings, so you could toggle this on/off by editing the registry (it should be stored there, perhaps not) but changing the setting in code probably won't take effect until Outlook is restarted. If you need to control this on a per-message basis then you are probably out of luck.


How to disable hyperlinks in selected MailItem instances?

I'm looking for a way to disable all hyperlinks in certain emails, but so far the only solution I've found was to set MailItem's body property with an version of the original email body that includes no links, which causes some problems. Does anyone know if there is an effective way to disable the links in an email body?
The Outlook object model doesn't provide anything for handling hyperlinks clicks. As a possible workaround you may consider implementing the following functionality:
When the item is selected or opened in Outlook you may replace the original URL with your own where you can pass the original URL as an encoded parameter if needed. So, if it is allowed to open the URL you can redirect the request further.
Another possible solution is to register a custom URL handler. So, basically, your registered application will be launched instead of a web browser. See Installing and Registering Protocol Handlers for more information.

VBA ActiveX control changes size after sharing

I have a simple excel form with an ActiveX control (ListBox)
When I share this over email, the recipient does the following steps:
1. Open the excel
2. Enable Content for the macro
Now - the ListBox grows in size.
I'm unable to dynamically resize or figure out the exact event for "Enable Content".
Is there anyway I can retain the dimensions of the ListBox?
Your problem has nothing to do with sharing the document via email. It has everything to do with window scaling. To prove this to yourself try connecting to a projector with the the excel document open. Use some Active X controls and they will shrink or Expand. I've had this problem and found the only way to avoid it in a reasonable manor is to implant a form inside the excel document that holds all the needed controls or ensure the end user is not scaling their display in any manor.

Word 2013 activate "New" screen from VSTO

I'm developing a Word AddIn, and I've run into a bit of a problem.
I need to modify the BuiltIn BuildingBlocks, and to do that, I need an active document.
Since Word 2013 no longer starts with an open document, but instead shows the "New (Latest)" screen, my AddIn creates a new temporary document, modifies the BuildingBlocks as it should, and then discards the temporary document.
The problem is that the act of opening a new document and closing it again, leaves the Word UI at the Home-tab with no active document open, instead of on the "New" screen as it normally would.
So my question is: How do I make Word switch back to the "New" screen?
Here is the before screen, showing normal Word 2013 behaviour on startup:
Here is the after screen, showing how it ends up now, because I open/close the document at startup:
Sorry about the danish screenshots, but the principle should still be clear.
I'm using VB.Net, but C# code can be used too, since it is easily translated.
There is no way to show the Startup screen again. Instead, you may consider running a new Word instance.
Be aware, the Word object model provides the ScreenUpdating property of the Application class which you may find helpful. Here is what MSDN states:
The ScreenUpdating property controls most display changes on the monitor while a procedure is running. When screen updating is turned off, toolbars remain visible and Word still allows the procedure to display or retrieve information using status bar prompts, input boxes, dialog boxes, and message boxes. You can increase the speed of some procedures by keeping screen updating turned off. You must set the ScreenUpdating property to True when the procedure finishes or when it stops after an error.
You may also create a template file with building blocks, then attach the template on top of the new document
It will solve you problem

Disable user from saving .aspx content from browser by using "saving as" option

I have a .net website.
I need to disable the save as option from browser so that the user cant save some of the website pages in order to protect their content.I did disable right click.But user can select save as from browser's menu.
Is it possible to do that?
It is difficult to lock down a website by disabling the save button. What is to stop a user just copying the text and pasting to another document. Right clicking an image and saving. Then there are differences between browsers etc. If you need to protect you information you may need to look at creating and displaying PDFs but this is also not an easy thing especially if the site is dynamic.
What you want is impossible. If the user is able to read the information on his/her screen, there is always an option to copy the content.
How would you stop the user from taking a picture from his/her screen with a digital camera for example?

How can I make a settings page in vb which can change the content of the app itself?

I am making an app for companies so they can make a workreport in a blink of an eye by just tapping some togglebuttons and typing some text and the app makes a nicely laid out email and sends it to an Email address
What is need is:
A settings page where I can change the email address which it goes to
The texts of the textblocks and so on.
I just want to make an app which is adaptable for the user.
I know I need to use the isolated storage but I don't really know how to put it in VB so it can change the content of the things needed to be changed.
You can take a look at using My.Settings see this Microsoft Article once you save the settings from a form text box or other method of input, you can read the settings back on on form load and change the appearance of you application based on the user settings.