akka-http 'Directive0' to force the inner route be evaluated separately for each request? - akka-http

Within akka-http, routes are evaluated only once (at build time), unless they rely on some dynamic, extracted parameter (client IP, request header, anything).
One of my custom directives depends on a side effect (a potentially changing system file), so I wish to execute it separately, each time. I'm looking for an extractNothing that I could wrap it with.
Is there such?
Ability to consume a parameter would also work, then I can (extract[Unit](_) & consume).

Routes Are Still Dynamic
You are correct that routes are evaluated only once. However, the body of any Route can be dynamic in nature.
As an example, suppose we have a function that returns the current time:
val getTime = () => System.currentTimeMillis().toString
This function can be embedded within a Route:
val route =
get {
path("currentTime") {
Updating File Route
Now each HttpRequest will get a different time value back even though the route is a val.
Similarly, you could use streaming file io in akka to create a dynamic HttpResponse, the entity of which is the contents of your changing file:
val fileResponse = () => {
val file = Paths get "sourceFile.txt"
val chunkSource = FileIO fromPath file
val chunkEntity =
Chunked.fromData(ContentTypes.`text/plain(UTF-8)`, chunkSource)
HttpResponse(entity = chunkEntity)
val fileRoute =
get {
path("sourceFile") {
Inner & Outer Routes
Extending the example 1 step further to dynamic Routes, you could write a function that fails every other time:
val halfBaked = () => {
var isGood = true
() => {
if(isGood) {
isGood = false
else {
isGood = true
And wrap this in an outer Route :
val innerRoute = halfBaked()
val outerRoute =
get {
path("feelingLucky") {


Get Count of Documents in a Collection using Firestore Kotlin [duplicate]

Is it possible to count how many items a collection has using the new Firebase database, Cloud Firestore?
If so, how do I do that?
2023 Update
Firestore now supports aggregation queries.
Node SDK
const collectionRef = db.collection('cities');
const snapshot = await collectionRef.count().get();
Web v9 SDK
const coll = collection(db, "cities");
const snapshot = await getCountFromServer(coll);
console.log('count: ', snapshot.data().count);
Notable Limitation - You cannot currently use count() queries with real-time listeners and offline queries. (See below for alternatives)
Pricing - Pricing depends on the number of matched index entries rather than the number of documents. One index entry contains multiple documents making this cheaper than counting documents individually.
Old Answer
As with many questions, the answer is - It depends.
You should be very careful when handling large amounts of data on the front end. On top of making your front end feel sluggish, Firestore also charges you $0.60 per million reads you make.
Small collection (less than 100 documents)
Use with care - Frontend user experience may take a hit
Handling this on the front end should be fine as long as you are not doing too much logic with this returned array.
db.collection('...').get().then(snap => {
size = snap.size // will return the collection size
Medium collection (100 to 1000 documents)
Use with care - Firestore read invocations may cost a lot
Handling this on the front end is not feasible as it has too much potential to slow down the users system. We should handle this logic server side and only return the size.
The drawback to this method is you are still invoking Firestore reads (equal to the size of your collection), which in the long run may end up costing you more than expected.
Cloud Function:
db.collection('...').get().then(snap => {
res.status(200).send({length: snap.size});
Front End:
yourHttpClient.post(yourCloudFunctionUrl).toPromise().then(snap => {
size = snap.length // will return the collection size
Large collection (1000+ documents)
Most scalable solution
As of April 2019 Firestore now allows incrementing counters, completely atomically, and without reading the data prior. This ensures we have correct counter values even when updating from multiple sources simultaneously (previously solved using transactions), while also reducing the number of database reads we perform.
By listening to any document deletes or creates we can add to or remove from a count field that is sitting in the database.
See the firestore docs - Distributed Counters
Or have a look at Data Aggregation by Jeff Delaney. His guides are truly fantastic for anyone using AngularFire but his lessons should carry over to other frameworks as well.
Cloud Function:
export const documentWriteListener = functions.firestore
.onWrite((change, context) => {
if (!change.before.exists) {
// New document Created : add one to count
db.doc(docRef).update({ numberOfDocs: FieldValue.increment(1) });
} else if (change.before.exists && change.after.exists) {
// Updating existing document : Do nothing
} else if (!change.after.exists) {
// Deleting document : subtract one from count
db.doc(docRef).update({ numberOfDocs: FieldValue.increment(-1) });
Now on the frontend you can just query this numberOfDocs field to get the size of the collection.
Simplest way to do so is to read the size of a "querySnapshot".
db.collection("cities").get().then(function(querySnapshot) {
You can also read the length of the docs array inside "querySnapshot".
Or if a "querySnapshot" is empty by reading the empty value, which will return a boolean value.
As far as I know there is no build-in solution for this and it is only possible in the node sdk right now.
If you have a
you can use
to define which field you want to select. If you do an empty select() you will just get an array of document references.
(snapshot) => console.log(snapshot.docs.length)
This solution is only a optimization for the worst case of downloading all documents and does not scale on large collections!
Also have a look at this:
How to get a count of number of documents in a collection with Cloud Firestore
Aggregate count query just landed as a preview in Firestore.
Announced at the 2022 Firebase Summit: https://firebase.blog/posts/2022/10/whats-new-at-Firebase-Sumit-2022
[Developer Preview] Count() function: With the new count function in
Firstore [sic], you can now get the count of the matching documents when you
run a query or read from a collection, without loading the actual
documents, which saves you a lot of time.
Code sample they showed at the summit:
During the Q&A, someone asked about pricing for aggregated queries, and the answer the Firebase team provided was that it'll cost 1 / 1000th of the price of a read (rounded up to the nearest read, see comments below for more details), but will count all records that are part of the aggregate.
Be careful counting number of documents for large collections. It is a little bit complex with firestore database if you want to have a precalculated counter for every collection.
Code like this doesn't work in this case:
export const customerCounterListener =
.onWrite((change, context) => {
// on create
if (!change.before.exists && change.after.exists) {
return firestore
.then(docSnap =>
count: docSnap.data().count + 1
// on delete
} else if (change.before.exists && !change.after.exists) {
return firestore
.then(docSnap =>
count: docSnap.data().count - 1
return null;
The reason is because every cloud firestore trigger has to be idempotent, as firestore documentation say: https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/firestore-events#limitations_and_guarantees
So, in order to prevent multiple executions of your code, you need to manage with events and transactions. This is my particular way to handle large collection counters:
const executeOnce = (change, context, task) => {
const eventRef = firestore.collection('events').doc(context.eventId);
return firestore.runTransaction(t =>
.then(docSnap => (docSnap.exists ? null : task(t)))
.then(() => t.set(eventRef, { processed: true }))
const documentCounter = collectionName => (change, context) =>
executeOnce(change, context, t => {
// on create
if (!change.before.exists && change.after.exists) {
return t
.then(docSnap =>
t.set(docSnap.ref, {
count: ((docSnap.data() && docSnap.data().count) || 0) + 1
// on delete
} else if (change.before.exists && !change.after.exists) {
return t
.then(docSnap =>
t.set(docSnap.ref, {
count: docSnap.data().count - 1
return null;
Use cases here:
* Count documents in articles collection.
exports.articlesCounter = functions.firestore
* Count documents in customers collection.
exports.customersCounter = functions.firestore
As you can see, the key to prevent multiple execution is the property called eventId in the context object. If the function has been handled many times for the same event, the event id will be the same in all cases. Unfortunately, you must have "events" collection in your database.
In 2020 this is still not available in the Firebase SDK however it is available in Firebase Extensions (Beta) however it's pretty complex to setup and use...
A reasonable approach
Helpers... (create/delete seems redundant but is cheaper than onUpdate)
export const onCreateCounter = () => async (
) => {
const collectionPath = change.ref.parent.path;
const statsDoc = db.doc("counters/" + collectionPath);
const countDoc = {};
countDoc["count"] = admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1);
await statsDoc.set(countDoc, { merge: true });
export const onDeleteCounter = () => async (
) => {
const collectionPath = change.ref.parent.path;
const statsDoc = db.doc("counters/" + collectionPath);
const countDoc = {};
countDoc["count"] = admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(-1);
await statsDoc.set(countDoc, { merge: true });
export interface CounterPath {
watch: string;
name: string;
Exported Firestore hooks
export const Counters: CounterPath[] = [
name: "count_buildings",
watch: "buildings/{id2}"
name: "count_buildings_subcollections",
watch: "buildings/{id2}/{id3}/{id4}"
Counters.forEach(item => {
exports[item.name + '_create'] = functions.firestore
exports[item.name + '_delete'] = functions.firestore
In action
The building root collection and all sub collections will be tracked.
Here under the /counters/ root path
Now collection counts will update automatically and eventually! If you need a count, just use the collection path and prefix it with counters.
const collectionPath = 'buildings/138faicnjasjoa89/buildingContacts';
const collectionCount = await db
.doc('counters/' + collectionPath)
.then(snap => snap.get('count'));
As this approach uses a single database and document, it is limited to the Firestore constraint of 1 Update per Second for each counter. It will be eventually consistent, but in cases where large amounts of documents are added/removed the counter will lag behind the actual collection count.
I agree with #Matthew, it will cost a lot if you perform such query.
Since we have foreseen this situation at the beginning, we can actually make a collection namely counters with a document to store all the counters in a field with type number.
For example:
For each CRUD operation on the collection, update the counter document:
When you create a new collection/subcollection: (+1 in the counter) [1 write operation]
When you delete a collection/subcollection: (-1 in the counter) [1 write operation]
When you update an existing collection/subcollection, do nothing on the counter document: (0)
When you read an existing collection/subcollection, do nothing on the counter document: (0)
Next time, when you want to get the number of collection, you just need to query/point to the document field. [1 read operation]
In addition, you can store the collections name in an array, but this will be tricky, the condition of array in firebase is shown as below:
// we send this
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
// Firebase stores this
{0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'd', 4: 'e'}
// since the keys are numeric and sequential,
// if we query the data, we get this
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
// however, if we then delete a, b, and d,
// they are no longer mostly sequential, so
// we do not get back an array
{2: 'c', 4: 'e'}
So, if you are not going to delete the collection , you can actually use array to store list of collections name instead of querying all the collection every time.
Hope it helps!
As of October 2022, Firestore has introduced a count() method on the client SDKs. Now you can count for a query without downloads.
For 1000 documents, it will charge you for 1 document read.
Web (v9)
Introduced in Firebase 9.11.0:
const collectionRef = collection(db, "cities");
const snapshot = await getCountFromServer(collectionRef);
console.log('count: ', snapshot.data().count);
Web V8
Not Available.
Node (Admin)
const collectionRef = db.collection('cities');
const snapshot = await collectionRef.count().get();
Android (Kotlin)
Introduced in firestore v24.4.0 (BoM 31.0.0):
val query = db.collection("cities")
val countQuery = query.count()
countQuery.get(AggregateSource.SERVER).addOnCompleteListener { task ->
if (task.isSuccessful) {
val snapshot = task.result
Log.d(TAG, "Count: ${snapshot.count}")
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "Count failed: ", task.getException())
Apple Platforms (Swift)
Introduced in Firestore v10.0.0:
do {
let query = db.collection("cities")
let countQuery = query.countAggregateQuery
let snapshot = try await countQuery.aggregation(source: AggregateSource.server)
} catch {
Increment a counter using admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment:
exports.onInstanceCreate = functions.firestore.document('projects/{projectId}/instances/{instanceId}')
.onCreate((snap, context) =>
instanceCount: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1),
exports.onInstanceDelete = functions.firestore.document('projects/{projectId}/instances/{instanceId}')
.onDelete((snap, context) =>
instanceCount: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(-1),
In this example we increment an instanceCount field in the project each time a document is added to the instances sub collection. If the field doesn't exist yet it will be created and incremented to 1.
The incrementation is transactional internally but you should use a distributed counter if you need to increment more frequently than every 1 second.
It's often preferable to implement onCreate and onDelete rather than onWrite as you will call onWrite for updates which means you are spending more money on unnecessary function invocations (if you update the docs in your collection).
No, there is no built-in support for aggregation queries right now. However there are a few things you could do.
The first is documented here. You can use transactions or cloud functions to maintain aggregate information:
This example shows how to use a function to keep track of the number of ratings in a subcollection, as well as the average rating.
exports.aggregateRatings = firestore
.onWrite(event => {
// Get value of the newly added rating
var ratingVal = event.data.get('rating');
// Get a reference to the restaurant
var restRef = db.collection('restaurants').document(event.params.restId);
// Update aggregations in a transaction
return db.transaction(transaction => {
return transaction.get(restRef).then(restDoc => {
// Compute new number of ratings
var newNumRatings = restDoc.data('numRatings') + 1;
// Compute new average rating
var oldRatingTotal = restDoc.data('avgRating') * restDoc.data('numRatings');
var newAvgRating = (oldRatingTotal + ratingVal) / newNumRatings;
// Update restaurant info
return transaction.update(restRef, {
avgRating: newAvgRating,
numRatings: newNumRatings
The solution that jbb mentioned is also useful if you only want to count documents infrequently. Make sure to use the select() statement to avoid downloading all of each document (that's a lot of bandwidth when you only need a count). select() is only available in the server SDKs for now so that solution won't work in a mobile app.
UPDATE 11/20
I created an npm package for easy access to a counter function: https://code.build/p/9DicAmrnRoK4uk62Hw1bEV/firestore-counters
I created a universal function using all these ideas to handle all counter situations (except queries).
The only exception would be when doing so many writes a second, it
slows you down. An example would be likes on a trending post. It is
overkill on a blog post, for example, and will cost you more. I
suggest creating a separate function in that case using shards:
// trigger collections
exports.myFunction = functions.firestore
.onWrite(async (change: any, context: any) => {
return runCounter(change, context);
// trigger sub-collections
exports.mySubFunction = functions.firestore
.onWrite(async (change: any, context: any) => {
return runCounter(change, context);
// add change the count
const runCounter = async function (change: any, context: any) {
const col = context.params.colId;
const eventsDoc = '_events';
const countersDoc = '_counters';
// ignore helper collections
if (col.startsWith('_')) {
return null;
// simplify event types
const createDoc = change.after.exists && !change.before.exists;
const updateDoc = change.before.exists && change.after.exists;
if (updateDoc) {
return null;
// check for sub collection
const isSubCol = context.params.subDocId;
const parentDoc = `${countersDoc}/${context.params.colId}`;
const countDoc = isSubCol
? `${parentDoc}/${context.params.docId}/${context.params.subColId}`
: `${parentDoc}`;
// collection references
const countRef = db.doc(countDoc);
const countSnap = await countRef.get();
// increment size if doc exists
if (countSnap.exists) {
// createDoc or deleteDoc
const n = createDoc ? 1 : -1;
const i = admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(n);
// create event for accurate increment
const eventRef = db.doc(`${eventsDoc}/${context.eventId}`);
return db.runTransaction(async (t: any): Promise<any> => {
const eventSnap = await t.get(eventRef);
// do nothing if event exists
if (eventSnap.exists) {
return null;
// add event and update size
await t.update(countRef, { count: i });
return t.set(eventRef, {
completed: admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
}).catch((e: any) => {
// otherwise count all docs in the collection and add size
} else {
const colRef = db.collection(change.after.ref.parent.path);
return db.runTransaction(async (t: any): Promise<any> => {
// update size
const colSnap = await t.get(colRef);
return t.set(countRef, { count: colSnap.size });
}).catch((e: any) => {
This handles events, increments, and transactions. The beauty in this, is that if you are not sure about the accuracy of a document (probably while still in beta), you can delete the counter to have it automatically add them up on the next trigger. Yes, this costs, so don't delete it otherwise.
Same kind of thing to get the count:
const collectionPath = 'buildings/138faicnjasjoa89/buildingContacts';
const colSnap = await db.doc('_counters/' + collectionPath).get();
const count = colSnap.get('count');
Also, you may want to create a cron job (scheduled function) to remove old events to save money on database storage. You need at least a blaze plan, and there may be some more configuration. You could run it every sunday at 11pm, for example.
This is untested, but should work with a few tweaks:
exports.scheduledFunctionCrontab = functions.pubsub.schedule('5 11 * * *')
.onRun(async (context) => {
// get yesterday
const yesterday = new Date();
yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);
const eventFilter = db.collection('_events').where('completed', '<=', yesterday);
const eventFilterSnap = await eventFilter.get();
eventFilterSnap.forEach(async (doc: any) => {
await doc.ref.delete();
return null;
And last, don't forget to protect the collections in firestore.rules:
match /_counters/{document} {
allow read;
allow write: if false;
match /_events/{document} {
allow read, write: if false;
Update: Queries
Adding to my other answer if you want to automate query counts as well, you can use this modified code in your cloud function:
if (col === 'posts') {
// counter reference - user doc ref
const userRef = after ? after.userDoc : before.userDoc;
// query reference
const postsQuery = db.collection('posts').where('userDoc', "==", userRef);
// add the count - postsCount on userDoc
await addCount(change, context, postsQuery, userRef, 'postsCount');
return delEvents();
Which will automatically update the postsCount in the userDocument. You could easily add other one to many counts this way. This just gives you ideas of how you can automate things. I also gave you another way to delete the events. You have to read each date to delete it, so it won't really save you to delete them later, just makes the function slower.
* Adds a counter to a doc
* #param change - change ref
* #param context - context ref
* #param queryRef - the query ref to count
* #param countRef - the counter document ref
* #param countName - the name of the counter on the counter document
const addCount = async function (change: any, context: any,
queryRef: any, countRef: any, countName: string) {
// events collection
const eventsDoc = '_events';
// simplify event type
const createDoc = change.after.exists && !change.before.exists;
// doc references
const countSnap = await countRef.get();
// increment size if field exists
if (countSnap.get(countName)) {
// createDoc or deleteDoc
const n = createDoc ? 1 : -1;
const i = admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(n);
// create event for accurate increment
const eventRef = db.doc(`${eventsDoc}/${context.eventId}`);
return db.runTransaction(async (t: any): Promise<any> => {
const eventSnap = await t.get(eventRef);
// do nothing if event exists
if (eventSnap.exists) {
return null;
// add event and update size
await t.set(countRef, { [countName]: i }, { merge: true });
return t.set(eventRef, {
completed: admin.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
}).catch((e: any) => {
// otherwise count all docs in the collection and add size
} else {
return db.runTransaction(async (t: any): Promise<any> => {
// update size
const colSnap = await t.get(queryRef);
return t.set(countRef, { [countName]: colSnap.size }, { merge: true });
}).catch((e: any) => {
* Deletes events over a day old
const delEvents = async function () {
// get yesterday
const yesterday = new Date();
yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);
const eventFilter = db.collection('_events').where('completed', '<=', yesterday);
const eventFilterSnap = await eventFilter.get();
eventFilterSnap.forEach(async (doc: any) => {
await doc.ref.delete();
return null;
I should also warn you that universal functions will run on every
onWrite call period. It may be cheaper to only run the function on
onCreate and on onDelete instances of your specific collections. Like
the noSQL database we are using, repeated code and data can save you
There is no direct option available. You cant't do db.collection("CollectionName").count().
Below are the two ways by which you can find the count of number of documents within a collection.
1 :- Get all the documents in the collection and then get it's size.(Not the best Solution)
By using above code your document reads will be equal to the size of documents within a collection and that is the reason why one must avoid using above solution.
2:- Create a separate document with in your collection which will store the count of number of documents in the collection.(Best Solution)
Above we created a document with name counts to store all the count information.You can update the count document in the following way:-
Create a firestore triggers on the document counts
Increment the count property of counts document when a new document is created.
Decrement the count property of counts document when a document is deleted.
w.r.t price (Document Read = 1) and fast data retrieval the above solution is good.
A workaround is to:
write a counter in a firebase doc, which you increment within a transaction everytime you create a new entry
You store the count in a field of your new entry (i.e: position: 4).
Then you create an index on that field (position DESC).
You can do a skip+limit with a query.Where("position", "<" x).OrderBy("position", DESC)
Hope this helps!
I have try a lot with different approaches.
And finally, I improve one of the methods.
First you need to create a separate collection and save there all events.
Second you need to create a new lambda to be triggered by time. This lambda will Count events in event collection and clear event documents.
Code details in article.
one of the fast + money saver trick is that:-
make a doc and store a 'count' variable in firestore, when user add new doc in the collection, increase that variable, and when user delete a doc, decrease variable. e.g.
updateDoc(doc(db, "Count_collection", "Count_Doc"), {count: increment(1)});
note: use (-1) for decreasing, (1) for increasing count
How it save money and time:-
you(firebase) don't need to loop through the collection, nor browser needs to load whole collection to count number of docs.
all the counts are save in a doc of only one variable named "count" or whatever, so less than 1kb data is used, and it use only 1 reads in firebase firestore.
Solution using pagination with offset & limit:
public int collectionCount(String collection) {
Integer page = 0;
List<QueryDocumentSnapshot> snaps = new ArrayList<>();
findDocsByPage(collection, page, snaps);
return snaps.size();
public void findDocsByPage(String collection, Integer page,
List<QueryDocumentSnapshot> snaps) {
try {
Integer limit = 26000;
FieldPath[] selectedFields = new FieldPath[] { FieldPath.of("id") };
List<QueryDocumentSnapshot> snapshotPage;
snapshotPage = fireStore()
.offset(page * limit)
if (snapshotPage.size() > 0) {
findDocsByPage(collection, page, snaps);
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
findDocsPage it's a recursive method to find all pages of collection
selectedFields for otimize query and get only id field instead full body of document
limit max size of each query page
page define inicial page for pagination
From the tests I did it worked well for collections with up to approximately 120k records!
Firestore is introducing a new Query.count() that fetches the count of a query without fetching the docs.
This would allow to simply query all collection items and get the count of that query.
Firebase 10 iOS SDK
[JS SDK PR] (https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk/pull/6608)
There's a new build in function since version 9.11.0 called getCountFromServer(), which fetches the number of documents in the result set without actually downloading the documents.
Took me a while to get this working based on some of the answers above, so I thought I'd share it for others to use. I hope it's useful.
'use strict';
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const db = admin.firestore();
exports.countDocumentsChange = functions.firestore.document('library/{categoryId}/documents/{documentId}').onWrite((change, context) => {
const categoryId = context.params.categoryId;
const categoryRef = db.collection('library').doc(categoryId)
let FieldValue = require('firebase-admin').firestore.FieldValue;
if (!change.before.exists) {
// new document created : add one to count
categoryRef.update({numberOfDocs: FieldValue.increment(1)});
console.log("%s numberOfDocs incremented by 1", categoryId);
} else if (change.before.exists && change.after.exists) {
// updating existing document : Do nothing
} else if (!change.after.exists) {
// deleting document : subtract one from count
categoryRef.update({numberOfDocs: FieldValue.increment(-1)});
console.log("%s numberOfDocs decremented by 1", categoryId);
return 0;
This uses counting to create numeric unique ID. In my use, I will not be decrementing ever, even when the document that the ID is needed for is deleted.
Upon a collection creation that needs unique numeric value
Designate a collection appData with one document, set with .doc id only
Set uniqueNumericIDAmount to 0 in the firebase firestore console
Use doc.data().uniqueNumericIDAmount + 1 as the unique numeric id
Update appData collection uniqueNumericIDAmount with firebase.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1)
.then(doc => {
var foo = doc.data();
foo.id = doc.id;
// your collection that needs a unique ID
.doc(user.uid)// user id in my case
.set({// I use this in login, so this document doesn't
// exist yet, otherwise use update instead of set
phone: this.state.phone,// whatever else you need
uniqueNumericID: foo.uniqueNumericIDAmount + 1
.then(() => {
// upon success of new ID, increment uniqueNumericIDAmount
uniqueNumericIDAmount: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.increment(
.catch(err => {
.catch(err => {
var variable=0
then if you are to use it on a String variable then
let stringVariable= String(variable)
Along with my npm package adv-firestore-functions above, you can also just use firestore rules to force a good counter:
Firestore Rules
function counter() {
let docPath = /databases/$(database)/documents/_counters/$(request.path[3]);
let afterCount = getAfter(docPath).data.count;
let beforeCount = get(docPath).data.count;
let addCount = afterCount == beforeCount + 1;
let subCount = afterCount == beforeCount - 1;
let newId = getAfter(docPath).data.docId == request.path[4];
let deleteDoc = request.method == 'delete';
let createDoc = request.method == 'create';
return (newId && subCount && deleteDoc) || (newId && addCount && createDoc);
function counterDoc() {
let doc = request.path[4];
let docId = request.resource.data.docId;
let afterCount = request.resource.data.count;
let beforeCount = resource.data.count;
let docPath = /databases/$(database)/documents/$(doc)/$(docId);
let createIdDoc = existsAfter(docPath) && !exists(docPath);
let deleteIdDoc = !existsAfter(docPath) && exists(docPath);
let addCount = afterCount == beforeCount + 1;
let subCount = afterCount == beforeCount - 1;
return (createIdDoc && addCount) || (deleteIdDoc && subCount);
and use them like so:
match /posts/{document} {
allow read;
allow update;
allow create: if counter();
allow delete: if counter();
match /_counters/{document} {
allow read;
allow write: if counterDoc();
Replace your set and delete functions with these:
async setDocWithCounter(
ref: DocumentReference<DocumentData>,
data: {
[x: string]: any;
options: SetOptions): Promise<void> {
// counter collection
const counterCol = '_counters';
const col = ref.path.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/');
const countRef = doc(this.afs, counterCol, col);
const countSnap = await getDoc(countRef);
const refSnap = await getDoc(ref);
// don't increase count if edit
if (refSnap.exists()) {
await setDoc(ref, data, options);
// increase count
} else {
const batch = writeBatch(this.afs);
batch.set(ref, data, options);
// if count exists
if (countSnap.exists()) {
batch.update(countRef, {
count: increment(1),
docId: ref.id
// create count
} else {
// will only run once, should not use
// for mature apps
const colRef = collection(this.afs, col);
const colSnap = await getDocs(colRef);
batch.set(countRef, {
count: colSnap.size + 1,
docId: ref.id
async delWithCounter(
ref: DocumentReference<DocumentData>
): Promise<void> {
// counter collection
const counterCol = '_counters';
const col = ref.path.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/');
const countRef = doc(this.afs, counterCol, col);
const countSnap = await getDoc(countRef);
const batch = writeBatch(this.afs);
// if count exists
if (countSnap.exists()) {
batch.update(countRef, {
count: increment(-1),
docId: ref.id
if ((countSnap.data() as any).count == 1) {
see here for more info...
This feature is now supported in FireStore, albeit in Beta.
Here are the official Firebase docs
With the new version of Firebase, you can now run aggregated queries!
Simply write
after your query.
As it stands, firebase only allows server-side count, like this
const collectionRef = db.collection('cities');
const snapshot = await collectionRef.count().get();
Please not this is for nodeJS
New feature available in Firebase/Firestore provides a count of documents in a collection:
See this thread to see how to achieve it, with an example.
How To Count Number of Documents in a Collection in Firebase Firestore With a WHERE query in react.js
According to this documentation Cloud Firestore supports the count() aggregation query and is available in preview.
The Flutter/Dart code was missing (at the time of writing this) so I played around with it and the following function seems to work:
Future<int> getCount(String path) async {
var collection = _fireStore.collection(path);
var countQuery = collection.count();
var snapShot = await countQuery.get(source: AggregateSource.server);
return snapShot.count;
firebaseFirestore.collection("...").addSnapshotListener(new EventListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onEvent(QuerySnapshot documentSnapshots, FirebaseFirestoreException e) {
int Counter = documentSnapshots.size();
So my solution for this problem is a bit non-technical, not super precise, but good enough for me.
Those are my documents. As I have a lot of them (100k+) there are 'laws of big numbers' happening. I can assume that there is less-or-more equal number of items having id starting with 0, 1, 2, etc.
So what I do is I scroll my list till I get into id's starting with 1, or with 01, depending on how long you have to scroll
👆 here we are.
Now, having scrolled so far, I open the inspector and see how much did I scroll and divide it by height of single element
Had to scroll 82000px to get items with id starting with 1. Height of single element is 32px.
It means I have 2500 with id starting with 0, so now I multiply it by number of possible 'starting char'. In firebase it can be A-Z, a-z, 0-9 which means it's 24 + 24 + 10 = 58.
It means I have ~~2500*58 so it gives roughly 145000 items in my collection.
Summarizing: What is wrong with you firebase?

How to wrap my routes in an authentication directive that then gives visibility to a custom class for my routes to access

My API clients will pass the session token in the header or query string like:
Http Header with key/value like MyApp-Token abc123
val secureRoutes =
authenticateToken() { authenticatedContext =>
path("board") {
get {
complete(s"board#index route ${authenticatedContext.user.username}")
Is there a built-in directive that can do this for me or do I have to somehow create my own custom directive that will first look in the HTTP headers, and if not there then look to see if there is a query string value at the key authToken ?
If I have to create a custom directive, any examples I can follow or learn from?
I know I can get a HTTP header using the built-in directive:
headerValueByName("x-authToken") { authToken =>
get {
complete(s"board#index route 2.1 $authToken")
And there is also a directive to get the value from a query string:
parameter("authToken") { authToken =>
How could I combine both of them, and then internally I would want to make a database call, and then instead of returning authToken I want to return a custom case class that will contain data I just loaded from the database like:
case class AuthenticatedContext(authToken: String, user: User, ...)
We can always construct a custom directive or compose the directives as shown below:
case class AuthenticatedContext(authToken: String)
def validateTokenAndGetAuthContext(token: String): Future[AuthenticatedContext] = {
val authToken: Directive1[AuthenticatedContext] = optionalHeaderValueByName("authToken").flatMap {
case Some(token) =>
onComplete(validateTokenAndGetAuthContext(token)).flatMap {
case Failure(_) => reject(AuthorizationFailedRejection)
case Success(value) => provide(value)
case None =>
parameter("authToken".optional).flatMap {
case Some(token) =>
onComplete(validateTokenAndGetAuthContext(token)).flatMap {
case Failure(_) => reject(AuthorizationFailedRejection)
case Success(value) => provide(value)
case None => reject(AuthorizationFailedRejection)
It's constructed using HeaderDirectives, ParameterDirectives and FuturesDirectives.

How to dynamically change vuejs Method based on route parameters?

I built a reusable component where a user can upload an image and store it in firebase storage. The problem is that my component needs to be able to reference the images in the database with a label that coordinates with the section being updated.
My problem is in my method when I name the location for the "downloadURL". In my code below, I create the variable "picName" and define it as the section name, followed by "imgUrl". But, when
I reference picName in the function, it's value becomes the downloadURL.
If my section name is "welcome", then I want the downloadURL saved as the welcomeimgUrl in the database. For "about", it would be aboutimgUrl, etc.
Here is my method:
editImage() {
this.performingRequest = true
let rest = this.restInfo
let section = this.section
let picName = this.section + 'imgUrl'
if (this.image) {
blob => {
let downloadURL
let rand = (Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 16) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 16)).toUpperCase()
let picRef = fb.storageRef.child('sectionPics/' + rand)
picRef.put(blob).then((snap) => {
picRef.getDownloadURL().then(function(downloadURL) {
console.log('File available at', downloadURL)
let dct2 = {}
dct2[picName] = downloadUrl
dct2[picName]: downloadURL
setTimeout(() => {
this.performingRequest = false
}, 2000)
} else {
How can I change the db location of my downloadURL based on the name of my section being edited?
The problem is the map creation when updating the Firestore document. When you write a map with literal object notation the keys are taken as strings, regardless of variables defined with the same name. Instead what you expected to happen is that the key picName to become the picName value instead of the string picName. See the example below for code wise explanation and a way to fix it.
picName = "foo"
downloadUrl = "bar"
dct1 = { picName: downloadUrl }
console.log(dct1) // => { "picName": "bar" } (key as string)
// Solution
dct2 = {}
dct2[picName] = downloadUrl
console.log(dct2) // => { "foo": "bar" } (key as variable value)
EDIT: The code changed in the call to firestore update is not syntactically correct. Once the hashmap is created it should be directly passed to the update method. See the code below:
let dct2 = {}
dct2[picName] = downloadUrl

How to execute strings of expression in an array with Ramda

I've got an array where strings of expression are listed.
const newPIXI = ["container1 = new PIXI.Container();","container2 = new PIXI.Container();","container3 = new PIXI.Container();"]
I managed to run this with (Function(...newPIXI))()
How can I do this with Ramda?
I tried R.forEach , but didn't work.
These are strings, and not functions. To run them you need to evaluate them using eval() (or Function and then run them). Each string is an expression, and not an actual function. Running the expression will create global variables (container1, container2, and container3).
You've probably heard that eval() is evil. Using eval() is a security risk, and hurts performance, and Function is only slightly less so (read more here):
eval() is a dangerous function, which executes the code it's passed
with the privileges of the caller. If you run eval() with a string
that could be affected by a malicious party, you may end up running
malicious code on the user's machine with the permissions of your
webpage / extension. More importantly, a third-party code can see the
scope in which eval() was invoked, which can lead to possible attacks
in ways to which the similar Function is not susceptible.
Function's advantage is that it runs in the global scope, and can't access variables in the scope it was called in. However, Function still allows running arbitrary code.
Eval example:
const PIXI = {
Container: function () {
this.example = 'Container';
const newPIXI = ["container1 = new PIXI.Container();","container2 = new PIXI.Container();","container3 = new PIXI.Container();"]
newPIXI.forEach(x => eval(x))
console.log({ container1, container2, container3 });
Function example:
const PIXI = {
Container: function () {
this.example = 'Container';
const newPIXI = ["container1 = new PIXI.Container();","container2 = new PIXI.Container();","container3 = new PIXI.Container();"]
newPIXI.forEach(x => Function(x)())
console.log({ container1, container2, container3 });
It's better to pass data that tells the browser what you want to do (a command), and not how to do it. Then in the code you can decide how to interpret the command. For example:
const PIXI = {
Container: function () {
this.example = 'Container';
const newPIXI = [{ type: 'PIXIContainer', name: 'container1' }, { type: 'PIXIContainer', name: 'container2' }, { type: 'PIXIContainer', name: 'container3' }]
const result = {};
newPIXI.forEach(({ type, name }) => {
switch(type) {
case 'PIXIContainer':
result[name] = new PIXI.Container();
throw new Error(`Type ${type} not found`);

How to spyOn a service function within the link of a directive?

I have a directive that uses a service function like so:
.directive('testDirective', function(serviceBeingUsed) {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
templateUrl: 'testTemplate.tpl.html',
scope: {
boundVar1: "="
link: function(scope) {
scope.getRequiredData = function(data){
//gether data using service
scope.requiredData = result;
In the above directive I inject the service I wish to use and this service function gets used within the scope function "getRequiredData()" which is inside the "link" of this directive.
I have my test suite set up like so:
describe('test suite', function () {
var scope,
beforeEach( inject( function(_$rootScope_,
_serviceBeingUsed_) {
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$compile = _$compile_;
serviceBeingUsed = _serviceBeingUsed_;
$q = _$q_;
//This is where we create the directive and it's options.
element = angular.element('<test-directive bound-var1="blabla"></test-directive>');
//We create a new scope from the rootScope.
scope = $rootScope.$new();
//Now we compile the HTML with the rootscope
//digest the changes
//We retrieve the isolated scope scope of the directive
isoScope = element.isolateScope();
Now I have a test which runs and passes wherby I can spyOn the isolated scope function "getRequiredData()", this test looks like so:
it('getRequiredData runs', inject(function () {
This proves that the link functions CAN be tested however when trying to test if the service function is called the test fails and I have no idea why, the test for the service looks like this:
it('serviceFunction runs', inject(function () {
spyOn(serviceBeingUsed, "serviceFunction").and.callFake(function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var data = "returnedDataDummy";
return deferred.promise;
How can I successfully test if the service function has been called here?
In writing this example I have solved my issue. In my actual code, inside the test "serviceFunction runs" I had also included a spyOn(isoScope,"getRequiredData)"
This has the effect of blocking the inner functionality of the function
which meant the the service function inside getRequiredData could never run.
To resolve this issue I needed to edit the spy for the outer function
this simple change means that the function being spied on will also run its inner code and not just register that it has been called.
However one important lesson that I have learned is to not do too much inside each test and to separate the tests as much as possible.
So just to clarify, my original test which failed looked like this:
it('getRequiredData runs', inject(function () {
spyOn(serviceBeingUsed, "serviceFunction").and.callFake(function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var data = "returnedDataDummy";
return deferred.promise;
the fix for this test which passes:
it('getRequiredData runs', inject(function () {
spyOn(serviceBeingUsed, "serviceFunction").and.callFake(function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var data = "returnedDataDummy";
return deferred.promise;