Copy memory attribute for NSString accessed from different threads - objective-c

Is a NSString copied on every access to the property if its declared as (nonatomic, copy) ?
Is there a need to wrap access to the string with NSLock if the string is accessed/mutated from different threads and its declared with copy?

The copy attribute indicates that, when assigning the property, a copy of the object will be made. The setter should look something like:
- (void)setMyProperty:(NSString *)value {
_myProperty = [value copy];
However, the getter always returns the object's own copy:
- (NSString *)myProperty {
return _myProperty;
Lastly, if the property is a NSString *, which is immutable, there is no problem if there are many threads reading it at the same time. There is no need to use a lock for accessing the property.
Take a look at Apple's documentation: Copy Properties Maintain Their Own Copy.


NSArray and NSMutable Array. Type of property and type of ivar are not the same

I'm working through the big nerd ranch guide for Objective-C programming.
There is an example and challenge in chapter 21 that I've been stumped on. (I actually finished the challenge but I used previous code from an example) I'd like to actually understand what I did.
It has to do with declaring a property of type NSArray and then declaring the setter method to be of type NSMutableArray. Can anyone tell me what is going on here? What happens "behind the scenes" with this statement.
#property (nonatomic copy) NSArray *assets
and what is happening in these two files? Please explain at the lowest-level possible. Thanks!
#interface BNREmployee: BNRPerson
NSMutableArray *_assets
#property (nonatomic copy) NSArray *assets
#implementation BNREmployee
- (void)setAssets:(NSArray *)a
_assets = [a mutableCopy]; //What did this actually do?
- (NSArray *)assets
return [_assets copy];
An NSMutableArray IS an NSArray (it is a subclass), so it just gets assigned normally. Nothing special happens behind the scenes.
An example I can give looking at your models would be assigning a BNREmployee object to a BNRPerson pointer which will work fine.
BNREmployee *employee = [BNREmployee new]; // or whatever initializer
BNRPerson *person = employee; // works fine, an employee IS a person
You can always assign an NSMutableArray to an NSArray pointer, but not the other way around.
"The property has type NSArray, which tells other classes, If you ask
for my assets, you are going to get something that is not mutable.
However, behind the scenes, the assets array is actually an instance
of NSMutableArray so that you can add and remove items in BNREmployee"
By exposing the public property as an immutable type you are letting any potential callers know that they can't modify the property without explicitly calling the mutator on the object. It also lets callers know once they get the collection, its contents will never be changed out from under them. This is the standard contract when exposing an immutable property. As pointed out in one of the comments below, there can be cases where a return type is immutable but the underlying object is actually mutable internally and can change, so good practice would be to make a copy when receiving the object if you are not already receiving an actual immutable copy, such as in the case of [NSView subviews].
Making the actual underlying variable a mutable type acts as a convenience to allow the owning class to modify it internally easily. Functionally, you could accomplish the same thing by making it a regular NSArray and constantly recreating it whenever you want to change its contents (such as array = [array arrayByAddingObject:object]). This will of course be slower than just modifying a mutable instance.

Items disappearing from array within array

I create a NSMutableArray that I need as long as my app lives, lets call it suseranArray, just after the #implementation of my main class. This Array will hold several objects of a class called Vassal. A Vassal is simply:
1) A NSMutableString
2) Another NSMutableString
3) A NSMutableArray
4) Another NSMutable Array
Each Vassal created is also needed for the life of the app, and they never change.
These objects are made as (retain) properties in an .h file, synthesized in the .m file, and each given an alloc+init whenever the object Vassal is created during the init function. Each vassal has data filled in and stored in the suzerain Array. the 3rd item always has several elements, and after a bug appeared, I put a line to check if it is ever empty, but it never is, and life is good.
Now, later on when a certain Vassal object is needed, we try to access its 3rd property to fetch the data in there, and sometimes that array empty... I checked to see if it disappeared somehow, but it is always there on the debug, carrying a nice address like 0x2319f8a0 which makes sense since the NSMutableString just above it is at address 0x2319fb40 - (I was expecting 00000000 after a lot of headache). What is happening? I my head, I am creating an RETAINed objects, which retains data put in by default, and that object is put inside another, but somehow the data inside the array vanishes. What possible scenario could lead to this? Thank you for your time :)
Note: the last array currently just holds one item at this stage of development, and curiously enough, that one item is never missing, despite the two arrays being 'brothers'
#interface Vassal : NSObject
#property (retain) NSMutableString *wordBody;
#property (retain) NSMutableString *wordCode;
#property (retain) NSMutableArray *wordRelations;
#property (retain) NSMutableArray *wordLinks;
#implementation Vassal:NSObject
#synthesize wordBody;
#synthesize wordCode;
#synthesize wordRelations;
#synthesize wordLinks;
-(NSObject*) init
if(self=[super init])
wordBody=[[NSMutableString alloc] init];
wordCode=[[NSMutableString alloc] init];
wordRelations=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
wordLinks=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
//Somewhere in Suseran:
Vassal *vassal=[Vassal new];
for (int i=0;i<[originalDataString length];i++)
[vassal.wordRelations addObject:anItem];
int errorTest=[vassal.wordRelations count];
if (errorTest==0)
//breakpoint here. Program NEVER comes here
[bigArrayOfVassals addObject:vassal];
//these arrays are never touched again but here:
-(void) getVassalstuff:(NSMutableString*)codeOfDesiredVassal
Vassal *aVassal;
for (int i=0;i<[bigArrayOfVassals count];i++)
if ([codeOfDesiredVassal isEqualToString:aVassal.wordCode)
int errorTest=[aVassal.wordRelations count];
if (errorTest==0)
//yay! this breakpoint sometimes is hit, sometimes not,
//depending on code's mood. Why is this happening to me? :,(
I see that that you have properties that are mutable (which is itself a bad idea except for specific cases) and that you are retaining them.
Mutability means that if you have set the array as a property based on some other array, and if that original array is changed, the array in your property is also changed. It may be, and I don't know because you haven't shown any code, that you are emptying the original array, and thus changing the array you have as a property
My preferred solution is to use the immutable versions of these classes for your properties; NSString, NSArray and instead of retain use copy
A second solution is to leave the properties as mutable, but write a custom setter for each of them that stores a mutableCopy of the object that you pass in.
In both of these cases, your property will be a copy of the object used to set the property, so that if the object is changed outside of your class it will not affect your class's properties.
edited to add, after a comment
If you declare your property as
#property (copy) NSArray wordRelations;
Then simply writing
vassal wordArray = tempArray;
will do the same thing and is cleaner and more readable..

what does it mean to declare a NSNumber variable as property copy

I am still learning ..., so for the following property
#property (copy) NSNumber *foo;
What the copy really do? make a copy of the (value of) foo and put it to new place? Just like a copy constructor?
And also to clarify, the following is basically doing a AddRef, right?
#property (retain) NSNumber *foo;
See the description of properties here:
copy means that assigning a value into the property will make a copy of the input value.
retain means that you won't get an actual copy; you'll get the same object with an extra retain on it. So if it's modified elsewhere, you'll see the modifications in both places.
For NSNumbers, they are immutable, so copy and retain are functionally equivalent.
What the copy really do?
In general, NSNumber is immutable -- I'd expect that copy in those cases would be implemented using retain:
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone*)zone {
return [self retain];
And also to clarify, the following is basically doing a AddRef, right?
Well, synthesizing it will add the reference counting boilerplate - the actual operation is more complex and takes the generalized form:
- (void)setFoo:(NSNumber *)arg {
NSNumber * prev = foo;
foo = [arg retain]; // << or foo = [arg copy]; if you have specified 'copy'
[prev release];

#property question

In my implementation I have getters and setters like below. I want to use properties and synthesize the getters and setters but have a few questions.
- (NSString *)title {
return title;
- (void)setTitle:(NSString *)value {
if(title != value) {
[title release];
title = [value retain];
If I was to convert that to a property, what attributes would I use? Am I right in thinking:
readwrite so both getters and setters are present
retain so that it increase the retain value of the value string so the object don't lose it.
Am I right with the above?
One final thing. I have the method below ...
- (void)setReleaseDate:(NSString *)value {
if([releaseDate description] != value) {
[releaseDate release];
releaseDate = [[NSDate alloc] initWithString:value];
Am I right in thinking I still have to include that method because it contains code that the synthesized getter would not include?
For your title property, you can declare it in your class interface as follows:
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* title;
Which is the same as the following:
#property (readwrite, nonatomic) NSString* title;
readwrite is a default setting. Most of the time you will want setters for your properties, so for the times when you don't you would use the non-default readonly to specify this.
The nonatomic part basically means that the accessors will be faster, and is typically used. You can find out more information about this here: What does the property "Nonatomic" mean?.
For your second question, you can implement your own accessors if you wish. If you do this then it kind of 'overrides' the accessor that would be generated by Objective-C. Remember that you have to keep to the naming conventions. So in your example, the "setReleaseDate:" method you've defined would be used for the setter method for the property "releaseDate" - which is completely correct! :) The problem you have though is that you're passing an *NSString** to set the date, which means that this method won't override the default setter that would be used if you synthesized the property. You have to pass a value of the same type as the one you're setting as the single argument, so for this case you would have to pass an *NSDate**.
You must also ensure that if you provide your own implementation of an accessor that it does what is declared in the interface. I presume your releaseDate property should be declared as retain.
Your assertion about using readwrite as well as retain is correct as it would create semantically equivalent code to what you have posted.
The releasedate property setter can't be synthesized as you're transforming a NSString into a NSDate to store it, that also avoids common issues with NSString properties, for which you'd better use copy to avoid problems with NSMutableString.
Other than that, your code is fine, except that for string comparison you may want to replace the simple pointer check != with isEqualToString, see Comparing Strings in Cocoa.
It is common, though not always required, to use copy semantics for NSString properties, to avoid issues with NSMutableString objects being changed behind your back.
Otherwise, you seem to be pretty much on top of it.

Is there a difference between an "instance variable" and a "property" in Objective-c?

Is there a difference between an "instance variable" and a "property" in Objective-c?
I'm not very sure about this. I think that an "property" is an instance variable that has accessor methods, but I might think wrong.
A property is a more abstract concept. An instance variable is literally just a storage slot, like a slot in a struct. Normally other objects are never supposed to access them directly. A property, on the other hand, is an attribute of your object that can be accessed (it sounds vague and it's supposed to). Usually a property will return or set an instance variable, but it could use data from several or none at all. For example:
#interface Person : NSObject {
NSString *name;
#property(copy) NSString *name;
#property(copy) NSString *firstName;
#property(copy) NSString *lastName;
#implementation Person
#synthesize name;
- (NSString *)firstName {
[[name componentsSeparatedByString:#" "] objectAtIndex:0];
- (NSString *)lastName {
[[name componentsSeparatedByString:#" "] lastObject];
- (NSString *)setFirstName:(NSString *)newName {
NSArray *nameArray = [name componentsSeparatedByString:#" "];
NSArray *newNameArray [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:newName, nil] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[nameArray subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, [nameArray size]-1)]]; = [newNameArray componentsJoinedByString:#" "];
- (NSString *)setLastName:(NSString *)newName {
NSArray *nameArray = [name componentsSeparatedByString:#" "];
NSArray *newNameArray [[nameArray subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, [nameArray size]-2)] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:newName, nil]]; = [newNameArray componentsJoinedByString:#" "];
(Note: The above code is buggy in that it assumes the name already exists and has at least two components (e.g. "Bill Gates" rather than just "Gates"). I felt that fixing those assumptions would make the actual point of the code less clear, so I'm just pointing it out here so nobody innocently repeats those mistakes.)
A property is a friendly way of implementing a getter/setter for some value, with additional useful features and syntax. A property can be backed by an instance variable, but you can also define the getter/setter to do something a bit more dynamic, e.g. you might define a lowerCase property on a string which dynamically creates the result rather than returning the value of some member variable.
Here's an example:
// === In your .h ===
#interface MyObject {
NSString *propertyName;
// ...
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *propertyName;
// === In your .m #implementation ===
#synthesize propertyName /* = otherVarName */;
The #property line defines a property called propertyName of type NSString *. This can be get/set using the following syntax:
myObject.propertyName = #"Hello World!";
NSLog("Value: %#", myObject.propertyName);
When you assign to or read from myObject.propertyName you are really calling setter/getter methods on the object.
The #synthesize line tells the compiler to generate these getter/setters for you, using the member variable with the same name of the property to store the value (or otherVarName if you use the syntax in comments).
Along with #synthesize you can still override one of the getter/setters by defining your own. The naming convention for these methods is setPropertyName: for the setter and propertyName (or getPropertyName, not standard) for the getter. The other will still be generated for you.
In your #property line you can define a number of attributes in parens for the property that can automate things like thread-safety and memory management. By default a property is atomic meaning the compiler will wrap #synthesized get/set calls with appropriate locks to prevent concurrency issues. You can specify the nonatomic attribute to disable this (for example on the iPhone you want to default most properties to nonatomic).
There are 3 attribute values that control memory management for any #synthesized setters. The first is retain which will automatically send release to old values of the property, and retain to the new values. This is very useful.
The second is copy which will make a copy of any values passed in rather than retaining them. It is good practice to use copy for NSString because a caller could pass in an NSMutableString and change it out from under you. copy will make a new copy of the input which only you have access to.
The third is assign which does a straight pointer assign without calling retain/release on the old or new object.
Lastly you can also use the readonly attribute to disable the setter for the property.
I use properties for the interface part - where the object interfaces with other objects
and instance variables are stuff that you need inside your class - nobody but you is supposed to see and manipulate those.
By default, a readwrite property will be backed by an instance variable, which will again be synthesized automatically by the compiler.
An instance variable is a variable that exists and holds its value for the life of the object. The memory used for instance variables is allocated when the object is first created (through alloc), and freed when the object is deallocated.
Unless you specify otherwise, the synthesized instance variable has the same name as the property, but with an underscore prefix. For a property called firstName, for example, the synthesized instance variable will be called _firstName.
Previously people use properties publicly and ivars for private usage, but since several years ago, you can also define properties in #implementation to use them privately. But I'd still use ivars when possible, since there are less letters to type, and it runs faster according to this article. It makes sense since properties are mean to be "heavy": they are supposed to be accessed from either generated getters/setters or the ones manually written.
However, in recent codes from Apple, ivars are not used anymore. I guess because it's more like objc rather than C/C++, plus it's easier to use properties with assign, nullable, etc.
Objective-C Property vs Instance variable (iVar)
[Swift variable, property...]
Instance variable
#interface SomeClass: NSObject
NSString *someVariable;
#interface SomeClass: NSObject
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *someVariable;
Property uses Instance variable inside. property = variable + bounded getter/setter. It is a method call with variable syntax and access
#property generates getter and setter methods(accessor methods) which uses backing ivar(aka backing field) which you can use via underscore _<var_name> (_someVariable).
Since it calls a method - method dispatch mechanism is used that is why KVO[About] can be applied
When you override accessor methods backing iVar is not generated that is why you can declare a new property explicitly or use #synthesize[About] to generate a new one or link with existing
#import "SomeClass.h"
#interface SomeClass()
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *someVariable;
#implementation SomeClass
- (void) foo {
//property getter method
NSString *a1 = self.someVariable; //NSString *a1 = [self someVariable];
//property setter method
self.someVariable = #"set someVariable"; //[self setSomeVariable:#"set someVariable"];
//iVar read
NSString *a2 = _someVariable;
//iVar write
_someVariable = #"set iVar";
//if you overriding someVariable getter and setter the iVar(_someVariable) is not generated, that is why you can:
//1. create some variable explicitly
NSString *_someVariable;
//2. use #synthesize
#synthesize someVariable = _someVariable;
- (NSString*) someVariable {
return _someVariable;
- (void)setSomeVariable: (NSString*) updatedSomeVariable {
_someVariable = updatedSomeVariable;
[property attributes]