Items disappearing from array within array - objective-c

I create a NSMutableArray that I need as long as my app lives, lets call it suseranArray, just after the #implementation of my main class. This Array will hold several objects of a class called Vassal. A Vassal is simply:
1) A NSMutableString
2) Another NSMutableString
3) A NSMutableArray
4) Another NSMutable Array
Each Vassal created is also needed for the life of the app, and they never change.
These objects are made as (retain) properties in an .h file, synthesized in the .m file, and each given an alloc+init whenever the object Vassal is created during the init function. Each vassal has data filled in and stored in the suzerain Array. the 3rd item always has several elements, and after a bug appeared, I put a line to check if it is ever empty, but it never is, and life is good.
Now, later on when a certain Vassal object is needed, we try to access its 3rd property to fetch the data in there, and sometimes that array empty... I checked to see if it disappeared somehow, but it is always there on the debug, carrying a nice address like 0x2319f8a0 which makes sense since the NSMutableString just above it is at address 0x2319fb40 - (I was expecting 00000000 after a lot of headache). What is happening? I my head, I am creating an RETAINed objects, which retains data put in by default, and that object is put inside another, but somehow the data inside the array vanishes. What possible scenario could lead to this? Thank you for your time :)
Note: the last array currently just holds one item at this stage of development, and curiously enough, that one item is never missing, despite the two arrays being 'brothers'
#interface Vassal : NSObject
#property (retain) NSMutableString *wordBody;
#property (retain) NSMutableString *wordCode;
#property (retain) NSMutableArray *wordRelations;
#property (retain) NSMutableArray *wordLinks;
#implementation Vassal:NSObject
#synthesize wordBody;
#synthesize wordCode;
#synthesize wordRelations;
#synthesize wordLinks;
-(NSObject*) init
if(self=[super init])
wordBody=[[NSMutableString alloc] init];
wordCode=[[NSMutableString alloc] init];
wordRelations=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
wordLinks=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
//Somewhere in Suseran:
Vassal *vassal=[Vassal new];
for (int i=0;i<[originalDataString length];i++)
[vassal.wordRelations addObject:anItem];
int errorTest=[vassal.wordRelations count];
if (errorTest==0)
//breakpoint here. Program NEVER comes here
[bigArrayOfVassals addObject:vassal];
//these arrays are never touched again but here:
-(void) getVassalstuff:(NSMutableString*)codeOfDesiredVassal
Vassal *aVassal;
for (int i=0;i<[bigArrayOfVassals count];i++)
if ([codeOfDesiredVassal isEqualToString:aVassal.wordCode)
int errorTest=[aVassal.wordRelations count];
if (errorTest==0)
//yay! this breakpoint sometimes is hit, sometimes not,
//depending on code's mood. Why is this happening to me? :,(

I see that that you have properties that are mutable (which is itself a bad idea except for specific cases) and that you are retaining them.
Mutability means that if you have set the array as a property based on some other array, and if that original array is changed, the array in your property is also changed. It may be, and I don't know because you haven't shown any code, that you are emptying the original array, and thus changing the array you have as a property
My preferred solution is to use the immutable versions of these classes for your properties; NSString, NSArray and instead of retain use copy
A second solution is to leave the properties as mutable, but write a custom setter for each of them that stores a mutableCopy of the object that you pass in.
In both of these cases, your property will be a copy of the object used to set the property, so that if the object is changed outside of your class it will not affect your class's properties.
edited to add, after a comment
If you declare your property as
#property (copy) NSArray wordRelations;
Then simply writing
vassal wordArray = tempArray;
will do the same thing and is cleaner and more readable..


NSArray and NSMutable Array. Type of property and type of ivar are not the same

I'm working through the big nerd ranch guide for Objective-C programming.
There is an example and challenge in chapter 21 that I've been stumped on. (I actually finished the challenge but I used previous code from an example) I'd like to actually understand what I did.
It has to do with declaring a property of type NSArray and then declaring the setter method to be of type NSMutableArray. Can anyone tell me what is going on here? What happens "behind the scenes" with this statement.
#property (nonatomic copy) NSArray *assets
and what is happening in these two files? Please explain at the lowest-level possible. Thanks!
#interface BNREmployee: BNRPerson
NSMutableArray *_assets
#property (nonatomic copy) NSArray *assets
#implementation BNREmployee
- (void)setAssets:(NSArray *)a
_assets = [a mutableCopy]; //What did this actually do?
- (NSArray *)assets
return [_assets copy];
An NSMutableArray IS an NSArray (it is a subclass), so it just gets assigned normally. Nothing special happens behind the scenes.
An example I can give looking at your models would be assigning a BNREmployee object to a BNRPerson pointer which will work fine.
BNREmployee *employee = [BNREmployee new]; // or whatever initializer
BNRPerson *person = employee; // works fine, an employee IS a person
You can always assign an NSMutableArray to an NSArray pointer, but not the other way around.
"The property has type NSArray, which tells other classes, If you ask
for my assets, you are going to get something that is not mutable.
However, behind the scenes, the assets array is actually an instance
of NSMutableArray so that you can add and remove items in BNREmployee"
By exposing the public property as an immutable type you are letting any potential callers know that they can't modify the property without explicitly calling the mutator on the object. It also lets callers know once they get the collection, its contents will never be changed out from under them. This is the standard contract when exposing an immutable property. As pointed out in one of the comments below, there can be cases where a return type is immutable but the underlying object is actually mutable internally and can change, so good practice would be to make a copy when receiving the object if you are not already receiving an actual immutable copy, such as in the case of [NSView subviews].
Making the actual underlying variable a mutable type acts as a convenience to allow the owning class to modify it internally easily. Functionally, you could accomplish the same thing by making it a regular NSArray and constantly recreating it whenever you want to change its contents (such as array = [array arrayByAddingObject:object]). This will of course be slower than just modifying a mutable instance.

how to run some code when one object dealloc

There is a need to run some code when one object get dealloc. E.g, I set up one observer which updates the label A's text when object B's name changed. When label A's retain count reach 0, I want to remove the observer from B.
Possible solutions:
1 Subclass and call the clean code in dealloc.
2 Create a wrapper class which able to run arbitrary code in dealloc and associate this object to label A. When A get dealloc, the associated object get dealloc too (suppose only A holds the strong ref to it), then the code get called.
I don't like the 1st one since it is so intrusive that makes it barely useless, need to subclass just for some easy stuff. So I am using No.2.
Do you have any comments? How do you do it?
I put my solution here in case someone needed.
#interface ExecuteWrapper : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, copy) void(^block)();
#implementation ExecuteWrapper
#implementation NSObject (SLUtil)
+(void)executeWhenDealloc:(NSObject *)object block:(void(^)())block{
static char key;
NSMutableArray *executeWrapperArray = [object associatedValueForKey:&key];
if ( executeWrapperArray == nil){
executeWrapperArray = [NSMutableArray array];
[object associateValue:executeWrapperArray withKey:&key];
ExecuteWrapper *executeWrapper = [[ExecuteWrapper alloc] init];
executeWrapper.block = block;
[executeWrapperArray addObject:executeWrapper];
In client code
[NSObject executeWhenDealloc:labelA block:^{
// clean up code
Note: Keep in mind that don't hold a strong ref to label A in the label

Objective C, and NSMutableString

Header File:
#interface Picker : UITableViewController <NSXMLParserDelegate> {
NSMutableString *currentRow;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableString *currentRow;
Implementation File:
#import "Picker.h"
#implementation Picker
#synthesize currentRow;
- (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewStyle)style
self = [super initWithStyle:style];
if (self) {
currentRow = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:#"VehicleYear"];
return self;
After debugging this and stepping into where currentRow gets initialized with string. Step over the statement then hover over currentRow and value says "Invalid Summary".
It would seem that it gets a pointer as i get an address reference something like 0x33112 not actual memory reference.
No matter what I do I can't get a valid string in this property, so all of my comparisons are failing. What am I doing wrong?
I don't know if this has something to do with it, but if you read the documentation for the initWithString: method it returns an instance of a subclass of NSString which may or may not be an instance of NSMutableString
Try this instead, it will do what you want:
currentRow = [#"VehicleYear" mutableCopy];
Also, 99% of the time you want a string property of a class you want to declare it as:
#property(readwrite,copy)NSString *name;
If you declare a readwrite string property as anything other than copy then whoever sets it can change their string and affect your object's internal state, which is usually not what you want. If the original string is not mutable then its copy method does a retain anyway so there is no performance lost in the case where it mattered.
If you want a mutable string internally that no external user can change you probably want to declare the property like this:
#property(readwrite,copy)NSString *name;
And then implement -name and -setName: yourself so that you can call -mutableCopy to set it and -copy in the getter so that they cannot change your internal state. I have written extensively about this on my blog.
Note that this
#property(readwrite,copy)NSMutableString *name;
Doesn't do what anyone wants when you #synthesize the accessors as the setter invokes -copy and gets an NSString which is not an NSMutableString as a result.
I sometimes get incorrect information from the visual debugger. In the gdb console, you can type "print-obj currentRow" and it should give you better information.
One thing to make sure is that you're debugging a build with optimizations turned off (i.e., Debug, not Release, configuration), otherwise the code doesn't map exactly onto the compiled instructions.

Objective-C memory management: Inside the `setMyArray` method, is it necessary to release `myArray` before setting a new value to it?

The following code is on Apple's website.
1) Inside the setMyArray method, is it necessary to release myArray before setting a new value to it? I thought setting the value of an object to a new object, will release the old object from memory.
2) Why does it say myArray = [newArray mutableCopy];, instead of simply saying myArray = newArray;? Is it necessary to pass a mutable copy to our property?
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSMutableArray *myArray;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSMutableArray *myArray;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myArray;
- (void)setMyArray:(NSMutableArray *)newArray {
if (myArray != newArray) {
[myArray release];
myArray = [newArray mutableCopy];
Would it be the same if myArray was (nonatomic, retain)
Apple Documentation
Specifies that a copy of the object should be used for assignment. (The default is assign.)
**The previous value is sent a release message**.
With respect to #1, yes you must release myArray before setting a new value to it, otherwise you'll leak. Note the property, it's labelled as a copy, meaning that myArray will hold an object with a reference count of one once its set.
And with regards to #2, because if you don't mutableCopy, you're not getting a copy of the object, you're simply pointing at the other thing. So, if the other thing goes away, you'll have a pointer to a dangling object. Bad things ensue from that point forward.
1 - In order to avoid a memory leak you must release the array before setting a new value to it.
2 - mutableCopy is required in the context you provided in order to geta copy of the object, and not just a pointer. If the original array goes away, you'd be left with a dirty pointer.
FYI, copies in Objective-C are shallow, not deep copies. This means that when you do [array copy] or [array mutableCopy], you get an array which is separate from the original array, but which still points to all the same objects. If you want to perform a deeper copy, you'll have to do it manually, for example by iterating through the original array, making copies of the contents, and adding those copies to a new array.

objective-c "mutating method sent to immutable object" error

I'm pretty new to objective-c and try to create a small app for the iphone.
I'm nearly done beside this little error here. Actually, I've searched hours with google to find a proper solution but unfortunately I'm not able to find a solution which works.
I'm using this tutorial here to build up an UITableView: UITableView Tutorial
The full error message looks like this:
* Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '* -[NSCFArray insertObject:atIndex:]: mutating method sent to immutable object'
This is the Data Controller Header:
#interface MyLinksDataController : NSObject {
NSMutableArray *tableList; //<---important part
- (unsigned)countOfList;
- (id)objectInListAtIndex:(unsigned)theIndex;
- (void)addData:(NSString *)data; //<---important part
- (void)removeDataAtIndex:(unsigned)theIndex;
#property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite) NSMutableArray *tableList; //<---important part
And the Data Controller Method:
#import "MyLinksDataController.h"
#implementation MyLinksDataController
#synthesize tableList;
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
NSLog(#"Initilizing DataController");
//Instantiate list
NSMutableArray *localList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.tableList = [localList copy];
[localList release];
//Add initial Data
[self addData:#"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA"];
[self addData:#"BBBBBBBBBBBBBB"];
return self;
-------------------------------later on in the source code---------------------------------
- (void)addData:(NSString*)data; {
[tableList addObject:data]; //<---- here the app crashes
I would pretty much appreciate any help.
Thank you for your support in advance.
Sending the copy message to an NSMutableArray -- as in the following statement in init -- returns an immutable copy.
self.tableList = [localList copy];
Cocoa documentation uses the word immutable to refer to read-only, can't-be-changed-after-initialization objects. Hence the subsequenct call to addObject: fails with an error message.
Note how the assignment statement above doesn't trigger any compiler warning. copy returns an id, which fits comfortably -- as far as the compiler is concerned -- in the NSMutableArray* tableList. There's no runtime error here either, as no messages get passed around; an NSArray pointer is just placed in an NSMutableArray pointer variable.
To obtain a mutable copy, use mutableCopy instead.
Note that both copy and mutableCopy create a new array and copy the content of the original to it. A change in the copy will not be reflected in the original. If you just need another reference to the original array, use retain instead.
You can find more detail in the discussion section of the copyWithZone reference and in the NSMutableCopying protocol reference.
You're running into, basically, the memory management rules of Cocoa (specifically, these details). If there is an object with an immutable version and a mutable version, then sending -copy to an object will return an immutable object.
Let's step through the relevant part.
NSMutableArray *localList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
This creates a new, empty mutable array that you own. Fine.
self.tableList = [localList copy];
This creates an immutable copy of the empty array. Furthermore, you own this freshly created copy. That's two objects you own at the moment.
This also assigns your copied object to the tableList property. Let's look at the property declaration:
#property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite) NSMutableArray *tableList;
This property is declared with the copy attribute, so whenever a new value is assigned to it, another -copy method is sent to it. This third copy, however, is not owned by you—it's owned by the object.
[localList release];
That releases the original empty mutable array. Fine, but there's still the one you made in the second line floating around, unreleased. That's a memory leak.
If you actually need a mutable copy of something, you want the -mutableCopy method. (The documentation for these methods is found under NSCopying and NSMutableCopying.) However, you're never going to get a mutable version of something into a property with the copy attribute, since it will send -copy to whatever it is assigned. Your property should use the retain attribute instead of the copy attribute, and the code to initialize it should look something like this:
NSMutableArray *localList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.tableList = localList;
[localList release];
Or, a shorter version:
self.tableList = [NSMutableArray array];
There's no need to copy anything in this situation, you're just creating a fresh object.
If u are assigning localList from another object may be that is not Mutable in that case it can through this kind of error.
I hope it will be helpful.
self.tableList = [localList mutableCopy];
Hi instead of mutableCopy i believe "strong" can also be used to tackle this problem. I had similar problem in my code as well because of using "copy" instead of "strong." So the below line:
#property (copy, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *computers;
It should be:
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray *computers;
Hope it will be of immense help for beginners making mistakes like me.
This will resolve the issue:
NSMutableArray *localList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.localList = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithArray:localList];